Tied to the Tycoon (23 page)

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Authors: Chloe Cox

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Tied to the Tycoon
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“No, let me finish, please. I’ve never told anyone this, and I don’t want to clam up again before I get it all out.”

Ava had never seen him like this, and she was pretty sure no one ever had. One hand gripped the railing in front of them with white-knuckled fury, his whole body wired with tension. Only the hand that held hers looked gentle. She squeezed it again, and nodded.

Jackson set his jaw and started talking again.

“I wasn’t just terrified I was going to be like him, I was terrified I
like him, deep down, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I knew for a long time what I wanted in the bedroom, and Ava, holy shit, it scared me. I thought I was a goddamn monster. I thought the best thing I could do was just stay away from all women. I thought about the
, for Chrissake, and I’m not even Catholic. Just to…

“And then you painted that picture, Ava. I don’t even remember how we got into it, you deciding to paint my portrait, do you?”

She shook her head. “It just seemed…”

“Right. Yeah. It just seemed…inevitable. You painted this picture that looked like me, but…it was like you saw something completely different in me. Like I was good. Like I wasn’t a monster. Every moment with you was like that, Ava,” he said fiercely, turning now to face her completely, grabbing her other hand. He stared into her face, like he was determined to have this one moment when they faced nothing but each other, when he was totally bared to her, as she had once been to him.

“Do you get that?” he asked her. “Every moment with you, the way you just seemed to understand me, I got a little better at seeing myself through your eyes, and believing I could be different. That maybe there was something in me worth…”

He stopped, unable to finish that last sentence. Ava was stunned. It had never once occurred to her that the understanding and connection she felt from Jackson might have been reciprocal, and been just as important to him. She’d just taken it for granted that she’d needed him more than he’d needed her, and she been on her guard because of it.

“Anyway,” he said. “Then that night, when you told me you wanted to be tied up—I mean, shit, Ava, it was our first time together!”

Ava said very quietly, “I might have been overly exuberant.”

“It just made me think…I don’t know, I freaked out, and I took it out on you with my attitude, and by the time I figured out how dumb I was being, it was too late. All I had left was that painting. So…I kept it. That painting, Ava, has been like a beacon for me. Actual, real, physical evidence that someone believed in me as much as you did. I just worked toward it, these past ten years.”

Jackson paused. He let go of one hand and hesitated, just for a second, which was so unlike him, and then the familiar, dominant posture was back, and he put his hand on her cheek, his fingers threading through her hair, and wrapped his other arm around her waist.

“I do not exaggerate when I say this, Ava, so listen very, very carefully: everything I am today, I’ve become because of you. For you. For right now, this moment, when I can tell you that I love you, that I’ve always loved you, that I always will, and that I am not
becoming the man you deserve. I fucked up horribly, Ava, and I never should have hidden any of this from you, and I will probably fuck up again, but I promise you,
you, that I will never stop trying. I promise you—“

“Shut up,” she said, and her voice cracked.

Jackson opened his mouth, then closed it again, speechless for the first time.

She said very quietly, “I’m not entirely sure I deserve you, either.”

For the first time that night, Jackson smiled a big, gleaming, boyish smile. “Shut up,” he said.

And he kissed her.




Jackson surveyed his company’s office space with supreme satisfaction. Once more it had been turned into a gallery, but a better one this time. It was Ava’s first show.

So, of course, she was hiding up in the loft.

She’d made it all of ten minutes before the anxiety of putting her work—her
, as she had explained impatiently—on display, and for actual sale, had become too much for her. She’d been determined to experience all of this without resorting to her usual defenses, but it was proving more difficult than she’d thought.

“Either I get five minutes in the loft, or I lose my mind,” she’d said when he had begged her not to miss out. “You stay here, and make sure…I don’t even know. Make sure nothing gets set on fire.”

And then she’d fled.

Which is why she had no idea that she’d already sold three portraits and been commissioned for two more. Arlene’s boyfriend, Charles Borsa, was handling it. Borsa had been as amazed as anyone at Ava’s hidden talent, her weird genius in painting people not necessarily as they appeared, but as they were. She used a bunch of styles to do it—all of them beautiful, in Jackson’s opinion. She’d actually gotten better since college.

And she was freaking out up in the loft. That wasn’t right. She deserved triumph, and he knew she could handle it. And Jackson didn’t want anything to sully this day, in particular.

She needed to relax. Jackson’s plans could be brought forward a couple of hours for that. He was a flexible guy. He went and got the package he’d hidden in his office and went up to the darkened loft.

Ava was there, all the way in the back, sitting in the shadows on an old packing crate with her knees bunched up around her. Her fingers drummed nervously on her knees, but as soon as Jackson approached, she had questions.

“Do they like them? Oh God, they don’t. Have any of them sold? No, don’t tell me, it’s fine. It’s ok. I can always do something else. I don’t—”

“Quiet,” he said in his Dom voice. He loved watching her snap to attention like that. “You have sold three portraits. You have been commissioned for two more. The word ‘genius’ is being thrown around a lot, which, I’m going to point out, means I’ve been right the whole time.”

She put her legs down and leaned forward. “You’re not
right.” She grinned at him. “Wait, really?”

“Yes, really.”

She giggled, then covered her mouth and tried to look dignified. “I feel like such an idiot.”

“You are an idiot right now. An adorable, beautiful, lovable idiot. And I’m going to take full advantage of your temporary idiocy.” Jackson produced a little package, which he’d been hiding behind his back. It was a small, unassuming pastry box. He was trying very, very hard not to shake.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked, taking it from him with a big smile.

“Probably not.”

Ava frowned and opened the box. It was, as she’d expected, a red velvet cupcake with buttercream icing. The surprising part was the diamond solitaire ring poised on a whip of icing.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

Jackson’s stomach was doing flip-flops, something he remembered as a symptom of nervousness. He preferred to think it was adrenaline. Adrenaline, definitely. Christ, why hadn’t she said anything?


She popped the ring in her mouth.

In all the many ways Jackson had played this out in his mind, he’d never, ever, ever thought about what to do if she ate the damn ring.

“Ava?” he said again, this time with bewilderment.

Ava’s cheeks hollowed out briefly, and then she took the ring out, now clean of icing, and slipped it on her finger. “Yes, you dummy,” she said shyly. “Now please kiss me before I start crying.”

Jackson did more than that. He pulled her to her feet, kissed her thoroughly, and unzipped the back of her dress.

“Jackson!” Ava laughed.

He put one finger under her chin and tilted her face back up to his. Then he slipped her shoulder straps down, and the dress fell to the floor. “That wasn’t just a proposal, sweetheart,” he said, grinning. “It was also an order.”

She smiled, shivering as he ran his hands over her naked breasts and then bent to pull off her panties. “Yes sir,” she said.




Sold to the Sheikh



Hi! Thanks so much for taking a chance on this book! I hope you enjoyed Jackson and Ava’s story, and that it brought you a bit of happiness. If you want to know about the next release in the Club Volare Series,
Disciplined by the Dom,
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‘Til the next book!



Table of Contents

chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8

chapter 9

chapter 10

chapter 11

chapter 12

chapter 13

chapter 14

chapter 15

chapter 16

chapter 17

chapter 18

chapter 19

chapter 20

chapter 21

chapter 22

chapter 23


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