Timeless (25 page)

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Authors: Patti Roberts

BOOK: Timeless
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DARK POWER - Generally negative energies drawn from the dark aspects of the Goddess and the God.

DAYS OF POWER - Refers to Sabbats, days triggered by astrological occurrences, your birthday, Blood of the Moon, and your dedication/initiation anniversary.

DEDICATION - The process in which the Witch accepts the Craft as his or her path and vows to study and learn all that is necessary to reach adept status in a given tradition. This usually precedes initiation, and the learning process before initiation will usually last for a year and a day.

DEFLECTION - Defuse general malevolence and ill will of others. A mirror is most commonly used in a deflection ritual either to return or deflect evil intent.

DEOSIL - In a clockwise or sunwise direction. It is used in spells and rituals; i.e. "walk deosil around the Circle of Stones." Some Wiccan groups below the equator have switched from deosil to Widdershins (anti-clockwise) movements. In northern hemisphere magic and religion, deosil movement is symbolic of life, positive energies.

DIANIC - Tradition emphasizing the Goddess Diana. Leadership is generally female, though males may be members.

DEITY - A supreme or divine being; God or Goddess.

DIVINATION - The use of magical tools and means to seek information on events, people and situations in the past, present and future.

DOWSING - The use of a pendulum or forked stick to find the actual location of a person, place, thing, or element.

DRAGON'S BLOOD - The resin from the palm tree 'Daemonorops draco', used by witches as a magical incense for various enchantments.

DRAWING DOWN THE MOON - A ritual used during the full moon in which witches invoke the power of the Moon Goddess to increase their power.

DRAWING DOWN THE SUN - In Wicca and witchcraft, the ritual invocation of the horned God spirit into the High Priest of a coven by the High Priestess.

DRESSING - Putting an oil on spell items such as candles as part of a ritual consecration to prepare the object to attract and direct the energy of a spell to accomplish a goal.

EARTH - One of the four elements, which corresponds to the North Watchtower or the magical circle. It has become apparent that some groups associate earth with east rather than north. This is a personal choice. If it feels natural or right, you are welcome to swap the association. Also, see: Air.

EARTH MAGIC - A form of magic in which the powers of the Earth are sought and used to conduct ritual and magical workings.

ELDERS, THE - Older and wiser persons. Amongst witches and Wiccans, these would be second-degree and third degree members of a coven.

ELEMENTS - These are the natural elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Spirit is regarded a fifth element which is used to bring the other four together. At least one part of each of these elements is contained in everything that exists.

EQUINOX - One of the two times a year when the sun crosses the equator.

ELIXIR - Elixirs are made by placing charged crystals in liquids and allowing the energy to flow to that liquid for a time. The crystal is then removed and the liquid taken orally.

ESBAT - Monthly meeting of a coven usually held at full moon. There are about 13 full moons each year. Some groups also meet at the dark of the moon.

ETHERIC PLANE - The level of energy existence between the physical and astral planes.

EVOCATION - The summoning of spiritual entities or elementals to local attendance in visible or invisible states.

FAMILIAR - Usually a pet animal that accompanies a witch or coven. These animals are kept for psychic support and early warning of negative energies. Though cats are favourites, dogs, owls or any other animal with whom one can "connect" may become a familiar. Elementals can even become familiars. Not every witch or coven has a familiar, and this does not lessen them to any degree. The decision to take on a familiar is a serious one and to be carefully considered. You may live with a cat or dog for years before taking him or her as a familiar.

GAEA - The Earth Mother or Mother Earth. The name has recent significance for Environmental action groups.

FIVEFOLD KISS - Also known as the fivefold salute or Witches' salute. It comprises of kisses on various parts of the body in the following order: A kiss on each foot, a kiss on each knee, a kiss on the lower belly, a kiss on each breast and a kiss on the lips. These five positions make up the fivefold kiss even though there are actually eight kisses in total. The fivefold kiss is only used within the circle.

GNOMES - One of the earth associated entities or elementals.

GREEN WITCH - A nickname for a Witch who is skilled in the art of herbs. Also called the Green Arts or Green Magic.

GRIMOIRE - Considered by some to be the same book as the Witches' Book of Shadows, but by others as a separate book. The Grimoire to some is that book containing only the practicalities of magic and ritual. If this argument is accepted, then it would only contain spells, formulas, rituals and correspondences. It would not contain poems or personal laments and inspirations.

GUARDIANS - Ceremonial magicians and some Witches call the Guardians of the Watchtowers to guard the sacred circle during rituals.

HANDFASTING - This is the Pagan or Wiccan equivalent of a marriage ceremony, with one major difference. Instead of being "as long as you both shall live", it is "as long as you both have love for one another". Once a couple falls out of love a Handparting ritual breaks that bond in the same manner as does a divorce.

HEXAGRAM - Also known as the Star of David, this is a six pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles of same size.

HIGH PRIESTESS - The term given to the female leader and counterpart of the High Priest in a coven. It is usually accepted that the High Priestess is the overall leader of the coven. High Priestess is often abbreviated as HPS.

HIVING OFF - This is the term used when two or more members leave a coven to shape another coven known as a sister coven.

IMAGE MAGIC - A primitive but potent form of magic that works on the basic principle that like produces like.

IMBOLC - A Gaelic word, pronounced "immOL'g" which, when literally translated, means in the belly [of the mother]. This is one of the eight Sabbats, which celebrates the transition of the Goddess from Crone to Maiden. It also signifies the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God at Yule. Usually celebrated on or around 2nd February with the first signs of spring. Also known as Oimelc (milk of the ewe), Candlemas (Christian equivalent), Lupercus and Disting.

INCARNATION - The manifestations of a living entity into physical form; any one of the earthly lives of an immortal human. Individuality The immortal, reincarnating part of a human being, consisting of the Upper Spiritual, Lower Spiritual and Upper Mental levels.

INITIATION - The term used for that ritual which is performed to add or acknowledge a person as part of a coven or tradition.

INVOCATION - A ritual to call energies into oneself from outside, sometimes in the form of a deity.

INVOKE- To call energies into oneself from outside, as in calling a Goddess or drawing down the Moon.

KABALA - Mystical teachings from the Jewish-Gnostic tradition that formed the basis of ceremonial magic and the Alexandrian tradition. An elaborately structured Tree of Life is central to the system of study. Also Qabalah and Cabala.

KARMA - In Hindu belief where the term originated, this is the idea that the good and evil a person does will return either in this life or in a later one. Among Pagans, the theory is that whatever negative or positive energies one sends out will come back to the sender in like kind. The "Three Fold Law" is a version of this belief.

LEFT HAND PATH - Also known as the Dark Path, which is the path taken by those who would oppose nature. Satanists are considered followers of the left hand path.

LITHA - One of the eight Sabbats, it is usually celebrated on or around 21 June. It is a festival that celebrates the Summer Solstice. It is also known a Midsummer.

LUNAR ECLIPSE - Emblem of the Goddess in her dark aspect as Crone, Tomb/Womb, and Transformer.

MABON - This is one of the eight Sabbats usually celebrated on or around 21 September. This festival celebrates the Autumn Equinox.

MAIDEN - The first aspect of the Triple Goddess, which symbolizes new beginnings and creation.

MANDRAKE - A poisonous plant associated with medieval witchcraft.

MEGALITH - A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is perhaps the best-known example of megalithic construction

METAPHYSICAL - Pertaining to realities, which are outside those of science, such as cosmology and ontology.

MIDSUMMER - See: Litha.

MISTLETOE - Sacred to the God Apollo, a parasitic plant associated with the oak tree.

MUGWORT - An herb associated with Witchcraft and healing. Also known as "St. John's plant".

MYSTICISM - The belief that one can achieve direct consciousness of God or truth through meditation and intuition. In mystic practices, one attempts to merge with God or the source of creation.

NEOPHYTE - Postulant, a newcomer to the coven, awaiting initiation. Newcomers / beginners are also known as Wiclets on the Arwm newsgroup.

OGHAM - An ancient Celtic system of divination popular amongst many witches. Based on casting and reading of rune patterns or characters carved or painted onto stones, beans, wood, bones, etc.

OLD ONES, THE - Used to refer to a group or all Pagan deities including all aspects of the Goddess and the God. Referred to by some as "the Mighty Ones."

OLD RELIGION - Another name for Wicca. Also, Old Path or Old Ways.

ORACLE - Ancient location where divinations took place and prophecies were uttered, generally by priestesses.

OSTARA- The Sabbat celebrated at the Vernal Equinox, the second festival of spring. Symbolized by the egg, it is a time to celebrate new life and sexuality.

PAGAN - Generally accepted as anyone who follows any religion that believes in more than one God. These are called polytheistic religions and are usually nature based. The literal Latin translation is "country dweller".

PENDULUM - An object hanging from a string or chain used in divination. The object could be anything with some weight, like a crystal or brass object. A favourite is a lady's long hair with her wedding ring hanging from the end.

PENTAGRAM or PENTACLE - This is a five-pointed star, but it has gained a negative or satanic meaning. Worn as jewellery it can be worn with one point upwards or downwards (two points upwards). When worn with one point downwards it signifies a person is a second degree initiate in some traditions. The two points upward is worn by those specifically rebellious to Christianity and who worship the Christian evil called Satan, the Devil or Lucifer.

PAGAN - A practitioner of an Earth Religion; from the Latin for a country dweller.

POLARITY - The term given to those energies which balance everything in the world. These energies consist of equal, opposite energies like yin and yang, dark and light, sun and moon, etc. These energies exist in everything.

POTION - An herbal tea or brew used in many magical or healing rituals.

PRECOGNITION - Psychic awareness of future events.

PRIESTESS - A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity(s) and humankind. A "High Priestess" is the female leader of a coven and plays the role of the Goddess in certain ceremonies.

PROJECTIVE ENERGY - The energy that one sends out either intentionally or unintentionally. In magic, it is the energy that is put into an object or thought-form to achieve one’s goals. It is also the energy of power objects that repel negative forces by sending out positive energy.

PURGINGS - Lesser exorcisms that cleanse and turn away negativity or impediments, absorb negativity to be buried for grounding, and dissipate negative energies.

QUARTERS - The North, East, South, and West parts of a magical circle or other ritual area. (See also "Watchtowers")

RADE - "Ride"-the wild ride of the Hunter gathering the souls of the dead; passing of the Wild Hunt or the Rade is demonstrated by stormy weather and fast moving, rolling black clouds.

RECEPTIVE ENERGY - The energy that attracts or is magnetic. Gemstones carried to draw in love or wealth have receptive energy.

REDE - Rule or law. The Wiccan Rede is traditionally stated as ‘An it harm none, Do as thou wilt’ stating that as long as you harm no one (this include physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. harm) you may do what you want.

REINCARNATION - The belief that one has lived before in another lifetime and that one will live again after physical death.

RITUAL - Can be described as any act (ceremonial or not) to focus or enhance energy to a specific goal. This energy can be used in magic or religion to gain a spiritual union with the divine.

RUNES - A set of symbols that are used both in divination and magical workings. These symbols may be engraved on small pieces of wood for divination purposes. Runes that fit one’s magical goals are often carved into candles for candle magic.

SABBAT - One of the eight seasonal festivals equally spaced during the year, celebrated by individuals and covens of Witches. Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Lughnasa, and Mabon.

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