To Catch a Highlander (36 page)

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Authors: Karen Hawkins

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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Red nodded silently.

The earl limped toward Sophia. "I'd give everything I own to tell my daughter how I regret my pride. Since I cannot do that, please give me a chance to prove myself. I was not a good father, but I will do my best to become a good grandfather."

Red snorted. "That's a very pretty story, but you'll just do to Sophie what you tried to do to Beatrice—lock her up and deprive her of life."

"I was just protecting her!" The earl's lips folded. "Which I would do better than
been doing. Sir Reginald just admitted that he's compromised Sophia, and I don't see you acting upon it. But I will." The earl sent a hard look at Sir Reginald, who was slowly climbing to his feet. "You, sir, will marry my granddaughter!"

"No, he won't," Dougal said, softly.

Everyone looked at him.

"If anyone is going to marry Sophia, it's going to be me."

Sir Reginald rubbed his swollen jaw. "I believe Lord MacLean has a far more pressing claim on the lovely Miss MacFarlane than I. The man's in love with her."

All eyes turned to Dougal, but he saw only Sophia.

She took a step toward him, her eyes wide. "Dougal?"

This was it, the moment of truth.

"My love, I thought I could fight this, but I can't. I never thought I was a marrying sort of man, but now… it's worth the gamble."

Red grinned at Dougal. "Aye, lad, it is. Well worth it."

Dougal kept his gaze locked on Sophia. "I can't promise anything. I'm not given to staying in one place, and I've never considered myself the sort of man who'd be a good husband."

"Neither did I," Red said.

"Nor I," the earl said.

Dougal looked at the older men. "No?"

Red shook his head. "Our marriage wasn't always easy, and I won't say I didn't make any mistakes, for I did, and so did she. But we worked our way through them." Red's gaze softened. "If you love Sophie and she you, then you'll work things out."

The earl nodded, his eyes misty. "I loved my wife, too. She died when Beatrice was but thirteen. I suppose that's why tightened my hold on her and wouldn't let her go anywhere. It hurt more than I can say, losing Mary, but I'd do it all over again if I could."

"Dougal?" Sophia asked.

He looked at her.

"Are you saying… that you love me?"

Her words plucked at his heart like a finger on a harp string. "Yes, Sophia. I love you. I love you more than I can say. I thought caring for you would weaken me until I lost complete control over the curse. Now—" Dougal glanced at the window where the storm lashed outside, and gave a rueful smile. "Now I realize that not having you in my life would leave me with no control at all, and no reason to try."

She walked to him and lifted her face. "I love you, too." She took his hand and smiled. "And in my heart, I've already married you."

She stood before him, head raised high, her golden hair glimmering, her eyes bright with love. And he knew that she was right. Their hearts had made their pledge the very first time he'd seen her walking down the stairs at MacFarlane House.

"Sophia, I know how important your house is to you. I can't promise I'll wish to live there the entire year, but I'm willing to give it a try."

She smiled, but then it faded. "We've never found the deed—"

He reached into his pocket and pulled it out.

Her eyes widened. "You—but where—how did—"

"I thought if you believed the deed had been stolen, you'd stay."

"But the jewelry—"

"Was stolen the same day by Sir Reginald. A coincidence I used to my advantage."

Sophia was silent. Then her soft hand closed over his, and he knew what he had to do.

He dropped to one knee before her. "Sophia MacFarlane, though I've been every sort of fool there is, and though I've stolen from you and lied to you, as you've stolen from me and lied to me, will you please marry me? To keep me out of trouble, if nothing else."

She gave a hiccup of a laugh, her eyes moist with tears. "Only if you, Dougal MacLean, will have me. After all I did to save MacFarlane House, I now realize that without people in it, the people I love, it's nothing more than an empty building. My home is with you, inside your heart."

Dougal swept Sophia into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. Then, laughing, he set her back on her feet. "Come, my love, let's find my sister. She spent a good part of the afternoon telling me what a fool I was. I have to show her that she was wrong."

"And you need my help to do that?"

"It would be a great boon if you'd cling to my arm and look absurdly happy."

Sophia chuckled. "I think I can manage that."

It was a noisy, contentious group that moved down the hall, as the earl and Red continued to snipe at each other, and Sir Reginald felt he needed to explain his improper embrace with Sophia even though everyone attempted to dissuade him.

As Dougal ushered them into the dining room, he wondered if Sophia's father and grandfather would both wish to stay at MacFarlane House with them.

But as he looked into Sophia's smiling eyes, he realized it didn't matter. So long as she was by his side, life would be a grand adventure.

And no man could ask for more.


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