Three Men For Me: 3 - Story Rough Raw MMMF Menage Bundle / Box Set Collection

BOOK: Three Men For Me: 3 - Story Rough Raw MMMF Menage Bundle / Box Set Collection
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Three Men for Me:

3-Story Group Sex Bundle containing stories where three or more men gangbang one woman!



Copyright 2015 by Erica Roswell; All Rights Reserved.


Published by INKubus Books.





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Table of Contents

His Passed-Around Associate

Becoming a Beer Wench

Table for Four

Other Menage/ Group Sex Bundles by Erica Roswell

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Other Stories

His Passed-Around Associate

(Story # 7 in
The Billionaire's Associate


Here I am, in a stretch limousine, my wrists tied to one of its door handles, completely naked except for stockings and my Steve Madden heels, with a blindfold in the form of a billionaire's dark red tie covering my eyes. I can't see, but I know who else is in the limo: my boss, Kevin, a rich and powerful partner and my mentor at the law firm of Griffin and McBride, where I'm a new associate. There's also Mr. Snell, the billionaire owner of Morris Capital and the potential client we've been wooing for the past week, and two of his colleagues.

It all started at dinner in a fancy resort, where Kevin took me to celebrate the fact that I passed the Bar and was sworn in as a lawyer. He had invited Mr. Snell for dessert and we had shared in some fun sexual play. Kevin had promised Mr. Snell that there would be more where that came from, if he signed on with our firm as a client. Then Kevin took me to a room at the resort and tied me up and had rough sex with me. It was only him and me, just like it used to be.

Then, I was practicing my very first oral argument yesterday in Kevin's office, and he was rewarding and punishing me accordingly, when who should walk in but Mr. Snell. Kevin had invited him— without my knowledge— to share some more fun with us. I was tied up to Kevin's client chair with my naked ass up in the air and my tits hanging out of my collared blouse, when Mr. Snell walked in and caught me in that compromising position. He watched while Kevin fucked me and I practiced my oral argument. And then I sucked Mr. Snell's cock while Kevin fucked me in the ass. It was my first time pleasuring two men at once like that, and I had to admit I enjoyed it, even though it was obvious that Kevin started having second thoughts about sharing me.

This morning, Mr. Snell surprised both Kevin and me by showing up with two of his colleagues at the hearing where I was presenting my oral argument. I won the argument, and Kevin wanted to celebrate with a private lunch between him and me, but Mr. Snell had other plans. He showed up with a limousine and whisked Kevin and me off to who-knows-where.

Before I knew it, I was involved in some kind of twisted power play between Kevin and Mr. Snell. Kevin had told Mr. Snell he couldn't fuck me until he joined up with the firm as a client, and so far Mr. Snell hasn't signed up with the firm and hasn't fucked me— but he's been pushing the envelope on what constitutes "not fucking" me. He forced me suck his dick while Kevin fucked me in my pussy and then my ass, and while Mr. Snell's two colleagues, Mr. Bowen and Mr. Rice, fucked my tits and played with my pussy and ass. Talk about group sex foreplay!

Here I am trying to catch my breath after making both Mr. Snell and Kevin come, while also coming quite a bit myself, and wondering how I ever arrived at this point in life. Just a couple months ago I was a recent graduate from law school, and had a boring sex life with my fiancé, Billy. I was a brand new associate at the firm of Griffin and McBride with no clue as to what was expected of me. Come to find out, all I have to do is be a sex slave for Kevin and his potential clients, and I'm more than proving my value to the firm. But now I worry that Kevin is regretting his decision to share me with potential clients, as he's become jealous and upset.

Before I have time to clear my head, Mr. Snell announces, "And now we are going to play a game. We need some more participants, though."

As if on cue, the limousine stops, apparently having pulled over to the side of the road.

"Where are we?" I ask Kevin.

"The headquarters of Morris Capital," he tells me. "Their office is downtown, not far from the courthouse, so we must have just circled around a lot in the limousine for the past hour or so."

"No talking!" Mr. Snell commands Kevin. "Unless you want to be bound and gagged like your lovely associate. And believe me, we don't want to do the same things with or to you that we want to do with and to her. You'll just have to lay there and watch us defile her, rather than participate. Is that what you want?"

"This is getting ridiculous," Kevin snaps back. "When are you going to let me know if you want to be a client or not? The privilege of sharing my associate is reserved for clients only."

"All in good time, Mr. Barnes," says Mr. Snell, chuckling. He runs his hands along my breasts and pauses to twist my nipple. "I've had the opportunity to try out Leah's talents, but not everyone with decision-making power has had the same chance. Except for Mr. Bowen and Mr. Rice here, who have only had but a tease."

The door to the limousine that is behind Kevin— not the one I'm tied to— opens and my pussy and ass are exposed to whomever is outside.

"Come in, come in," says Mr. Snell, like a jolly uncle at Christmas-time. "Welcome to the party."

I hear a whistle and then some comments like, "Wow, Boss, you weren't kidding," as an unknown number of people apparently enter the limo.

"Leah, I'm sorry," Kevin says, putting a hand on my waist, but I know it's too late for him to stop this. Both of us set this in motion, and I have no idea where it's going.

"Everyone, this is Kevin. If he says another word without permission, he'll be tied up like Leah here. And this is Leah, Kevin's lovely, talented associate. He's sharing a taste of her with us in order to entice us to become clients of their law firm, Griffin and McBride. If we sign up, he promises to share her even more freely."

"Nice," says a strange male voice, and I feel strange hands on my ass. They are not gentle hands. They twist my skin roughly and passively. I grunt under my breath, afraid to incur Mr. Snell's wrath, but not at all happy to be manhandled like a piece of meat.

"She likes to be fingered," someone says— I'm assuming it's Mr. Rice or Mr. Bowen, who had participated in the group sex foreplay just a bit again— and I feel strange fingers inside my pussy. I have no idea how many men there are, or which ones are touching me. I'm grabbed and pulled from all angles.

"She's not wet," someone else says, and juts a finger deeper inside my pussy, twisting it to prove that it's dry.

Suddenly I feel a rough slap on my ass, and someone grabs my ass and says, "Loosen up, slut. We hear you like to be shared. Don't get all prudish on us now."

"Now now, boys," commands Mr. Snell, almost gleefully. He pats my head like a pitiful dog. "I guarantee you she'll get wet for you in good time. You just have to treat her right. And that's no way to talk to a lady."

my ass as he's talking, and I jump, forgetting I'm held down by the ties.

"Take that, you bitch," the same someone— I think— says, and sucks on my ass cheek while they finger me.

"Leah, Kevin," Mr. Snell continues, oblivious to my torture. "I'll introduce you to everyone properly later, when we reach our destination. You won't be able to keep track of everyone right now anyway. And now, on with our game."

My stomach turns into knots as I wonder what game they are going to play with me. I feel Kevin's strong hand— at least I'm pretty sure it's his— grasping my hip, trying to reassure me without saying anything, lest he incur further wrath from Mr. Snell.

"This is a round robin game of sorts. Leah, each person will take a turn licking your pussy, while you suck a random person's cock. The better they lick, the better you suck. This will be a good team-building exercise and good for morale, especially if we're going to all be working together in the future. Now, start."

The same someone who had just left a good-sized hickey, no doubt, on my ass takes Kevin's place behind me and I feel a suddenly timid tongue on my clit. A moment or so later, after I hear someone's pants being removed, a dick is inserted into my mouth. This person pulls my hair and forces my head closer to his cock while he fucks my mouth.

"Oh yeah baby, that feels good," a gruff voice says from above me, and I have to admit that it's strangely arousing to have someone's cock in my mouth without knowing who that person is. I lick his shaft up and down while the person behind me licks my pussy a little more aggressively, but still not very well. I resist an urge to laugh at the guy who had been so rough with me and who now didn't know how to turn me on.

"You're not doing it well enough, Tom," snaps Mr. Snell. "This is how she likes it." He pushes the man away and soon I feel his now-familiar tongue working on my clit. Even blind-folded and without the use of my hands, I would know that it was him licking my pussy anywhere. It always feels so good. I groan in appreciation, and suck harder on the cock in my mouth.

"Yeah, like that, you're going to make me come," says the stranger, and I hear other people removing their clothes. Random cocks are shoved against my side, my breasts, and my ass, and I feel them all as I lean back into Mr. Snell's face and come. I rub my pussy juice all over his lips as I moan loudly and feel the sweet release of my orgasm. I know that Kevin won't like this, but by now, it's pointless to care. I might as well go with it. It would be almost cruel to fail to acknowledge how well this man eats my pussy.

"Right here, feel this," says Mr. Snell to someone, and strange hands rub the lips of my pussy as my juices to continue to gush out. "I told you she gets really wet. You just have to do it right. Look at this cum."

He spreads the lips of my pussy open so that everyone can get a good look at what he's done to me. At about that same point in time, cum enters my mouth as the man I'm sucking off orgasms. He holds onto my head and grunts, satisfied. I do my best to swallow all his cum, more in appreciate for Mr. Snell than this stranger.

"Next!" commands Mr. Snell, and soon there is someone else behind me and another dick enters my mouth.

"Kevin, you may touch her," says Mr. Snell, and I feel Kevin's hands on my nipples. I don't think he's very aroused by any of this, and I get the sense that he's just playing along so as not to cause any trouble. I worry that he's mad at me because my nipples are hard and erect from whoever was just playing with them before, along with the combination of Mr. Snell's skilled licks on my pussy.

The game continues, with some of the men better at eating me out than others, but whenever one of them isn't doing their job well enough, Mr. Snell takes their place, and I have to admit that I secretly look forward to this. He makes me come to the point of complete release and exhaustion, and I'm left moaning and then whimpering after several rounds of the game. Someone keeps sucking on my nipples and that makes me feel even better. I had no idea that I could be pleasured by so many people at once.

Finally, someone eating my pussy feels so good that I squirt all over.

"Oh my god," I groan, thinking— but not saying, for both the sake of Kevin and Mr. Snell— that this person has eaten my pussy better than anyone ever has before.

"And that's the lucky winner," says Mr. Snell. "You definitely enjoyed that the most. So this is the person who gets to fuck you."

I start to protest, knowing that Kevin will be so mad. Mr. Snell is breaking his rule— no one is supposed to fuck me until they sign on as clients.

"Please," I protest, trying to turn my head to see Mr. Snell through the blindfold, which is a fruitless endeavor. "Please don't…"

"Shut up, whore," Mr. Snell says, and someone spanks my ass, hard.

"We won't technically break any rules. And Mr. Barnes will be sure to have his share of fun as well."

"What?" I ask, but a dick enters my pussy, hard and long inside me.

"No!" I shout, without meaning to, but feeling incredibly violated, having no idea who is inside me or what is going on.

"I said shut up," says Mr. Snell, putting a hand over my mouth. "Or do I need to gag you as well as tie you up?"

Something about the dick inside me feels different than it's supposed to. Stiffer, and not as flexible. I feel small hands on my hips and a grunt that sounds distinctively feminine.

"Go ahead," says Mr. Snell, and I realize that he's addressing Kevin. "I'm not selfish enough to impose the same rule against you. You are free to fuck
before we sign on as clients."

I realize now what's happening, but a few seconds later Mr. Snell rips off the tie that's covering my eyes and says, "Look back at your powerful boss now, Leah."

I turn my head around to see a woman— who looks slightly older than I am, with blonde hair tied in a now-disheveled bun, and wearing glasses— fucking me with what I presume to be a strap-on. Kevin is fucking her from behind, so that we make a train of sorts.

I look around, my eyes adjusting to the dim lights of the limo, and see at least seven other men, all standing around me with their dicks hanging out, some of them flaccid and others hard and primed. Even though I was humiliated by a stranger fucking me without my consent, I have to admit that I'm slightly turned on.

"Here," says Mr. Snell, pushing a shy Mr. Bowen in front of me. "Get him off while you get off. It will be a grand finale of sorts."

I suck as the woman fucks me— quite skillfully, although, having never been fucked by a woman, I have nothing to compare it to— and Kevin fucks her.
No wonder she was so good at eating my pussy
, I think, and I can't help but wonder what else the two of us could do together. As if reading my mind, she removes the dick from my pussy and begins eating it again. I come, quickly and steadily, as Mr. Bowen also starts to come in my mouth. I can see that two other guys are coming onto my side and back, while Mr. Bowen comes in my face.

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