Touch the Heavens (26 page)

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Authors: Lindsay McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

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Karen joined Chris and Dan at the bar, one foot hoisted up on the brass rail. She raised her glass of beer in Chris’s direction. The music, laughter and cheering never completely ceased, and the club literally rang from wall to wall with celebration. The partying went on until midnight when everyone decided they’d better hit the bunk because tomorrow was another school day. Chris slowly walked out to the parking lot with Dan. The stars overhead were bright, blinking and diamond-like. Dan slipped his arm around her waist, drawing her near.

“Tired?” he asked.

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Tired but so very happy. I never expected all of this, Dan.”

He opened the door of the Corvette for her. “Get used to it, Raven. See what happens when you throw those walls away? People get a chance to see the real you. And it’s a hell of a nice lady inside there.”

Chris gave Dan a grateful look when he entered the car. “I owe you.”

He shook his head. “No you don’t. I was only a part of it. Give yourself credit, too.”

On the way over to the BOQ, Chris rested, thinking about the day and those who supported her. She had never expected the entire two classes to turn out to meet her on the ramp. She was going to have to adjust her view of others, as well as herself. No longer was she the lone wolf struggling to survive, not anymore. Chris glanced over at Dan. Looking at him, with the shadows and light playing off his strong, composed features, gave her a feeling of incredible joy.

She turned her head toward him, tears glittering in her large violet eyes. “As you always have been, darling. All I know is that I love you with my life, Dan,” she murmured.

He gravely met her gaze. “And it’s just beginning, Raven. You’ll finish and graduate from TPS. From there, you’ll be known as Captain Chris Mallory-McCord.”

A grin edged her lips. “Isn’t that a bit of a mouthful?”

Dan returned the smile. “Well, I could have been a real MCP and said Captain Chris McCord. I figured I’d give you the choice of names. When things go right, use your name. When things go wrong, just tack on McCord and they’ll come hunting me.”

She couldn’t stop laughing. “You’re a crazy damn jet jock, McCord,” she accused warmly.

Turning, he smiled broadly. “And you love it.”

Chris agreed. “Every minute of it, darling.”

* * * * *

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ISBN-13: 9781460334362


Copyright © 1985 by Eileen Nauman

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