Toeing the Line (The Complete Serial) (15 page)

BOOK: Toeing the Line (The Complete Serial)
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He nudged her toward the chair, guiding her so she didn’t trip or run into anything, and helped her sit, arms still bound behind her back.

She licked her lips, her breathing shallow.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Riley kept her eyes closed. There was no point in looking, with the scarf in her way. Every other sense was heightened. The fabric of the low-backed chair was warm and rough against her bare skin. She strained her ears for any sound, but her hammering pulse made it difficult to tell what was important.

She was slick with want, growing wetter every second as the anticipation built.

Her hair was swept across her back and pushed over her shoulder, sending a pleasant chill through her. She inhaled sharply at the brush of Zane’s lips on her neck.

He nipped her earlobe, sucking lightly before releasing it again. “You’re incredible.”

The compliment, combined with the husky sound of his voice, sent goose bumps over her. She sighed and leaned into the sensation. “You’re pretty amazing too.”

His chuckle vibrated against her skin, and then he pulled away again. Cool air caressed her body and leaving her wondering and wanting. What next?

As the seconds ticked away, her pulse raced faster, and her ears strained harder. She whimpered in anticipation when rough fabric scraped between her legs, forcing them apart. Denim, maybe? His knee? Not that it mattered. Air rushed to greet her damp mound.

When his lips brushed the inside of her leg near her knee, a pulse of need started in her gut and traveled down. He kissed a slow, light trail along her inner thigh, moving up one leg and down the other, never getting close to her aching sex.

She scooted forward on the chair, blindly trying to get closer, and the contact stopped.

“Impatient, much?” His teasing growl echoed through the room.

“A little.” She tried to keep her tone light.

“Only a little.”

“Okay. A lot.” She swallowed, desire flooding her. “I’ll beg if it will help.”

A heavy pause hung in the air before he finally said, “Not today.”

She gasped, butt coming off the chair, when his finger traced her slit. Seconds later, his tongue followed the same path, tearing a moan from her. He licked along the slick skin, drawing closer to her clit with each pass but never touching it.

When he finally flicked over the swollen nub, she cried out, nearly coming from the single touch. He wrapped his mouth around it, licking and occasionally nibbling in time to the thrust of her hips.

A climax built inside. Every inch of her was alive, feeling everything. There was no warning before he shoved his fingers inside her, opening her wide and filling her up. The new sensation pushed her over the edge, and she clenched around him as she came.

His attentions slowed with her, shifting from hungry sucking to tiny kisses before stopping. He pulled away, leaving her isolated again.

Her head swam, euphoria mingling with the electric anticipation of not being able to see where he was or what he was doing.

“Stand up.” His voice was close, but she couldn’t tell where it came from.

She obeyed, warmth spreading between her legs again.

His heat brushed her back but he didn’t making contact.

He turned and guided her, stopping when her shins nudged the edge of the bed.

“Lie as close to the middle as you can. On your side.” His words caressed her ear, his voice low.

He helped guide her as she climbed clumsily onto the bed, the action hindered by her bound hands and blindfolded eyes.

Then there was nothing again. No voice, touch, or sounds.

She lay on her side, breathing shallowly. Was that a rustle of clothes or just her ear against the comforter?

“I want”—his voice near her ear startled her—“to feel all of you. No protection. Are you okay with that?”

She couldn’t hide her smile at the request disguised as simple, but meaning so much more. She forced her voice to stay steady. “Yes.”

He kissed her cheek, the light touch lingering for a moment before he was gone again.

Time ticked away, feeling exaggerated in the artificial darkness. The mattress shifted with a new weight, and her heart leapt into her throat, expectation screaming through every inch of her.

Zane’s hands slid up her leg, hooked under her knee, and brought her foot to rest on the bed, so one leg was propped, the other still reclined like the rest of her. Skin brushed her extended leg. She assumed he was straddling her.

He slid his fingers along her slit, nudging the edge of her opening but not going farther. She gasped in pleasure when the head of his cock followed the same path, but didn’t slide inside, and then he pushed in from behind, driving deep into her before pulling almost all the way out again.

He thrust back inside her, hips slapping her butt as his rhythm increased. One hand gripped her knee, the other holding her hip as he plunged into her repeatedly. Her climax built again, rushing in fast, and she gasped as she came, clenching around his shaft and riding the long orgasm as he pounded hard and fast.

His breathing shifted to sharp grunts, and she knew he was close too. His rhythm became more frantic, rising to a heated pace before slowing and stopping.

She lay there, listening to their mingled breathing, focused on him still buried in her. He kissed the top of her knee, lips lingering on her skin, before unwinding himself from her legs.

With a few gentle tugs, the scarf fell away from her wrists. She arched her back, loosening up her shoulders.

“You’re okay, right?” His voice was close, heavy with concern and still breathless.

She smiled big. “I’m absolutely fantastic.”

He chuckled, and the mattress shifted again. Seconds later, the blindfold fell away. She blinked at the sudden light, glad it wasn’t brighter.

He lay next to her, propped up on one elbow, raking his gaze over her face. “You’re absolutely amazing.”

She flushed and ducked her head. He rested a finger under her chin and pulled her face back up. He kissed her hard, crushing his lips against hers, holding her in place and stealing her breath.

They broke apart, and she shifted on the bed, burying her forehead against his chest. “I’m definitely completely, totally, and madly in love with you.”

He trailed his fingers through her hair. “Ditto.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Riley drummed her fingers on the plastic table and resisted the urge to check her phone for the fifty-millionth time in thirty seconds. Where was he? Steam had stopped rising from the coffee cups in front of her—one untouched and one mostly drained—at least half an hour ago.

It had been two weeks since they told each other
I love you
, and the rush of knowing he felt the same still hadn’t worn off. She didn’t know that it ever would. He’d all but moved in since. He grumbled this morning about having to go to work for the first time in forever, but she could tell he loved the idea.

Traffic hummed in the background, and the line of cars to the drive-up coffee shop dwindled. As the clock crept up on six, fewer people wanted another shot of espresso, regardless of how bad traffic was.

She surrendered to the desire to constantly know what time it was and pulled up her email. The feedback, rejections, and requests were trickling in from the queries she’d sent out. The rejections still stung, but none had brought her to tears yet like the first one, and the encouragement was enough to fuel her. Nothing had gone further than initial interest yet, but she was hopeful.

A familiar pickup pulled into the parking lot, and she kept her attention on her phone, pretending not to notice but unable to hide her relieved smile. Zero of her focus was on the message in front of her. Instead, she was on full alert, listening to the approaching footsteps.

“I think your coffee got cold.” She tried to sound irritated when she knew Zane was within earshot.

He crouched in front of her, placed one hand on either side of her face, and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and sank into the kiss with a tiny sigh, flushed when he pulled away.

“I’m more worried that I kept you waiting than about the temperature of my coffee.” He dropped onto the bench next to her, arm pressed against hers. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The one day rush-hour traffic is a bitch in this valley has to be one that matters.”

“I guess I’ll forgive you today.” She leaned her head against his shoulder.

He brushed his lips over her forehead. “You’re generous like that. I’ll make sure to let the other commuters know you’ll be irritated if they hold me up in the future.”

She laughed and shifted in her seat so she could see him, but not enough to break the contact. “How was your first day of work?”

He tried to give her a casual shrug, but the smile that threatened to break out told her he thought he was about to be funny. “My boss is an asshole slave driver.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. She had heard Scott use that line more times than she cared to count.

“What?” He looked miffed. “I thought it was funny.”

“Yeah, so does he.” She tried to sound irritated at having someone new repeat the line, but she couldn’t keep her smile off her face.

“I get paid to laugh at it, so I’ll think it’s funny for longer.”

She shook her head. “That’s not what you get paid for, but I’m glad you have a new boyfriend.”

He stuck out his tongue at her. She poked the tip with her finger, and he sucked it back in. She kissed him deeply, loving the tingle it sent through her and the pressure of his hand against the small of her back.

“How did it really go?” she asked when they broke apart.

“It’s too early to tell, but so far so good.” He paused for a moment, as if considering his next words. “I got to have lunch with the boss’s wife. Didn’t know that was a perk. I think you’d like her. She’s almost as sexy as you, but kind of uptight. She reminded me a lot of you.”

She nudged his shoulder with hers, not able to stop laughing. “You’re being a dork. Why did you have lunch with Kenzie, and why didn’t you invite me?”

“It was a private meeting. I needed her opinion on something.”

A sliver of doubt wormed through her. Why was he keeping secrets? It had to be nothing; she trusted him. Besides, if it involved Kenzie, it had to be okay. She pushed the uncertainty away. Only way to find out was to ask. They were done not speaking up. “Do I get to know what about?”

He drummed his fingers on the table. “What do you think she’d say if she knew how many ways we’d abused her Ethan Allen dining set?”

“She’d be horrified, especially if we scratched the finish.”

He shrugged. “I was hoping she’d give it to us as a wedding gift. We get more use out of it than she does.”

The sentiment warmed her, but she didn’t dwell. Part of her assumed marriage was an eventuality, but there was no reason to push it. “She’s rich now, so she’d better buy us a not-used gift when that day comes.”
She’d meant to say if. Not
. Oops. Too late to take it back now.

He drummed his fingers faster. “I’m sorry I don’t have any candles. Or champagne. Or violin music.”

She looked at him, not hiding her confusion. “Um… I’m not worried about it?”

“I really hope Kenzie was right. And the same size.”

She shook her head and blinked, trying to make sense of his half-sentences. “Is it just me, or are you babbling?”

He slid from the bench and dropped to one knee, and her heart leaped into her throat. The fake proposal from a few weeks earlier came rushing back, taunting her. This was going to get old fast if he kept doing it. She clenched her jaw, not wanting to hope, but unable to help herself.

He grasped her fingers in his. “Riley Ann Carter”—a nervous tremor ran through his voice—“you are the most beautiful, brilliant, and incredible person I’ve ever met.” He pulled a small box from his pocket, and her heart flipped in on itself. “I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.” He locked his gaze on hers, his sincerity distinct in his eyes. “So I’m hoping—” He swallowed and opened the box. A simple band with a stunning diamond setting winked back at her. “I’m hoping you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

“Yes.” The answer was out before she could think about it. She didn’t
to think about it; she already knew. She bent over and kissed him hard, memorizing the moment, burning every single detail into her memory. “Yes, and a million times

He slid the ring on her finger, and it nestled perfectly into place. Having a twin had advantages she’d never realized. “Kenzie really helped you pick this out?”

He shook his head. “She let me borrow her finger for sizing. I already knew which one you wanted.”

Of course he did. She never should have doubted it. She pulled him to his feet. “I didn’t think they still made this design.”

He tugged her up. “It was in the retro settings. Apparently, we’re retro now.”

“I don’t care what they call it.” She draped her arms around his neck, snuggling close, focusing on every inch of him and the way they molded together. “I love it. I love you.”

He nipped her earlobe and hooked his thumbs in her back pockets. “So, in case your sister doesn’t let us keep the table, want to give it one more spin?”

She laughed and tilted her head back, loving it when his soft lips found the hollow at the base of her throat.

His words vibrated against her skin. “I’m going to assume that means


The End




If you enjoyed the Toeing the Line serial, and want more sexy geeks, including Archer’s story in book 3 (Graphically Novel), check out the
Love Hashtagged
series, starting with
The #5Star Affair.




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