Trail of Golden Dreams (21 page)

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Authors: Stacey Coverstone

BOOK: Trail of Golden Dreams
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The woman had no
idea what she did to him!  Sweat beaded over his brow even now as he
recalled the daydream.

May I please have your attention?”

Upon hearing
Juanita’s commanding voice, his head swung in the direction of the house. She
stood in the doorway looking lovely in a dark red dress.  Chatter on the
patio hushed, and all eyes focused on her.  She spoke as if she were
addressing the Town Council or important government officials, not her rowdy
ranch hands and a passel of ladies of the evening.

“I want to thank
you all for joining me this evening.  Tonight is a celebration in honor of
my new friends, Miss Hart and Mr. Paladin, who have traveled to us from the
south.”  She gazed around and caught Grey’s eye and waved him
forward.  “Mr. Paladin, please come here.”  He obliged by sauntering
across the yard and standing next to her.  “Everyone, this is Mr.
Paladin.”  Juanita linked her arm through his and smiled up at him. 
When he nodded his head to the crowd, the men and ladies clapped

Unclasping her
arm, she said, “And now, I want to introduce you all to a very special young
lady.  Her father was a dear friend of mine.  Please welcome Miss
Josephine Hart.”  She clapped and welcomed Josie forth.

When Grey saw
Josie stroll through the door, his mouth dropped open, and his gut twisted into
a knot.  Could this be the same person he’d been riding the trail with the
past five days?  She was beautiful!  Her face was scrubbed clean, and
her shiny black hair fell in loose waves over her shoulders.  The memory
of his fingers pushing through that soft hair assaulted him. His gaze raked her
up and down.  The blue dress hugged her curves and brought out the sparkle
in her eyes.  He remembered what she’d felt like when he’d held her and
felt the breath seize in his chest.

Her gaze met his
and fastened.  When she smiled, he tilted his head. Her smile was not one
of a shy, awkward girl, but rather that of a confident woman who knew she was
the belle of the ball.  His heart hammered at the sight of her.  Time
stood still as they locked gazes.  The surreal moment was interrupted when
he heard Juanita shout, “Time to eat!”

As the crowd
clamored to the banquet table, Josie stepped over to him.  “Hello,
Grey.”  Her gaze perused him from head to toe, from his dusted Stetson to
his polished boots.  “You look mighty handsome all cleaned up.  I
almost didn’t recognize you.  You shaved, too.”

With his heart
lodged in his throat, it was difficult to speak.  He swallowed hard and
replied, “Thank you, Josie.  I swear.  You look as pretty as a

Her face beamed at
the compliment.  “Thank you, Grey.”  She glanced around at the people
filling their plates.  “Isn’t this all so wonderful and grand?  No
one has ever thrown a party for me before, not even for my birthday.  It’s
like a dream come true.  Juanita is the kindest woman I’ve ever
known.  Look!”  She lifted the beads off her chest.  “She even
let me borrow her own personal jewelry to wear tonight.  I feel like a real
lady for the first time in my life.”

He grinned. His
chest swelled with pride for her, and he had the strongest desire to grab her
into his arms and swing her around. She was so happy, and that made him
happy.  “Josie, you
a real lady.  I don’t want you to ever
forget that.”

Her thick
eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings, and then she pushed her knuckles into
his shoulder and chuckled.  “Why, Grey.  I think you
have a
heart hiding inside those black duds of yours.”

His gaze delved
deep.  “I do, Josie.  And it’s beating like an Apache drum for you
right now.”

Her eyes
smoldered, awakening a hunger inside him so intense.  The words he spoke
were as close to real emotion as he’d felt in five years, particularly for a
woman.  Honest feelings had not been easy to admit since he’d lost
everyone he loved. 
  Was he associating that word with
Josie? He put his hands on her arms, and she peered up at him with her face
glowing like an angel.

Mr. Paladin!  Come fill your plates.”  Juanita broke them apart and
steered them toward the table piled high with food.

“Come on,
Grey.  I know how you like to eat.”  Josie smiled and pulled him
toward the table.

 Moments ago,
he’d been as hungry as a bear.  Now, his appetite was only for her.

* * * *

When the meal
concluded, the mariachi band began to play and couples paired off to dance.
Josie and Grey sat next to each other at the table.  Did he know how to
dance? She glanced at him, wondering if he was going to ask her. 

He had inhaled two
plates of food and several mugs of beer and was now leaning back in the chair
with one long leg crossed over his knee.  It did her good to see him full
and satisfied.  She could swear the color had returned to his handsome,
clean-shaven face.  She thought she’d seen him grow pale when she’d walked
onto the patio.  No wonder.  She smiled, knowing she’d looked like an
orphan the whole time they’d been together.  It had to have been a shock
for him to see her spiffed up in a dress.  He’d told her she was as pretty
as a picture and that his heart was beating like a drum.  She’d about
fainted when he’d said that. 

How she wished
he’d take her hand and lead her onto the dance floor!  An ache to be held
in his arms pulsed through her. She wanted the other girls there to know he was
hers, even though he really wasn’t.  She’d seen many of the sporting women
gawking at Grey as they ate supper.  Not discreet glances either, but
outright ogling the man, like they were wolves and he was a hunk of rare
meat.  It made her burn inside!  She wanted him to hold her close and
sweep her around like she was a princess and he was her prince.

As if he could
read her mind, his head turned and he looked at her.  Flashing that
lopsided smile, her insides melted like butter in a fry pan.  She could
hardly stand it when he gave her that look.  Goose pimples peppered her
arms.  She waited, with her heart in her throat, for him to open his mouth
and ask her to dance.

“Are you two
having fun?”  Juanita swooped in like a hawk and bent over their shoulders.

“This is the best
night of my life,” Josie answered, wiping the corner of her mouth with a linen

Juanita’s dark eyes enlarged, and
tears sprang into them.  “Why, Josephine!  You’re as sweet as
Leroy said you were.  Sweeter than pie!  I’m so glad you and Mr.
Paladin decided to come visit.”  She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss
on her cheek. 

Josie touched her
cheek with two fingers, sealing Juanita’s kiss like a brand.  The scent of
Juanita’s lilac body powder wafted into her nostrils.  It had been so long
since another woman had touched her or kissed her.  The kindness reminded
her of how she’d missed her mama and longed for a mother through the lonely
years.  But this was no time for sad memories.

Juanita pulled
Grey up by the arm.  “You two should dance.  You
know how
to dance, don’t you, Mr. Paladin?”  She didn’t wait for an answer. She’d
gotten him on his feet.  Nodding to Josie, Josie stood, and Juanita wedged
the two of them together like a sandwich. 

Josie felt one of
Grey’s hands slip into hers as the other circled her waist.  She placed
her palm on his shoulder, and they started to sway to the music.  The song
was a waltz, and though she didn’t know the right steps, her feet seemed to
move on their own.  Grey, it seemed, did know how to dance.  In fact,
he was a very good dancer.  She felt like a feather in his arms as they
twirled and weaved between other couples.  A light breeze blew her hair
with every spin and turn.  The pulse throbbed in her neck when he drew her
closer.  Her head was even with his breastbone.  She peered up and
asked, “Who taught you to dance?”  She felt him squeeze her waist tighter.

“My ma.”

nice.  You learned well.”

“You?” he queried.

“Me, what?” 
She couldn’t think straight from being dizzy with excitement.

He chuckled. 
“Who taught you to dance the waltz?”

“No one,” she
admitted.  “This is the first time I’ve ever had the pleasure.”

“You don’t say?”
His eyebrow arched.  “Well, you’re a quick study, Josie.  I’d say
you’re a natural born dancer.”

“You would?” 
She smiled.  It was important he feel proud of her.  He was an
educated man.  He’d want a woman who was willing to discover life the way
he did.  “I like to learn new things,” she offered.

He bent his head
and huskily whispered in her ear, “I can teach you some things.”  When his
lips brushed across her cheek, she felt his hot breath slither down her neck,
and her legs grew weak.  Remembering the way he tasted and how his tongue
had felt probing her mouth before caused her to shiver uncontrollably.

The music stopped
and he drew back.  “Are you cold?”

“A little,” she

“Let’s get your
shawl and take a walk.  Would you like that?”


He collected her
shawl from the back of the chair and draped it across her shoulders.  They
started strolling down a path that led away from the house.

“I think I saw a
pond back here earlier today,” Grey said.  “I hope it wasn’t a mirage, but
it could have been.  My brain had turned to mush from the sun.”

Josie chuckled and
pulled the shawl tighter, not wishing to speak.  She was lost in the magic
of walking with him and being near him on such a perfect evening.  She was
also thinking about what he’d just said as the dance ended.  He’d told her
he could teach her some things.  What things would those be?  More
ways to kiss?  Or was he referring to lovemaking?  Heaven knew she’d
need lessons in that when the time came. The thought of him being her teacher
in love caused her to shudder with longing.

Images of Grey
making love to her made her head spin and her heart pound.  He was so
handsome, strong and brave, and tenderhearted, too.  Before they’d even
met officially in the cave, she’d been drawn to him in Dry Gulch. She hadn’t
understood why at the time.  She’d only known there was a connection
between them.  And she hadn’t been wrong.  The more time she spent
with him, the more she felt they were like two pieces of a puzzle.  She
fit inside his arms like he was her home. There was no doubt he’d be able to satisfy
her physically, but would she be enough for him?  He was worldly, having
spent time adventuring in unknown parts. Probably some of those adventures
involved women. 

She was
inexperienced in love and the ways between a woman and man.  What if she
disappointed him?  She couldn’t bear to think of losing him.  Did he
even feel the same way she did?  She thought so, but wasn’t sure. 

“Look,” he said,
pointing. “I guess I wasn’t imagining things after all.”  They walked to
the edge of a pond.  As the sun sank in one half of the sky, the moon
lifted in the other, as if an invisible thread pulled it upward. Casting a
coppery glow over the water, the tranquil water shimmered under the pale

Josie’s breath
hitched.  “Oh, Grey!  It’s so beautiful.  I love it here.” 
Joyous tears stung the backs of her eyes. Everything about this day had been
ideal.  She wondered how it could possibly get any better.  If would,
of course, if Grey kissed her again.  She let her gaze fall to the
water.  Pa had been right.  The trail had been long and difficult so
far, and there were still many miles to travel.  But as she stood there in
the moonlight next to Grey, she thought she’d almost be willing to give up the
gold and her dreams of San Francisco if she could hold onto this moment forever.

“What are you
thinking about?” he asked, snatching her from her contemplation.  He
turned her toward him and slid his fingers through her hair.

Her body grew hot
under his touch.  “I was thinking about how far we’ve come, and how far
we’ve yet to go.  I was thinking about San Francisco.”

“Oh?”  His
hand grazed the back of her neck, and he rolled her earlobe between his thumb
and forefinger.  He seemed uninterested in conversation and distracted by
everything except the way her skin felt.

“Y-y-yes,” she
stammered.  “I wonder if the bay is as pretty in the moonlight as this

“I don’t know,” he
whispered.  “I’ve never been to San Francisco.”

“Would you like to
go?” she asked softly.

He slid the shawl
off her shoulders and let it slide to the ground, and then cupped the back of
her head with his large palm.  “Perhaps.”

Her heart leapt
with hope, while the rest of her trembled with anticipation at what he was
going to do next.  Her wait was not long.  Grey pulled her close and
covered her mouth with his.  As he smothered her with kisses, his hands
moved up and down her back before resting on her bottom.  He cupped her
bottom through her dress.  When he began to grind his long, lean frame
into her, her eyes fluttered shut.  She wondered if the beers had made him
amorous.  Moaning softly, she arched her back, prepared for whatever Grey
had in store for her. 

As his hands roved
from her bottom to the curves of her hips, his lips moved down her jaw
line.  He suckled the delicate skin covering the slender arch of her
neck.  The sensation drove her wild. She felt her thighs spasm and clench
together as pools of moisture gathered between her legs.  Suddenly, he
picked her up off the ground, grasped her under her thighs, and lifted her onto
him, giving her no option but to wrap her legs around his waist.  It
didn’t matter that her dress hitched up above her knees.  She felt as free
and unconstrained as a bird.

“Don’t drop me!”
she cried, while flinging her arms around his neck.

“I won’t,
darlin’.”  He danced her around in a circle, keeping a strong grip on her.

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