Touched by Darkness

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Authors: Catherine Spangler

BOOK: Touched by Darkness
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~ Book One of the Sentinel Series ~

Catherine Spangler



- A mystical, magical culture that some

believe actually existed in the North Atlantic

Ocean, bordering parts of what is now the eastern

U.S. coast. It is also believed that Atlantis had an

extremely advanced culture, and destroyed itself

through civil war and the misuse of its great Tuaoi


- The cunning, evil leader of a rebel

Atlantian faction, Belial advocated human slavery,

human sacrifices, and the dark side of magic. His

group gained control of the Tuaoi stone and

orchestrated the destruction of Atlantis.

- A follower of Belial (also known as the

Sons of Belial). Adhering to their leader's original

dark practices, Belians are now reincarnating in

human form on Earth, and wrecking violence and

havoc on its inhabitants. They thrive on chaos and

terror and blood offerings to Belial. Although they

occupy mortal bodies, they have superhuman

abilities. They operate from the four lower spiritual

chakras, and can shield their presence from


Belian Crime Scene (BCS)
- The scene of a Belian

crime. A Sentinel investigates the scene, absorbing

the psychic energies left behind by the Belian, in

order to track it down.

Belian Explusion (BE)
- A forced exile of a Belian

soul to Saturn for spiritual rehabilitation. It requires

the joint efforts of a Sentinel and the High


- The seven spiritual centers of the human

body, starting in the lower abdomen and moving

upward. Each corresponds to a physical part of the

body, and also to a specific color. The first four are

the lower chakras and grounded to the Earth. The

last three are the higher chakras and are linked to

the Creator and the spiritual realm.

Conductor -
A regular human who is psychically

wired to link with some Sentinels, and to magnify

and enhance the Sentinel's psychic tracking

abilities. Conductors are relatively rare, and a good

conductor/Sentinel match is even rarer. A matched

conductor is always the opposite sex of the

Sentinel, and there's a powerful sexual attraction

between them.

Conduction -
The process in which a Sentinel and

a conductor link spiritually through the seven

chakras; most specifically, the sixth chakra and

third eye. This amplifies the psychic energy the

Sentinel has absorbed from a Belian crime scene

and helps to identify the Belian. The process also

raises powerful sexual energies and has a physical

component—sexual intercourse, which further

enhances the psychic energies. Often several

conductions are required before the Belian's shields

are breached.

Crystal Pendant
- A pink quartz crystal edged in

silver, it's worn by many Sentinels. Attuned to the

great Tuaoi Stone, and to the Sentinel's personal

energy, it helps focus and magnify psychic

energies, and with shielding.

High Sanctioned
- Those entities (souls) that were

the high priests of the temple of The One on

Atlantis. Generally, they don't occupy physical

bodies, but act more as spirit guides for Sentinels.

They assist with Belian expulsions.

Initiate -
A fledgling, a young Sentinel who is still

learning how to shield energies and use the Sentinel


Law of One
- The spiritual law and belief followed

by most Atlantians, it acknowledged a higher

Supreme Being and placed the focus on the Light,

and positive energies.

- Spiritually advanced Atlantian

entities who served the high priests in the temple of

The One. They occupy human bodies and are the

overseers and the decision makers in the day-to-day

Sentinel operations on Earth.

- An Atlantian soul reincarnating into a

human body to track down Belians and dispense

karmic justice. Like Belians, Sentinels are mortal,

but possess superhuman powers. They operate out

of the three higher chakras, making it difficult for

Belians to sense their presence. They often use

conductors to help them identify Belians.

The One
- The Atlantian term for God/Supreme


Third Eye
- A spiritual center that is linked to the

sixth chakra and the Pineal Gland, and represented

by the color indigo, the third eye enhances 'seeing'

and 'hearing' on an ethereal level. A Sentinel, often

with the aid of a conductor, works through the third

eye to track Belians.

Psychic Signature
- The energy patterns left

behind by a Belian, more pronounced if a violent

crime has occurred. A Sentinel collects and absorbs

these energies, and pieces together clues and

mental pictures to help identify the Belian.

Saturn (Burning/Experience)
- Saturn, the 'grim

reaper', rules the moral and karmic lessons souls

must experience and overcome. Also called the

'karmic initiator', Saturn is where Belian souls are

sent until they learn their spiritual lessons. It is not

a pleasant experience—more like purgatory.

Sexual Surge
- The raw, powerful surge of sexual

energy that occurs at the beginning of a conduction,

when the lower chakras open and pull in Earth-

based energies—which most resemble the vibratory

levels of Belians. This surge helps the Sentinel get

a better fix on the Belian.

- Using psychic energies to create a

spiritual shield that blocks the presence of either a

Sentinel or a Belian.

Tuaoi Stone (The Great Crystal)
- A huge spear

of solid, multi-faceted quartz crystal, the Tuaoi

stone was housed in a special temple on Atlantis. It

provided all power, as well as a means of

communicating with The One, and was ultimately

used to destroy Atlantis. It now lies at the bottom of

the Atlantic Ocean, its power undiminished.

White Brotherhood
- (Does not refer to race or

gender) This was the Atlantian priesthood

established for the perpetuation of the Law of One.

They had the ability to transport themselves in

thought or body wherever desired. Many of them

have incarnated as Sentinels, the Sanctioned, and

the Higher Sanctioned.

For in the life of the entity enters many of those

conditions that may

be made into miracles or crimes.

(Edgar Cayce Reading 2497-3)



The beginning


Thousands of years ago, luminous soul beings

arrived on the planet Earth; bright and inquisitive

spirits exploring an endless Universe. On Earth,

they discovered physical sensations—and oh, what

sensations! Only in this physical realm could they

experience of taste, touch, smell, hearing and


So they stayed, creating new material forms to

house their beings. Some became mermaids,

unicorns, half-beasts. Most materialized into

human forms. Thus Atlantis came into existence.

At first very peaceful and spiritual, they followed

the Law of One:
There is only the One. All come

from the One, all must return to the One. The One

is the Light. You are the children of Light.

They lived in great illumination; their technology

and accomplishments were legendary. They had

physical and mental abilities and powers far

beyond those of humans today. What they could

conceive, they could create.

They mastered particle physics, solar power, atomic

power, gravity. They constructed spacecraft that

moved faster than light through outer space and

time. The great crystal, the Tuaoi stone, provided

all their energy.

But then disharmony crept in. An evil faction, led

by the cunning Belial, who advocated slavery and

excesses of the flesh, began gaining power. His

followers were known as the Sons of Belial, or


They worshiped the darkness and renewed their life

force through the blood of human sacrifices. They

disdained the Light.

Through treachery and violence, they gained

control of the Tuaoi stone and began terrorizing the

citizens of Atlantis and surrounding nations. They

used the Tuaoi as a death ray, tuning it to such high

frequencies that it caused great upheavals of the

land—and ultimately, the final destruction of


Then the Earth knew peace again. The Atlantian

souls who had inhabited the planet did not return

for thousands more years. But the twentieth century

saw the rise of amazing scientific and technological

advancements. Once again, Atlantians were drawn

back to the Earth, to the familiar technologies.

The Belians first chose to return to a physical

existence, where their superior powers would

enable them to dominate the weaker humans;

where they could thrive on terror and darkness and


They are now entering the Earth through birth as

humans or by possessing bodies. They have

renewed their reign of evil, ruthless power brokers

that you call dictators, serial killers, mafia, gang

leaders, drug lords, and more.

Other Atlantians have been called into service to

stop them. They are also reincarnating into human

bodies to hunt them down and dispense justice.

They are the Sentinels.

They answer only to The One and those who serve

the Light. They walk among you, unrecognized,

except to a few—human conductors who are able

to enhance their psychic abilities and help them

track the unseen evil that threatens you.

Your Earth is once again touched by darkness.

But those who worship Belial will not win.

There is no escape from destiny.

The Sentinels will prevail.

For being afraid is the first consciousness of sin's

entering in…

(Edgar Cayce Reading 243-10)


It didn't start out as a day of horrendous memories

— or of soul-numbing pain. It started as a

beautiful, sunny Saturday, with the air so clear and

crisp, one couldn't help but inhale deep breaths of

the cleansing freshness, and feel as if a multitude of

God's benevolent blessings must be shining down

upon the entire world. Terrorism, disease, poverty

and hunger, grief and despair, were distant threads

of reality, too dim to possibly exist.

Life was good, Kara thought, as she headed to town

in her '98 Chevy truck. Like the few daffodils

insistently pushing their way through the thick

grass and weeds lining the two-lane road—despite

the fact it was only early March—the heart could

recover from overwhelming anguish, could return

from a harsh, debilitating winter. Life could

resume, with a reassuring ebb and flow of


She glanced over at Alex, his head bent over his

Game Boy Micro as he concentrated on FIFA

Soccer. From an early age, he had displayed a

superior intelligence, and could play games far

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