To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (37 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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“And a week for any insubordination.”

Degorsk whimpered.  He’d go insane if they made him wear the cockring for that long.  Which was apparently the point.

“But he’s going to behave now, aren’t you Degorsk?” Tranis asked, slipping the tight circle up to the base of the Imdiko’s rigid primary cock.  Leaving him terribly hard and unable to climax.  “You’re going to stay silent and offer that delicious ass to your clanmates so we’ll take it back off and let you come.”

“Eventually,” Lidon sneered.

A million wisecracks filled Degorsk’s throat, along with a few choice curses.  He bit his lips together hard to keep them from spilling out and getting him in the kind of trouble he truly didn’t want.

Cruel laughter filled his ears.  “Good Imdiko,” Lidon said.  “It’s nice to know you do have a little self-preservation.”

They ordered the hovercuffs to put Degorsk into a kneeling position, with his hands at the small of his back.  In this vulnerable state, he had no defense as Tranis and Lidon closed in on him.

Tongues plundered his mouth, exploring and searching with thoroughness that stole the Imdiko’s breath.  Teeth nibbled at his lips.  Tranis remembered the sensitivity of Degorsk’s ears and traced the curves of one with the tip of his tongue while his warm breath filled the canal.  Gooseflesh sprang over the Imdiko’s skin.  Lidon tugged at the opposite earlobe with his teeth, nipping just hard enough to bring pleasurable pain.  Degorsk groaned in reaction to their assault.

They moved lower, rough fingers tugging at his nipples, turning the tips into hard pebbles.  Coarse tongues swirled around the dark brown discs and flicked teasingly.  Hungry mouths sucked.  Sensation zapped from Degorsk’s nipples to his main prick, making it strain with fullness against the tight barrier of the cockring.  He sobbed in aroused agony, tortured by pleasure and unable to make it stop.

“Having fun?” Tranis smirked.  He plucked Degorsk’s nipple hard, sending daggers of pain and delight down to his needy cocks.  The Dramok’s eyes, the purple nearly lost behind the dilated pupils, dared Degorsk to say anything defiant.

The Imdiko shuddered and looked away.  He had every idea they would torment him for a long time, but as long as he didn’t give into the compulsion to antagonize them, they would let him climax.  If he said a word, he had no doubt Lidon would make good on his threat to keep him in the cockring for days.

“Such an obedient Imdiko,” Lidon gloated.  His teeth tugged on Degorsk’s nipple, making heat spill downward to roil in the Imdiko’s gut.  Degorsk cried out and his hips thrust forward instinctively.

“I think he wants attention down there,” Tranis said.  His rough hands moved over the doctor’s abdomen, heading for his groin.

Degorsk did not want their efforts focused on his cocks.  Not while he wore a cockring.  Not when he was helpless to stop them.  A desperate cry slipped through his teeth.

“I think you’re right,” Lidon agreed.  He gave Degorsk’s nipple a final lick and began gently biting his way down.

Tranis seized both of Degorsk’s cocks.  Feeling that tight grip on the avid flesh brought a surge of need fighting to get past the cockring.  The secondary prick swelled until Degorsk thought it might explode.  His head fell back and he groaned.

The Dramok rubbed up and down, stroking the cocks hard.  Then Lidon’s mouth arrived, and a slow, caressing lick teased the tip of Degorsk’s front organ.  The sensation of wet, hot, rough flesh tasting him galvanized the Imdiko.  His whole body stiffened as it battled to release the intense pressure.  But he was blocked.  The boiling cum could not escape him.

He howled and jerked frantically against the cuffs holding him.  There was no give.  He was trapped.  Meanwhile, Tranis continued to stroke up and down his lengths.  Lidon’s tongue swirled over the tip of the Degorsk’s front cock, and now fingers were groping for the entrance to his ass.

“Please, my Dramok,” Degorsk begged.  He was becoming desperate for release.

Tranis’ gaze held no pity.  “Accept the domination.  Give yourself over.”

“I do!  I submit.”

“You have not.  You will completely surrender to us by accepting that we will let you come when we decide to.”

Degorsk blinked at him.  He couldn’t think very well past those rubbing hands, that fondling tongue, or the searching pair of fingers that were now inside him and hunting for the hot spot that would make everything so much worse.

“Tranis, I don’t understand.  What do you want from me?”

Those dark eyes stared at him without blinking.  “I want you to yield everything.  Even if I play with you for hours on end, even if I keep you in the cockring and don’t let you come at all, you will not resist.  You will accept it as what pleases me as your leader, your master, your Dramok.”  Tranis’ voice lowered until he was whispering.  “I want you to make yourself utterly, completely mine, Imdiko.  I will not accept less.”

Lidon found the place he was looking for on the heels of Tranis’ demand.  Violent ecstasy surged to make Degorsk scream.  His hips jerked, desperate to find a way to either come or get away from their insistent and painful pleasuring.

“Stop fighting, Degorsk.  Be still and concede.”

The Imdiko could barely hear over the roar in his ears and the brutal clamoring of his body.  He needed to come.  He needed to come right now.

But he couldn’t, and his clanmates weren’t letting up.  Stroking, demanding hands.  Wicked, teasing tongue and sucking mouth.  Fingers pressing and rubbing inside him.  And that fucking hateful cockring damming up the release he would kill for right now.

This was what he got for cursing at his Dramok.  For angrily defying him with a raised voice and clenched fists rather than discussing their issues calmly.  Degorsk knew that was what this was about.  He’d known he was doing the wrong thing when he’d aggressively challenged his new clanmate.  Now Tranis was asserting his rightful leadership over the Imdiko, as had been implicitly agreed to when Degorsk had joined his clan.

He had no choice but to submit.  To be tortured with lust and need until Tranis was satisfied the clan roles had been accepted.

Shaking violently, his rioting body pleading for relief with no assurance it would receive it, Degorsk bowed his head.  “I surrender to you, my Dramok.  Everything,” he said, his voice a thin thread.  He’d never spoken more difficult words.

“We’ll see.  For your sake, I hope it’s true.”

Tranis and Lidon continued their sensual assault.  The Dramok’s hands squeezed to make Degorsk shudder as he masturbated him.  Lidon’s tongue swirled and licked the tip of his cock, where the Imdiko could feel his pulse thudding violently.  His clanmate’s fingers buried deep in Degorsk’s ass, rubbing that interior cum spot with merciless, gorgeous pressure.  A hard knot of molten, brutal demand had gathered at the base of his cocks, excruciating in its desperation to escape.

The Imdiko sobbed with want, but he remained absolutely still for the torment.  He wanted the agony to end, but more so, he wanted to please Tranis.  To prove he really did deserve to be the Dramok’s clanmate.

“I’m ready to enjoy that ass now,” Tranis said after several minutes that felt like hundreds of hours.

Lidon ordered the cuffs so that Degorsk crouched on all fours with his legs spread wide.  Tranis mounted him, his thick primary cock sinking into the Imdiko’s flesh, making Degorsk full.  He groaned as he felt his Dramok’s second cock rub beneath his.

Tranis’ fist closed around Degorsk’s front prick near the tip.  “Move into my hand,” he ordered.

Degorsk trembled, but he didn’t hesitate to obey.  Thrusting his hips forward, he forged into Tranis’ hand until it met the base of his cock.  The motion slid the dick up his ass almost completely out.

“Keep moving.  Fuck yourself with my cock.”

The Imdiko moved back, impaling himself on Tranis while sliding through the tight grip of his hand.  His leader’s prick found that spot inside him, and a cry escaped Degorsk’s lips.  He couldn’t do this.  He couldn’t.

“Keep going.  Don’t stop.”

Degorsk was sobbing in erotic agony, but he did as he was told.  He would show Tranis he accepted him as his Dramok.  That there was no hesitation, no doubt, even if it killed him.

“Harder.  Faster.”

A choking cry was the Imdiko’s only concession to his misery.  The pistoning of his hips was making Tranis’ cock rub hard against his prostate, making his guts twist from denied orgasm.  That he was forced to be the instrument of his own torture was not lost on him.

A fist caught hold of Degorsk’s hair, pulling his head up.  Lidon kneeled on the bed before him, his eager cocks pointing at his mouth.  “Open.  Take me,” the Nobek growled.  His face was feral with need.

Degorsk opened his mouth.  Lidon slid inside, pressing until he entered the Imdiko’s throat, which Degorsk had the presence of mind to keep relaxed.  The delicious spicy flavor of his clanmate only heightened the doctor’s desperate need, a need he could not acknowledge.  Against his tongue, the feeling of smooth, hot skin over iron wound his groin tighter still.

The air filled with Lidon’s grunts as he eagerly fucked Degorsk’s mouth.  The Imdiko’s choked moans and sobs mingled with those sounds, as well as the hurricane-force breathing coming from Tranis, intercut with the occasional demands of “Harder.  Faster.”  Moist noises of flesh working flesh underlay it all.

Lidon’s grip on his hair tightened.  The Nobek withdrew almost all the way out of Degorsk’s mouth.  He seized his cock and jerked hard on the length.  “Let me see myself fill your mouth with my cum,” he gasped.

The Imdiko opened his mouth wide, showing Lidon the cock tip nestled on his waiting tongue.  Meanwhile he continued to ram himself against Tranis’ cock, never losing his rhythm.

Veins stood out on Lidon’s muscles as he closed in on the ecstasy Degorsk was denied.  “Coming,” he groaned.  “Coming.  Oh.  My Imdiko!”

Hot, sweetish-spicy fluid poured into Degorsk’s mouth, sliding back to run in a thick stream down his throat.  He swallowed his Nobek’s offering, making his beloved clanmate a part of himself while he watched Lidon’s face work in grimaces of pleasure.  He accepted every pulse, every precious drop  given to him.  When the juices ebbed, Degorsk closed his lips around the tip of Lidon’s penis, suckling with the hope of drawing out just a little more.

Lidon caressed his cheek.  “My Imdiko,” he sighed.

A few moments later, Tranis let go of Degorsk’s cock to  seize his hips and hold him still.  He fucked the Imdiko, his groin clapping hard against Degorsk’s ass.  The intensity of the taking made Degorsk yell.

He’d thought he’d been in hell before.  Now the pressure on his cum spot was doubled.

Lidon moved down so that his face was level with Degorsk’s.  He reached to take hold of the Imdiko’s aching prick.  Degorsk’s yell was nearly a scream this time.

“Take the ring off him.  I’m getting ready to come,” Tranis gasped.

At last that terrible pressure at the base of Degorsk’s cock slid loose.  Cum surged eagerly, ready to fill his main shaft and burst free.  The Imdiko fought it.  His Dramok had not given his express permission yet.

Tranis drove into him over and over.  Lidon’s gaze was avid on Degorsk’s face as his hand massaged up and down his prick, trying to make Degorsk give in to his own selfish urges.  He would not.  He would not.  Not without his Dramok’s leave.

But it hurt so damned bad…

“Come, Degorsk! Come right now!”

Tranis’ shout came just before the Dramok lost his rhythm.  Degorsk felt the first pulse of his leader releasing into him, and then he knew his surroundings no more.

Liquid fire surged from his very core, shooting into his cock, pouring up and up, and finally erupting.  The world was all blinding brightness then, and a fierce but wondrous pain suffused his loins.  He spilled and spilled and spilled, the monumental elation bursting from him for a glorious eternity.  His guts seemed intent on turning him inside out, just to be sure he would be utterly emptied.

There was the small thought buried somewhere in the back of his brain that the orgasm might actually kill him.  He didn’t care.

Degorsk didn’t die, however.  Little by little the expulsions eased.  He felt the soft surface of the sleeping mat beneath his hands and knees first.  Then the lovely weight of Tranis on his lower back. Heavy warmth dripping from his belly and chest.  The Imdiko blinked and his gaze met Lidon’s.  The Nobek was watching intently as Degorsk regained reality.

“Are you back with us, my Imdiko?” he asked softly.

Degorsk couldn’t quite remember how to make speech happen, so he made a noise that was half-grunt and half-sigh.

“I’ll second that,” moaned Tranis.  “Damn, I think I sprained my prick holding out for so long.”

“You can’t sprain your prick, you crackpot,” Degorsk snorted.  “Trust me, I’m a doctor.”

Laughter greeted his retort.  “He’s back,” Lidon said.  He planted a noisy kiss on Degorsk’s lips.

“So I hear.”  Tranis leaned down to cover Degorsk fully, his beefy arms embracing the Imdiko.  “And it’s good to have him with us.”

Degorsk twisted his head to look at his Dramok.  “Just try to get rid of me.  You can’t fly far enough or fast enough to get away, Captain.”

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