Touch of Desire (2 page)

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Authors: Lia Davis

BOOK: Touch of Desire
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Torin was a senior enforcer and Hayden’s—the wolf Marshal, leader of the wolf enforcers—right hand and best friend. He had grown up with Hayden and his family. Cora didn’t know much more of his childhood or anything else about the male.

When he turned to face her, her legs threatened to give out from under her. His silver gaze connected with hers, in a stare so intense and raw with power she couldn’t hold his stare for more than a few moments. Her body heated, and her heart rate increased a fraction. The woman in Cora wasn’t the only one affected by his presences. Her wolf perked up her ears and watched the male, waiting. Torin was one of the few to get a response from her wolf. Keegan and Luna were the only others since she lost her family. Any other time she curled up silent and sad.

She glanced away, not wanting Torin to see the mixture of grief and desire in her eyes. No, her mate could never know her terrible weakness.


Chapter Two



The familiar scent of spring lilies invaded Torin’s senses, enticing and alluring. His wolf began to pace and whimper when the man made no move toward the door their female stood behind. Why would she seek him out here of all places?

The door to the new temporary computer central opened, and the scent intensified. Turning toward the entrance, he met the stare of his mate and instantly grew hard. Whether Cora knew she belonged to him or not, he remained uncertain. He’d known since she’d come of age at eighteen. Though he had every intension of claiming her, he and his wolf had to wait until she came out of her grieving period over the loss of her family.

He ground his molars together and inhaled deeply through his nose. Felix and his band of fucked up minions were going to pay. Someday, somehow. Torin was going to be there to witness the fall.

Straightening fully, he studied her. Strawberry blonde curls fell in unruly waves around her shoulders as if she rolled out of bed.
Maybe she had
. He roamed his gaze over the rest of her. She wore a faded pair of gray sweatpants and a pink tee with a coffee stain above the hem. His cock hardened even more, pressing painfully into the zipper of his jeans.

She held onto their eye contact for only a brief moment, but long enough for him to see the distress and sadness she fought to hide from the world.

He stalked toward her, and, when he got within a foot from her, she retreated a step. Then Keegan flattened a hand on his chest. Torin glanced down at the leopard’s hand, then met his stare. “What’s up?”

Keegan chose to answer him telepathically—a skill the former Alpha shared with all the enforcers and sentries.
I know she’s your mate, but she needs time.

I’ll give it to her, but she needs…

She needs to heal and become independent. If you push her, she’ll run.

Torin let out a low growl, then focused on Cora. She watched them as if expecting an attack. Sighing, he dropped his shoulders and held out his hand. “Good morning. What has you so upset?”

“Just a dream. What are you doing?” She indicated Alec and the five-screen computer system.

After a quick glance over his shoulder, he studied her closer. Her attention focused on Alec and the monitors. “He’s trying to figure out the new security layout, but he’s not having much luck.”

“Fuck you, Tor. If it was easy, they wouldn’t need me and Dane to work on it,” Alec growled.

Torin laughed. “He’s having so much fun. You should stay and join us.”

“I think I will.” Cora pushed past him to stand next to Alec at the computer.

Torin stared, shocked her sudden change in mood and interest in what Alec was doing. A low growl rumbled from his chest. He meant it as a joke, not expecting her to give her attention to another male. His wolf paced and snarled, demanding Torin grab her and leave the building.

Keegan clasped him on the shoulder and whispered, “She has a degree in project management and software development. It’s something she loves.”

Clarity slammed into him. Keegan had brought her here to give her something to do. “A job?”

“Yep, it’ll give her the confidence she needs to heal.” Keegan turned toward the door. “I have to get back to my mate.”

Torin nodded, not really paying attention. He watched Cora as she sat in the chair next to Alec. “Is that Ashwood?”

Alec pointed to the last screen on the left. “Satellite image of the whole area, yes. The one next to it is MoonRiver. Luna and Blaine thinks it's a good idea to include the wolf den in the security design plan.”

“I’d have to agree with them. You could utilize the tunnel system. Were you planning to bury wire around the outside perimeter? It could be a major PITA, but, with a small team, it could be done in no time.” Cora stopped talking and glanced first at Alec, then over her shoulder toward Torin.

Her cheeks pinkened and added to her beauty. He closed the distance between them. “Those are great ideas. You can lead the team and work with Alec on the technical stuff.”

“What? No….”

She shook her head. Torin felt her wolf withdraw a little more.

“But they’re
ideas. I heard the excitement in your voice as you spoke.” He squatted between her and Alec. Taking her hand in his, he softened his tone. “I believe you can do this. I can sense you
to do this.”

She swallowed, but didn’t tug free, which left him and his wolf grateful. “Who…who will be my team?”

Alec smiled and nodded. “Tanner.” He held his hand up to silence both Torin and Cora. “One, you’ll need a sentry who knows the area well. Two, you get to boss him around.”

A shy smile formed on her full, kissable lips.

Torin rose to his feet and added, “Tanner is good to work with. He actually takes direction better than he likes to let people know.”

Another beautiful, smile lifted her lips. “Who else?”


Alec nodded. “Yes, Ana will be great. I’m thinking it would be good for Gina to help also.”

Torin snapped a narrow-eyed glare at the leopard Marshal. Gina was a mutant and only allowed to live in the den because of the enchanted collar she wore. He worried what kind of stress Gina’s presence would place on Cora. Torin opened his mouth to protest, but Cora spoke before he could.

“Gina and Ana are good. Is that it?”

“No. I was thinking Robyn would be great with infusing the magic triggers along the way,” Alec suggested.

“Robyn will be perfect. I don’t know her, but she’s settled into the Pack well, I think.” Cora glanced up at Torin, sending a shockwave of desire straight to his cock.

Reaching out, he lifted the end of one of her strawberry curls. She stiffened briefly, then gently tugged her hair from his fingers. Amusement lit up his wolf’s attention. Alec shook his head and turned toward to the monitors.

Torin ignored the leopard Marshal/acting Beta and offered Cora his best attempt at a gentle smile. “Come, Cora, have breakfast with me.”

She studied him for a long moment before dropping her gaze to her lap. “Oh. I’ll need to change. I…”

Tracing a finger down her cheek to her chin, he gently lifted her face to his. “You look beautiful.”

Her cheeks colored once more, and she eased out of his grip. Standing, she turned her attention to Alec, “Can I have access to the files so I can look them over and draft up a plan tonight?”

The leopard smiled wide, scribbled something down on a sticky note and handed it to her. “Have fun. I can’t seem to narrow down one option. I can’t wait to see what you come with.”

She carefully folded down the sticky part of the Post-It, then folded it in half before slipping it into the pocket of her sweats. “Thanks.” Then she paced to the door, not bothering to wait on Torin.

His lips lifted as he followed her out the room, attention riveted on the way her hips swayed. He was going to unleash her wolf if it was the last thing he did.






Cora exited the room with her heart pounding in her throat. Pressing her back to the wall, she closed her eyes. Every nerve sparked like a live wire under her skin. Torin’s presence was too intense in large doses. Now she was going to have breakfast with him.

She opened her eyes the moment he followed her out into the hallway. He stopped in front of her and braced one hand beside her head. Not exactly trapping her, but close enough. Remembering to breathe, she tried not to shake. His cool, mint scent enveloped her, taunted her, and made her ache in all the right places.

When he dipped his head, she held her breath. Kissing him would be too much, would break her more than she was already broken. Because it’d been too long since she allowed skin-to-skin contact with a male—or any contact with anyone except the occasional casual touch between friends.

“What is your favorite food?”

She let out the breath she held. “Pizza.”

Good one, Cora. How old are you again?

“I love pizza.”

She met his desire-hazed stare, but was able to hold it for only a moment before her wolf whimpered. “No, you don’t.”

Her eyes widened, and she slapped a hand over her mouth. Before this, she’d only sassed off to her brother in a show of play between his cat and her wolf. Tears stung as they pooled, then spilled over her lashes. She squeezed her eyelids shut.

Torin’s warm fingers stroked her cheek, then swiped a tear that escaped. A moment later, she was pulled into his arms, and she buried her face in his shirt.

“Hey.” He cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. She lowered her lids because it hurt too much to meet his stare, his power. “Cora, look at me.”

He didn’t command it. In fact, she swore she heard a plea in his tone. She met his gaze and, for the first time, truly saw how beautiful his silver eyes were.

“I can’t—”

With a press of his lips to her, he cut off her objection. Sensation, heat, and desire rolled through her. Her legs went weak, and her pussy ached even as her panties went damp. She flattened her hands on his chest and realized too late the additional contact was a mistake. Tingles of electrical current passed between them, igniting a wildfire inside her.

Her wolf paced within, confused and needy. She didn’t know what to do. Neither did the woman.

Torin broke the kiss and watched her with a heavy, passion-filled gaze. His dominance, even reined in as much as it was, still made her wolf bare her neck. She wasn’t ready. She couldn’t mate with him. Not now. Maybe not ever.

“I know the perfect place with the best pizza in Cherokee. You up for the drive?”

Narrowing her gaze, she scanned his handsome face. One corner of his mouth lifted in a sexy-as-hell half-smile. “For breakfast?”

The other corner of his mouth lifted into a smile that reached his eyes. “By the time I take you home to change and we drive into Cherokee, it’ll be close enough for lunch.”

A hint of playfulness hid within his smile, calming her wolf enough that she wanted to play with his. The beast never responded to anyone but Torin. Not even Cora. She wasn’t sure what it meant. Did her wolf like him better than her? Impossible. But Cora did begin to wonder.

His words sank in, reminding her she was still in her PJ’s. Embarrassment flooded her, and she wanted to crawl under a rock.

Nodding, she whispered, “Yes, that sounds great.”

Holding out his hand, he waited with a patience she hadn't realized he possessed. When she placed her hand in his, he linked their fingers together and leaned in so his lips brushed her ear. “Because you are taking on the project management for the new security system, we’re going to be spending a lot of time together. I plan to desensitize you and your wolf in the meantime.”

Her heart jumped, and hot liquid desire pooled between her thighs. God help her, Torin was going to kill her with pleasure overload.


Chapter Three



“So…I saw you with Torin yesterday.”

Cora felt her cheeks heat at Cam’s statement. Glancing at the jaguar briefly, she nodded. “He took me out to lunch. Well, I guess it was really brunch.”

“Uh huh, and…?”

Scanning the open, yet private, field where they took the kids to play, Cora sighed. There was no keeping information from the Alpha’s mate. Well, one of the triad. “He kissed me.”

“And…?” She drew out the word, eagerness infusing the single syllable.

A giggle bubbled up and out before Cora could stop it. Out of all the dominant females in the Pack, Cam and Luna were the only two she was completely at ease with. “It was intense and confused my wolf.”

Cam grunted. “That’s Torin. He’s too….”

“Alpha male.”

“Yes, to put it mildly.” Cam laughed, then asked, “Do you want me to tell him to back off?”

Fear settled in her chest and burned its way to her belly. “No! Please don’t.”

“Okay. But if you can’t handle it and he pushes too hard, you know you can come to me and Luna.”

Nodding, Cora sidestepped a toddler running full force after a ball toward the woods behind them. She scooped him up and tapped his nose. “No, sir.”


“I know, Brian, and I’ll get it.” She set him on his feet. “Now, stay here.”

She raised a brow and waited. He folded his arms over his little chest, but nodded. Smiling, she jogged after the ball and returned with it. Brian clapped with excitement before taking it from her and throwing it into the small group of children.

“You’re really good with the kids.”

She shrugged. “They need direction and love.”

Cam leaned into her so their shoulders pressed together. “So does Torin. Think of him as a big kid.”

“A big, sexy, aggressive kid,” Cora said dryly. “I can’t even look him in the eyes. Not even after he asks. And the passion he stirs inside me is frightening.”

“But you like it, right?”

Cheeks heating again, Cora nodded. “Yes. Even though I may die from sensory overload.”

Cam laughed so hard Cora thought the female would fall to the ground. “Not possible. Trust me. I’ve been pushed over the edge many, many times.”

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