Tiny (5 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Tiny
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“Does my baby need to come?”
he asked, teasing her.

“You know I do. Stop teasing

“I’ve had Vegas hanging over
my head, baby. You told all the boys how bad I was. It was the first time I saw
the real fire burning within you. This is my chance to prove to you Vegas
a fucking fluke. I made a mistake, but it wasn’t in
taking you to bed. No, my mistake was in rushing it. You deserve time. This body
needs time to come apart.” He fingered her nipple and caressing down to her

She whimpered. Eva didn’t
know how long she was going to last with his determination. Her body was
already on fire and burning brighter than it ever had before. She was melting
inside and out.

“By the time we leave this
room everyone will know I’ve made amends.”

Eva cried out as he pulled
out of her pussy. Seconds later his lips replaced his cock. Going to her elbows
she watched him lick her pussy. He circled her bud then licked down to slam
inside her cunt. Tiny fucked her with his tongue then slid up to stroke her

She couldn’t contain her
screams as he was relentless in his assault.

“Come for me, baby,” he

Three fingers entered her as
he sucked her clit into his mouth. Eva splintered apart, screaming out her
release. He held her hips, licking, sucking and drawing her orgasm out. There
was nothing else for her to do other than give herself over to him. Holding
onto the edge of the desk, she moaned as he drove her into a second orgasm.

Eva was coming down from her
second orgasm as he thrust inside her. His cock was big and wide. He filled her
completely. His hands were back on her hips.

She held onto his arms as he
pulled out of her only to slam back inside. There was nothing holding him back.
He fucked her hard. The desk moved under the weight of his thrusts.

He picked her up, sitting
back on his chair with her in his lap. Tiny nipped at her breasts as he pounded
inside her. Considering he was a fifty year old man he sure had stamina and
knew what he was doing.

Tiny pounded away inside
her, hitting her cervix that had her gasping for more. She held onto the back
of his chair as he completely took over her body. In that instant, Eva didn’t
feel conscious of her weight. Some of the sweet-butts who stuck around the
compound ready to screw any member were slender without an ounce of fat on
them. She had curves and then some. Her body jiggled, and every part of her was

“So fucking tight,” he said,
growling. He pushed the hair of her neck and brought her in close. Seconds
later she felt his lips sucking at her neck, marking her skin. “Everyone is
going to know who owns you. You’re fucking mine, Eva.”

She’d never heard him be so
possessive before. It was like another man was stood in his place even though
she knew it was Tiny.

I’ll kill any man who puts his hands on you,” he

“Shut up. No talking.” She
couldn’t listen to him. Nothing he said was going to make her stay. They were
not for life. Too much had passed between them to make her stay with him.

In a swift movement they
were out of the chair, and she was laid on his carpet with him hovering over
her. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and found his way back inside her.
She tensed feeling the stirring of another orgasm fast approaching. There was
nothing left for her to do other than to give him what he wanted. This was
about Tiny. He’d already made up for their time together. There was no way she
was ever going to forget about this. They’d come too far together for her to
give this up.

“So fucking good,” he said,
slamming inside her.

She saw where they were
joined, and the pleasure consumed her. Sinking her fingers into the carpet, she
cried out as he hit a part of her that sent her spiraling into another orgasm. His
fingers stroked her clit prolonging her release. She’d never had an orgasm with
a cock inside her. The feeling was
different as he
pounded inside her.

Eva moaned, loving the way
he possessed and owned her. He wrapped her legs around his waist and surrounded
her. His arms were thick and showcased his strength with the definition of his

“I’ve got you, Eva,” he

There was something in his
voice that made her sense a change within him. He wasn’t just saying that for
her. Tiny didn’t say stuff he didn’t mean. What had changed?

She didn’t know the answer
but held onto him all the same.

His pace slowed down, and
for the first time in her life, Eva knew what it felt like to be made love to.

He kissed her lips and
stroked her body. Tiny went slow showing her everything he could do. She hoped
this wasn’t some payback for what she’d said in her drunken state many nights

His fingers were tangled in
her hair as he made love. He rolled over, and she was laid on top of him.
Sitting up, she gazed down at him confused.

“I want to see your tits
bouncing. Ride my cock, Eva.”

Tiny squeezed her hips, and
she knew there would be bruises come the morning. He set the pace letting her
know what he wanted. She gave it to him, riding his cock as he caressed her

He was big, and she took him
deep. Tiny used her hips to bring her down hard on his shaft. He cursed and
growled as she fucked him. She felt desired and powerful, holding onto his
abdomen as they made love.

She was surprised to see he
still had his jeans around his ankles, but they hadn’t moved much from their

he said.

Opening her eyes she stared
down at him. Pressing her fingers to his lips he licked her fingers. She
touched her clit and held back a moan. Eva felt sensitive all over from the
smallest touches. “That’s it. I want to feel you come all over my cock again.”

His voice was gruff, and she
knew he was hanging on by a thread. She didn’t want that. With her free hand
she caressed his balls reaching behind her to stroke him at the same time.

“What are you doing?” he
asked, moaning.

“I want you to come.” She
rode his body, and how she managed to do all three things amazed her. Her need
overrode everything else, including common sense.

He thrust up to meet her,
matching her need with his own. Together they crashed toward their orgasm. She
felt and heard his release as he pounded inside her. His cock jerked and
his seed inside her.

She was aware of the lack of
protection. Collapsing onto his body from her fourth orgasm, Eva didn’t care.
One time shouldn’t be a big deal. Deep down in her own mind she knew all it
took was one time, but nothing was going to spoil her moment with Tiny.

This was the only time she
saw him vulnerable. His hands surrounded her holding her close.

“Am I hurting you?” she
asked. Her ear was to his chest, and she listened to the rapid beating of his
heart start to slow down.

“No, you’re perfect, Eva.”
He kissed the top of her hand.

Tiny stroked her back, and
she closed her eyes basking in their closeness. She couldn’t allow herself to
give in to what he wanted. His relationship with his first wife hadn’t been all
it was made out to be. Patricia had been his rock, but there had been problems.
From what she’d been told from the first moment Tiny saw Patricia he’d been in
love with her. At first, their marriage had been perfect, and it was only over
time, after Tate was born, that things started to get difficult. In the
beginning Tiny had been intent on making Fort Wills into the town it was today.
He’d been protecting Patricia from his past. Something had happened to Tiny in
Fort Wills before he met his first wife. Alex told her all about it one night.
The other man didn’t blame Tiny for what happened. Nothing could stop cancer,
and she knew Tiny had loved his wife.

In his own way, Tiny had
saved the town and Patricia.

She tucked some hair behind
her ear as reality started to set in. Not only was reality starting to set in
but also the sounds of everyone moving around in the other room. Her father was
coming at the end of the week to pick her up.

Sitting up she felt Tiny
tighten his hold around her. “We don’t have to leave. The baby shower is not
for a couple of days. No one needs us.”

“I’ve got to help organize
everything,” she said, sitting up. His cock twitched and started to harden once
again. “Are you never satisfied?”

you, no.”

She smiled and looked down
at the names within his tattoo. The names showed his true nature, the caring man
he tried to keep hidden from everyone.

He caught her hand as she
made to touch the names. “Don’t,” he said.

“Why do you keep yourself
away from everyone?” she asked, struck by how isolated he made himself.

and people get killed. I’m not going to risk getting close to people who died.”
His hands touched her shoulder where the scar from the bullet she’d taken still
lay. “You could have been killed because of me. I can’t let that happen.”

“So you screw women you
don’t care about to throw off the scent of you actually being a decent human

He grabbed both of her arms
tight, sitting up. “Never make the mistake of thinking I’m a decent human
being, Eva. I’m not. I’ve done shit that will make you sick to your stomach.”

“Everyone has a past, Tiny.
You’re just too afraid to share yours.” She pushed him away and climbed off his
lap. Their moment together had been short and sweet, but she wasn’t about to
play twenty questions and try to get him to open up.

Tiny was a complicated man,
but she knew far more than he realized.

“Fuck, Eva, stop. This is
not what I had planned.”

She found her dress and
started to work it back on. Her panties were ruined. Eva didn’t even bother to
search for her bra. “No, you wanted to wipe the memory of Vegas, fine. It’s
done. You’re a fuck machine and great at it.” She quickly got dressed putting
her heels on. “I can take a lot of crap, Tiny.
Keeping me off
limits to your life while fucking me is not one of them.
If you wanted
me then I’d be by your side, and everyone would know it. Yes, you’ve got a past,
but so have fucking
. I’m not some sweet little girl,
Tiny. I was never one of them. That woman you knew wasn’t the true me. I’ve
never been sweet.”

“Eva, wait,” he said.

Turning on her heel she made
her way for the door. She didn’t care what people thought of her. Hearing him
fumble around she didn’t give him chance to stop her. Unlocking the door she
left the room. Several of the men saw her leave. They didn’t say anything to
her, but she knew what they were thinking. The interest in their eyes was hard
to ignore. Walking out of the door, she heard
call her name. She didn’t stop and kept walking. Alex was stood by his car
smoking a cigarette.

“Will you take me home?” she

“Alex, don’t you fucking dare.”
The tarmac surface must be stopping Tiny. When she looked back she saw him
getting closer.

“Sure,” Alex said, climbing
into the car. In the wing mirror she watched
to stop her. Nothing more was to be done. At the end of the week she’d be out of
his life and wouldn’t look back.


Killer stood outside of
Kelsey’s apartment building hoping to catch her on her way home. He would have
waited outside of work, but the women were not particularly nice to her, and
when he’d threatened to hurt them, Kelsey hadn’t been happy with it. She wanted
nothing to do with him or The Skulls, which he understood. But he knew he could
make her happy no matter what she said.

The attacks on the women had
finally turned Kelsey away from him. Their relationship hadn’t been the best
considering they’d first met when they were being attacked by a fucking drug

Some of the Fort Wills women
passed him giggling. They were blonde and slender, pushing their breasts out to
try to catch his attention. He wasn’t interested in any woman other than
Kelsey. From the first moment he saw her, he’d been struck dumb. She was
everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. Kelsey was sweet, intelligent, and she
was a fucking dental nurse as well. He loved to spend his time watching her. Nothing
else had to happen. He’d gladly watch her. When he spotted her coming around
the corner he tensed. Her cherry blonde hair fell around her shoulders in waves
as her head was bowed while she watched the floor in front of her.

He found it adorable how she
never looked up to see who was watching her. She didn’t have any clue how
beautiful she was.

“Kelsey,” he said, calling
her name.

She jerked and looked in his
direction. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. He felt his cock harden at
the sight of her alone. Even surrounded in a coat he knew she had a sexy body
to go with her face. He’d not seen her completely naked, but he’d seen enough
to know what he liked.

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