Trade Off (4 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Trade Off
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Take some time to think about your options, and know that I’m always here when you need to talk.

All My Love,



Looking at it now, Sela could see how letting him rescue her was wrong, but as a scared teen without any other prospects, Neil was the answer to her prayers.

When she told him she was pregnant, Neil confided a secret of his own. He had contracted mumps as a young teen. He said the high fever and swelling should have been an indication something was wrong, but his mother insisted it would pass. He eventually recovered from the illness, after a brief hospital stay, but the doctors told him he’d suffered from orchitis, which resulted in sterility. It was rare, they said, only affecting a small percentage of men and boys who developed the infection. Unfortunately, he had been one of the unlucky few. The doctors said if his mother had brought him to the hospital sooner, if she’d had him vaccinated… maybe things would have been different.

Three months after they took their vows, Sela miscarried, but she never lost sight of the fact that Neil loved the baby she lost almost as much as she did. He was there for her and her unborn child when she had nowhere else to turn for support.

That was the reason she’d stayed with him then, and it was the reason she stayed with him today. Eight years ago, she had been the one who needed a shoulder to lean on, but now, he was the one who seemed terrified of the future and it was her turn to be his source of support.

Chapter Three


When Aiden walked into his parents’ house, his sister, Brianna, was sitting on the couch flipping through a fashion magazine.

She leapt off the couch and ran toward him, launching herself into his waiting arms. “Ohmigod, I couldn’t believe it when Dad told me you were coming home.” She pulled back to look him in the eye. “This is a good thing, right? You’re happy about it?”

“Of course I’m happy, sis.”

She propped her hand on her hip and glared at him the way their mother had a hundred times before. “Okay, let’s try the truth this time.”

“Man, it sucks havin’ a kid sister who’s a lawyer.”

“Going to be a lawyer, in one short year.” She pressed her palms together and looked up at the ceiling. “God willing.”

“You’ve got nothin’ to worry about. You’re in the top ten percent of your class.”

“Still, you can’t take anything for granted.”

He knew she was right. He had taken his relationship with Sela for granted and he was still paying the price. “Where are the folks?”

“They went to the store to stock up on all of your favorites.” She giggled. “You know how it is when the prodigal son returns.” She slipped her arm around his waist and led him into the great room.

It used to be
spot when he and Brianna were kids. They would watch TV, play video games, and hang out with their friends in that room. He glanced at the new leather sofa, trying to forget the fact he and Sela had shared their first kiss on the old, worn one. A lifetime of memories filled this house, and too many of them seemed wrapped up in his first love.

“Sit, tell me what’s been happening with you,” Brianna said, tugging on his hand until he had no choice but to ease down on the sofa beside her.

He had always been close with all of his siblings, Brianna and his two half-brothers, Jay and Mike, but their busy lives took them in different directions in recent years. He was looking forward to catching up with everyone. “Well, you know about the trade… There’s not much else to tell.”

“How did Monica take the news that you’d be moving on?”

He and his sister spoke on the phone a couple of times a month, and texted and emailed several times a week, so she knew all about the women in his life. “She was, uh, disappointed.”

“I’m not surprised. From what you told me, she thought it might be goin’ somewhere.”

He tipped his head back against the cushion and closed his eyes. “I never should’ve let her believe that.  I should’ve told her the truth, that it wasn’t goin’ anywhere.”

“So, why didn’t you?”

He opened one eye to look at her. “I guess I didn’t wanna be alone. Still, usin’ someone else to fill the void isn’t right. I know that.”

She reached out to pat his hand. “You’ve had a dozen girlfriends since you left home. Why do you think none of those relationships have worked out?”

He knew being back in Nashville meant it was time to man up and deal with his feelings for Sela, once and for all. “I guess I never really got over what happened with Michaels.”

She tucked her legs under her and asked, “What’re you gonna do about it?”

“I went to see Sela before I came here. I saw him too.”

Brianna slapped his chest. “Shut up! You did not!”

“Yeah, I did. I’m tired of wonderin’ what the hell happened to us. I need to know what they were thinkin’ when they decided to get married before the ink on my contract was even dry.”

“So, was she able to give you any answers?”

“No, I think I caught her off guard. Then he showed up, and things kinda went downhill from there.”

“You guys didn’t get into it, did you?”

Aiden smiled. “No, not that I wouldn’t have liked to.”

“So, what’re you gonna do now?”

“I think I might track down Sharon, see if she knows why Sela chose Neil over me.”

“Sharon… you mean Neil’s ex-girlfriend?”

“Yeah. You know where I might be able to find her?”

She shrugged. “No, but why don’t you ask Dad? He’s good at finding people. If he can’t help you, maybe Mike can.”

His father and brother were both retired police officers, so he had no doubt they could help him track Sharon down. “Yeah, I just might do that.”

“Good luck,” Brianna said, reaching over to kiss his cheek. “I hope you can put this thing to rest. I know it’s eatin’ away at you for too long.”

“You’re right about that,” he muttered.

Before he could say anything more, his mother rushed into the room, his father close behind. “Oh, it’s so good to see you,” she said, holding her arms out to him.

Aiden smiled as he picked his mother up and swung her in a low circle. The years since he’d left home had been kind to her. She looked just as beautiful as she did eight years ago. “Damn, it’s great to be home.” As he saw the faces of the people who loved him most, he realized it was true. He was finally back where he belonged.

She squeezed his neck hard as she laughed and cried in unison. “When your dad told me you were coming home… I…”

Aiden laughed as he set her down on her feet. “Quit cryin’ already. You’re gonna get this one started,” he said, gesturing to his sister.

“I can’t help it,” Lexi said, swiping at the tears sliding down her cheeks before fanning her face. “I’m just so happy.”

Josh rolled his eyes as he pulled his son into a back-slapping hug. “She’s been over the top ever since I told her the news. I don’t expect her to come down for a good long while.”

Aiden chuckled. “I guess that means I’m gonna benefit from some serious pamperin’ over the next few weeks. Home-cooked meals, someone to do my laundry…”

Lexi slapped his shoulder. “Behave yourself.”

“So,” Josh said, taking a step back, “I hope you don’t mind that we’re plannin’ a little get-together in your honor tonight?”

“Uh-oh, a
get-together is never very low-key around here. Who’d ya have in mind?”

“Well, your Uncle Trey and Aunt Sierra, Alisa and her new husband, Liam—”

“Hey, yeah, how crazy is that?” Aiden asked, laughing. “Our little cousin Alisa married some billionaire hotel tycoon old enough to be her father. Uncle Trey must’ve busted an artery over that one.”

Brianna launched a pillow at him from behind, hitting him square in the head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Liam Bryson is H-O-T, and Uncle Trey and Aunt Sierra have both accepted him like one of the family.”

“Cool, I’m lookin’ forward to meetin’ him. Who else is gonna be here?”

Lexi pretended to be deep in thought as she ticked off the guests on her fingers. “Let’s see, Evan and Ryan, Ty and Avery, Anna and—”

Aiden laughed as he held his hands up. “The whole gang, I got it. Cool, I can’t wait to see everyone. I just wanna crash for a while and grab a shower before everyone gets here.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got time, right?”

“Yeah, they’ll start gettin’ here around seven,” Josh said. “It’ll be casual, just beers and burgers, so no worries.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be out in a bit, if you need a hand with anything.”

Lexi grabbed his hand as she led him down the hall toward his childhood bedroom. “We’re so happy to have you home, honey.”

He put his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in to his side. “Thanks, Mom. It feels good to be here, real good.”



Aiden wandered out to the backyard where the large group had gathered, anxious to catch up. It had been too long since he had made time for his family and old friends.

His brother, Mike, wrapped an arm around his neck and passed him a bottle of beer. “Training camp hasn’t started yet. You can afford to have a few.”

“You don’t have to convince me, bro,” Aiden said, tipping the bottle to his lips. “How’re things? Tori’s on fire with that new album, huh? I heard it went double platinum within a few months. Man, that’s crazy.”

Tori Warner was Mike’s wife and the undisputed queen of country music. As the head of security for her record label, Titan Records, Mike traveled with her most of the time.

“I know, right?” Mike chuckled. “Not that we’re complainin’. She knows it can’t last forever, but she sure is enjoyin’ it while it does.”

“She should. She’s worked damn hard to get where she is.”

“Can’t argue with that.” He grinned. “I’m her biggest fan. Speakin’ of bein’ proud…” Mike said, looping an arm around his brother’s neck and squeezing hard enough to make Aiden wince. “That was a pretty sweet contract you just signed, little brother.” He laughed. “Does that mean beers are on you tonight, or what?”

Aiden elbowed Mike in the ribs. “Quit bustin’ my chops. Things are good. I can’t complain.”

“Oh yeah, so why the hang-dog expression?”

Mike always had his number. He may be able to pull the odd one over on his parents or his other siblings, but Mike always called him out whenever he tried to pretend everything was fine. “You know how it is, man. Still tryin’ to figure things out.”

“How do you feel about playin’ with Michaels again?”

Aiden shrugged. “It sucks, but what the hell am I gonna do about it? It is what it is, right?”

“I guess so.” Mike smirked. “Hey, this is your team, your year, so don’t hesitate to let that S.O.B. know who’s boss right from the start.”

Aiden would take over as team captain at the start of the season, and that meant he had to be a leader, both on and off the ice. He had worked too hard and he knew his new team had come too far to let his personal feelings about Michaels get in the way of their success this season. “Don’t worry. I intend to put this to rest before the season even starts. We don’t need to take this shit into the locker room or onto the ice.”

“That’s probably a good idea.”

Alisa walked up to them, holding the hand of a man Aiden recognized from the newspaper articles and Internet features he’d seen about his company.

“Hey, you,” Alisa said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. “It’s sure good to see you. It’s been too damn long.”

Aiden rubbed her slight baby bump and grinned when she giggled. “Good to see you too, cuz.” He extended his hand to Liam. “Nice to meet the man who was finally able to tame our wild child.”

Liam laughed. “Believe me, it was my pleasure. Nice to meet you, Aiden. I’ve got season tickets, so I was happy to hear the powers that be had the good sense to sign you. I think having you on the team is gonna give them the manpower they need to take a run at the Cup. If not this season, definitely next.”

“Thanks, I guess we’ll see what happens, right? I feel pretty good about our chances though.”

“There’s the man of the hour,” Ryan Spencer said, slapping Aiden upside the head as he walked past.

Aiden laughed at his old friend’s antics. They had grown up together and remained close, even in the years since Aiden moved to Vancouver. Mike, Liam, and Alisa said their good-byes and moved on, giving Ryan and Aiden a chance to catch up.

“Where the hell you been hidin’ yourself, boy?” Ryan asked, reaching for a beer from the cooler.

Aiden knew his friend was still the stereotypical playboy, following the ladies and the next party wherever it might lead. “Where’ve I been?” Aiden smirked. “Workin’ my ass off. Can you say the same?”

Ryan rolled his eyes. “Now you’re startin’ to sound like the old man.”

“Hey, my dad mentioned Luc’s finally ready to pack it in. He’s gonna let you and Evan run the show, huh?”

“Uh no, he’s gonna let Evan run the show. I’ll handle the fun stuff. You know, runnin’ with the talent…” He winked. “Makin’ sure they’re happy.”

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