This I Promise You (15 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

BOOK: This I Promise You
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Trajan’s yelp of pain drew knowing laughter from the living room.

“Uh-oh,” Grandma Penny could be heard saying. “Traj must be flirting with Alexis again.”

Trajan called back, “I wasn’t, Mama. I swear!”

More laughter erupted as Trajan grinned, reaching down to rub his injured leg.

Soon everyone congregated in the dining room, talking and joking raucously as they gathered around the table.

As Lexi helped herself to more of Quentin’s food, he looked around at the sea of laughing faces and smiled, basking in the knowledge that no matter what happened with the Harringtons, he would always be surrounded by a loving, supportive family.





or the past several years, Lexi had enjoyed volunteering for various arts organizations, including the High Museum of Art and the Children’s Museum of Atlanta. When a new museum of black history and culture opened last summer, she’d wasted no time reaching out to the director to offer her services.

As a volunteer coordinator, she helped plan and organize events, exhibits, lectures and educational programs. One of the first ideas she’d brought to the table was an entrepreneur power luncheon to provide information and resources to the community while raising funds for the museum. The idea was so well received that she was elected chair of the luncheon committee.

On Wednesday
afternoon, the group met at the museum to discuss preparations for the event. Once everyone was seated around the table with their refreshments and notepads, Lexi got down to business.

“Thank you all for making room in your schedules for today’s meeting. I realize some of you had to leave work early to be here, so I really appreciate your time and flexibility. Given that this conference room won’t be available for the next two weekends, I didn’t want to wait to meet. I thought it was important for us to get together as soon as possible since March will be here before we know it.”

Several heads nodded in agreement.

“Before we begin,” Lexi continued with a smile, “I just wanted to share some good news. I spoke to Asha Dubois on Sunday, and she said she’d be honored to speak at our luncheon.”

A flurry of excited chatter went up around the conference table. Several people began clapping and cheering and congratulating Lexi on securing such an illustrious keynote speaker.

She laughed, waving off the praise. “I didn’t do anything special. All I had to do was ask. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Asha over the past six years, so I have a lot of respect and admiration for her. She worked hard to get where she is, and she truly believes in reaching back and helping others.”

“I can totally see that,” one woman spoke up. “You always hear what a diva she is. But she hires more minorities than any other fashion house, and she’s mentored many up-and-coming designers.”

“That’s right,” Lexi confirmed. “My Spelman mentees were beyond excited last year when Asha flew all of us out to New York to attend Fashion Week. We had front row seats at her show, and we got to meet Anna Wintour and other fashion industry bigwigs. The girls said it was the most amazing experience of their lives. One of them is now considering a career in fashion design, so Asha invited her to do an internship at House of Dubois next summer.”

“Wow,” everyone exclaimed. “What a wonderful opportunity.”

“It is. That’s how Asha rolls.” Lexi smiled warmly. “I can’t think of a better woman to headline our entrepreneur luncheon during Women’s History Month.”

A chorus of agreement went around the table.

“So now that we’ve got our keynote speaker,” Lexi continued, “let’s talk about the program, venue, sponsors, catering. All that good stuff.”  

The committee spent the next hour brainstorming ideas and hashing out the logistics. When the meeting was over, several people approached Lexi to ask follow-up questions and gush some more about Asha. Everyone was excited about the luncheon and predicted that it would be a smashing success.

As they said their goodbyes and headed out to the parking lot, Lexi was joined by Veronica De Leon, a pretty Puerto Rican woman with a deep bronze complexion and shoulder-length dark hair streaked with blond highlights.

“Great meeting,” she complimented Lexi. “You’re a natural at planning and organizing.”

Lexi smiled. “Thanks, Veronica. I wouldn’t say I’m a natural. I’ve just had plenty of practice. When I was growing up, my mom was always working. So she depended on me to plan meals and cook dinner, pack lunch for my brother and sister, check their homework, schedule their doctor’s appointments.” She shrugged. “I had no choice but to become organized.”

Veronica chuckled. “When you put it that way, I guess not.”

As they started toward their cars, Lexi admired Veronica’s leopard-print pumps. “Girl, those shoes are everything.”

“Thanks, mami. So are yours,” Veronica said enviously, pointing a manicured finger at Lexi’s sky-high snakeskin stilettos. “I’ve been checking them out ever since you arrived for the meeting. Are those from Asha’s line?”

“Yup. They just came out.”

“They’re gorgeous. Damn. I want ’em.”

Lexi grinned. “So get ’em.”

Veronica snorted. “I wish I could, girl, but those babies would blow my budget for the next six months. Unlike
people I know, I have to work for a living.”

Lexi ignored the dig. “If you start dropping hints to Liam,” she said slyly, “maybe he’ll get you the shoes for Christmas.”

“Maybe.” Veronica’s expression darkened. “Assuming we’re still together by then.”

Lexi frowned at her. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”

Veronica hesitated. “Liam’s been acting strange lately.”

“Really? In what way?”

“He’s been quieter…distant…” She trailed off with a frown.

“Go on,” Lexi urged as they reached her car.

“He hardly ever calls me anymore. Three whole days can go by without us talking. And when I get him on the phone, he seems distracted, almost impatient. It’s the same when we’re together.”

“Hmm.” Lexi took out her keys, lips pursed in thought. “Maybe he’s just got a lot on his mind. The end of the semester is always a busy time of year for professors.”

“That’s what he said when I asked him what was wrong.”

“Well, there you go. Mystery solved.”

Veronica shook her head. “I don’t think it’s work. Something else is going on with him.”

Lexi arched a brow. “Like what?”

“I don’t know.” Veronica hesitated, biting her lip. “Maybe he’s on the DL.”

That startled a laugh out of Lexi. “
On the DL?”

“Would that be so crazy? We
in Atlanta. Isn’t this the DL mecca?”

Lexi sucked her teeth. “Liam isn’t gay. Not that there’d be anything wrong with him if he were, but he’s not. So chill with that before I kick your ass back to the Bronx.”

“Damn, mami,” Veronica said with a laugh, holding up her hands. “No need to go all Dirty South on me.”

Lexi bristled. “I just think it’s really foul of you to question Liam’s sexuality just because you can’t explain the problems you two are having.”

“I wasn’t serious, Lexi. I know Liam isn’t gay.” Veronica’s eyes glinted. “For one thing, he enjoys eating pussy too much. And he’s damn good at it too.”

Lexi sputtered protestingly. “

Veronica laughed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Any of it. I know Liam’s one of your closest friends. I don’t want to offend you.”

Lexi mock-glared at her. “You know where I grew up. Don’t bring out the Bluff in me.”

“I wouldn’t dare.” Veronica grinned. “Damn, girl. Liam wasn’t exaggerating about how feisty you are.”

“Uh-huh.” Lexi jangled her keys. “And my bite is much worse than my bark.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that.” Veronica smiled and then heaved a deep sigh. “To be honest, the thought of Liam being gay is more comforting than the alternative.”

“What’s the alternative?”

“That he’s seeing someone else. Maybe one of his students. God knows they’re always throwing themselves at him,” Veronica said resentfully. “Maybe he finally gave in to temptation.”

“No way,” Lexi said with an emphatic shake of her head. “Liam isn’t like that. If he’s lost interest in you, Veronica, he’ll come right out and say so. He’s not gonna play you by sleeping around with other women. And he sure as hell wouldn’t hook up with one of his students. If we were talking about Jagger or Percy, that’d be a different story. But this is Liam.”

Veronica gave her a smile tinged with relief. “Hearing that from you makes me feel so much better, Lexi. I mean, you’ve been friends with the Morehouse Nine for over twenty years. You know them better than anyone.” Her smile softened. “Liam has this picture in his study. It’s an old photo of you and the fellas at some Greek picnic during college. You’re in the middle, sitting on Quentin and Percy’s shoulders.”

“I remember that picture,” Lexi said with a warm, reminiscent laugh. “Before we left for the picnic that day, Quentin wanted me to wear one of his Omega Psi Phi T-shirts, but Percy insisted that I wear something to represent the Kappas. They actually started arguing until I stepped between them and told them to stop treating me like their little mascot. As a compromise, I wore a purple shirt and red pants. That seemed to placate them somewhat.”

Veronica grinned. “Those brothas love them some Lexi. They even joke that their future wives will have to get your seal of approval before they can marry them.”

“It’s true. Just ask Reese.”

Veronica laughed. When she saw Lexi’s deadpan expression, the laughter died on her lips and she stared at her.

Lexi let a slow grin sweep across her face. “Relax. I’m kidding.”

This time they both laughed.

Lexi pulled out her phone and checked the time. She needed to pick up Junior from Quentin’s mom’s house, then go home and start dinner. Thankfully she’d prepped everything the night before, so all she had to do was boil the ravioli and bake the eggplant.

“So you really don’t think Liam is cheating on me?” Veronica prodded anxiously.

“I would be shocked if he was,” Lexi told her.

Veronica looked at her imploringly, as though she possessed some secret knowledge that could unlock the mysteries of the universe. “Have you noticed anything different about him lately?”

Lexi shook her head. “Can’t say I have.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“Two Sundays ago when the fellas came over to watch Mason’s away game. Liam seemed perfectly normal.”

“Do you know if he’s said anything about me to Quentin?”

“Not that I know of. But then, I try not to pry in the fellas’ business. If they want me to know something, they tell me.” Lexi paused. “How long have you and Liam been dating? Four months?”

“Five months and thirteen days.”

Lexi grinned. “Damn, girl. You got it bad.”

Veronica sighed. “I know. Liam’s an amazing guy. Things seemed to be going so well and then…” She shook her head. “I don’t know what happened.”

She looked so forlorn that Lexi took pity on her. “Tell you what. Let’s go on a double date with Quentin and Liam. That’ll give me a chance to observe you and Liam together and study his body language. If he’s not into you anymore, I should be able to tell.”

Veronica stared at her. “Really?”

“Really.” Lexi gave her a rueful look. “I’ve been around the fellas long enough to recognize the signs when they’re not feeling someone. But you shouldn’t assume that’s the case with you and Liam. He’s always been the introvert in the group. He’s very private, so it’s hard for him to open up when he’s going through something. They’re all like that to an extent, but Liam is probably the worst offender.” Her tone gentled. “Whatever’s going on with him, we’ll get to the bottom of it. All right?”

Veronica smiled gratefully. “All right.”

Lexi gave her a hug and told her she’d be in touch. Then she got into her car, tossed her handbag on the passenger seat and started the engine. As soon as she pulled away from the museum, she speed-dialed Liam on her Bluetooth.

“Wassup, angel.” His deep voice flooded the car, as warm and lazy as Georgia sunshine.

She grinned. “Hey, Dr. Masters. How’re you doing?”

“I’m good, baby girl. How about you? Everything all right?”

“Everything’s great. Got a minute?”

“For you? Always.”

“I just got out of a volunteer meeting with Veronica.” Lexi paused. “Did she tell you we’re serving on a committee together?”

“For that new museum? Yeah, she mentioned something about that.”

Lexi crossed her fingers for the little white lie she was about to tell. “Well, I was just saying to her how nice it would be if we went out on a double date. She loved the idea, but she said I should run it by you since you’ve been so busy lately.”

“Yeah. I have.”

“I understand. I know you’re coming up on finals week.”

Liam was a tenured economics professor at Emory University. When he wasn’t teaching and running faculty meetings, he was consulting for the government and publishing scholarly articles. He was one of the hardest working people Lexi knew—and she knew plenty.

“Quentin and I will be out of town this weekend,” she continued, “but if you’re free next Saturday, maybe we could all go out to dinner.”

The suggestion met with deafening silence.

Lexi frowned. “Liam? You still there?”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry about that.” There was an odd note in his voice. “Listen, I’m not sure about next Saturday. Let me check my schedule and get back to you.”

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