Tim Cratchit's Christmas Carol (10 page)

BOOK: Tim Cratchit's Christmas Carol
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Deciding not to hold Bridget and Henry any longer, Tim asked the coachman to drop him where he could find a hansom and sent the servants home to eat and rest. Tim took a cab to St. Luke's Mission, where he found the vicar supervising the after-dinner cleaning and called him aside. His anger had dissipated during the ride, and he politely asked what had happened to Ginny. The vicar's explanation had him seething again.

“And what did Ginny have to say about the incident?” Tim inquired.

“I didn't ask her, Doctor,” the vicar admitted. “You have to understand, her word hasn't any weight compared to Mrs. Glastonbury's.”

“Let me ask you a question, vicar,” Tim said. “How much did Mrs. Glastonbury donate to support your establishment this year?”

“Why, nothing, of course,” the vicar said. “You know she doesn't believe in that kind of charity.”

“That's right,” Tim observed. “Mrs. Glastonbury believes in the kind of charity that makes her feel self-righteous and superior without taking a farthing out of her pocket. I, on the other hand, have been very liberal with my support.”

“You're one of our most generous donors, Doctor,” the vicar agreed.

“Well, sir, you will not see another shilling from me.”

The flustered clergyman fumbled for words. “But Doctor, I'm so sorry. I didn't know—I didn't mean to cause you any trouble, sir. It's just that, I'm sorry, Mrs. Glastonbury was so angry, and she insisted. How could I refuse her, sir?”

“You're as big a hypocrite as Mrs. Glastonbury,” Tim said. “You threw a woman and child out into the cold because Mrs. Glastonbury didn't like them? Now, that's godly behavior for a vicar.” Tim walked out and climbed into the waiting cab.

Chapter 9

fter his confrontation with the vicar it had been too late to go in search of Ginny and Jonathan, or to check on Molly Beckham and her baby, so Tim reluctantly headed home. He had planned to spend some time that evening reading the telegrams that had arrived earlier in the day, but realized that amid the row with the Langdons, he had forgotten them in his office. He went to bed disappointed with himself for that, for the loss of his temper with Mrs. Langdon and the vicar, and even for failing to notice the decorations hung by Henry and William that day and thus neglecting to compliment their work.

Upon arriving at his office Tuesday morning, he sorted through the stack of papers and removed the telegrams. There were five, all from his London colleagues, and to Tim's disappointment none had any advice or information to offer in Jonathan's case beyond what Tim had already learned from his own research. This frustration worsened his mood, and a great weariness settled upon him.

At eight o'clock the outer door opened and Tim looked up to see Dr. Eustace glowering at him. The man's body tilted slightly forward, and his arms were held out a few inches from his sides, the very picture of rage. Tim sighed audibly and Eustace heard it.

“I can see I am unwelcome, Dr. Cratchit,” Eustace barked, “and we both know why.”

Tim decided not to respond.

“Since you appear speechless, allow me to continue,” Eustace said sarcastically. “It may interest you to know that I had a visit yesterday evening from the Honorable Arthur Langdon, MP, distinguished member of the House of Commons, and Mrs. Langdon.”

Tim resisted the impulse to say, “How nice.”

“According to these esteemed patients, they called upon you last night to obtain treatment for Mrs. Langdon's dyspepsia. Instead, Mr. Langdon found a foulmouthed scullery maid in place of your clerk, who abused him with sass. And Mrs. Langdon got the same kind of abuse from you, and to top it off, you ridiculed her condition. Dr. Cratchit, I demand to know what is going on.”

Knowing that any attempt to justify his own actions would be useless, Tim ignored that part of Eustace's ultimatum. However, he felt it necessary to defend Bridget.

“My housemaid was kind enough to fill in for my clerk, who has taken some time off because his wife just gave birth,” Tim said in an even tone. “She was quite polite to Mr. Langdon even though
repeatedly insulted her.”

“As I have constantly tried to point out to you,” Eustace growled, “the success of this practice depends on accommodating our patients. As for your clerk, if he is too irresponsible to show up for work, dismiss him and hire another. I'll have no more housemaids working in this practice. My own clerk also tells me that he saw a trollop loitering here last week, evidently the same one I encountered on Saturday. I don't know if this is some foul assignation or a lapse into your former misguided benevolence, but I will not allow you to bring shame upon one of the most prestigious medical practices in London, you can be damned certain of that!”

His tirade over, Eustace folded his arms across his chest and scowled at Tim, awaiting a response.

“It was you who desired me to join your practice, or have you forgotten?” Tim reminded his partner.

“That may be so, but I thought that you had put aside your fixation with the idle classes and were ready to assume your proper station as a gentleman physician,” Eustace stated haughtily. “If you cannot continue to do so, perhaps I will have to rethink our professional relationship.”

“We both swore the Hippocratic oath, Doctor,” Tim said, his voice rising in anger. “But that doesn't mean we're supposed to spend all of our time with an assortment of hypochondriacs. I can't ignore those who need my services but can't afford to pay for them. I've fulfilled my responsibility to every patient I've seen since I joined this practice. Yet you threaten me for trying to help a seriously ill child even after I delayed doing so to deal with a woman whose only disease is gluttony?”

Eustace's fury seemed to increase with every word Tim said. He clenched his teeth and wrung his hands as Tim spoke, and then lashed back.

“How dare you address me in such a manner, sir?” Eustace demanded. “You are forgetting who runs this practice, but you are going to remember and conform to my rules. Henceforth, there will be no more servants doing clerks' work here. And if you insist on treating people like that beggar woman and her child, you will not do it in this office. Nor will you cast aside your regular patients for people of her sort. If I see or hear of a single instance of you violating these conditions, I will terminate our partnership, and I will personally see to it that you are not admitted to any other Harley Street practice. Do you understand me, Doctor?”

“Very clearly,” Tim said coldly, deliberately neglecting to add “sir” or “doctor” to his reply.

“Very well. Given your apparent preference to waste your services on this city's scum, I am surprised you did not choose to go into veterinary practice. The beasts are the same, be they two-legged or four.” Eustace paused to gauge Tim's reaction, but Tim maintained his composure and held Eustace's gaze. “I will expect that, after your vile temper has cooled, you will call on me and deliver the apology that I deserve. Good day.” With that statement, Eustace turned on his heel and left the office.

As the day progressed, Tim reflected on his decision to join the practice in the first place. The cold snap that had brought Sunday's snowfall broke about midmorning, replaced by a chill, steady rain that turned the snow to slush. Most of the patients whose names were listed in Tim's appointment book that day had no serious maladies and thus preferred to remain indoors. By noon the waiting room was empty, and the only visitor was the boy from the telegraph office, bringing messages from several people who wished to cancel appointments. Others did not bother to notify Tim; they simply stayed at home. Peering occasionally into the gloom from his waiting room window, Tim observed that Dr. Eustace had no patients, either. Tim imagined Eustace's discomfiture at the loss of most of a day's income, and took guilty pleasure in it.

There was something about Eustace that had always put him off, he realized. Perhaps that was why he had resisted joining this practice for so long. True, the man had a good reputation, but now that he had come to know Eustace better, he realized that his reputation was a sham. He recalled an incident that had occurred during his first week working with Eustace. A man had entered his office, his breathing labored.

“Dr. Eustace sent me to you, sir,” the man uttered between gasps. “He said he has an urgent case and can't see me now.”

Tim examined the man and found that he was afflicted with pneumonia. It was the first of many such cases, and Tim had gradually realized that Eustace shied away from treating those who were truly and seriously ill.

“I wish I had been able to afford to set myself up in practice,” Tim said aloud. “That would have been best.” But, he decided, he could not change the past. Better to stop the recriminations and put up with Eustace, at least until he could find a promising alternative.

Having settled his mind, if not his heart, on that score, Tim turned his thoughts toward more pleasant things. Christmas, for one. The holiday had always been his favorite, the one day of the year when the whole Cratchit family could be together, enjoy each other's company, and indulge in a feast, even if his childhood feasts had been meager by ordinary standards. Christmas was nearly here. Yet, consumed with work and other cares, he had scarcely given it any consideration. There was much to be done before Saturday's party, and he could not wait for his servants to do it all. Shopping, for example. Gifts for his family.

The Cratchits were and had always been a close family. Sadly, he thought, he was becoming the exception. He had standing dinner invitations from his mother and married siblings, but when was the last time he had availed himself of them? For that matter, how long had it been since he had seen his mother? His brothers and sisters? Weeks. He had been too busy to call on them, and they had stopped calling on him some time ago. Oh, they had tried, but how many times could you go to someone's home on an evening or a Sunday, only to find that the person was working late, or out calling on a patient?

Suddenly Tim realized that not only did he miss his family, but he missed his father, too. He had missed him as a child, when Scrooge had kept him working late night after night, until the old man's mysterious epiphany. Tim wondered what advice his father would have for him now. How would Bob Cratchit advise him to handle his overbearing partner?

Hearing the waiting room clock chime four, and his remaining appointments having been canceled, Tim closed the office. Since Henry was not due to pick him up until six o'clock, Tim pulled up his coat collar, pressed his hat snugly down on his head, and went in search of a hansom. He had neglected to bring an umbrella. When he was a child, boys of his class, whose families could not afford luxuries such as umbrellas and walking sticks, chose to ridicule such devices as useless affectations. Tim had since made his peace with umbrellas, out of necessity, although he still did not own a walking stick. Perhaps, in addition to his youthful aversion to them, walking sticks reminded him too much of his childhood crutch.

The rain had increased in fury, and Tim wondered how Ginny Whitson and Jonathan were faring in such weather. Familiar with the East End and other neighborhoods populated by London's poor, he knew that a search for them would likely prove futile. Perhaps the best course would be to wait for them to come to him.

Tim had trouble finding a hansom—there was much competition for them, given the weather—but finally found one. Nevertheless, he had gotten soaked during his search. He was in his foyer holding his sopping overcoat, wondering what to do with it, when Bridget appeared, having come to see who had opened the door.

“Doctor, you're home early,” she said cheerfully. “And dripping wet, too.”

“Sorry to make such a mess, Bridget,” Tim said. “It was hard to get a cab.”

“Leave your boots here and go up and change,” Bridget told him. “I'll be up for your wet clothes. I'll start dinner and put your hat, coat, and boots next to the stove to dry.”

“Thank you,” Tim replied. He was always pleased with her attentiveness. She performed her duties with genuine goodwill, unlike some servants he had seen who went about their tasks sullenly. He needed to show her more appreciation. Henry and William, too.

Tim had dressed in dry clothes and boots when Bridget knocked on his chamber door. She put the wet clothes in a wicker basket that she had brought, and accompanied him downstairs.

“I'm very grateful for all you do,” Tim told her. “Sometimes I forget to show it, but be assured that I am.”

“I know how busy you are, Doctor, so pay that no mind. Thank you.”

Tim sat down in the dining room. William had come in to stoke the fire, and Tim moved his chair closer to enjoy the warmth. He thanked the gardener for his kindness. William laughed it off. Tim examined the Christmas decorations in the room, and found them wonderful. Holly surrounded the bases of glass lamps, each containing a red candle. These adorned the fireplace mantel and the tops of side tables. Pine boughs wrapped loosely in red and gold ribbons were draped from hooks installed near the tops of all four walls. Interspersed among the greenery and ribbons were clusters of lemons, oranges, and bright red apples, adding additional splashes of brilliant color. From each corner of the room, more ribbon-bedecked pine garlands stretched to the central chandelier, where the four strands met in the pine-and-holly wreath that surrounded the brass fixture. Tim inhaled the pleasant scent of pine. William and Henry had clearly outdone themselves, and he was impressed.

“This is wonderful, William. I love it!” he said with exuberance. “I can't wait for the guests to see it. My nieces and nephews will be amazed.”

William again laughed off the compliment, though Tim could see that the gardener was much pleased by his reaction.

“If the fire's got the chill out of your bones, Doctor, come along and look at the foyer, if you please.”

The foyer had been dark when Tim got home; since he was not expected that early, no one had lit the gas lamps, so he had not seen the decorations. William now took care of the illumination, which revealed more holly-ringed and glass-enclosed candles on the tabletops, and a similar array of pine and ribbons on the walls and ceiling. The gardener pointed to the staircase, where red, gold, and green ribbons were intertwined on the banister. The railing on the upper floor was draped with pine garlands, colored ribbons, and fruit.

“Wonderful,” Tim repeated. For the first time that year, Tim felt the special twinge of joy that he identified with the Christmas spirit. William strode to the door under the stairs and opened the closet.

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