To Wed in Texas (12 page)

Read To Wed in Texas Online

Authors: Jodi Thomas

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Love Stories, #Historical, #Texas, #Historical Fiction, #Romance Fiction

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The girls circled around Willow, patting her tummy gently.

“Now, none of that.” Willow plopped down in the only chair on the porch. “Don’t go waking up the baby.” She spread her hand over her abdomen and cooed, “I don’t have long before I’ll have a little one to hold. Another month Granny guesses.”

Karlee liked the woman with her childlike mind and open smile. For her, the world was a simple place with no fear or doubt. She was loved and cared for here.

The pregnant girl’s gaze met Karlee’s. “Thanks for bringing the twins out. I love playing with them. I came to live with Mr. McLain the day his wife died on account of my still having milk from a baby I lost. He took me away from a pa who beat me regular. Mr. McLain was never nothing but good to me. I’m mighty pleased to see he found you.”

“He’s a good man.” Karlee didn’t know what else to say. Daniel had made it plain she was here to just look after the girls. Willow was guessing wrong if she thought there was anything between the preacher and Karlee.

“He’s a measure better than good. He told me that if my Sammy don’t treat me right, I can come back with him and the twins any time.” She blinked away a tear and smiled. “That sounds like somethin’ a real papa would say.”

“Does Sammy treat you well?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Willow giggled. “He says I can have as many babies as I want. He’ll see they’re all loved and fed. A man don’t get no better than that, I figure.”

“No better,” Karlee answered.

A wagon’s rattle sounded up the road. Both women moved to the steps. In the dawn light it took a few minutes to make out the forms.

Karlee spotted Wolf. His clothes were covered in black, and he was alone. He looked out of place atop the newly painted army supply wagon he drove. The struts bowed up over the wagon’s bed, rounding the top, but the canvas had been rolled a foot above the bed to allow both shade and ventilation. Dread hit the bottom of Karlee’s stomach.

“Willow, would you mind taking the twins out back to play?” Karlee said the words, but her voice sounded strange even to her own ears.

Willow nodded and took the girls’ hands. She didn’t look back or question the request. “When a caller comes this early, it ain’t nothing but bad news,” she mumbled as she passed. “I’d just as soon not know.”

When Willow was out of sight, Karlee gave her full attention to Wolf’s approach. Why wasn’t Daniel with him? Why wasn’t Wolf on his horse? Each question added fuel to her worry.

The smell of burned flesh reached her before the wagon pulled to a stop. Karlee was off the porch in two steps. She took a glance at Wolf’s sad expression and rushed to the back of the wagon.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.

A wet army blanket spread over the outline of a man’s body resting in the shadows of the tarp covering.

Karlee couldn’t stop the cry that escaped her lips. She reached for the blanket. “Is he dead?” she whispered.

“No.” Wolf eased his way down from the bench. “He’s not burned as bad as some. We fought most of
the night. A few hours ago, the fire seemed to lash out from nowhere. Daniel couldn’t have gotten out of the way. He took a raging blow of fire straight on.”

“But why …”

Wolf waved her question away, knowing what she’d ask. “I stopped by the hospital and they didn’t have room for him. Told me to take care of him as best as I can myself.”

Karlee slowly lifted the blanket. Daniel lay out as straight as the dead man she’d seen in the dining room a few nights ago. His eyes were closed. His face the red of a deep sunburn with tiny cuts along his cheek and forehead.

She lifted the blanket further. His hands rested across his chest. They were burned and bleeding, and his fingers were so swollen they didn’t look quite human.

“Doc gave him something to help him sleep. He said keep him out of light as much as possible, and keep him quiet. When he comes to, he’ll be in a great deal of pain.” Wolf rubbed the tired muscles of his arm. “I wasn’t sure what to do with him. He needs care, and I got my hands full. I can’t leave the wild boy here much longer, not with most of the men gone. There’s no telling what he might do if he managed to get free. But Daniel…he …”

Karlee stood very still. She knew there was more. “What else?” she demanded.

“He’s blind.” Wolf choked on the words. “The doc ain’t sure if it’s permanent or not. He made me swear to keep him in shadows. And there’s a deep cut in his leg. It’s been treated and wrapped.”

Karlee watched her hand shake as she replaced the blanket over Daniel’s face. Several Buchanans were on the porch waiting for orders. There weren’t enough beds now for everyone at the farm. Daniel would need a room
and quiet to recover. Here she’d have help, but he’d get little rest.

Karlee glanced at the porch crowded with caring people. They’d take Daniel in, but he might keep them awake.

“Is our house still standing?” She looked back at Wolf hoping for the right answer.

He nodded. “But the town’s a mess. It’ll be days before there’s any order.”

“Then we take him home.”

Wolf frowned. “But you can’t take care of him and the twins all by yourself. I’m not sure I can help much. I’ve got my hands full until Daniel’s brothers get here. They should be well on their way. I wired them two days ago about the wild boy the Rangers brought in. Until they arrive, I’ve a prisoner to watch. I’ve got to keep him from killing me while I try not to kill him.”

From the porch, Granny shook her head in disapproval. “You can’t take care of the preacher and the twins, Child. Leave the girls here until he recovers.”

Karlee looked at Daniel’s sleeping form. “He’d want his daughters with him,” she voiced her thoughts. “Thank you for the offer, but I’ll manage. You’ve got your hands full here.”

Granny nodded. “Then I’ll get you medicine for his burns. And as for his eyes, put a cool cloth on them three times a day and leave it for a spell. Don’t let no bright light reach him for at least a week. If the day gets warm, wet sheets and hang them across the windows. It’ll help the breeze be cool. Any heat or light will bother him.”

Karlee listened carefully as she hurriedly gathered her things.

An hour later, Wolf set up a bed in the sparsely furnished parlor and carried Daniel in from the warming
sun. The preacher still hadn’t opened his eyes, but he thrashed restlessly in his sleep.

“I have to go.” Wolf shook his head as though hating to say the words. “I don’t want to leave Danny, but it’s not fair to have old Deut watching the wild kid. There ain’t enough menfolk left at the farm to hold him down if he gets untied.”

“I understand. We’ll be fine here.”

“While I’ve got the wagon, I’ll smuggle him back into town and keep him in the barn loft. It ain’t the best place, but don’t you worry, I’ll tie him good. There are some folks around, if they knew he was here, who would kill him on sight.”

“But why?”

Wolf shook his head. “I’ve lived most of my life with half the world hating the other half. During the war it was Rebs and Yanks. Men who looked just alike except for the color of their uniform. That didn’t make no more sense then this does. Spilling blood over land when there’s plenty to share.”

Karlee knelt beside Daniel’s bed. “I know Daniel would help you if he could.”

“You’re right, Cousin. But now, you got to help him. There ain’t no one else. You’ll be lucky if the doctor makes it by once a day. Do what you have to do, but keep Danny alive.”

Karlee promised bravely, but as Wolf left the weight of her task almost overwhelmed her.

She fed the twins quickly and left them playing with their tent-table in the kitchen. It was time to see what she could do for Daniel.

“We’ll be fine.” She lifted his burned hands. “I can do what needs to be done.”

Slowly, with great care, she lowered one hand into the pan of cool water beside the bed. Daniel jerked in pain, but she held the hand fast.

“Granny gave me some salve,” she whispered not really caring what she said, only wanting to calm him. She washed Daniel’s charred flesh in cool water. At first she was reluctant to touch him, but slowly she grew accustomed to the feel of him.

“She says she made it from elderberry bark, lard, rosin and beeswax. She made me repeat the mixture twice so I could make it if I had to.”

Daniel moaned as she worked. Carefully she placed his hand atop her apron and patted it dry with a clean cloth. Then, feather light she began rubbing the salve over his hands.

His eyes never opened, but she knew he was awake. At first he stiffened when she brushed her fingers over the tender flesh, but slowly his hand moved in rhythm to her caring touch.

“Wolf said four blocks of the town burned, with damage to the blocks all around. Some of the cotton on the dock is still burning but everything is under control.”

She circled to the other hand still talking. Karlee didn’t want to think too much about what she was doing, she only wanted to help him and then leave him in peace.

“He says some folks are blaming the fire on a man who came here right after the war, presuming to control the former slaves. He was quoted as saying the whole town would have to burn before the freed men got their rights.”

Daniel seemed to relax as she talked on about every detail she could remember of what Wolf said and all about her adventure last night. The fire might have been wild and crazy, but sleeping in a room with an eight-month pregnant woman and two three-year-olds was no picnic.

He made no comment when she wrapped his hands
in cotton strips. She hesitated only a moment before starting on his face.

With two fingers wrapped in damp cotton she began to clean. At first he froze at her touch just as he had with his hands, then relaxed, allowing her to pull slivers of glass away from cuts and brush his hair free of ashes with her fingers.

When she brushed her finger over his lips, now swollen, he opened his mouth slightly and she remembered their kiss.

“That was some kiss,” she said. “I’ll probably never be kissed like that in my whole life ahead. I wished I could have told you thanks. You needn’t worry about me asking again. If there’s one thing I am it’s true to my word. I said I’d only ask once. But I got to tell you preacher, you sure don’t do nothing halfway. I always figured preachers to be the milk toast on the banquet of life where passion was concerned. You proved me wrong.”

He didn’t answer. She wasn’t sure he was awake but she had to keep talking if only to calm herself. She was so close to him she could feel his breath on her throat as she worked. In another time, another place, what she was doing, running her fingers through his hair, might be considered a very forward act.

“Would you like me to help you pull your shirt off?”

He didn’t respond.

“Well,” Karlee reached for her sewing basket. “I guess I could cut it off. I’d probably hurt you if I tried to take it off any other way. Plus there’s not enough cotton left to patch the thing.”

She placed the scissors at his throat and began cutting away the material. There were red splotches on his arms and chest, but no more burns or open cuts. She washed him as best she could. His skin felt warmer than hers, as though a bit of the fire remained.

“When I finish, I’ll get you something to eat. I brought back stew and biscuits from Granny.”

His bandaged hand covered hers as she ran a dry towel over his chest. She froze. He

“How long ‘til dawn?” he whispered in a low voice.

Karlee blinked away tears as she glanced at the bright afternoon sun coming in from the parlor windows.

“I don’t know,” she answered as calmly as she could. “But I’ll be right beside you until then.”

“Good.” He relaxed against the white sheets, his blond hair reflecting the sun’s rays. His breathing grew slow, and he drifted into sleep.

Even with the cuts and burns, she couldn’t help thinking he was one of the handsomest men she’d ever seen. When he was awake, there was something in his manner that held folks at arm’s length. But asleep, she could see a young man who must have once dreamed and laughed, and loved.

Karlee leaned close, resting her head lightly against his chest. The solid rhythm of his heart welcomed her while he was asleep as his arms never would when he was awake.

“All right, Lord,” Karlee whispered. “I got about all the adventure I can handle right now.”


Karlee. She took care of the twins, doctored Daniel as best she could during the day and cleaned at night. Long after midnight, when all the work was done, she curled into the chair beside Daniel’s bed and tried to rest a few hours before starting over.

On the second evening, Valerie passed by on her way home from her last delivery of bread. The girl stopped to talk and noticed Karlee was doing laundry by the firelight. Without a word, she began to help, cutting the chore in half.

After that Valerie was a constant and greatly appreciated guest. She’d drop off fresh baked goods each morning. Then she’d usually stop by to play with the girls for an hour while Karlee changed Daniel’s bandages in the afternoon. Since Valerie said her grandfather had been Apache, Karlee trusted her with the secret of the man being held in the barn loft.

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