Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2)
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The captain and Aliri began talking about the sensor logs from the investigation and Adam took her things, escorting her to the lift. At the end of the corridor, the captain continued to follow Aliri. Adam stepped into the lift and held the door.

“Thank you,” Tiva said entering. When the doors closed, she reached over and took his hand.

“Missed me?” He grinned.

“I did.”

“Good.” Adam squeezed her hand.


Once back in her room, Tiva put away her things, took a hot shower, and changed into her robe while Adam waited in the living area. She emerged with two drinks, a soda for him, and a juice for herself. She sat across from him in a chair and tucked her legs underneath as she sipped at her glass.

“Why are you sitting over there?”

Tiva shrugged. Adam patted the couch next to him and smiled. She moved over and leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed tight.

“Have I told you how much I enjoy hugging you, m’lady?”

“No,” she replied, smiled, and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Very, very much, Tivava.”

“Tivava?” she laughed. “How many names are you going to call me, Adam?”

“As many as I want.” He smirked. “Most of the people I know have several names, then there are titles and ranks and nicknames, it can go on forever.”

After all, I call him Adam, Ruvy, and pain in the ass sometimes.

Tiva laughed again hearing Cala in her mind.
I see, and what does he call you?

Kiddo mostly, or Cala or Rosie…it’s a long story. Just consider yourself lucky, he only gives nicknames to people he likes and cares about.

I will keep that in mind, Cala, thank you.

“Is she chattering with you again?” Adam asked.

“She is extrapolating on nicknames.”

“Come on, you didn’t have nicknames at home?”

“My father called me dearest one.” She wondered if her father knew Harer’s secret, they were the closest of friends. Harer loved the Boon family, more so than any others, she knew he was genuine every time they met or crossed paths. Though he was the king, he showed her how much he truly loved her several times over the years; she just never realized it before. She grew silent; too many thoughts made her sad.

“So, now you’re m’lady Tivava. I think it fits,” he quipped and pushed some the hair from her cheek.

“Thank you, Adam.”

“Hmm, well, okay then…” He sipped his drink, placed it on the table, and smiled at her with purple eyes. “Having fun yet?”

“I would not say this is fun, but it is relaxing.”

“That sounds like fun to me.”

“Then yes, I am having fun.” Tiva smiled.

Adam’s wing twitched behind him, and he shifted on the couch slightly. Before she could ask him if he was content, his hands were on her waist, and he started to tickle her. She laughed and squirmed. Jumping up from the couch, she backed away, but he floated up into the air and swooped down tackling her to the ground. He continued to tickle her; she kicked his shin, flipped over on top of him and tickled back.

They rolled around, playing and tickling for a while. Finally, she pinned him back on the floor, sitting on his stomach.

“I win,” Adam proclaimed.

“I have you pinned on the floor, yet you say you win?”

“Of course.”
“Why is that?”

Suddenly, his arms and wings were around her and a smile lit his face. “Because I win.”

“And what is your prize?” she asked.


She felt her markings lighten again as he continued staring into her eyes. Did he know she had tickle fights with her cousins? He always knew what to do to make her smile. He was an enigma, the more she learned about him…the more she craved. Longing to know what he was feeling, she lowered her guard and reached out to him.

Don’t hurt yourself trying…you’re not going to get anything,
Cala said calmly.

I only wish to know how he feels.

Why is that so important to you?

Because I…
Tiva paused. She knew already that she loved him, but she wanted to know, truly know he felt the same before taking the next step.

If you want to know, ask him.

Perhaps I will.

Adam stifled a yawn and glanced over at her desk. She broke free from his grasp and crossed back into the living area.

“I should go, it’s getting late,” he said breaking her thought. “I’m glad you’re home.”

“It feels good to be back, Adam. Thank you for visiting with me.”

“Well get used to it, that’s what boyfriends are for.”


“A term used on Earth mostly, sorta like when you say potential. Boyfriend, girlfriend, same deal.”

“So, I am your girlfriend?”

“Yup,” he answered with a hearty nod and followed her to the door.

“I like that.” She crinkled her nose. He walked closer, drew her into a hug, and kissed her cheek. “I will see you in the morning, Adam. Sleep well.”

“Goodnight, m’lady.”


The calm drone of the ship resonated through the room, and soft vibrations rocked Tiva’s bed ever so slightly.

She glanced over toward her computer, and noticed a blinking light: she had a new message. Drawing a breath, she sat down and activated the console.

Tiva, I received your message and have done as you asked. Father says his men are ready to help when the time comes, just let us know what you need. I have also contacted Neola Riin. She is alive and well, she was happy to hear you got the book. Her last transmission was intercepted and she’s sure that’s how the bounty hunters and Rebels located your ship. Also, she has your Royal Birth medallion and records, proof that you are the heir.
” Harai paused and her voice cracked slightly. “
I knew you were destined for great things, my friend, I can’t really say I’m surprised that you’re royalty. Anyway, Neola is still with the Loyalists and said they are still holding on, however, they are only ten thousand strong. She is waiting to hear from you. I should be able to relay messages going forward instead of summarizing, Father just upgraded our communications array thanks to the Union. Send through the same channels, I’ll get it to her safely, and keep your location out of reach. Blessings and good fortune. Your friend, Harai.

Neola was still safe, and she was the one who had sent the book. Tiva felt a wave of relief flow through her, but as she listened to the message again, she found no answers to her questions. She would have to make her first decision as a royal from halfway across the galaxy. She barely considered herself a princess, as Adam called her, let alone a queen.

She couldn’t think about it anymore, shift was starting soon. Saving the message, she turned off the computer and headed to the command center. Her stomach growled as she exited, but she didn’t have the time. Rushing to the lift, she rode up and got to her station. The captain and Hill were on the lift right behind her.

The ship was in perfect order defense wise, but no word from Base. It only meant the other teams were still searching without luck. Hill ordered a copy of the logs sent to Ovvella immediately. Emerala began working instantly, encrypting the transmission. Maar ordered Tiva to get her teams into the corridors. She gave him a nod and contacted Ranndom and Hemko to begin patrols.

They were leaving the moon. Either they were heading to the colony or away, she was unsure, but would know soon enough. Hill ordered one last check on all systems and the crew got to work.

Midway through the morning, Maar stood up, walked near the displayer, and turned to the crew. “The information on the logs isn’t exactly what we were searching for.” He paused and paced a bit. “The colonies are Bujeni, but they have no advanced technology on the moons or planet from what we can tell. The gaseous planet is a good cover, if that is indeed what it is. We obtained one surface scan and it shows nothing. Therefore we are heading out to wait for Base to give our new orders.”

“We’re not going in there?” Adam skewed his head to the side.

“Vengeance might be on some people’s minds, but that is not what the Union wants. We’re not here to cause trouble, just to gather information.”

“But the information we have is incomplete. We should search the planet,” Tiva added.

“That was not part of our orders, Ms. Boon,” Hill retorted quickly.

“With respect, sir, these people have killed members of your organization. We can search the planet covertly with the masked ships and protective suits. We do not need to reveal ourselves.”

“We might not even be able to navigate through those clouds of gas,” Raife said, apparently mulling over her idea.

“I can analyze the gas to see if we can use the teleporting devices to get through,” Aliri chimed in next.

“Captain,” Hill said rising from his chair. “If we do this we should inform command first.”

Maar searched the face of each member in the room. It seemed as if one mind had devised the plan. He grinned and began nodding his head. He rubbed his hands together and took his seat.

“Emerala, send a message along with the download. Tell Ovvella of our plan.” He turned to a satisfied Hill. “Get everything else ready…”


Tiva was in her security office getting a second gun when the ship rocked and the lights turned red. She ran into the hall with a weapon in each hand. Her wrist-comm beeped and Emerala’s voice sprang out.

“Bujeni are attacking, Tiva.”

“I am on my way, inform my team.”

She bolted down the corridor and jumped into the lift. Mist was filling the cramped space. Her lip twisted up. The crew was ready this time. When she stepped through the doors, most of her friends were wiping down their consoles. There were two ships on the displayer. She cringed and rushed to her station, dried the screen, and contacted her team for locations.

“Return fire!” Maar said gripping the arm of his chair. Adam bobbed his head as his fingers slid over the panel. She heard him grumble. Turning back, she noted her security team had the main sectors covered, and the majority of the levels had junior staff on alert as well. Adam told the others to brace, and the ship jolted again.

“Take us around the moon,” Hill ordered.

“That was a hit to our shields, we’re losing them,” Adam hollered. Emerala called engineering for more power, but they were hit in the first blast and trying their best. Maar told Adam to keep returning fire, but the damage to the Bujeni ship was minimal. Raife moved the ship around then under the moon. Adam garnered a few good hits, but the second ship circled around and fired again while the first followed and struck them in the back.

“Teer, try and contact them again!” Maar barked.

“I have another ship on sensors, sir!” Aliri shouted.

“Back us off, quickly.” Hill leaned forward on his seat.

“I found a weak spot!” Emerala announced then glanced over to Adam. “Hit them on the underside port wing a few times.”

“Let me spin us around, maybe we can hit both before their friend shows up,” Raife called down. Adam cracked his knuckles and readied.

As the ship rose up on the other side of the moon, Raife whisked them around and Adam began firing. The readings on her panel flickered slightly; she turned to Emerala who was furiously working at her station.

“Bringing you around again,” Raife said.

Adam was about to respond when a deafening ferocious rumble filled the
. The ship jerked hard to the left tossing everyone from their post. Tiva slammed into the wall and cut the back of her head. She winced, glanced over. Aliri and Emerala seemed injured, but able to carry on, and pulled themselves up from the floor. When she returned to her feet, everyone was moving.

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