Those Who Walk Away (19 page)

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Authors: Patricia Highsmith

BOOK: Those Who Walk Away
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Zordyi glanced over the lobby, and the corner evidently met with his approval. “All right, over here.”

They took the two arm-chairs.

“How long are you staying in Venice?” Zordyi asked.

“I don’t know. Perhaps another week. Depends how the weather is. It hasn’t been good lately.”

“And then where do you go?”

“I think back to my apartment in Rome.”

“I take it you haven’t a clue as to Ray Garrett’s whereabouts since that Thursday night, November eleventh,” Zordyi asked.

“Not a clue.”

“I spoke with the police here this afternoon. My Italian’s not native, but it serves,” he added with his healthy smile. “Would you tell me in your own words what happened that night?”

Coleman began to tell it again, patiently, saying also that Ray had seemed depressed, but not what Coleman would call desperately depressed. He had not been drinking. He had spoken to Coleman in a very regretful way about Peggy’s suicide, said he had no idea of her mental state and was sorry he hadn’t noticed any signs that would have warned him she was about to do something like that.

“What did you say to him?” Zordyi asked.

“I said, ‘It’s done. What can we do about it?’”

“You weren’t angry with him? You like him?”

“He’s all right. Decent enough. Or I wouldn’t have let my daughter marry him. He’s weak in my opinion. Peggy needed a firmer hand.”

“Did you try to cheer him up that night?”

“Coleman would have liked to say, ‘Yes,’ but he foresaw that the man was going to speak to the Smith-Peters. I said, ‘It’s done. It’s been a shock to both of us,’ something like that.”

“Was there any particular reason he wanted to speak to you that night? The police said the others had left the table. Just you and Garrett were left.”

“He said he wanted to make something clearer to me. What it was, I gathered, was that he’d done his best with Peggy, tried to get her to go to a psychiatrist in Palma—she refused—and Ray wanted me to know it wasn’t his fault.” Coleman sensed that Zordyi wasn’t all that interested in why Peggy had killed herself. What he said was fitting pretty well into place, Coleman thought, the kind of statement a young man might have made before killing himself.

“How long did you talk?”

“About fifteen minutes.”

Zordyi was not taking notes. “I looked over his things today at the Pensione Seguso. His suitcase. There’s a couple of bullet-holes in the sleeve of one of his jackets. A left sleeve. Made by one bullet going in and out.” He added with a smile, “The girl who packed up his things hadn’t noticed the bullet-holes. I found them also in a shirt which still had some bloodstains. He’d tried to wash the shirt—maybe just a few days ago.”

Coleman was listening with attention.

“He didn’t say anything to you about being shot in the arm?”

“No. Not a thing.”

“It’s a funny place to shoot if you’re trying to kill yourself. I think he was shot at.”

Coleman appeared to ponder that. “In Venice?”

“Or in Rome, or Mallorca. I don’t know.” Zordyi waited. “Has he any enemies?”

“I have no idea.”

The only things Zordyi wrote down were the names of the Smith-Peters and their hotel and of Mrs Perry at the Excelsior, Lido. Coleman thought Mrs Perry might have left, and said so.

“What kind of person is Ray Garrett?” asked Zordyi.

Coleman thought Zordyi must have had detailed information from Ray’s parents about him. “Oh, reasonably intelligent, I suppose. Rather calm, introverted—a little bit shy.”

“Shy how?”



“I don’t know him that well. Introverted, yes. He likes to spend time by himself.”

“What do you think of his gallery plans? Are they going through all right?”

“The last I heard, he was trying to get space in New York. He wants to handle European painters who paint in Europe. He has a lot of taste and knowledge about paintings, and he has money, so I suppose he can afford a failure, if it fails.”

“You think he’s practical? Not flighty?”

Coleman shrugged good-naturedly. “With money, you don’t have to be practical, do you? I’ve never seen him undertake anything before. When I met him in Rome, he was taking a course in fine arts somewhere, painting a little himself.”

“You’re a painter, too, I understand, Mr Coleman. Rome is a beautiful city for a painter to live in.”

“Magnificent. I used to be a civil engineer. I got tired of the New York life.”

“You live by yourself in Rome?”

“Yes. A small flat in Trastevere. Five-storey walk-up, but it’s nice and quiet. If I have any guests, they have to sleep on the sofa in the living-room.”

“You can make enough to live on, painting?”

“Not really. But I manage. I do framing in Rome; that’s what provides a steady income. Lots of painters do framing. More money in frames than canvases for most painters.”

Zordyi smiled at this, then stood up and thanked Coleman.

Coleman went upstairs and told Inez about the interview.

Coleman felt quite unruffled. After all, Ray wasn’t dead. If Ray ever told the truth, they could charge him with attempted murder. A week ago, it had seemed a serious thing. Now it didn’t. And Coleman faced the fact Ray would be found. He didn’t know the exact odds on a man’s being able to hide for ever, but he thought they were not too good for Ray. More important, he didn’t think Ray wanted to hide for ever. What it came down to was whether Ray wanted to tell the truth eventually or not.

“It’d be interesting,” Coleman said to Inez with a chuckle, “to hear what the Smith-Peters say when he talks to them.”

“Oh, Edward, don’t joke!”

“They’re on my side, you said.”

There was no telephone call from the Smith-Peters that evening, which Coleman thought odd, as he’d had the feeling Zordyi was going straight over to the Monaco to see them. But perhaps they didn’t want to say anything, good or bad, over the telephone.

Laura Smith-Peters did ring the following morning at nine. Coleman was in Inez’s room, though he had not spent the night there, and he answered the telephone. Laura asked if he and Inez wanted to meet them for a drink or coffee at eleven at Harry’s.

“I would like to see you both this morning,” Laura added, almost pleading.

Of course. Coleman made the appointment.

In Harry’s, Inez and Coleman had coffee, and the Smith-Peters bloody Marys.

It seemed that Francis had first spoken with the private detective alone, downstairs in the hotel lobby, because Laura had been taking her bath. But he had wanted to see her, too, so she had dressed and come down. Zordyi had been interested in what they thought was Ray’s state of mind.

“I said and Francis said, too, that Ray hadn’t been very cheerful, naturally, but he hadn’t looked

Her hard ‘r’ made the word a glottal
, illustrative of what Ray had not been, and she gulped on the last word, or perhaps on her drink.

All of them listened, leaning forward, like a table of conspirators, Coleman thought, or prisoners planning a break. Francis’s dry lips were pursed, his small eyes wide, innocent and neutral as he listened to his wife. Now and again, however, Francis looked towards the door, if it opened. Coleman no longer looked at the door.

“I’m really very sorry to put you through this,” Coleman said. He really was sorry.

“Oh, it’s not your-r fault,” said Laura, so earnestly it was a moment before Coleman saw the wild humour in it.

Coleman smiled nervously, a smile which only Inez saw. Laura had come to believe the story she had told the ‘authorities,’ Coleman felt.

“He asked about your attitude to Ray,” Laura went on in her subdued tone to Coleman. “I said I didn’t think you ever knew him very well. Isn’t that true?”

“True,” Coleman said.

“I know you—don’t like him much,” Laura said, “but I didn’t tell him that, because it would just stir up trouble, I thought.”

It would, Coleman thought. It seemed to be the end of Laura’s story. She sat quietly, looking down at her hands in her lap, like a little girl who has performed, modestly but adequately, a part in a school play. Coleman wanted to ask if Zordyi had said or asked anything else, but he refrained. Zordyi evidently hadn’t mentioned the bullet-holes, but Coleman supposed that he had told the Italian police about them.

“I am sure you said the right thing, Laura,” Inez said. “Let us not worry.”

“That’ll get us no place!” Francis agreed with a smile.

Coleman glanced up just as the door opened again. A woman entered, and Coleman recognized her as Mrs Perry, swathed in a loose grey cape with a hood. “Looks like Mrs Perry,” Coleman said, and raised a hand to her.

She saw him, smiled, and came towards the table. Another chair was found.

“I thought you were leaving on Friday,” said Laura. “We’d have called you up if we’d known you were still here.”

“Well, the Lido weather got so bad,” Mrs Perry explained in her slow melancholic way, “or at least it looks so much worse over there, I decided to give Venice a better chance and move to the Danieli, which I did.”

They ordered from the waiter. Coleman switched to Cinzano. Mrs Perry wanted a sherry. Then after a few moments’ chatter about shopping, Mrs Perry asked Coleman:

“Have you heard anything about your son-in-law?”

“No. His father’s sent a private detective over, so that ought to help.”

“Really?” said Mrs Perry with breathless interest, fluttering her thin eyelids. “Then they haven’t found him?”

“No,” said Francis and Coleman together.

“I thought since the paper said nothing, that they had. You know—clearing up a mystery isn’t as interesting as starting one, so they don’t print it. But still missing!”

“Nobody knows what to think,” said Coleman.

Mrs Perry looked at the Smith-Peters and at Inez, as if trying to divine what they were thinking. “Did anyone see him after you, Mr Coleman?”

“If so, they haven’t come up to say so,” Coleman replied.

“And you let him off at the Zattere quay, you said?”

“Yes, I did,” said Coleman. “I was visited yesterday by the private detective. A Mr Zordyi.”

“I thought probably he’d seen you,” Laura said with a glance at Inez. “What did he say?”

“He asked questions.” Coleman produced a cigar. “I hope nobody minds this.”

Everybody but Inez said no.

“Asked me the same questions as the police.” Except, Coleman remembered, Zordyi had asked him if he had tried to comfort Ray that evening. “There’s not much else he can do.”

“You don’t think a young man in his state—would’ve wandered off just on foot,” said Mrs Perry hesitantly. “Not with any objective, but just to get away from himself?”

Her voice sounded as if she did not believe what she said, and the silence that followed suggested her words hadn’t even been heard. There was also something impossible about wandering off from Venice on foot. Ray had not been in ‘a state’ Coleman thought, and they all knew this.

Mrs Perry seemed embarrassed by her own question, or the silence. “I’m sorry. I realize that you”—she was addressing Coleman—“that it’s especially hard on you. Being questioned by the police and a private detective. But I can understand that they—It’s because you were the last person who saw him, of course.” Her slender fingers trembled as she lifted her sherry.

There was another silence in which Coleman sensed the effort of everyone to think of something to say. Mrs Perry thought he had killed Ray, Coleman felt. She wouldn’t be quite so rattled now unless she did. “Well, I’ll certainly stay on in case I can be of any help,” Coleman said finally. “But at this point I don’t see how I can tell them a thing more than I have.”

“Well, Ed, dear, you know where to find us till Friday, if you need any moral support,” Laura said with her slightly bucktoothed smile, the first smile from her that morning.

“And I’m not so sure we can take off Friday,” her husband said to her. “I’m going to make sure those pipes are in and working before I budge from here. I’ll call ‘em again Thursday afternoon. Not a move before then.”

Coleman gathered himself and said to Mrs Perry, “It’s really nice of you, Ethel, to take such an interest.” It was the first time Coleman had called her by her first name, but he felt she would like him to now. “It is upsetting, because one doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead.” Coleman spoke solemnly.

“Oh, but anyone would be interested. Anyone,” said Mrs Perry.

“You’re awfully quiet, Inez,” Francis said.

“I don’t know what to say,” Inez said, opening her hands quickly.

Her voice trembled slightly, but Coleman thought he was the only one who noticed. Then Francis reached out, smiling, gripped Inez’s wrist, shook it gently, and said:

“Don’t you worry. We’ll all stick together.”

There was another round of drinks, then the Smith-Peters proposed that they have lunch somewhere. The lunch was good, and the atmosphere even jolly. Coleman felt secure among them. He began to feel, when his coffee arrived, a sense of invulnerability. It was then that he decided to have another try at Ray, this time more casual even than pushing him off a boat. An attack in a street, for instance. He imagined himself following Ray through dark narrow streets in Venice, taking up a convenient rock, and simply smashing Ray on the head with it. If there were time, he might dump the body into a canal, but if he did not—what matter? If no one saw him, what could be proved?

Coleman thought he would take more walks in Venice, trail Ray carefully, if he saw him again, and find out where he was spending his nights. That would give him a neighbourhood. And once he knew the neighbourhood, it was a matter of choosing the right time of night. Or it might be possible to do it by day, if the lanes around were quiet enough. Of course, he would have to see that the private detective wasn’t on his own trail.


ay discovered that Signor Ciardi gave wine parties nearly every night—not exactly parties, but five or six of his men friends could sound like fifty in the tile kitchen, and they stayed from nine o’clock till midnight. Ray had joined them, at Signor Ciardi’s invitation, the first night, but only for half an hour. He did not want to show his face to many people. The other evenings, he politely declined to join them, saying he had some work to do: he had told Signor Ciardi he was interested in architecture. The curious thing was that after a few moments that first night—the night he had spent half an hour in the kitchen—Ray did not mind the din, whole sentences of which boomed up to his second-storey room, though ordinarily such noise irritated him.

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