To Catch a Rake (16 page)

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Authors: Sally Orr

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

BOOK: To Catch a Rake
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Meta had previously confirmed that Mr. Drexel would be at the works today to receive the Learned Ladies, but she had no idea how he would receive her personally. Perhaps the presence of so many ladies would make him behave with all politeness and keep the bear in hibernation. Moreover, the presence of potential new donors might bring out his natural charm around ladies. She knew him well enough to understand the charmer was not his normal habit but one employed only when needed. Her pulse quickened. She eagerly looked forward to the skillful charmer plying his wiles upon her friends—an amusing spectacle, nothing more.

As their party joined the crowd of spectators, Meta explained to her friends what she knew about the tunnel from Mr. Drexel. She pointed out that the fifty-foot-wide iron cylinder was built on the ground and then lowered by removing the dirt from under it until it reached its current position. They walked to the far side next, directly opposite the spot where the lateral tunneling began under the river. At this location their party could look down and marvel at the twelve men, standing three men above each other, on the giant shield.

Fitzy recognized Mr. Drexel in the crowd first and called out to him.

Mr. Drexel looked up to their party and waved.

Fitzy scampered down to address him directly. They chatted for several minutes before Fitzy ran back up the steps. Her brother ignored her and approached James instead. “Drexel asked that I invite you down to see the workings. He expects that since you are an engineer by inclination, if not by practice, you would enjoy seeing some of the tunnel’s features up close.”

Meta wondered if the invitation included them all. “Did he invite—”

“He expressly said no females,” Fitzy informed them, lifting his chin. He waved his arm for James to follow him down into the pit.

The two climbed down the staircase and conversed with Mr. Drexel.

Ignoring her irritating envy, Meta could not help but speculate. Did the men discuss James’s broken engagement, the possibility of additional funding, the workings of the tunnel, or all three? Whatever the answer, it vexed her that she could not be there too. By the time the gentlemen and Fitzy climbed up to greet their party, she had reached the end of describing everything she knew about the tunnel to her friends.

The group then strolled to the church’s grounds to enjoy their picnic.

Mr. Drexel greeted her with lifted eyebrows and a satisfied smirk. “Madam.”

He must have known how eager she was to see the great shield up close, so he probably withheld the invitation on purpose to punish her.

She answered his greeting with a toss of her head. “I am disappointed we were not allowed down into the pit. Especially, since I know other ladies have been given a tour of the shield.”

He laughed and reached for her hand. Then he stared into her eyes until she met his gaze, and the wicked smile broke out. “In regard to our last meeting, my mind was focused entirely on the leak, but that is no excuse for my rude behavior at the time. I apologize.”

She tugged her hand free. “Yes…of course…I interrupted… Bad timing…sorry.” She turned away.

He laughed again. “Please do not hop away on my account.”

She spun to formally address him. “Sir, let me make the introductions, and then we can all take our seats.”

After everyone had been introduced, they sat on oilcloths with several picnic baskets spread out over a large lawn.

Meta chose a seat surrounded by her friends.

Mr. Drexel made a motion to sit next to her, so Clara graciously—albeit wearing something of a smirk—moved to another position. He lowered himself to the ground next to her, almost touching. “This grass is a perfect spot for rabbits to frolic. Don’t you think so, Mrs. Russell?”

She gulped, then glanced up. “I hope this brilliant sunlight does not prove unbearable.”

He chuckled.

Keeping herself busy making sure everyone had the food they needed, she tried to ignore him just inches away. She failed, of course. Instead, she caught every movement, chuckle, and word, a heightened awareness of him that left her unsettled and breathing faster than normal.

As they ate their lunch, she noticed James had become reticent after his conversation in the pit with Mr. Drexel. James glanced one or two times at Lily, but nothing more. James sat next to Clara, one of the unmarried ladies of the Learned Ladies Society. Did James and Mr. Drexel discuss Lily’s refusal down in the pit? Perhaps the two were now scheming to devise a clever, masculine plan to change her mind. Without drawing notice, she watched Lily’s reaction to this event. Her sister had noticed James’s attentions, since she appeared more interested in his conversation than the one she was engaged in with Grizel sitting next to her.

Mr. Drexel quickly ate his cold meat and bread, likely eager to return to the tunnel work. When finished, he stood and addressed the group, while the rest of their party continued to eat. “I would like to thank Lady Sarah”—he nodded—“and all of you for visiting our site.”

The party briefly clapped.

“Today I have had the privilege of being introduced to ladies of great intelligence, and from what I understand from Mrs. Russell, benevolent ladies, as well. I”—he focused on Meta—“commend you all.”

She instantly turned away, not wanting to blush or reveal that personal confidences existed between them.

Lady Sarah explained their purpose. “Yes, our little group does our best to house London’s governesses when they are no longer employed. It is a small effort, but a much needed one, I can assure you.”

“I do not doubt it,” Mr. Drexel said, oozing deference and charm. His perfectly tailored pepper-colored coat and shiny black boots presented his irresistible masculine figure to advantage, as confirmed by many appreciative stares from almost all of the Learned Ladies.

Grizel provided further explanations in a clipped Scottish accent. “We have also come at the request of our dear member Meta to see for ourselves if your tunnel is a worthy project. If so, we plan to speak to our husbands and fathers about supporting your endeavors.”

He paused. Then he retook his seat and leaned back, resting on one arm. With his great height lessened, his casual attitude added to his appearance of amiability. “Thank you, madam. What kind of support did you have in mind?”

While Grizel and several others discussed shares and projected profits, his two fingers on his right hand “hopped” through the grass close to her arm.

She ignored him.

The two-finger rabbit then hopped on top of her hand resting on the grass. His two fingers easily slid into the space between hers. She jerked her hand away.

Lady Sarah hid a smirk. “Did you prick your finger, Meta?”

Several ladies chuckled discreetly.

One whispered, “On a rake?”

As the Learned Ladies laughed, Meta glared at her friends.

Lady Sarah appeared genuinely sorry for her comment and endeavored to quickly change the subject. “Clara, tell Mr. Drexel about the children.”

Clara brushed her curls aside, then smiled at James and said, “We have also come here to inspect the school for children of lost seamen, just over there by the watchhouse.” She pointed to a tall building across the street. “Our governesses don’t need schooling, of course,” she reddened, “but we do appreciate learning new ways to house them and keep our costs down.”

After that remark, conversation lagged and everyone randomly glanced around them.

Mr. Drexel unsettled Meta by his continued unwavering stare in her direction, one that the others must have noticed too.

Lady Sarah broke the silence. “I understand from Mrs. Russell that you earned a significant profit from the sale of your field guide. Is that true?”

Mr. Drexel sat upright and turned to Lady Sarah. He clenched his teeth slightly, enough that Meta thought that she might be the only person aware of it. Then he raised a brow. “A

“Ladies,” Grizel said, “think of what we could do for our governesses with a tolerable amount of additional funds.”

Mr. Drexel remained calm. “Not as much money as you think, I can assure you.” He turned to address the group. “I hope your journey today is a success and that you will consider buying shares in the Thames Tunnel Company when issued next month.”

“Please, sir, I think you have changed the subject,” Lady Sarah countered. “How many copies of the field guide have you sold?”

He sighed, stood, and waited a minute to answer. “A few.”

Clearly, he would never reveal the details in relation to his profits. So Meta switched the conversation back to the tunnel and the schedule for completion.

After several more questions tendered by her friends, and answers he fielded in a lazy, confident attitude, Lady Sarah and several others admitted that they were very impressed and indeed would speak to their relatives about financial support.

Grizel withheld her immediate approval and decided to obtain as much information as possible. She then grilled Mr. Drexel about every detail.

Throughout it all, he remained standing, a smile lingering on his lips.

His explanations appeared to please Lady Sarah. “I cannot tell you how impressed I am with this tunnel. I have always appreciated science and mechanical progress more than any other woman I know. In fact, more than any other person in my circle of acquaintance. My father in particular seems adept at keeping his head under a rock.”

The company chuckled. Many of the ladies spoke of their amazement and approval too.

Following praise for the tunnel, Lady Sarah became quite animated. “Indeed, sir, I have been so impressed by Mr. Brunel and his tunnel, I may have a surprise in store for you. I will arrange things, in coordination with Meta, of course. If my plan comes to pass, I promise you will benefit greatly and be very pleased with the result.”

“Thank you, Lady Sarah.” He bowed in her direction. “I am exceeding grateful that I have made your acquaintance.”

Grizel appeared hesitant. “I really do not see what is so impressive. Ladies, please forgive me, but you all seem too taken with your admiration of the site and fail to consider the risk of such a project. Need I remind you that we are taking about investing in a tunnel
a river. A feat that has never been successful.” She addressed Mr. Drexel in a forcible manner. “What about water leaks? There are rumors that the band of blue clay fluctuates in depth and may become too thin for the size of the tunnel. So when you reach the end of the clay and enter the quicksand, you will become inundated, like the Travistock project. Have you had any significant water leaks, sir?”

His brilliant, wicked smile bloomed. “We are splashed now and then.”

A small, very dirty boy of about twelve ran up to Mr. Drexel. “Brunel needs you now, sir. There’s a leak in number three.” The boy almost hopped in place.

Mr. Drexel did not even blush. “Right, here’s an example of a splash.” He stood and bowed. “Forgive me, ladies, Codlington, my services are needed elsewhere. Believe my sincerity when I say it has been an honor to meet you all.” He moved over to Meta and reached for her hand.

She gave it to him, and he pulled her to her feet. Then he lightly squeezed it a few seconds longer than considered appropriate. “Thank you for inviting your lovely friends to visit our little dig.” After a quick bow to the group, he spun and ran after the boy in the direction of the tunnel.

“Well,” Grizel exclaimed, “splash, indeed. He appears a little loose with the facts. I wonder if we can trust anything he said?”

“Ah, I believe him,” Meta said. “I’m sure a little water is a natural occurrence, like rats in the cellar. They use straw to stop these leaks on regular occasions, but it does not mean the project will be a failure.”

Lady Sarah stood. “I agree with Meta. From what he already told us, water appears on the dirt face when the miners remove the three inches of dirt. But take note of the drainage plans, and the massive steam pump, and cistern. I think Mr. Marc Brunel is a genius. We are very lucky to have his services applied on our behalf here in England.”

“I agree,” Meta said, clapping first.

“Well said, Lady Sarah,” James replied, joining in the applause and turning to Clara. “A most impressive fellow.”

Sybella spoke to Grizel. “Your concern, however, may become justified. Too many leaks might prove costly to complete the tunnel in the long run. But I’ll have to check the numbers first.”

Now that the picnic ended, and their guest of honor had returned to the tunnel, everyone gathered their belongings and headed to the carriages for the return journey across the river.

Meta noticed James offer his arm to Clara, instead of Lily.

Her sister’s frown and wide eyes suggested Lily noticed his compliment too.


“Oh, how wonderful,” Meta exclaimed, sitting in Lady Sarah’s private drawing room. She leaped up and gave her friend a hug. “I cannot thank you enough. Mr. Drexel works very hard, you understand. He has also been so kind to both James and Fitzy, I’m delighted that we can give him this moment to impress his superiors. But how can we keep this event a secret? Surely with the involvement of such a distinguished personage, our surprise might be prematurely revealed.”

Lady Sarah motioned for Meta to take her seat again on a small gilded sofa and glanced toward the door.

The housekeeper entered with an ornate silver tray filled with various sweets and a sterling tea server resting on a large hinged stand.

Once the housemaid had closed the door behind her, Lady Sarah picked up a sugarcoated puffed treat filled with clotted cream. “Forgive me.” She stuck her finger into the sweet and swiped a large amount of cream on her forefinger. Briefly glancing somewhat guiltily over her shoulder at the door, she licked the cream off in a single motion. “You should have no worries that our surprise will be revealed. I expressly told His Grace’s secretary that we would like to keep this a secret. Given the regimental nature of our interested party, you must put your fears of our surprise being spoiled behind you.”

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