The Words He Wanted To Hear (The Billionaire's Baby) Book 1 (4 page)

BOOK: The Words He Wanted To Hear (The Billionaire's Baby) Book 1
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“I hope so.” Sophie laughed and Ella grabbed her hands.


“Why Sophie. I do believe I am rubbing off on you.” They ran down the rest of the stairs and waited in the foyer for Maxwell to join them. “Maxwell Van Harkel, hurry up.” Ella shouted up the stairs as the two girls waited.


Sophie knew he was coming before she even heard him on the stairs. She had some sort of sixth sense where he was concerned and her body knew when he was within a 100 feet of her without having to see or hear him. She turned to look at him as he came down the stairs and she felt a blaring in her ears as she watched him. He was gorgeous and he looked enigmatic. He was dressed in all black: black jeans and a black shirt and he had never looked so divine. She smiled up at him and was met with a frown.


“You going to a funeral bro?” Ella teased him. “I noticed you had gained a little weight but you didn’t have to wear all black for a slimming look.”


“Are you girls ready?” Maxwell ignored Ella’s comment and was all business. “We can’t stay out too late, I have to work in the morning.”


“What?” Ella’s voice was sad. “That sucks.”


“That’s life Ella.” Maxwell looked unconcerned at her frustration. “Let’s go.”


Sophie tried to catch his eye but he ignored her. She suddenly felt tense and tried to ignore the feeling of foreboding that she felt in her stomach.


“Hi Maxwell, you look nice.” She smiled at him, willing him to look at her and share an intimate moment with her with his eyes.


“Thanks.” He answered dismissively without turning around. He walked quickly out of the main door and Ella and Sophie followed him.


“What a sourpuss.” Ella sighed. “What is it about adults that make them so grumpy all of the time.”


“We’re adults too Ella.” Sophie’s voice was sharp.


“I know. I know. But you know what I mean. Career people. Businessmen. Workers. They always seem to be so serious. That’s why I prefer being in school. Seems to be a lot less stressful.”


“Life is hard in the real world Ella.”


“Ok. Don’t bite my ear off.” Ella looked at Sophie in surprise. “Let’s go get drunk and have some fun.” Ella walked out of the door and Sophie followed, all of a sudden she wasn’t so happy to be going out. She wanted to talk to Maxwell and see what was wrong. Could he be regretting their passionate encounter already? Was he mad at her? She frowned and bit her lip. There was no way she could cry now. It would ruin her makeup and make her look like a baby.


“You can sit in the front seat this time Sophie.” Ella called out before she slid into the backseat of the Range Rover. Sophie got into the car and looked over at Max; his hands were on the steering wheel and she saw his gold Rolex shining on his wrist.


“Nice watch Max.” She attempted to talk to him again.


“Huh?” He looked at her annoyed and she shirked back.


“I said nice watch.” She pointed at his wrist. “That’s a Rolex right?”


“Oh yeah.” He looked at his wrist. “Thanks.” He pulled the car out of the driveway and they drove to the pub in silence.


“What a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever makes you happy sets me free.” Ella started singing from the backseat and Sophie hummed along with her. “Come on Sophie, you choose the next song.”


Sophie thought for a moment and decided to sing one of feel good songs by Fun. “Tonight, we are young. So let’s set the world on fire, we can burn brighter, then the sun.”


“Oh I love that song.” Ella danced around in the backseat and Sophie noticed Maxwell glaring at them. “Yay, we are here.” Ella opened the door as soon as the car stopped and jumped out. Sophie took that opportunity to turn towards Maxwell and speak to him.


“Is everything okay?” She touched the arm of his shirt and he jumped back. She tried not to show the hurt in her eyes.


“I’m fine.” He sighed. “Look Sophie, what happened earlier was a mistake. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Ella.”


“I wasn’t going to tell Ella.” She couldn’t prevent the whine from her voice.


“Good. You need to find a guy around your own age. Have some fun tonight. Get over the asshole from college.”


“But,” she tried to interrupt him.


“But nothing Sophie.” He looked at her sternly. “I am a professional businessman running a multi-billion dollar corporation. I do not have time for little girl games or dalliances. Do you understand me?”


She glared at him and felt her blood boil hot. She had just about had enough of Maxwell Van Harkel. “Get over yourself Max. You are 30, not 65. I just wanted some fun, and if you can’t provide that, then maybe some else will be able to.” With daggers darting from her eyes, she jumped out of the car and slammed the door. She was done with Maxwell. She had loved him for years and had hoped that perhaps they would have something special, but she wasn’t down for dealing with some bipolar maniac. She ran into the pub after Ella and ordered a scotch on the rocks. It wasn’t a drink she normally got but she knew that she needed some hard liquor to get her drunk as quickly as possible.


“Yay Sophie. Time to get drunk.” Ella laughed as she downed her second Rum & Coke in about ten minutes and she was dancing around the bar. All of the men in the pub were staring at them in interest and Sophie could see several of them were checking her out with lust in their eyes.


“Let’s get skunk and drunk.” Sophie laughed, feeling the alcohol burn away all of her inhibitions. “Another order of shots please. Let’s get blowjobs this time.” She laughed at her joke and walked up to Maxwell. He looked at her with fury in his eyes and she whispered in his ear. “No blowjob for you Maxwell Van Harkel.” And then she turned around and downed another shot.

Ella was busy chatting to a young blond guy at the bar so Sophie decided to dance around the room. She was pleasantly surprised when a young man with light brown hair and green eyes tapped her on the shoulder and asked her for a dance and she soon found herself grinding with him in the middle of the pub to some hip-hop music.


“So what’s your name hon?” The guy whispered in her ear as she backed her ass up on him. His arms were around her waist and she tried to ignore the stench of his cheap cologne.


“Sophie.” She smiled. “You?”


“Mitch.” He grinned at her and she felt his hands running up and down her body. She felt slightly uncomfortable at his familiar touch but she didn’t pull away because she saw Maxwell standing at the bar talking to a cute blond. She didn’t want him to think she was some sort of loser.


“So do you come here often Sophie?” Mitch had somehow positioned them in a corner and she felt herself pushed up next to a wall. She could feel him hard behind her and he was grinding himself into her ass. She then felt his hands running up and down her breasts and she started to feel uncomfortable.


“Uhm, not really.” Her voice was low and she tried to stop his hands from touching her breasts. All of a sudden she didn’t feel so happy to be wearing such a tight and revealing dress.


“That’s a pity.” Mitch’s hands easily broke away from hers and now he had them on her breasts and was squeezing her nipples through her dress. “I’d like to see you every Friday night for a quick bang.”


“Excuse me?” She squeaked out, unsure if she had heard him right. She was starting to feel queasy from all the alcohol.


“I said, I’d love to have the opportunity to fuck you on a weekly basis.” He whispered in her ear and laughed. She felt him pop her right boob up out of the dress and she could feel his fingers squeezing her nipple directly. “I love a woman with big breasts. And yours feel natural as well.”


Sophie swallowed hard, unsure of what to do. She could feel the back of her dress riding up and she was scared that her bare ass would be rubbing against the mans crotch as well. She was about to push the man away when she felt someone jerk Mitch away from her.


“Get off of her you jerk.” Maxwell stood there fuming and staring down at Mitch.


Mitch frowned at him and went to punch him. “What’s it to you?”

“You’ll find out if you don’t back off in 5 seconds.” Maxwell growled at the man and stepped towards him menacingly. Sophie looked at him in shock and quickly pushed her boob back into the dress. “Sophie, go and grab Ella and meet me by the car.”


“What?” She looked at him furiously. “I don’t want to go yet.”


“I don’t think you know what you want. Go.” He growled at her.


“No.” She stood there obstinately and Mitch walked over to her.


“Leave me and my lady alone punk.” Mitch pushed Maxwell and received a right hook in the face. Maxwell grabbed Sophie and held her to him closely.


“Listen to me Sophie. Go and get Ella and meet me by the bar now.”


“Or what?” She slurred at him.


“Or I am going to take you over my lap and smack you until you get some sense into your head, do you hear me?”


“Yes.” Sophie smiled at him and flushed. She would love him to take him over his lap right now. She leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. “I understand.”


Maxwell sighed as he looked at her and this time his voice was gentler. “Please Sophie, just go and get Ella and go to the car.”


“Yes Maxwell.” Sophie’s heart pored over with love for Maxwell and she wanted him to take her into his arms. However, she listened to his words and walked over to Ella. “We have to go now.”


For some reason Ella didn’t object and she followed Sophie to Maxwell’s car. They waited by the car patiently and Sophie’s heart caught in her mouth when she saw Maxwell walking towards them with a bloody nose. He looked at them furiously and silently and opened the door.


“Are you okay Max?” Ella looked at him with concern.


“I’m fine.” He wiped his nose on his shirtsleeve and grimaced at the blood. “I don’t know what you two were playing at.”


Sophie kept quiet but Ella took him on. “What are you talking about? We just came to have some fun.”


“And fun is what you gave all of the guys.” Maxwell started up the car and went speeding out of the parking lot.


“What?” Ella exclaimed and sat back in the seat. “What is your problem Max? I saw you cozying up to that cute blond at the bar.”


“I can take care of myself.”


“So can I.”


“Well Sophie sure can’t.” He looked sideways at Sophie and she shivered at his stare.


“Sophie is fine.” Ella shouted. “She was just dancing with a guy.”


“I think she was doing more than dancing.”


“What do you care?” Ella’s voice sounded exasperated.


“Let’s just get you both home.” Maxwell’s voice was low and they drove the rest of the way in silence. Ella hugged Sophie and ran up to her room.


“Hey, I think I need to throw up. I’ll see you in the morning.” Ella grimaced and made her way up the stairs quickly.


Sophie stood in the foyer and waited for Maxwell to walk in from parking the car in the garage. “I’m sorry.” She muttered as soon as he walked in the door. His nose was full of dried blood and his shirt was a red mess.


“You need to think about what you are doing Sophie.” He glared at her. “You can’t go around acting like some sort of innocent fool.”


“I wasn’t.” She protested angrily.


“Yes, you were. That guy could have raped you tonight.” He growled at her.


“But he didn’t.” She swallowed hard, knowing how close she had come to being violated. “Thanks.”


“I can’t be there every time you decide to let a man violate you Sophie.”


“I didn’t ask him to violate me.” She hit him in the arm mad. “Why do you talk to me like some sort of dimwitted kid?”


“Because that is how you act. What did you expect to happen when you decided to go to a local pub with a short black dress with your tits and ass hanging out?”


“They are not hanging out.” She glared at him.


“Were you looking to get fucked tonight? Is that it? You didn’t care who had you, just so long as you forgot your college beau.”


“No. No.” She cried out, sad that he would think that. “That’s not true.”


“You could have fooled me.” He grabbed her wrists and held her arms above her head. She stared at him, her chest heaving, unable to stop the quick beating of her heart; He stared back at her, his blue eyes dark with fury. She could see a nerve in his neck throbbing. She tried to move her arms from his grasp but she couldn’t.


“It seems to me that there was only one thing you wanted tonight Sophie.” He growled menacingly and he brought his other hand to the bottom of her dress and yanked it up. She felt the cool air on her ass and she gasped with shock.


Maxwell stood in front of her staring at her naked pussy and stepped towards her. “You have no shame Sophie. You didn’t even bother wearing a thong.” He stared into her eyes and casually pushed his hands between her legs; his fingers ribbed against her pussy and she shivered. “Yup, that’s a bare naked pussy I’m feeling.” He ran one finger up and down her slit and pushed it into her. She stood there gasping with shock and desire and stared at him as he played with her.


“And to top it off, you’re horny as hell.” He removed his finger and brought it up to his mouth and sucked on it. “Your pussy is slick and wet and I can taste your sex aching to be taking.” His voice was low and deep as he sucked on his finger.


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