This Is Where I Sleep (9 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Patterson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: This Is Where I Sleep
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“I ordered you the scallops,” he informed me, knowing my love of seafood.

“Thank you.”

“Who the hell was that?” he asked through clenched teeth.

I didn’t repeat myself. Not even to Liam Bennett. “Excuse you?”

“That was Nate wasn’t it?” Liam asked, refusing to back down.

“Who is texting me on the phone that
pay the bill on is none of
business.” I didn’t know who the hell he thought he was—wait, that was a lie. I knew exactly who he thought he was. He was the same Liam I’d always known.

“You’re still talking to him?” he asked as if he didn’t even hear what I’d just told him.

I rolled my eyes, exasperated. “Liam, let it go. We’re not here to talk about who’s texting me. Did you bring Larry’s laptop?” I attempted to steer the conversation away from the personal to the professional. This whole situation had gotten away from me. Especially considering what happened in his office earlier and the direction of the discussion before our waitress and Nate interrupted.

“I have it.” He sighed. After a few more moments of glaring at me, he finally pulled out the laptop and opened it. “I haven’t opened it since I received it this morning,” he advised.

It took a little while to figure out Larry’s password, which turned out to be his fiancé’s birth date. Once in, we looked through his work files. Everything seemed normal until we came across a password protected file. A file named “Ghost.” The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. But the password used to log into the laptop wasn’t working for the “Ghost” file.

We were no closer to gaining access when the waitress brought our dinner. So, we were left to discuss the case as we ate.

“I think I can have Jabari hack into the computer and look into it,” I informed Liam as we finished our dinner.

He nodded and pulled out his wallet to pay the bill.

“I should also go down to the scrap yard where Larry’s car is and take a look at it.”

“You think someone tampered with it?” he asked.    

              I shrugged. “Not sure, but worth it to take a look for myself.”

              “I don’t want you to go by yourself,” he insisted.

              I frowned at him. “You know this is my job, and I’ve been in much more dan—”

              He held up his hand. “You’re not going alone,” he said, cutting me off. 

              “Whatever,” I mumbled, as he stood and came over to pull out my chair for me.

              We left the restaurant and instead of taking a car back to my hotel, we opted to walk since it was only a few blocks away. We walked in relative silence, with Liam’s hand resting on the small of my back, guiding me through the small crowds on the sidewalk. Part of me wanted to tell him to move his hand, but in truth, his touch made me feel safe. I hadn’t felt this protected in a long time, and it took all my willpower not to lean into him as we walked. We made our way to my suite, and I paused and stared at him. “We nee—”

My words were cut off by his lips. I forgot what I was about to say and lost any fight I had. With his hands on my waist, Liam turned our bodies, so that my back was flat against the door. His lips caressing mine felt so good I lost all awareness of the fact that we were out in the middle of the hallway making out like a couple of teenagers. My hands found their way up his strong arms and broad shoulders and entwined around the back of his neck. I pulled him in closer, and he didn’t hesitate. Li bent his knees slightly and pressed his pelvis against my middle, allowing me to feel his growing hardness. I moaned as moisture pooled in my panties for the umpteenth time that day. I struggled to pull back.

“I need to open the door,” I panted against his lips.

“Hurry up,” he growled.

I quickly retrieved the keycard from my pocket and tried to insert it into the door. Unfortunately, my fingers trembled with so much need, that I slipped a few times. I heard Liam chuckle behind me as his fingers plucked the card from my hand. I looked back at him, giving him a scowl. He never took his eyes from mine as he deftly inserted the keycard and pushed the door open.

I stumbled into the hotel suite and turned on the light, only to pull up short. Instinctively, I reached into my bag for my gun. Before I could take the safety off, I felt a strong band around my waist pulling me back. Liam put his big body in front of mine, with a gun of his own in one hand, and his cell in the other.

“Don’t move,” he warned.

I was irritated as I looked around my disheveled room. Someone had turned over the suite’s couch cushions, gone through the desk drawers, overturned papers. That’s all I saw as Liam held me behind him with one arm while he called his security team. I heard him tell Ron to get over to the hotel, and to bring extra security. I wanted to see the bedroom and what damage had been done there, but Liam gave me a warning look.

“Don’t fucking move, CeCe.”

I squinted at him wanting to curse him out, but I was interrupted when two of Liam’s security entered the room. They’d been with us, out of sight, since we left his office, but had remained downstairs.

“Check the bedroom. Make sure nobody’s here first,” Liam ordered the two men. I watched as they entered the bedroom. I heard them opening doors and calling out to make sure the room was empty.

“All clear!” one called as they exited the bedroom.

Finally, Li dropped his arm from around me, allowing me to move freely from behind him. I still had my gun in my hand, safety off, as I looked around the room. I saw minimal damage had been done to the hotel’s property. I hadn’t left anything pertaining to this case in my hotel room. All my important files are on my tablet that I carry with me wherever I go.

“Not much damage has been done to the hotel’s furniture, but some of your clothing has been torn up.”

I raised my eyebrows at Liam’s words, not even realizing he’d gone into the bedroom to check everything out for himself.

Liam told me what I’d already begun to discern for myself. “Targeting your clothes gives this a personal feel. But it looks like they were looking for something too.”

I nodded absentmindedly.

“You’re coming home with me.”

I snapped my head up staring at him. “What?”

“You heard me. Whoever was in here has it out for you. You’ll stay with me. I have high-end security. No one’s getting in my home. Pack what you can. We’ll leave in ten minutes.”

He had the damn nerve to go off and talk with security after he made this declaration like I was just going to follow along. There was no way I was going to stay at his house. I did go in the bedroom to pack up the rest of my belongings. I figured I could just get another room, or stay at another hotel.

I walked around the room, taking inventory of everything that had been touched. Again, dresser drawers had been gone through. I knew whatever it was they were looking for, they didn’t find it. I wondered what it was they could be looking for. The only people who knew my true purpose for being there were Li, Jeremy, and a few high ranking members of Li’s security team. I began to run through my mental Rolodex of everyone I’d come in contact with since arriving in Dallas.

“You ready?” I heard from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Li’s irritated expression. I could tell he was anxious to get me out of there, but he was about to be even more angered by what I was about to say. 

“Almost,” I answered as I put a few of my salvaged clothes into my suitcase. “But I’m not going home with you,” I told him flat out.

His reaction was immediate as his body stiffened and he glared at me. “You don’t have a choice.”

That got my hackles up. My voice was low as I gritted the words out through clenched teeth. “I don’t know who the hell you think you’re talking to.”

I think
,” he said calmly—a little too calm, as he slowly stalked over to me. “You are not safe here.” He stopped close enough that our fronts were nearly touching. He leaned down, looking me in the eye. “
I think
, someone has found out you’re here and are now gunning for you.
I think
that if you had been here when they were things could have gotten very ugly. And I can’t allow that.”

I raised an eyebrow. “And why not?”

He leaned down, getting right in my face. I noticed the flare of his nostrils indicating he was trying to keep it together. “Because if something were to happen to you I would tear this entire city apart.”

The feral, protective look in his eye caused my breath to hitch and a warm feeling to bloom in my chest. My bodily reactions only served to piss me off, however. I took a step back and bumped into the bed behind me. I crossed my arms over my chest in a sign of defiance.

“I’m not going. I’m not going to stay in a home you shared with your wife. I won—”

“She never lived in my home.” His voice was low, but he glared at me in the eye.

I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion and tilted my head silently asking for an explanation.

“I’ve only lived in my home for two years. I started building it a few months after Laura was born. She never lived there.” His face softened slightly. I saw the worry plainly in his eyes.

“What about…?” I paused and cleared my throat. “What about your daughter? Won’t she be confused?” I’d never even formally met his little girl. The last thing I wanted was to meet her under strenuous circumstances. Liam’s eyelids shuttered for the briefest of moments before he raised his hand to palm my cheek. His thumb stroked my chin and lower lip. I forced myself through sheer will, not to lean into his caress.

“I’ll tell her the truth. You’re a friend who needs help and will be staying with us for a little while. I have five bedrooms in my home. You’ll have your own space.”

              “What about safety?” I asked.

              “You will be completely safe. No one will touch you in my home,” he said fiercely, stepping closer.

              “I mean you and Laura. Are you sure having me stay with you is best?” I paused, poignantly looking around the room, acknowledging that someone had already found my hotel room and trashed it. “Who’s to say this person won’t come looking for me at your house and try to harm you guys?”

He cupped my face with both hands this time and looked me straight in the eye. “There is no way I’m letting you sleep anywhere but under my roof tonight. Every square inch of my 3.7-acre property is kept under twenty-four-hour surveillance. No one will touch you, my daughter, or anyone else in my home. Are we clear?”

“Crystal,” I nodded, finally surrendering.

“Let’s go,” he said, as he bent down to pick my packed suitcase off the floor. “You have your laptop and everything right?” he asked, as we exited the room.  

“Yes, I have everything,” I responded.

“Coral is coming home with me,” he announced to Ron, who arrived a few minutes ago. “I already have my driver taking us home. Also, I’ll need you to return her rental car.  Coral, do you have your key?”

“Right here,” I said, extending the key that I dug from my pocket. I had already planned to exchange the rental, figuring that whoever broke into my suit likely already spotted my rental and knew which one it was. Liam was giving out orders so quickly that I hadn’t gotten a chance to tell him that. As long as it had been since we served together, it felt natural to follow Li’s lead. As much as I didn’t want to, I trusted Liam wholeheartedly, and he was about the only person I trusted in this situation.

“I’ll have to call Jabari to let him know what’s happened,” I told Liam as we headed to the elevators.

“It’s late, you can call him tomorrow,” he returned, as the doors open.

I glanced at my phone to check the time and realized it was after ten our time, which meant it was after eleven in Savannah. I made a mental note to call Jabari in the morning and fill him in. “I’ll need a car to get around.”

“You can use one of mine.”

I shook my head. “Liam, that’s not necessary. I can get another rental.”

“You’ll use one of mine,” he said with finality, putting his hand at the small of my back to exit the elevator.

We exited through a back entrance where there was a car already waiting for us. Liam waved the driver off and held the door open for me. The driver stuck my suitcase in the trunk, and we left. The ride was silent for the first few minutes. I stared out the window, taking in the city lights for a little while and going over in my head who could be behind the break-in. I made a plan to make a trip to the junkyard to inspect Larry’s car. At this point, I was convinced there had been foul play in his accident.

“I’m going to have to speak with Jeremy about this first thing in the morning.”

His admonishing tone alerted me to one fact. He was pissed.

“Liam, this wasn’t Jeremy’s fault,” I attempted to calm him.

“Bullshit. He runs this hotel and everything in it. No one should have been able to break into any guest’s room, let alone yours.” He stared right at me and even in the dimly lit car I could see his lower jaw working. I inched over a little closer to him and grabbed his clenched fist, massaging it until he fully opened it and took my hand.

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