Top 8 (3 page)

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Authors: Katie Finn

BOOK: Top 8
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I grabbed my cell from where I'd left it on the bed and turned it on, desperate to call Justin, only to see that the
red battery icon was illuminated, and the phone refused to turn on. I groaned, remembering the reason I hadn't brought it with me — in addition to the fact I only would have been able to use it on the rides to and from the airport — I'd forgotten to charge it. I plugged it into my charger and flopped down on my bed.

I pushed aside the pile of clothes I'd rejected during my last-minute packing frenzy, and fired up my laptop. I typed in my password —
— gently, as my computer had been acting up a lot just before the trip.

Frank Dell — or Dell, as he preferred to be called. I believe the first time I met him, his actual phrasing was, “I'm Frank Dell. Hold the Frank.” Which just sounds weird, if you ask me — had fixed it for me just before the trip. He was the school's resident computer expert, who fixed problem laptops much more cheaply than The Computer Store in town.

And repairing my laptop had apparently become my responsibility ever since I had it customized and painted pink. My mother hadn't been too happy about this; convinced that the paint had somehow damaged the computer, she told me I was on my own with repairs. Travis had offered to loan me the money — at a 21% interest rate — but I preferred to take my chances with Dell. But since he had just gotten it working again, mostly — I still couldn't type the letter
—I didn't want to make any
sudden movements or do anything that might scare it back into the Blue Screen of Death.

I logged onto the internet and pulled up Friendverse. I knew exactly what I was going to see: my page, which I'd just redone before I left, with a really cute striped background; all my information; and my Top 8, ranked in order of importance — Justin, Ruth, Lisa, Schuyler, Dave, Jimmy and Liz, Sarah Donner, and Connor Atkins. I'd actually only put Connor there because it looked good during the campaign, and Sarah there to try and ease tensions between us after the cast list had been posted. But I figured that it had been long enough in both cases, and I made a mental note to move them out.

I couldn't wait to see all my profile views, the new comments I'd gotten, recent buddy invites, and what had been going on on my friends' profiles. I typed in my Friendverse password, which was the same as my regular password plus an exclamation point, and waited to log on.

I stretched and looked around my room, glad to be home. I smiled as I looked at all the pictures of my friends. Life was good.

My login had gone through, so I clicked on my Friendverse profile.

And screamed.

Song: The Best Deceptions/Dashboard Confessional

Quote: “Fine words! I wonder where you stole them.”

— Jonathan Swift

I stared in horror at the Friendverse profile in front of me.

I felt like I finally understood the cliché about wanting to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. Because although I was looking at the images and words on the screen in front of me, they didn't feel real.

to be another explanation. This couldn't be happening.


…for your galaxy of friends

madison mcDonald

is sooooooo hunggover!


16 years old

Putnam, CT

United States

Status: Single

Song: Ice, Ice Baby/Vanilla Ice

Quote: “Ain't no party like a puttnam prty!!!” — me

Last login: 4/5

madison mcDonald's Blog

omg check out my pix

the inside story on brian mcmahon's last partty

“sailing accidents” and other nose jobs

“single…that's how I wanna be!”

suddenly emo

jimmynliz: not as perfect as they seem!!

About Me

;) the stories are true! 11!!


hanging with my friend(s)!, macramé, scrapbooking, improving me speling, puppies


Yanni, Loavesnfishes, Neil Diamond, Britney 4eva!!!!!!!!!!!


Dora's Big Adventure, Striptease


Touched by an Angel, Pimp My Ride


I dont no how to red




Finish a sudoku


High School


Who's in my Friendverse?

11 friends

Madison's Comments

Displaying 18 of 75

Hey, Madison. I hope you're having a great time. Miss you here! — Justin

Hey Mad, I saw you logged in today! There must be internet on the ship! Drop me a line and let me know how it's going!!

hope you're memorizing your lines!

Shy Time
Mad, what's with your pics? They're not, um, that flattering. I think maybe you've been spending too much time in the sun or something.

Bonjour, Lisse!
Okay, that comment you left me was un peu bitchy. RRRAWR! Is the Ecuador Madison just meaner than the Putnam Madison?

Mad, how could you put that picture in your album? I thought you agreed to delete it because I was not in the best state of mind when it was taken. Jimmy doesn't understand, and he's really upset. Take it down, okay?

That was Liz, BTW.

Madison, I don't understand the message you wrote me. You want to break up? Why? — Justin

Mad, I deleted your comment. We've been friends for too long to let this — let's just talk when you get back, okay?

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