Read Total LockDown (LockDown #2) Online
Authors: A.T Smith
Today has been
the best day in my entire life. Everything is complete now, everything is whole
and I am a hundred percent alive again. I look down at my wedding band as I
walk through the downstairs of my home, on my way to kiss my princess goodnight
and then spend my wedding night the way it should be spent.
Joseph is asleep
downstairs still, ready for his dad to take him to bed. I love him so much
already, intrigued by his genius brain and powerful heart.
Tied to the
bedposts, my back red striped from my favourite flogger and thoroughly fucked
at the end of it. Sure, it isn’t the conventional way to spend your marital
night, but to me and to Leighton it is a goddamn perfect. I want to be already
naked and waiting for him, but I know I will only end up with a very sore arse
for taking my dress off without him.
I know he is
going to enjoy what I have on underneath, he is a sucker for sexy lingerie and
me, well I am a sucker for him. I’ll do anything to please him.
I take the huge
staircase, holding my dress up so I don’t tread on the beautiful delicate lace
that fringes it. It looks amazing on, and felt like a dream earlier, during the
ceremony and most of the reception, but now having had it on pretty much all
day, I need to let my torso breath. The lace ribbons at the back pulled tight
to my body, clinging to my curvaceous hips and slim waist.
I suddenly feel
awful for those women who lived through the Victorian era, having to wear boned
corsets day in day out, I can imagine the pain they inflicted on their bodies
just to pull a tiny bit of soft stomach in.
I reach the top
landing, twirling around as if I am a magical princess, my arms out to my sides.
I feel refreshed as I take the hallway to Melissa’s room. I push the door open
and walk to my daughter’s cot, her little mobile hanging and lighting the
otherwise dark room.
She is
peacefully sleeping, her little chest rising and falling with every breath she
takes. Her head is still full of a mop of dark blonde hair, her eyes the same
green as her fathers. She is perfect by anybody’s standards.
princess” I say quietly as I kiss her soft head. “Mummy loves you millions.” I
stroke her soft hair and then cover her back up with her blanket.
I smile brightly
as I leave the room, walking to my bedroom. I need the bathroom bad, and with
this dress on it is a nightmare. I manoeuvre myself onto the toilet, praying to
god I don’t accidently pee on the beautiful ivory lace.
“Ahhhhhhh,” I
sigh, relieved to feel this kind of relief. I flush the chain, wash my hands,
and flatten the lace all back down. It has been a very long day, waking up at
the crack of dawn to get me and my bridesmaid’s looking as beautiful as we
were. Dealing with, once again, a breakdown from Maria about the size she is.
It was a tight squeeze into her dress as she has ballooned once again. The poor
woman is bound to explode if a pin’s put to her stomach.
I collect candles
from the bathroom and lace our master suite with them, every surface covered,
glowing and flickering as I light each wick.
I smile brightly
as I look to my watch and count how long I have been gone. Leighton is sure to
be joining me soon, and I want to be outside the room when he comes, so he can
carry me over the threshold. I know I’ll only hurt his feelings if I don’t give
him that.
I breathe out
heavily as I smooth my dress down once more, making sure I look perfect for our
first night as a married couple.
I walk into the
hallway, pacing the corridor, trying to settle my nerves. Why I am nervous I
have no clue, we have been together hundreds of times, but for some reason I
feel under pressure to be the best I can ever be tonight. To prove to him, marrying
me wasn’t a mistake.
My head flicks
around as I hear soft little moans coming from my daughter’s room, I have
clearly disturbed her with my frantic nerves.
I push her door
open and walk inside. As I near her cot the door slams closed behind me. It
makes me jump and I throw my body round to see what has caused the door to shut
so fast and hard.
I scream a
little as I see the reason. “Dad?” I ask frightened and confused.
I panic and
break inside when I see Melissa in his arms, her little face full of tears and
screams coming from her mouth. She is pushing herself from him, trying her
hardest to get to me. Her arms are out-stretched begging for my help.
Tears rushed
from my eyes as my hand finds its way to my mouth in shock.
“Melissa.” I
walk fast towards him, ready to snatch my baby from his arms if needed.
I stumble back
as he lifts a gun and points it straight at my head. “Hi, Abbi, good to see you,
I must say, she’s a pretty little thing isn’t she?” he says to me as he bounces
my girl in his arms. I want to be sick, expelling everything I have eaten
today, on the floor.
“Please, give
her back to me?” I beg, crying my eyes out.
“Well, I don’t
think it’s really fair if her mum gets to live and yours didn’t. So, I suggest
you be quiet and let me leave without a word.” He instructs me, still aiming
the gun at me as he turns to walk from the room.
“NOOO!” I shout
at him, following. It is stupid, I know how crazy my father is and I know that he
will use the gun in his hand if he feels it necessary or not.
I have to fight
for her, give everything I have to try and get her back.
“Please, Dad,
don’t take her?” I scream, almost dropping to my knees as sobs break through
me, my heart cracked into a million pieces.
“She is mine now
Abigail, MINE! You do not get to see her; you do not get to think of her, she
will not know who you are. I will do as I please.”
“NO DAD. No! Please,
I’ll do anything. Please.” Oh, god, god please I feel numb and sick. I need my
Why is he even
here, he is meant to be in prison, for at least another seven years.
“No.” he replies
“Please.” I beg
again, crying and screaming for help, but nobody is able to hear in the large
expanse of this goddamn house.
SHUT IT, ABIGAIL.” He tells me, taking the gun from my head and pointing it to
my baby’s tiny little chest, her hands wrapping around the barrel as though it
were a toy.
“GOD, NO! Please
leave her alone. Take me. Please take me.” I try to bargain with him, my life
for hers. I am more than willing to die for her.
“You think I
want you, now? You’re an adult now Abigail. I do not want you nor desire to
have you, this little one on the other hand, now that’s a different story.” I
feel ill, violently ill. I will rip him limb from limb if he lays a single
finger on her.
“NO. You are not
taking her.” I shout at him.
.” He tells me simply and sadistically as he turns, aims the gun at my
chest and shoots.
A heat
penetrates through me, stabbing into my heart.
Blackness is all
I feel, numb, dark, lonely BLACKNESS.