Timeless (The Cartographer Book 3) (36 page)

BOOK: Timeless (The Cartographer Book 3)
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“Dinner is just about ready,” my mother called from the kitchen. “Your father should be home soon.”

I grabbed the remote and switched on the television. I started flipping through channels, but stopped when I ran across CNN. On the screen, a female reporter stood in front of the White House, looking a tad disheveled. It was clear she needed to get in front of a camera in a hurry and didn't have time to pretty herself up.

Thank you, John. I am standing here in front of the White House as we await the White House's official statement on the matter. From what we understand right now, an unidentified aircraft landed on the south lawn of the White House. The Secret Service remains quiet on the matter, but they adamantly deny this is an act of terrorism. The only thing we can do right now is speculate as to who the aircraft belongs to. Some believe it was an unmanned drone shot down by local authorities, other reports state that it may possibly be a helicopter carrying important diplomatic officials. What we do know is…
” The reporter stopped and put her hand over her earpiece. “
Wait a minute John, we have word that the President is preparing to address the nation.”

The camera switched to the President, standing behind a podium in the press room with the American flag parked behind him. A few new wrinkles tickled the corner of his eyes since I last saw him on TV and his eyes looked puffy and swollen, as if he just woke up. He gripped each side of the podium and leaned in toward the microphone.

My fellow Americans, I come to you today not as your President, but as a member of the human race. Our civilization has made significant progress throughout history as we evolved together as a species. Innovation and technology drove us to improve ourselves as a society. From the light bulb to the internet, mankind endeavored to improve ourselves as catalysts for driving success worldwide. I am not only addressing the American people today, I am addressing the entire world when I ask that we set aside our differences for one day and open our minds to what I am about to say.

He paused and shuffled some papers in front of him. “
Despite everything we have accomplished over the centuries, one question has remained. Are we alone in the universe? Today, that question will be answered.”
The President motioned off-screen. The camera panned to follow the President's gaze and stopped just off stage.

I dropped the envelope and my jaw followed. Everything came back to me as if a dam of information had been opened. Images, thoughts, and feelings washed over me like a tidal wave. I fell into the recliner. Standing before the screen were three people, three that I knew very well. I closed my eyes and rubbed them with closed fists because those three people couldn't be standing there. It was impossible. They couldn't be there because they were dead.

Explorer's League Science Officer Satou.

Consortium Diplomat Kale.

Explorer's League Medical Officer Madoc.

The word haunted me.
They were dead. So was I.

As the camera paused on them, I looked down at the envelope on the floor. I picked it up, unfastened the clasp, opened it, and reached inside. My hand fell on something small and metallic. I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled out an ankh, tarnished by time. Inside had been a card and a piece of neatly folded paper. The card sported a logo of a comet splitting a star with the words
The Explorer's League
written in the upper left corner.
was written in the lower right.

With shaky hands, I unfolded the piece of paper and read the words.


To Nathan Chambers,

If you are reading this than my calculations were correct. Calypso located you alive and well, which is wonderful news indeed. Time holes are tricky and we worried whether the one located on Vexall would send you where we wanted it to. I want to start by apologizing for the rigorous testing parameters. I'm afraid we were short on time, so we had to implement the accelerated testing program. You may be reading this and scratching your head in confusion, which is fully understandable. In time, you will understand why we had to do what we did. We had to know whether your planet could handle adversity and accept the responsibility that comes with membership into the Consortium. You probably know this by now, but we sent an envoy to your planet to explain everything. I will conclude this letter by stating that you were one of the greatest to ever pass the test of the Cartographer. We hope there are no hard feelings and we apologize for the way things turned out, but it was the only way we could know for certain whether you were ready for the job. The memory wipe was only temporary and will have worn off by now. You are probably wondering if everything you had experienced was real. The short answer is yes. I do not have time to explain in great detail (the Archives contain all you need to know, should you choose to accept the job). All I can say is time does not bend for us, we bend for it. You told Sam long ago that you regretted not being able to experience your childhood. Go be the child you need to be so you can be the man the universe needs you to be.

Sincerely, Grillick

PS: Lianne says hello and she hopes to see you soon.

PSS: Mortem was incorrect. The cycle of life does not have an ending. Do you know why? Because it is a circle. Actually, it is more like a zodiac, with several thirty degree divisions…well, that is not important. What is important is that time powers the cycle of life and time cannot experience death. Death does not end life…it simply recycles it.


I turned the business card over in my hand. On the back, a single word had been written.


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Table of Contents


Return to Basics

Time Travel for Dummies

New Mexico Redux

The Frisbee



The Descent

The Terminal

The Proposal




The Plan


Follow the Yellow Brick Wall

The Timeless

Ye Olde Tavern


The Terminal


The Voyage of the Humans



Gods and Demons

World War Gliese

A Council Broken

A Rebellion Renewed

Final Ride

The Wolf and the Sheep

Test Results

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