Torn (7 page)

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Authors: Eleanor Green

Tags: #romance, #beach, #hea, #love triangle, #new adult

BOOK: Torn
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Branson watched Katie’s face light up
as they played in the snow. She laughed until she was too weak to
stand after pummeling Branson with a snowball, and begged him not
to seek revenge. They slid down hills on makeshift cardboard sleds,
built a miniature snow man, and created snow angels in the thick,
white powder before coming back inside.

That was a blast!” Katie
exclaimed. “I had no idea you could have so much fun in frozen
water vapor.”

See, that’s why you don’t
know how to have fun in the winter wonderland. It’s snow. We made a
snowman, not a frozen vapor sculpture.”

Mmm hmm, I guess if I
screamed because a tornado was coming, you would say ‘it’s only a
swirling gust of wind—enjoy the ride.’”

Branson pinned her against the wall.
“You have a rosy-red nose and pink cheeks. Let’s see if I can warm
you up.” When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers and
inhaled deeply. “God, I think I love you.”

His declaration slipped
from his lips without warning. Fearing her reaction, he couldn’t
look into her eyes. Maybe it was too soon to tell her.
Shit! I said I ‘think,’ not that I ‘do’ love her.
What the fuck was that?
She pulled away,
just as he thought she would. Sliding his eyes closed, he waited
for her to question his statement. Instead, her mouth crashed
against his, her fingers sliding around the nape of his neck,
pulling him closer. For an instant, he understood what she was
trying to relay unspoken. Then his hands slipped under her sweater,
finding the soft flesh of her small waist, and thinking was no
longer an option.







Katie was thrilled to spend a night
out with Branson and some of their friends. She didn’t have to
worry about studying for an exam or staying out too late for an
early morning class the next day. She was free to enjoy an evening
out and see what Branson was like around his friends.

Who knows, you and Mike
might hit it off. He’s a great guy, and not bad looking either.”
Katie wiggled her eyebrows at Maggie.

I hate blind

It’s not a blind date.
It’s drinks with friends. I’m just saying—he’s cute, he’s single,
and he’s really nice. I’ve given you a head start on Jill, since
they’re picking us up. If you like him, you better let him know
before she sees him.” Katie winked. She was in an exceptionally
good mood as she brushed her hair once more and looked herself over
in the mirror.

Maggie stood facing Katie’s closet,
looking for something. “Can I borrow your black boots?”

Of course. I love the
black sweater against your blond hair. You look fantastic. Are
these jeans okay?”

Maggie turned, looking her up and
down. “No, no. You can’t wear that.” She scrunched her nose.
“You’re going for hot tonight, not the preppy student look.” She
flipped through the hangers and pulled out a green dress. “Wear

It’s cold

Wear a coat. Besides,
it’ll be hot inside.”

Katie slipped on the dress, enjoying
the sensual feel of the silky fabric against her skin. The brown
boots that Maggie set out for her were the perfect compliment.
“How’s this?”

You look amazing! I’ll
bet you twenty bucks Branson stutters when he sees you.”

I hope so,” Katie said.
She had shaved her legs twice in the shower, in case tonight was
the night. “Ready?”

Mike and Branson were waiting
downstairs in the lobby. As Katie closed the space between her and
Branson, she noticed the way his eyes roamed over her body. She
walked with confidence as the dress made her feel feminine and

Hi, beautiful.” Branson
greeted Katie with a kiss before introducing Mike to Maggie. The
club was crowded as they walked in and hung their coats on a rack
near the door. They found a high top table in the corner and took
it before looking around.

I don’t see Jill or Alexa
anywhere, do you?” Katie shouted over the noisy crowd.

Maggie shook her head. “They’ll
probably be late. Let’s go ahead and order drinks.”

Branson waved over a couple of his
friends. “This is Cam and Ryan. This is my girlfriend, Katie, and
her friend, Maggie.”

Katie smiled. She knew she and Branson
were an item, but it was the first time she had heard him address
her as his girlfriend. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

When the drinks arrived, Mike lifted
his beer to make a toast. “Here’s to the end of exams and a long
winter break!” Everyone clinked their glasses together in
celebration and took a drink. The crowd was electric as the music
played and students celebrated. Katie watched as Maggie and Mike
shared awkward small talk over the thumping bass.

Jill and Alexa found the table and
walked over. “Looks like you guys started without us.” Jill said,
ogling Mike already. Jill Palermo and Katie met in the Nursing
program. She was a pretty blonde with hazel eyes and a flirtatious
personality. You either liked her immediately, or were turned off

Maggie watched as Jill flirted with
Mike and suddenly felt competitive. “I love this song. Dance with
me.” Maggie pulled Mike onto the dance floor.

Well, that was
Katie thought. She looked at
Branson, who must have read her mind since he gave a knowing wink
before tipping up his Samuel Adams for a long drink. Katie felt
goose bumps rise as his hand rested on her bare knee. She looked
out across the dance floor instead of at Branson, knowing that one
glance would have them searching for a dark corner.

I’m going to visit the
ladies room.” Katie stood. “You’re all mine out there as soon as I
get back.”

When Katie returned, “Adorn” by Miguel
was playing. She made her way to the dance floor and motioned for
Branson to join her. She moved her body to the music as he finished
his beer and began to walk toward her. Without warning, she felt
someone grinding behind her and whipped her head around to see who
it was. A stranger with dark eyes and a wicked grin pulled her
against his body like he had been intimate with her for

Katie raised her hands in protest.
“Whoa, buddy.” She tried to pull away.

C’mon, our bodies are so
compatible,” he said, pulling her in and grinding his body against

I said no—I’m not
interested.” Her rejection seemed to spur him on as he pulled her
in tighter and roamed over her body with his hands. “Don’t touch
me!” Katie tried to pull away, but he was too strong.

She suddenly felt his body being
jerked away from hers, causing her to stumble backwards into
another couple. “I’m sorry.” She apologized and got her balance
before looking around to see what had happened.

A rage came over Branson, like a
thick, deep fog as he watched another man force himself on Katie,
touching her as she tried to free herself from his grasp. He
grabbed the jerk by the arm, pulled him away from Katie and punched
him. “Next time a lady says ‘no thank you,’ back off,

The guy got up and lunged for Branson,
but two of his friends held him back, eventually leading him out of
the club.

Katie ran to Branson. “Are you all
right?” She noticed him rubbing his knuckles. “I can’t believe you
punched him!”

He had his hands all over
you,” Branson answered, the anger still present in his voice. He
watched as the man left the club and his anger receded. He held
Katie’s chin and smiled. “I’ll always fight for you, you’re worth
fighting for.”

Katie kissed his sore knuckles. “Thank
you. I feel safe and protected when I’m with you.” She looked down.
“I’m sorry that ruined our night.”

What? I’m not letting
that worm ruin anything.” He pulled her in close and began to move
as “Ho Hey” by the Lumineers played.

We can’t slow dance to
this song, silly!” Katie laughed.

Branson nodded to the DJ as if they
had some secret bond and the song instantly changed to “Teardrop”
by Mezzanine. Katie laid her head on Branson’s chest as she enjoyed
the way his arms felt around her. He was strong enough to protect
her, yet gentle enough to hold her and make her feel like she was
the only woman in the world. She felt tears sting her eyes when the
reality of her emotion hit her. She felt alive when she was with
Branson, and when she wasn’t she thought about him constantly. His
eyes disarmed her, his dimples made her giggle, and his body sent
an electric current from her toes to the top of her head whenever
she came in contact with it.

Her breath hitched in her throat,
causing Branson to pull back and look at her. His eyes roamed her
face. “What’s wrong?”

Katie blinked back the tears that
threatened to spill over. She gazed into his eyes for what seemed
an eternity before replying. “I—I’ve fallen in love with you,

Branson responded with a deep kiss
that left Katie balancing on unsteady legs. He felt her wobble and
wondered if she had too much to drink already. “Are you all

Katie flashed a crooked smile. “You
make my world spin when you kiss me like that.”

You have no idea how much
I like making your world spin,” he whispered into her ear and
kissed her neck.

Hi, guys!” Maggie and
Mike were on the dance floor, interrupting the moment before things
got out of hand.

Hi. Having a good time?”
Katie asked.

Maggie grinned and nodded her head.
“As soon as this song is over, we’re doing a round of

Not me!” Katie

Oh, yes, you are. Finals
are over and you promised to let me show you how it’s done.” Maggie

When the song finished, they were back
at the table, shot glass in hand. “Okay, what are we drinking?”
Branson asked.

China White’s. Bailey’s,
Crème de cocoa, and a dash of cinnamon.” Mike answered.

On Maggie’s count, they all drank and
slammed the small glasses onto the table. Maggie looked at Katie
and laughed. “It was good though, right?”

Katie grimaced, and then smiled. “Mmm
hmm, reminds me of Christmas and hell all at the same

Maggie ordered a round of Snake Bites,
Branson chose Kamikazis, and Katie attempted to order a drink that
she created on the spot. “Bring us something pretty. I like blue.
Do you make blue shots?” Katie’s words were slurred as she held
onto her chair, trying not to slide out of it onto the

Okay, I think we’re done
here. We’d like to settle up the tab now.” Branson handed the
bartender his credit card.

Katie leaned on Branson as they walked
to the car and nudged him when she saw Mike and Maggie holding
hands. She tried to whisper as she wrapped her arms around
Branson’s neck, “Maybe she’ll go to his place so you . . .” Katie
pressed her finger into his chest, “and I . . . can be alone. Or we
could go to your place. Is your roommate home?

As much as I want to be
alone with you, it won’t be when you’re drunk. I want all of your
senses on board.”

I’m not drunk, I’m just
relaxed.” Katie pouted.

Mmm hmm, I’m sure.”
Branson kissed the top of Katie’s head and helped her into the

They arrived safely at her dorm, where
he made her drink a glass of water and take two Ibuprofen tablets
before putting her to bed. After tucking her in and kissing her
forehead, he slipped out and shut the door behind him.



Please . . . ungh . . .”
Maggie flipped on her bedside lamp and rushed to Katie’s side of
the room. She held her shoulders, trying to soothe her shaking

Katie, wake

Disoriented, Katie tried to focus on
the person looming over her. “Maggie? Shit! Again? I’m sorry. Go
back to sleep. I’m okay.”

You sure?”

Katie nodded and wiped the tears from
her face with the back of her hand. “I’m sure. It was nothing. Too
much alcohol.”


Katie hugged her pillow
and traced back over her nightmare, trying to figure out who the
strange faces belonged to.
I’ve got to
stop watching Criminal Minds and start watching reruns of Andy
Griffith or something. This is getting ridiculous. Who the hell is






What if they don’t like
me?” Katie asked as they drove down I-84 toward Branson’s

He gave Katie’s fingers a gentle
squeeze. “Are you serious? They’re going to love you. Trust me,
they’re very laid back, and will welcome you with open arms. You do
like cats, don’t you?” Branson asked, hopeful.

Oh, yes, I love cats,”
Katie lied. She’d always been deathly afraid of cats.

Good, because we have
twenty-seven of them . . . indoors.” Branson could hardly contain
the smile that played at his lips. He remembered Katie’s ridiculous
fear of cats and couldn’t resist teasing her about it now. When he
heard her swallow the lump in her throat, he guffawed. “We don’t
have any cats.”

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