TrickorTreat (2 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Oh

BOOK: TrickorTreat
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“He’s my cousin. We’re shopping.” Sheesh! That sounded
twerpy and now Jud was eyeing the black shopping bag in her hand.

“I dropped in to look around, too. You never know what
you’ll find here. Or,” he paused, “who you’ll meet.”

“We’re done, Jud,” Andrew said. “On our way for coffee. Want
to join us?”

It was the first she’d heard about coffee, but caffeine
wouldn’t go amiss. She had a web site to work on when she got home.

She ended up in a booth next to Jud, while Andrew went off
to pick up three lattes, and to make sure hers was hi-test.

“Planning on staying up all night?” Jud asked.

“With a bit of luck.” He nodded expectantly and she went on.
“I have a web design business on the side.”

“So you stay up all night working?”

“Not every night. Just when I have someone paying extra for
a rush job. I wasn’t about to say ‘no’.”

“Do you ever say ‘no’?”

How was she supposed to take that? His dark eyes didn’t look
as if he were hitting on her, but hell if she knew. “When it’s in my
self-interest, yes. What about you?”

“Me? I believe in self-indulgence and discipline.”

“Aren’t they contradictory?”

Jud shook his head, and a lock of dark hair fell over his
high forehead. “Not in the least. Doesn’t one need both in any venture? How
would your business on the side be without discipline on your part?”

“It wouldn’t be, and yes, my mother considers it

“Proves my point!” She wasn’t sure it did, but… “So, Katie,
what do you do when you’re not building web sites, or shopping for kinky toys?”

“I wasn’t shopping for…” Hell, she had been. “For a ‘day
job’ I work retail. It pays the rent, and gives me health insurance.”

“Retail? Hmmm… Not at the Rose and Leather?”

“No way! I’d never even been there before.”

“Big bad cousin leading you astray?” His eyes twinkled.
“Tell me what did you buy?”


“Ever had them used on yourself?”

“Good grief, no!” That sounded ridiculously prim. “They’re
for my cousin, as a gag gift for her shower.”

“If it’s a ‘gag’ gift why not get her a gag?”

“They sell gags? What for?” Dumb question.

“Same reason as handcuffs, chains or ropes: to restrain a
lover.” Had to be something about his voice, but her throat went tight and she
felt the bag beside her crackle as her fingers gripped the top. ”You think your
cousin would like that?”

Highly unlikely! “It’s just for fun. She'll never really use
them.” It was actually hard to even imagine prim Sally making out, but…

“Why not? People do, you know. It adds to the excitement and

“Being made helpless?” This was approaching incredible, and

Jud nodded. Three seconds later, Andrew arrived with a tray
and three mugs. She almost hugged him. Jud was making her nervous, but on the
other hand if they now started talking basketball, or football…

They talked about cats, or specifically, Andrew’s pregnant

“Katie’s holding the fort for me while I’m away. She can be
godmother to the kittens if she likes.”

She didn’t really like. “I’m going to will that cat to wait
until you get back.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Jud said. “If you need help delivering,
just give me a call. My mother bred dogs, cats can’t be that different.”

“I might just call you to come over so you can worry for

He’d obviously been waiting for that. He produced a printed
business card, and wrote a number on the back. “Here’s my cell phone.”

“You make house calls?”

“Any time.”

This was getting out of hand! Trouble was, she wanted this
Jud she barely knew to make a house call… and stay the night. She was nuts! She
knew nothing about him, other than he was one of Andrew’s friends-or maybe just
an acquaintance. “I’ll remember that, Jud.” She slipped the card in her jacket
pocket, finished her latte, and reminded Andrew she had to get home.

They didn’t talk much on the way back. She sensed he was
waiting for her to say something-about Jud perhaps. She didn’t. Not having any
idea what to say, and wasn’t sure she wanted to talk about him. He rather
unnerved her.

“See you at the shower,” Andrew said as he dropped her at
her front door and drove away.

Chapter Two


Aunt Sarah’s house was packed when Katie arrived.

“Katie! I’m so happy you’re here. Come in and get some
wine.” Sally was glowing with joy, as she hustled Katie into the kitchen where,
Tim, her intended, was dispensing jug wine, and talking to Mary, her cousin
Jason’s very-pregnant wife. Yes, the family was increasing.

Katie took the offered wine, and Mary grabbed a can of pop
before they both elbowed their way towards the living room. As Katie noticed
and waved at her also pregnant sister, Susie across the room, Uncle Jimmy,
Sally’s father, called from the doorway. “Okay! Everyone in the living room and
get a seat. Time to open the goodies! Part the crowd please and let Sally and
Tim through!”

Balancing her wine, Katie moved sideways. Mary followed
turning her belly as best she could.

“Excuse, me,” a voice said behind them. Katie turned and
stared. Jud smiled. “I thought it was you, Katie.” He smiled at Mary. “I think
in your condition, you deserve a chair. With a courtly bow, he stood and
offered her his.

Mary was no fool, eight months gone and swollen ankles. She
sank into the wing chair with a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure,” Jud said, and closed his hand over Katie’s
and eased them both away.

Smooth mover was an understatement. They were squashed in a
corner, and as more people moved into the room, she found herself penned in
behind the sofa.

“Didn’t expect to see you here. You know Sally and Tim?”

“No. Sophie’s out of town, so Andrew brought me instead.”

She couldn’t help laughing. “Think anyone noticed the

He nodded with mock seriousness. “I suspect so, but three
bottles of good Merlot helped ease the way.”

“Is this sort of affair your idea of an evening out?” She
was here half on sufferance. She’d have heard about it from her mother until
Christmas if she hadn’t put in an appearance.

“I understood you’d be here.”

He was direct. “I might not be staying.”

“You see a way out?”

Short of climbing over the back of the sofa and stepping on
the four people occupying it-no. “This wasn’t accidental, was it?”

“Not much that I do is accidental.”

Sheesh, what had she ended up with? Besides a voice like
warm Kahlua, and looks to stop traffic or change the weather. “Planned it all
out did you?”

“Yes.” She was tempted to shove him for his arrogance, but
elbow space was at a premium right now. “After I got home Thursday, I called
Andrew right away, and he said you’d be here. I came. Waiting for you to call
was too iffy. I was afraid you’d chicken out.“

She almost spluttered red wine all over Aunt Mildred’s new
hairdo. Jud offered her a handkerchief. It was perfectly ironed, hemstitched
linen, darn good thing she didn’t really need it.

“Thanks.” As she handed it back, their fingers brushed, his
dark eyes watching her intently. His gaze bothered her, or more precisely,
excited her. She turned away, making a point of looking intently at the stack
of wrapped and ribboned gifts. “They should start opening them soon.”

“Can’t wait to see them open your present,” Jud said, “and
to watch your reaction.”

“My reaction?” It was what the entire family would say when
Susie opened it that was bothering Katie. And heaven help her! Her mother was
now standing by Susan, and at a nudge from Susan, Mother looked across the
room. She waved, her eyes all but popping out on stalks when she noticed Jud.
Katie groaned inwardly, she was headed for the maternal inquisition now. “Hi,
Mom, Susie!”

They both waved back, eyeing Jud as if he were the first man
they’d seen in twenty years. And he, drat the man, nodded politely and smiled!
Susie simpered in reply. Darn it, her sister was married with two and
seven-ninths children, she had no right ogling her man. Hey, wait! Jud wasn’t
hers. He was just the man imprisoning her in the corner behind a rather nice,
chintz-covered sofa.

“Your mother?” Jud whispered, his breath warm in her ear.

She nodded. “And my sister.”

“Am I the only person present who isn’t a blood relative or


“That gives me an edge, I hope.”

“I don’t think it gives you anything!”

Since Robbie, Sally’s brother called for quiet just then,
Jud was saved the trouble of replying. Everyone settled expectantly to watch
Sally open her gifts.

But first they had to divide into three teams and blow up
condoms until they burst. Since everyone else was suitably impressed at Jud’s
condom bursting ability, she pretty much had to be. Fair enough, he did burst
their team to victory.

“That was interesting,” Jud whispered “Do that often at
family gatherings do you? Some sort of fertility rite?”

She not only stopped herself from laughing, she even managed
to look him in the eye and reply, “Yes. It’s a family custom.”

“Hmmm.” He raised his dark eyebrows and the corner of his
mouth twitched. “I can think of much better uses for them.”

“If they pop that readily I’m not sure I’d ever trust one
around you!”

“I’ll get super strength ones.”

And Mom was smiling benignly in their direction. If she had
half a notion what he’d just said, she’d have a conniption. “Think you’ll need

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to get you pregnant, until
you’re certain you want to have my baby.”

She asked for that one! But, she had to admit, she’d never
had so much entertainment at a family gathering in her life. And she’d be up
there with the angels, if she didn’t get a charge out of all the admiring and
curious glances cast their way. She was spared from answering by the start of
the grand gift opening.

“I like the black lace one,” Jud whispered as Sally opened
yet another tap pants and camisole set.

Keeping her eyes fixed on Sally and Tim surrounded by
wrapping paper and gifts, Katie shook her head. “I prefer the red satin one.”

“It’ll look good on you, but even more, I’ll enjoy taking it

Sheesh, try to be ornery and the man took it as come on.
“Dream on!”

“Oh, I do, Katie. Don’t you? Imagining you has kept me awake
the past couple of nights.”

“That explains it, you’re sleep-deprived.”

“It’s not sleeping I plan.”

Across the room, she caught her mother’s encouraging smile.
Mom wouldn’t be quite so complacent if she knew what Jud was saying-or would
she? After their last, ‘Katie, do you think your attitude might be putting men
off? You should try harder!’ She wondered, Right now, it was Jud who was
trying-in every sense of the word!

“After this, I’m going home to sleep-alone!”

“Good. That means I don’t have competition!”

He got a punch in the ribs for that.

His hand caught hers. Very gently, he opened her hand, and
stroked one finger across her palm. Quite against her will, her body broke out
in goose bumps. He dropped her hand before she had a chance to pull it away.

“You’re pushing your luck, Charlie!”

“It’s Jud, and I’m looking forward to pushing more than

“You flatter yourself that you even have a chance.”

“I know I do, Katie, and so do you. If you were really
annoyed you’d have moved away. You’re enjoying wondering what outrageous thing
I’ll say next.”

She was sorely tempted to deny that soundly. But lying was a
sin, so she settled for a glare, suspecting it wouldn’t have the slightest
effect, and darn it, he was right! She was enjoying his company. This was one
family get together she’d remember for the rest of her natural born days.

“Alright, Katie?” Jud asked after they watched in silence
while Sally opened a gift basket of massage cream and scented candles, and Tim
opened an electric can opener. Obviously Aunt Anita and Uncle Joe hadn’t
approved of the idea of a ‘honeymoon’ shower.

Katie looked at Jud. His dark eyes were serious, not a glint
of amusement or tease. He looked worried, unless he was very good at acting.
“Why wouldn’t it be alright?”

He smiled. “Shh, they’re opening your present now.”

Damn it! They were. What had seemed fun in the shop wasn’t
quite the same with her mother and aunts and uncles looking on. But Sally seemed
happy enough. “Just what I need when Tim gets out of line!” she announced to a
chorus of ribald laughter. “Thanks, Katie,” Tim added. “Let me know if you need
to borrow them!”

More laughter all around, then thankfully they moved on to
Helen and Jimmy’s gift of
The Joy of Sex

“You know,” Jud whispered, as everyone gave their attention
to a long package wrapped in silver paper, “when you look at those cuffs, your
breath catches, and your heart beats faster.”

A denial rose to her lips, but the words never came out.
“You imagine it!”

He shook his head. “I noticed that evening in the coffee
bar, and in the Rose and Leather. The thought of handcuffs and manacles excites

Talking about it was a bad idea. “Jud…” she began

“I do understand, you know. They excite me too. Kidnap,
hostage, princess in the tower, fair maiden in the dungeon are fun games to

“Children play games! You grow out of it.”

“Some of us never do.”

Jud took her hand again. Lightly. It would take no effort to
pull her fingers from his. She didn’t.

“I won’t disappoint you,” he promised. For some inexplicable
reason, she was wet between her legs.


Katie expected her mother to be hovering by the door. She
was dead right. “Katie, dear,” Mom enthused. “You will introduce me, won’t

Since saying “Hell, no!” to your mother was not an option,
Katie smiled. “Mom, this is Jud Carlton, a friend of Andrew’s. Jud this is my
Mom, Angie Fairfax.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs Fairfax.”

Mom beamed at Jud. “Lovely to meet you! I hope we’ll see you
at some other family gatherings.” Not quite an invitation to dinner, but why
did Mom have to act so eager?

A couple of gracious comments from Jud (she had to grant it
to him, the man was slick) and they did the last round of good-byes and left.


She might as well have put an announcement in the morning

He walked her to her car.

“Can I convince you to come and have a drink? Coffee?”

She shook her head. “I’m not making it up, but I have to get
home and work. I’ve…”

“A client waiting for a rush job?”

“Modifications to the rush job.”

“I’ll accept it’s not an excuse if you meet me for lunch

Tomorrow was her day for visiting Gran, as much as the old
ladies would love the novelty, Katie was not taking Jud. But she didn’t want to
brush him off. Ridiculously she was drawn to him, outrageous comments and all.
“Tomorrow lunch is out, a family commitment, but if you’re serious about
wanting to see me, give me a break from playing kitty doula the weekend after

“You feel Andrew pulled a fast one on you?”

“To be fair, no, it was my mother.”

Jud had a wonderful laugh, and out of the confines of the
house, he let it roar in a wonderful rich peal that echoed in the frosty night.
Heck, a couple of cousins turned from unlocking cars to listen. “I doubt many
people refuse her. She gave me a good once over. I half expected to be asked my
career prospects, and whether there was insanity or feeble-mindedness in my

It was her turn to laugh. “That will come when you get
invited to lunch.”

“What are my chances of getting an invitation?”

One hundred percent, if she left it up to her mother.
“Aren’t you going a bit too fast?”

“Far too fast, but what have I got to lose? I made up my
mind that night in the coffee shop. I want to see you again. No, what I really
want to do is take you home and make love all night… but you have modifications
for your clients rush job.”

“Jud…” She made the mistake of hesitating.

His knees brushed her thigh as he placed his hands on the
car roof, either side of her shoulders. “Katie,” he whispered, his voice husky,
while she stared up at him like a damn rabbit caught in the headlights. His
lips came down, warm and moist in the October night. His mouth closed on hers
with a gentle pressure that sent wild desire spiraling through her. Ridiculous!
It was only a damn kiss, but his lips caressed, like a warm tide along a smooth
beach. Each pressure on her mouth sent another rush of sensation flooding her
mind and body. Wetness gathered between her legs, as he pressed his body against

Katie vaguely wondered about people passing by or traffic or
Aunt Mary seeing, until his lips opened hers and her mind shut off. She
couldn’t think, didn't have a need to. She opened her mouth and welcomed his
tongue as it gently caressed hers. Blood pounded in her ears. Her heartbeat
echoed inside her skull, as she wrapped her arms around Jud Carlton and pulled
him close. Her legs parted at a tipping of his knee. She pressed into him, and
he pinned her to the car with his body. He was hard. She was hot. And he
deepened the kiss. She wanted this kiss to last forever, to spend the rest of
her life locked in his embrace, but in a far corner of her reason, she knew
there was more, much more. This man would take her to undreamed of places, give
her unimagined pleasure, and with that hope, she kissed on.

She was wobbly by the time he broke off.

He too was breathing fast and looking down at her with
glazed eyes. “We must stop.”


“Because I say so.” Her heart skittered at his hoarse voice.


“Not here, Katie. What I want to do to you would get us both
arrested, and utterly destroy the wonderful impression I made on your mother. I
could take you home with me but…” The damn web site! She was two hairs from
consigning her client to the devil but… “Business is business, Katie. You can’t
let a customer down. We can wait. I’ll see you this weekend”

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