Theirs (10 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

BOOK: Theirs
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No.” Billy shook his head negatively. “He’ll come when he’s certain no one will be here, so he has time to crack the alarm.”


Don’t got one,” Andy said. “No need in this town.”


We definitely weren’t in Miami anymore. An alarm was the first thing you got there. “How exactly would he track me then if he only got as far as my car? That wouldn’t tell him where I was in town,” I reasoned.


It’s a small town. He could easily flash his badge and pretend you’re wanted for something,” Billy offered. His features turned down. The idea troubled him.


Out of nowhere, his eyes flashed with pure anger.


My stomach churned as the truth settled in: he wanted a fight. Billy wanted to go to battle with Donovan.


The next hour confirmed my suspicions. Everything was put out in the open, including the fact that Jerry, Ellie and Andy were werewolves. And it turned out most of the town was too, including the older crowd that frequented the coffee shop.



Ellie and Jerry sat across the restaurant, watching from afar. My nerves kicked into overdrive as I stared across the table at Billy. He hadn’t said a word since we arrived; actually, now that I thought about it, he hadn’t said much of anything since he witnessed Jerry shift. What little he had spoken was firmly delivered with no option for rebuttal.


He watched me closely, meticulously chewing every bite of his steak while I picked at my baked potato and broccoli. I knew he was waiting for me to crack first, for me to decide what would be discussed first.


I glanced anxiously around the restaurant. I knew ears were perked everywhere, but Billy insisted on taking me out so we could talk.


Abruptly he tossed his napkin on the table. “What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Kate? Donovan is one thing, but
” He shook his head in dismay. I heard the disappointment, the unending frustration in his tone. His jaw kept clenching repeatedly. “They’re an abomination.”


Snarls sounded from all around. Billy, confident as ever, paid them no mind.


I dropped my fork. “Who made you God?” Apparently I was wrong. I hadn’t misjudged my brother. He’d just been putting on a good front. “If they’re here, then clearly it’s because someone put them here, and it wasn’t by their choice. Same way as someone doesn’t choose to be gay; they don’t sign up for persecution. They just are.”


So now you’re gay?” His disdain was vivid.


No. Yes. No.” I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all. “I’ve never been attracted to a woman before. It’s just her; only her.” My gaze instinctively traveled to the table in the far corner of the restaurant.


Ellie sat quietly across the stretch of seating. She looked up, directly at me, at the precise moment I looked to her. Electricity sizzled between us; tingles seemed to flutter over my flesh just gazing at her. I couldn’t explain it. None of it made sense, and yet I’d never felt such instant attraction for someone, not even Jerry.


Is this a phase?”


I sighed, turning back to Billy. “I don’t know. This is all new to me.”


He didn’t let up. “And what about the sheriff? Is he just a perv along for the ride?”


A growl carried towards us.


I don’t think so. He’s protected me on more than one occasion.”


His brows drew down. “From who?”


I realized my mistake too late. I couldn’t tell him about what had happened. “Perceived danger.”


He nodded once, thankfully accepting my answer. “Have you considered the repercussions of pursuing this, Kate? Have you given this any thought at all or is this another one of your little impulses?”


I froze, my heart sinking in my chest. I frowned, staring down at my plate. “I haven’t had any impulses that I couldn’t control in a while.”


Yet the panic attacks are back.”


I take my medicine.”


Did you take it today?”


In the bathroom this morning.”


So they don’t know.”


My throat tightened as pressure built in my chest. “I just met them.”


That didn’t stop you from sleeping with them, or was that an impulse you forgot about?” The condemnation in his tone hurt.


Ellie and Jerry were halfway across the restaurant by the time I lifted my gaze. I held up a staying hand. They halted, but didn’t turn away.


Tears stung my eyes. “Yes, Billy. I’m a mess, okay? I’m not perfect and I have problems, but as my brother, you’re supposed to help me with them, not broadcast them.” I began to tremble, anxiety inching along my veins. My heart ached. I wanted to huddle in a dark corner somewhere. I shook my head lightly. “You’re supposed to love me, not judge me.” I took a shaky breath. “I never realized how much like Mom you are until now. You look like Dad, but treat me just like Mom.”


Heart thumping, head beginning to spin, I stood, gripping the edge of the table, and grabbed my bag. “Good bye, Billy.” My voice was weak, but so was I apparently. I thought I’d done so well holding myself together over the years. I was broken to discover the truth, that I’d failed.


He clasped my forearm strongly. “Sit.”


Listen, buddy, I don’t give a fuck who you are, you talk to her like that again and I’ll castrate you.” Ellie snarled, her lips curled in disgust. Her eyes wavered with gold, warning of her wolf’s presence.


I’m not as kind,” Jerry stated. He glared at Billy, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t bother to disguise the honey hues illuminating his eyes.


I knew I should have kept those damn guards,” Billy mumbled. He didn’t bother responding to either of them though. “Sit, Kate.”


I hesitated. I was certain I was a feather short of shattering. He’d cut me where it hurt, ripped me open and exposed my vulnerable points to everyone.


Look, I’m sorry.” He shoved his hand through his hair. “This is a lot to take in.”


Tell me about it.” I stared at where he gripped me.


After Mom and Dad passed, you were depressed for a long while. You had no other mood than down. I just don’t want all of this to send you spiraling again.”


I took a deep breath. I gently extracted myself from his grasp. A glimpse around showed all eyes and ears on us still.


For cryin’ out loud, mind your own business, people,” Ellie huffed, hands on her hips.


I slid into the seat across from Billy again. “I can appreciate that, but even if I did, it’s not your problem. You wouldn’t be able to change it.”


But I could help prevent it; that’s what I’m trying to do.” His eyes darkened. “I don’t want you to go back there.”


What could I say? I didn’t want to go back there either. It wasn’t an easy place to be. The simplest things, like getting out of bed, suddenly became difficult. I was stuck in a Ground Hog Day movie, locked in a loop, a gloomy cycle that felt impossible to break. Knowing what I should do, could do, didn’t actually motivate me. Rather, it was another weapon, another thing to beat myself up over.
All you have to do is this… Why aren’t you getting off your ass and doing it?


I can’t say I have agreed with your decisions, Kate, but I’ve always tried my best to support you.” He sat back. “Whatever you decide with all of this,” – he flicked his wrist towards Ellie and Jerry – “I’ll support you. Just promise me you’ll think it through. No more impulses.”


I nodded my head in agreement. “No more impulses.”


He met my gaze. Concern still furrowed his brows. “You need to be honest with them about everything before you all decide.”


Thanks, Billy.”


Hold off on the thanks until we successfully deal with Donovan.” His phone went off, the ring echoing around us. He pulled it out of his pocket. “Speaking of,” he mumbled, distractedly. “Talk to me, Phil,” he answered. He stood and pulled his wallet out, listening to the man on the other line with intent. He tossed a few big bills on the table and made a beeline for the door, in typical Billy fashion. I rarely got to say good-bye to him at the end of our meet-ups. I was surprised his business calls hadn’t interrupted before now. He probably had Jared fielding them for him, but no doubt, he’d do a conference call with his top employee before the end of the night.


What do you say we head home and cuddle naked by the fire?” Ellie took me in as she and Jerry approached.


What about Donovan?”


We’re in a holding pattern. We can’t act until he materializes,” Jerry explained.


Right.” I worried my bottom lip again. “I think we should talk before the whole naked bit.”


Ellie seemed to sober. “That serious, huh?”


I stood, bringing my bag with me. I clung to it like a lifeline. I didn’t know where I wanted this to go. I wanted to go for it, but I didn’t know if I wanted to long term or not. I could make no promises except one: to be open and honest every step forward.


I shook my head. “Yeah, it’s serious.”


Together, they moved in beside me.


Let’s go then.” Jerry trailed a hand down my back, resting it against my lower back, guiding me out of the restaurant.


Ellie had a firm arm around my waist. They each threw open a door to the restaurant, allowing us to remain linked…for now. I didn’t know if they would feel the same later.



Chapter Seventeen




Turned out, Billy went to college with the security company’s owner. He lived in the next town over and had offered Billy the chance to catch up, along with a guest room to sleep, meaning we could actually do the naked time if we wanted later. Billy had been hesitant to let me go back with Ellie and Jerry, but I reminded him that it was my choice.


It was the day before October 1
, and apparently it got much cooler here than in Miami at this time of year. An early cold front had moved in, leaving me curling around myself in the car.


Ellie wrapped her arms around me, but it did little to help. “Sorry. Guess I need to get the top fixed with you here.”


Do I want to know what happened to it?” I asked.


She flushed.


Jerry laughed. “Genius was too impatient and tried to beat the train. She drove under the steel crossing arm, barely missed the train and ripped off her top when the highest point caught on the beam.”


It was an improvement,” Ellie declared, defending her actions.


I shivered, tugging my sweater tighter around me.


A moment later, Jerry’s shirt landed in my lap. My mouth watered at the sight of him. He was gorgeous beneath the moonlight, his body a perfect male specimen.


Put on my shirt, then you can stare all you want,” he ordered.


Looking at the garment, I knew it wouldn’t come close to fitting my abundant curves, so I slid my arms into the body of it and pressed it against my chest like a small – very small – blanket. “Thanks.”


Ellie threw herself around me once I was settled. “I promise I’ll warm you up once we get home. I’d do it now, but Jer might throw a fit.”

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