They Used Dark Forces (10 page)

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Authors: Dennis Wheatley

Tags: #Fiction, #Occult & Supernatural, #War & Military

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‘The Sun rules the number One, the Moon Two, Jupiter Three, Uranus Four, Mercury Five, Venus Six, Neptune Seven, Saturn Eight and Mars Nine. In an equal degree they are also
associated with all numbers which added together make their own. For example, in addition to One the Sun also rules Ten, Nineteen and Twenty-eight; the Moon Two, Eleven, Twenty and Twenty-nine; and so on.

‘The date of a person's birth, therefore, tells us the heavenly body which usually exerts the greatest influence on his life and, inevitably, his character is partially formed by its properties. However, that is modified or, at times, intensified by the number arrived at through the numerical significance of his name, since that also attracts the vibrations of the astral body with which it is associated.

‘From the remotest antiquity, through the civilisations of the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hindus and Hebrews, there has been handed down a code in which each letter of the alphabet is represented by a number.' Beckoning them over, the doctor added, ‘I have a copy of it here.'

Standing on either side of him they looked at a paper he had produced; on it was written:



























While below the code both their real names and those under which they were posing had been translated into their numerical significance:

When they had studied the figures for a few moments Malacou said, ‘First we must consider your birth dates. These are of major importance because they cannot be altered; whereas by changing his name, or even insisting on being known by it with an initial between the Christian and surnames—as, for example, Gregory B. Sallust—a person can reduce a bad influence by attracting to himself that of a more favourable Planet.

‘Yours, Mr. Sallust, is July 31st, therefore your birth number is 4, which comes under Uranus. However, the name Gregory Sallust gives the numerological value of 1, which is ruled by the Sun, and this is greatly strengthened by the fact that July 31st is near the middle of that period of the year which is known as the House of the Sun. You will note, too, that each of your names adds up to 5, the number of Mercury; so that Planet, too, must exert a considerable influence upon you.

‘Uranus is not a fortunate Planet to be born under. Those subject to it have very positive views and opinions. They instinctively rebel against rules and regulations and often harm their careers by setting themselves in opposition to constitutional authority. But Uranus is regarded in astrological law as closely related to the Sun, and on that account frequently symbolised as 4 – 1. That being the case I am confident that your birth date is overruled by the combination of your name
number and the period of the year in which your birth took place. From your appearance, too, any experienced occultist would put you down as a Leo type; so we may take it as certain that the Sun has played the major role in forming your character and is the dominant influence in your life. The affinity between the Sun and Uranus gives you an even stronger individuality and makes you even more determined to go your own way. But the Sun gives those subject to it resourcefulness and determination, which nearly always bring success. Moreover, while everyone finds people with the same numbers as himself the most sympathetic to him, No. 1 types are by nature of a cheerful disposition, so get on well with nearly everybody.'

Malacou paused for a moment, then went on: ‘The compound numbers formed by a name also have a considerable significance; and about yours there is an unusual circumstance. You will note that both your names give the same numerological value, 23. That number is known as “the Royal Star of the Lion”. Your having it places beyond all possible doubt that you are subject to Leo; and it is a most fortunate number. That both your names should add up to it is quite exceptional and quadruples its potency. It is a promise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. Together the two 23s give us 46. That again is a fortunate number and has a special potency of its own. It indicates success in love, reliable friends, sound partnerships and is a good augury for your future.'

‘Well, well!' Gregory murmured, sitting back with a smile, ‘it certainly seems that I have been blessed beyond most people in my stars.'

The doctor did not return his smile, but replied gravely, ‘Remember, though, that “those beloved of the Gods die young” and fortunate stars are no guarantee against an early death.' He then turned to Kuporovitch and asked:

‘Did you understand all that I said to Mr. Sallust?'

The Russian nodded his white head. ‘Most of it,
Herr Doktor
. I can understand German better than I speak it.'

‘Very well, then. I will now interpret your numbers for you.' Looking again at the papers before him, Malacou continued:

‘Your birth date being February 11th, you are subject to the Moon; so your number is 2. Such people are imaginative and romantic. They are very sensitive and readily become subject to occult influences. This sensitivity leads to their becoming despondent and melancholy if they are not in happy surroundings. That, in turn, causes them to become restless and to crave both change of scene and feminine companions.

‘Unlike Mr. Sallust, it cannot be said that several factors combine to place you under the domination of one heavenly body. The total value of your names adds up to 5, which represents the Planet Mercury. This makes you versatile and mercurial. You make friends easily and are quick in thought and decision. Gambling of all kinds attracts you and mentally you have great elasticity, so that you recover swiftly from setbacks and readily adjust yourself to new sets of circumstances.

‘Your Christian name is the equivalent of 8, which is not a fortunate number; and in your case its influence is strengthened by the fact that your birth date also falls in the House of Saturn. Your surname is the equivalent of 6, the number of Venus. This gives you a magnetism that attracts others, particularly members of the opposite sex, a love of entertaining and a desire to see everybody about you happy. It also gives determination in the carrying out of your plans and a conviction that, if need be, you should die rather than fail in doing your duty.

‘Now your compound numbers. 26 is again unfortunate. It foreshadows disasters either to yourself or to friends to whom you are devoted through your association with them. On the other hand 51 is, generally speaking, a propitious number. It is that of the warrior and is especially favourable to anyone engaged in a naval or military career. But I must warn you that it also carries the danger of assassination.'

Kuporovitch gave a solemn nod. ‘I have no quarrel,
Herr Doktor
, with your assessment of my character and I cannot complain of the promotions I received while I was a soldier. To die by assassination presupposes a swift death; so if that is to be my fate I would not cavil at it.'

Gregory, having been greatly impressed by Malacou's accurate delineation of their personalities, said:

‘And now,
Herr Doktor
, I would be most interested to hear how having changed our names may alter the influence the stars have upon us.'

‘In your own case, hardly at all,' Malacou replied at once. ‘Both of your assumed names, Helmuth and Bodenstein, have the value of 5; so added together again give us 10, which is the equivalent of 1. The uninitiated would consider that a coincidence, but there is no such thing. The influence of the Sun is so paramount in your life that when choosing a
nom de guerre
you were not permitted to escape from it. That is even more marked by the compound numbers of the German names you have taken. 32 and 41 have the same value. Both again reduce to 5 and have similar magical attributes as the fortunate 23.

‘With regard to Mr. Kuporovitch, the name Janos produces for him another 8 and Sabinov a 7. The latter is the number of Neptune and affiliated to the Moon. It will increase his facility to make friends easily and his desire for change. His new composite numbers, 17 and 25, are both fortunate; the latter denoting success through strife and trials. But if these assumed names are used only temporarily they will have no marked effect on the activities of either of you.'

Malacou lit a long cheroot, then continued, ‘Sun and Moon people are attracted to one another, as each is the natural counterpart of the other. This augurs well for your partnership. The fact that the total equivalent of Mr. Kuporovitch's real name is 5 and that all four of your names, Mr. Sallust, real and assumed, each add up to 5, greatly strengthens the bond between you, although it increases your liability to act rashly and take chances.

‘There is another thing about which I must warn you. As your birth date, Mr. Sallust, is July 31st, you cannot altogether escape the influence of the number 4. Neither can you, Mr. Kuporovitch, altogether escape from the 8 you derive from Stefan and have now reinforced by adopting the name of Janos—another 8.

‘The conjunction of the vibrations of Uranus and Saturn, which are represented by these numbers, inevitably brings disaster to those who are under their influence. Therefore, any 4th or 8th day of the month, or any date that can be reduced to
either number, would be liable to result in misfortune if on it you were working together. This would prove especially so between December 21st and February 19th, which is the House of Saturn, and between July 21st and August 20th, which is the House of Uranus.

‘However, it so happens that, as partners, you will receive compensation for that. Everyone has days in the week that are more favourable to him than others, because on each the influence of certain heavenly bodies is predominant; and it might well have been that the days favourable to one of you would have been unfavourable to the other. But the Sun and Moon, representing the male and female principle as they do, have a natural attraction and this results in the subjects of either enjoying the protection of both. Therefore, Sundays and Mondays will prove the most fortunate days for both of you. You will find, too, if these days coincide with dates ruled by your numbers, they will prove exceptionally fortunate. In consequence you should plan for your most dangerous activities to take place on the 1st and 2nd, the 10th and 11th, the 19th and 20th or the 28th and 29th of any month; and if those dates fall on a Sunday or Monday your ventures will almost certainly prove successful.'

Gregory nodded and said, ‘Although up to now I've always thought of astrology as no more than a jumble of ancient superstitions, I've been most impressed by your exposition; and I feel it would be flying in the face of Providence not to accept your guidance. Can you tell us now what you think the chances are of our succeeding in our mission?'

Pointing to the two horoscopes on his desk, Malacou replied, ‘To interpret these fully would take many days of hard work, but I can give you general indications. Your stars endow you with all the qualities needed to carry out your mission and your having the Royal Star of the Lion in both your names makes me confident that you will succeed in it. But not until August. Mr. Kuporovitch's horoscope shows that he will be of great assistance to you. Yet, through his association with the 8, the fact that August is the 8th month and that the greater part of it lies in the period of the number 4 Positive, he will bring you into grave danger. In fact, should you disregard my warning
to take big risks only on your fortunate days, it is even possible that, owing to him, you may die in the hour of your triumph.'

At this, Kuporovitch, believing the doctor to have predicted that he would lead Gregory to his death, suddenly flared up and cried, ‘How dare you attempt to undermine the confidence my friend has in me! I would be torn in pieces rather than betray him! You are a false prophet and have deceived us for your own evil ends. You are no Turk. I'll swear to that. Can you deny that you changed your name to Malacou from the Jewish one of Malacchi with which you were born?'

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