Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Tiva Boon: Heir of Abennelp (Tiva Boon Series Book 2)
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They neared the next scenic spot, but she was already too aware of him to notice anything outside the porthole.


She turned, “Yes, Adam?”

“Will you accompany me to Raife and Em’s wedding?”

“I would like that very much.”

“You know, we’ll probably have to dance.”

“I am not without a sense of culture, Adam…”

“Of course you’re not. I’ve just seen lots of variations of dance.”

“Then show me what I will have to do.”

He stepped close, wrapped one arm around her waist, and pulled her to him. With the other, he took her hand and bent it slightly up. He grinned, and took a step back guiding her with him. Sloppily, she followed him for a few steps before the awkwardness subsided. He slowly spun her and changed directions. She matched his every move until he sped up.

“I am sorry,” she said after stepping on his foot.

“No worries, just keep dancing.”

They fell into rhythm with each other just as easily dancing as they had fighting. Adam’s wings spread suddenly and his grip around her waist tightened. He lifted off the ground, taking her up and flapped a few more times to gain height. In a swift move, he flew over the railing and hovered in the middle of the hollowed area of the promenade.

Several levels below, a couple of people rushed back and forth, not even noticing them. She chuckled slightly then he dipped her back. “I do not think many humans can dance like this.”

“Nope,” he answered. “Having fun yet?”


“Good.” He grinned. “You really do look pretty, tonight, Tiva.”

“Thank you,” her markings lightened and she whispered, “Adam.”

“That’d be me.”

“I think people are taking notice…” Her gaze lowered. Several people were now looking up at them as they circled near the ceiling.

“Damn,” he sneered, and guided them toward the walkway. He landed near another scenic spot, and Tiva broke from his grasp and moved to the window. He stood next to her and stretched his wings as his arm wrapped around her shoulder. His hands were warm and comforting. Looking into his eyes, they flashed purple; she smiled and leaned into him as if it were completely natural. Adam squeezed gently and tenderly placed his wing round her shoulders.




Adam led Tiva to the back of the VR chamber after the wedding ceremony. Human customs were similar to hers with slight variances. Emerala wore a stunning human styled cream dress; Raife donned an odd colored tunic and pants.

Most of the women wore bright and vibrant dresses. Tiva decided not to buy another; instead, she wore her purple one to the event. Adam and most of the other men wore their dress uniforms.

Thousands of real flowers decorated the VR chamber. An intense cloudless blue sky and ancient type ruins surrounded them as a backdrop. It was an astonishing sight. When she turned her attention back to her escort, he was pouring drinks.

Adam handed her a glass of punch and promised it wasn’t spiked. Before she could ask, Aliri and Hemko approached.

“Meaning it has no alcohol,” her friend offered.

Tiva smiled slightly, and sipped the drink approvingly.

Aliri dabbed her eye. “Wasn’t that beautiful?”

“Yes, quite,” Tiva answered.

“I’m just here for the cake,” Adam added. Hemko grinned and Aliri jerked her head to the side motioning to the desserts. Adam’s eyes widened and he put down his glass.

“You can’t eat it now, you have to wait…you know that.”

“Oh, right, damn.”

“I’m sure there will be plenty to go around, sir.” Hemko chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah.” He shrugged.

Music filled the room, and the lighting dimmed. A small wooden floor lit up, and Emerala and Raife moved to the middle and began dancing. The group watched for a while, and when the song ended, others moved to the floor.

Adam offered an extended elbow. “Care to dance, Dame Boon?”

“I would be honored, Sir Cooper.” She took his arm, and followed him to the dance floor. Tiva glanced back at Aliri; she was smiling, and failing to hide the fact that she was overjoyed. Adam spun her around quickly, the purple dress fluttering in the air. He drew her into his arms and held tight. They began to dance leisurely about the floor. Adam led with ease all across the room weaving in and around other couples. Tiva hid a smile in the nape of his neck and eventually whispered in his ear, “You never told me…what is this dance called?”

“The standard waltz, it’s easy to learn, and is always classy. And with you in my arms, we’re the classiest damn thing in here.”

“You flatter well, Adam.”

“Well, how else am I going to make you fall in love with me?”

Her markings pinked, and she turned her head to the side. There was much to tell him about her ways still. She had never expressed herself freely with another before. Her feelings for Adam were so strong. She felt more like her former self around him. He brought the natural happiness within back to the surface. But she knew the steps he needed to take to be with her, she wasn’t sure he’d be willing.

The newly married couple exited the dance space and took their seats at a special table set just for them. Tiva and Adam continued to dance until the others began to exit the floor. They found their table with most of their friends, Hill and Maar acknowledged them as they approached.

Ambassador Dival took the podium. Tiva did not even notice it until he spoke, and listened as he delivered a deep meaningful speech about her two friends. Next, the priest who performed the service spoke about spirituality, loyalty, and devotion. Tiva felt Adam’s fingers caressed her bare neck and shoulder. Her skin tingled, but she kept her attention on the speakers.

The speeches continued for a while. By the time the best man, an engineer from the
made his toast, Tiva and her table-mates were beginning their meal. Emerala had knowingly ordered a special meal for her, and for that she was thankful.

As the celebration continued, Tiva observed with wonder the various traditions and customs of the races. Adam explained several things to her during the course of the rituals. The evening turned to night, and the guests began to depart. Hill was the first of the
crew to leave. But not everyone wanted to stop the party. Raife and Emerala were once again dancing. Hemko asked Aliri to join him on the floor, even Captain Maar found someone to spark his interest. The few remaining people danced into the middle of the night.


Adam and Tiva lingered on the dance floor swaying slowly to the music as the others took their leave. His arms were tight around her, the traditional stance was long since forgotten. Her head rested on his chest, her hands over his shoulders locked around his neck. It was a feeling she relished. He calmed her in ways no other person had before. Perhaps it was the fact she could not sense him; she didn’t have to block him as she did with others. Or it could be that her attraction toward him was finally allowing her to enjoy his company.

As if reading her mind, once again, he leaned in and whispered, “If I didn’t say it earlier, you look beautiful tonight.”

She smiled. “Thank you, Adam.”

He spun her around quickly and dipped her back. He laughed and his gaze darted around the room. “Looks like it’s just us again. They have a knack for leaving us alone. I wonder why?”

“I am not sure.”

“I think they know I’m chasing you.”

“You do not need to chase me…”

“But I like chasing you.”

“There are things about me you do not know.”

“Of course there are. That’s why I enjoy spending time with you, to learn.” He grinned and touched her cheek with the back of his hand. “I want to know who you are, Tiva. I want to know what makes you laugh, what you dreamed of as a child…”

Tiva met his eyes and felt her markings lighten. She pressed her head against his chest as a tear slid down her cheek.

“Are you crying?”


“Are you sure?” he asked dipping his head to the side.

She quickly wiped her cheek. “Yes.”

“Why do you insist on hiding it?”

“I was not crying, Adam. It was just a tear.”

“A tear…is still a part of crying.” He smiled and tightened his embrace around her. Despite feeling his arms, darkness began to cloud over the safety of the moment. She longed to understand the confusion inside. Tiva glanced up.


“That’d be me.”

“Remember I told you about that lingering feeling?”


“It is much stronger now…and I do not understand why I am feeling this way.”

“Everyone is edgy at the moment, it’s not just you. No one likes the unknown, it always makes people uneasy.” He smoothed her hair along her back and gently rocked her from side to side as if still swaying to music. “Tired?”

“A little.”

“I’ll walk you home.”


They talked of previously attended weddings while walking the corridors of the base. When they entered the ship via the docking port, Tiva felt a shiver run up her spine. It was eerily quiet. Adam’s wing was around her shoulder soon after, he smiled and continued to walk. He was very protective. It seemed a natural part of him, a trait she took pride in having herself. Still, he was a mystery. They were more alike than she was willing to admit; she had many secrets of her own.

She found herself slowing her pace as they neared the lift; she was enjoying their conversation. She wouldn’t mind if they talked until morning, but part of her was tired. Sleep would be hard to find, but her body needed it, she just had to convince her mind to quiet.

When they exited the lift, Tiva sensed only half the rooms were occupied. Many stayed on the base. It was the only conclusion she could draw.

“Guess everyone wanted a change in scenery,” Adam said.

“You can sense that as well?”

“No, Cala told me.”

“What does she tell you about me?” Tiva asked.

“That you hide much of yourself and keep shielded from most people all the time.”

“She is wise, and correct. But are you not guarded from others as well?”

He chuckled. “I suppose I am. I have a hundred lifetimes worth of memories rolling around in my head. She helps keep me sane, you could say.” They stopped near her room. She smiled up at him and moved toward the door.

“I enjoyed our time together, Adam.”

“So did I.” He beamed. “I hope we can do it again soon.”

“I am not sure about another wedding, but I would like to spend more time with you in the future.”

“I like the sound of that.” Adam drew her close and with his arms and wings hugged her tightly. “Good night, Dame Boon.”

She smiled and returned the hug. “Good night, Sir Cooper.”




Tiva sat on the heating vent and stared out the window of her room sipping her newest treat, warm milk. After changing and checking her computer for messages or reports, she settled into her sleep clothing and tried to rest. For a while, the only thoughts that entered her mind were of Adam. The more she thought about him, the more she realized he was a compatible potential. What Adam didn’t know was that she merely wanted to experience love first hand. She wanted to know what it felt like. She didn’t need to be married. Nor did she require traditional courting—not any more. Tiva just needed to know what it was all about, she wanted to feel those emotions her mother had talked about long ago.

Tiva knew she was evolving and changing. Taking what she could of the situation and making herself as comfortable as possible. The one thing she had yet to experience was love, both physical and emotional. The dilemma, however, was she wanted to express them with someone at the same time.

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