Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel) (17 page)

BOOK: Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel)
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But it felt dangerous and it felt right, and when he pushed the tip of his finger past the tight ring of my anus and my body let the rest of his finger slide into my ass, I growled like a cat in heat. I could feel his fingers work in me, two in my pussy and one in my ass, separated by the thinnest of margins, pumping away at me as his tongue swept in hard, fast circles around my clit.


It was too much. I screamed around Bruce's cock, the thick shaft muffling the noise but not drowning it out. Jake's hand felt like a blur in me, and I pulled my legs up to my chest, smashing my breasts flat against my knees as his fingers reamed me out and his mouth tore a series of incredible orgasms from me.



Eventually, I came back around. I don't know if I'd passed out or was simply euphoric, but Jake and Bruce had their clothes back on and were over in the other part of the room with Stinger and the camera guy. All of their heads were down as they watched the footage playback. I could hear my screams of lust, and the pitch and intensity of them made me want more of the, more of anything they had to offer.


"Perfect," Stinger said. "Here's her address. Get a copy over there tonight, and we'll see what hubby has to say about that..."


I don't know how long I laid there watching them, feeling the heady mix of my own lubrication and Jake's hot saliva cool along my inner thighs. I was still on the bed, slightly sore from the intensity of the experience we'd just shared but certainly ready for more.


Except, what was that they said about sending someone to my house? If they were looking for a ransom, trying to play this off as some sort of sick and twisted hostage thing, they were well and truly out of luck. Greg had found himself another playmate, and I highly doubted that he'd want anything to do with me after he worked out I'd swiped and then abandoned the BMW, not to mention drained the bank accounts like I was planning.


"Won't work," I said, my voice far huskier than usual thanks to Bruce's cock and the workout he'd put me through. I swallowed again, trying to clear my throat, and felt the sweet aftertaste of his cum as I did.


They all turned to face me. All but the guy with the camera, that is. He ignored me and turned around, disappearing through the bedroom door. Was he off to fulfill the task Stinger had just sent him on, to edit the footage and get ready to deliver it to my address?


"What won't work?" Stinger asked, sitting down on the bed next to me as if I weren't sprawled out naked on a mattress after having just been double-teamed by two hot bikers.


"Ransom," I said, suddenly feeling foolish. It was silly, wasn't it? Accusing these guys of ransom demands was pretty much the same as out and out calling them-


"You think we're kidnappers?" he asked, smiling and shaking his head slowly at the same time. "Is that what you think this is?"


I didn't answer. I knew in my head that they weren't, but that wouldn't stop them from telling Greg they were, if it meant they thought there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for them.


"Hey, Dresden!" Stinger called, his booming voice making me jump. Goose bumps rose along my arms and legs, and not just because he'd startled me. This man was sexuality personified, and the rumble of his voice seemed to send vibrations through my flesh that had a way of pooling along my nipples and behind my aching clit.


"Yeah?" the guy called Dresden called from the other room. I heard him stop, turn around, and hurry back. Not just wander or stride back. Hurry. Stinger had called for him and he seemed to be worried about what would happen if he made the man wait for even a split second longer than he had to.


The camera was still in Dresden's hand, and Stinger pointed at it. "Show her the highlight reel. Start it anywhere, and let our new fuck toy see how good she looks on camera."


Dresden obediently snapped open the screen that would let me view playback and cued up whatever part of the recorded festivities he'd decided were most worthy of my attention.


I heard myself moaning from the camera, my noises ragged as I tried to get them out despite my throat being stuffed to the gills with Bruce's impressive cock. The moans picked up in speed and rose in pitch, and I knew right away that I was on the way to an orgasm, on the camera. On the screen, no doubt, Jake was between my legs, sliding his fingers into my pussy and just starting to play with my ass, getting me ready to be full of him in a way I'd never let a man touch me before.


My asshole tingled in remembered bliss. Jake had been so gentle, almost loving, making sure his finger was slick with my own juices before easing the tip of it into my tightly puckered anus and letting my slowly bucking hips ride his fingers in and out of me until they were buried inside.


My nipples hardened. The pooling of pleasure at my clit that Stinger's voice had started increased, the sensitive little bud of flesh wanting nothing more than for me to slide my hand down to it and gently strum away. As if in a dream, I felt my fingers slide along the curves of my body on the way to my pussy.


Something made me stop, though. Something about the way Stinger's body was, in my peripheral vision. I knew right away that he was watching me, that he knew exactly what was going through my head and where my hand was travelling. I felt my face flush, the blush creeping down to the tops of my full breasts and the thick, erect nipples.


"Good God," he said with a little awe in his voice, shaking his head in what looked like disbelief. "She's ready for more. I mean, just look at her. She hears herself gagging on cock, getting eaten out by Jake over there and she wants to have a diddle right there and then. Fucking amazing."


I shrugged, not knowing how to answer.


Stinger patted my shoulder, his big hand quickly descending to my breast, the pats turning into sharp smacks, more noise than pain but absolutely devastating to my nipples. Every crack of his open palm made my body respond with a little squeal as my hips lifted off the bed, my pelvis starting to pump as if there were some invisible lover above me waiting to sink into my wet, pink flesh.


"Dresden," Stinger ordered, not taking his eyes off the way my body was responding to his touch. "Get that fucking video over here and let her see it before this bitch cums like a whore just from listening to it."


Dresden did as he was told, rushing over and sticking the view screen awkwardly in my face. Sure enough, on the screen I was having the time of my life. It was confronting to see, truth be told. I mean, for a start I was surprised at how good I looked. Men had certainly responded to my curves before, and I'd gotten my share of comments on my shapely ass or ample breasts before, but this was something else.


I realized what it was. It wasn't like I looked like a porn star. No, those skinny bleach-blonde bitches were all makeup and nonsense compared to the carnal power I saw in the woman on the screen. She was getting fucked by two guys, and yet she seemed to be in control. That knowledge lit a fire in me, and I felt it smolder away as it spread to other parts of my body.


I wasn't abandoned or cheated on or left behind for a younger model. Not on the screen, at least. No, all I saw on the camera was a woman who could take a cock like a pro, who could let one man slam into her and still enjoy the sensation of another eating her out as he fucked her with his fingers.


I saw the looks on their faces. Bruce was in heaven, and Jake was loving the way he was making my body react to his touch. These guys were absolutely devoted to the act, and there was no way the lust I saw in their eyes could be faked.


In that moment I was more than myself. I was an object of desire, and I had owned them as surely as they most likely thought they had owned me.


It was an incredible thing to know. I looked away from the screen and locked eyes with Stinger, his hand still playing roughly with my breast. I licked my lips and let him watch as I let my hand drift to my pussy. Once there I dipped my fingers inside myself briefly, not at all surprised to find that I was drenched in my own juices. I rubbed slow, merciless circles around my clit for a few seconds, watching as he studied my wet pussy with the kind of concentration most men never experience, then trailed my wet fingertips back up my body and up his arm, ending at last by pushing two of my glistening fingers into his mouth.


I felt his tongue lap at them, his mouth suck at them as he tried to get every last drop of my sweet taste from my skin. The other guys were watching, transfixed, but I had eyes only for Stinger. I knew he was their leader, just as I knew that if I took control right here and now there was no way that the situation could go anywhere other than exactly where I wanted it.


"You want to fuck me?" I asked, pumping my fingers into his mouth ever so slightly.


"You know damn right I do," he growled. The tone of his voice, as deep and dark as a well, told me that I was playing a dangerous game. There was every chance that I could push him to fair, that teasing him in such a way would result in him calling my bluff and seeing through the mask, to the sad, lonely woman who lay before him.


I shook my head, angry at myself. No! That was the old me talking, the one who never in a million years would have had anything to do with these guys. I'd left behind that person, who right now would no doubt be crying and begging Greg to forgive her over whatever imagined wrong he felt.


I didn't drive him into the arms of another woman, I told myself. He did that all on his own, so there's no god to come of blaming yourself.


I withdrew my fingers from Stinger's mouth, and slowly, ever so slowly took my hand away from his face. "All of you," I heard myself say, the words sending a cold chill down my spine and making the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end. "All four."


Stinger started to smirk. He was about to dismiss the request out of hand, probably tell me some nonsense about how I wouldn't be able to handle them all or that I was far too innocent or naïve, despite the way I'd been dressed when he came to my rescue on the side of the road.


But he didn't. I could see a twinkle in his eye as he thought better of whatever retort he'd been about to fire back at me and instead he asked, "Are you sure that's what you want?"


I nodded eagerly. "All of you. Now."


That was all that needed to be said. Stinger gave his guys a thumbs up, and there was a sudden commotion and bustle of activity as they started undressing as fast as humanly possible. I'd seen Bruce's cock already, as up close and personal as I could ever ask for when he was smashing it down my tight throat, but I didn't mind that he was the first one naked. It was a thing of beauty, and I heard myself let out a low whimper as he gave its length a few long, slow strokes for my benefit.


Jake was next. His cock was nice, not too big and not too little. I knew it would hit all the right parts of me, but since he was less well-endowed I figured that had been why he'd been so skilled, not to mention willing, to pleasure my pussy with his agile tongue and nimble fingers.


Dresden was a surprise. He was a fairly skinny guy, but when he yanked his boxers down I was surprised to see a plump, incredibly thick cock hanging between his legs. He was probably girthier than Bruce, which was definitely saying something. I found myself staring, and the only thing that made me take my eyes off of him was Stinger standing up from where'd been sitting beside me so that he could get undressed as well.


Even though he'd already fucked me, I'd had my face, not to mention my breasts, pressed to the metal hood of a BMW at the time. It was so strange, to have been had by man only a few hours ago that I knew far better by feel than by sight, but the memory of his erect shaft pumping so much cum into me that he made me overflow made me even wetter than I already was.


"You can send that video to my husband," I told Stinger. "I don't care. He and I are done."


"Good," Stinger said. "Because I don't think there's a chance in Hell that me or any of the guys are ever going to consider giving you up. You may be new at this, but you can give as good as you get. Now get on your fucking knees and let's see who you can make cum first."


I blinked, uncertain of why he'd want a blowjob when I was offering him so much more. "You don't want..."


Stinger winked at me, then snapped his fingers. It only took a moment or two for Bruce, Dresden and Jake to stand in a little semi-circle around me, with Stinger staying where he was. "Oh, we'll fuck you alright, don't you worry about that. But there are four of us, so somebody's going to have to miss out this time around."


I frowned, but staring at so many erect cocks was making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. There hadn't been a chance for me to go wild in my college years like so many of my girlfriends had. I'd met Greg too early for any of that, and the next thing I knew I was entangled in a long engagement that had meant whatever partying I'd done was all that I'd ever be able to do.

BOOK: Three Hot Wishes (Fantasy Come to Life - Magic in the Real World Novel)
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