Truly Mine (8 page)

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Authors: Amy Roe

BOOK: Truly Mine
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He wastes no time in slipping two fingers inside me, no doubt making sure that I’m ready for him.

Oh, I’m ready. Trust me.

He takes hold of his already hard cock and guides it to my entrance. I watch his face as he slowly slides inside me. Tyler and I look into each other’s eyes and moan in unison before our mouths fuse together. A gentle sweet kiss and that first deep thrust have me ready to climax again in just seconds. I fight the urge because I want to go with Tyler.

He pushes himself up, his hands on either side of my head, and looks down at me. “You feel amazing, Tru.”

He pulls out and grabs the back of my thigh, rolling me over to my side, and then he takes hold of my ankle, forcing me to bend my knee, before he slams into me hard and fast. I cry out as he moans my name, “Truly. Oh…yes.”

I love this position. It’s a yoga pose I do every day. Only, I haven’t experienced it with Tyler inside me. He might be onto something here. This is good for my body and mind for sure.

“Oh, Christ…yeah.” I need something to grab on to, something to dig my fingernails into.

I take hold of his arms and dig my nails into his biceps. This only encourages him to thrust into me harder and faster. I can’t hold out for another moment. I feel myself falling over the edge. The room is spinning, and it feels like the air has been sucked out of my lungs. I reach above my head, gripping the comforter, and then cover my mouth, moaning loudly into the blanket.

“Let me hear you, baby,” Tyler says through gritted teeth.

My thighs are weak and quivering.

Tyler pushes my thigh toward my chest and slams into me one last time before crying out, “Ah…Truly!”

He drops his chin to his chest, and I can feel him empty himself inside me. His hand finds mine, and he weaves our fingers together, squeezing firmly, as he comes down to earth.

While I’m still lying on my side, Tyler lies down behind me. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

He nuzzles against my cheek. “Fucking whiskey.”

I can hear the smile in his voice.

“I love whiskey.” Smiling just as Tyler is, I relax into him.


to strip or make bare


’m not disappointed. Truly is as good as I hoped—inside and out.

We lie naked in my bed and rest for a little while before she mentions that she hasn’t yet gotten the dinner I promised.

While she showers, I throw some burgers on the grill and bring her bags in. It’s near midnight, and I’m just waiting for Truly to join me now, so we can eat. A million things are going through my mind. One is, we didn’t use protection—not that we ever have. I’m only hoping we’re on the same terms as we’ve always been. I’m certain she’s on birth control, or she would have stopped me before the damage was done. I’ll address the issue before she leaves. Right now though, I’m going to enjoy the last few hours that I have with her.

Truly appears from my guest room, wearing black yoga pants and a white tank top. Even with her hair piled on top of her head and no makeup, she’s beautiful.

“Hey, gorgeous!”

“Mmm…the food smells amazing. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I pat the chair next to mine. “Have a seat.”

For having so many thoughts going through my mind, I can’t seem to put one of them into words, so we eat in silence.

“Tyler, this is so good.” She’s eaten half of her burger and pushes her plate away. “But I can’t eat another bite.” Placing her hand over her stomach, she pulls her legs to her chest and lays her head back on the chair. “You have a very nice home.”

“Thank you,”I reply.

She lifts her head and looks at me. “Is this your ex-wife’s work?” She waves her hand across the dining room to the living room.

“I’ve been divorced for fifteen years, so no. This isn’t even the house we shared.”

“Oh. I’m sorry for being nosy.”She crinkles her cute little nose.

“I’m impressed you even remember.”

We discussed this years ago. She’s making it a point to keep her distance—maybe not physically, but emotionally.

“If you’re interested, it was my little sister, Eden, who decorated my house. She cares more about that kind of shit than I do. As long as I have a fridge and a bed, I’m all good.”

“Speaking of a bed…”

She stands and takes both our plates into the kitchen while I wait for the rest of that sentence. I’m hoping the second half goes something along the lines of,
Let’s get naked and go back to yours

She stands with her back against the frame of the large opening between the dining room and kitchen. Rather than giving me her full attention, she’s looking out the back sliding doors. “Your friend at the bar implied that you have quite an active sex life…and we—”

I interrupt, “She doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about, Tru. She’s only pissed that she’s not been in my bed.”

“That’s not really where I was going with it, but I’m pleased to hear that actually.”

She raises her eyebrows. I know what she’s thinking. Katie’s not exactly the classiest chick in town.

“Anyway, we didn’t use protection, Tyler.” Her words are clipped, and her tone is serious. She finally looks me in the eyes.

“Yeah, I’m good. I assume you are as well.”I stand from my seat and walk to her.

She answers quickly, “I wouldn’t have let it go that far if I weren’t. And I was expecting the same from you.”

Once I reach her, I place my hands on her hips and press myself against her. “So, we’re all good. Nothing to worry about—except for time.”

“Time?” She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder.

“Not enough of it.”

I feel her smile against my neck. I wish we had more than a few hours left. This evening has gone too quickly.

“I’m going to take a quick shower. Would you like to join me?”I ask.

She chuckles. “I’ve just had mine.”

“One can never be too clean.”I wink.

She purses her lips and smiles. “I suppose not. But I’d better get some sleep. I have a long drive in just a matter of hours.”

I place several kisses along her jaw, hoping she’ll reconsider my offer. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.”

Whether or not she joins me in the shower is a moot point. We aren’t finished either way.

As Truly makes her way down the hall to the spare room, I grope her ass. Her giggle is as sweet as it was the last time I heard it. I only hope she’s happy, and someone is making her giggle often.

We share a good-night kiss, but it feels more like a hello, the kind of kiss that speaks loud and clear. We are finally giving one another a proper hello. She’s not hiding behind sunglasses to avoid me or screaming and calling me names. Just hands finding hot bare skin to caress and struggling to get as close as we possibly can. Lips and tongues licking and sucking ears, necks, and skin.

I’m not sure why that encounter didn’t end with us in my bed again. I haven’t had nearly enough of her.

As I’m lying here alone, not able to sleep, I hear the guest room door open, followed by Truly padding down the hallway. I’ve never heard the soft sounds of feet against the hardwood floor in my house. Of all the women I’ve had in my house, I’ve never once noticed this.

I smile and picture Truly in a T-shirt, tiptoeing down my hallway. A few seconds later, a dim light shines through the cracked door of my bedroom. She must be getting a drink. I decide to take advantage of the opportunity and join her. I walk heavy, so I won’t startle her. When I enter the kitchen, she’s leaning against the counter, drinking a bottle of water. She’s wearing a white T-shirt that hugs her curves and white lace panties. My heart skips a beat, and I’m nearly hard just from the sight of her. She’s so fucking beautiful.

“I’m sorry I woke you. I can’t sleep.”

“I wasn’t sleeping.” I stand next to her. “Is everything okay? Do you need anything?”

“Oh, no. The room is great. Everything’s good. It’s just…not home. I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

For the first time, I wonder what her place in New York looks like. “What’s home like? You’ve seen mine. Tell me about yours.”

She moves toward the living room and then turns as she answers me, “Home is an apartment in Manhattan. Can we sit down?”

“Of course.” I follow her into the living room where she curls up on one end of the sofa. I sit at the opposite end and turn toward her. “Manhattan, huh? Do you live alone?” I have so many questions I’d like to ask her, but her body language has made it clear that her personal life isn’t up for discussion.

“I do.” She slides her foot close to me and then winks as she slides it under my thigh. “Chilly in here.”

I swear, the things this woman will do to avoid talking. Not skipping a beat, I take her foot in my hands and massage it. I’m not sure I’m any good as a masseur, but she seems to enjoy it, so I continue.

After a few moments, both of her feet are in my lap, and I’m alternating between rubbing one and then the other. I love the little noises she’s making, but I can think of a better way to please her. If she didn’t look so tired, I’d make a move, so I could add my couch to the list of places I would later look back on with fond memories of this weekend. Instead, I’ll play nice and let her rest.

After she’s drifted off to sleep, I sit through an entire movie. Then, I gently lift her legs and slip out from under her. I won’t wake her since she’s finally resting well. I’ll just make her comfortable. I retrieve a blanket from the linen closet and cover her. Looking down, I enjoy seeing her so peaceful and unguarded.

It’s obvious she has a lot to hide. She’s not told me a single thing about her personal life, aside from what city she lives in. Of course, I already knew that she wasn’t married, and I could easily find out where she lives, down to the apartment number. If I wanted to abuse the tools and resources at my disposal, I would already know more about Truly than she knew about herself. Maybe I will dip into her past just a little. I haven’t yet decided. Once she leaves, I’ll have no reason to. But I’ll always wonder what her story is.

As I’m standing above her, she suddenly sits straight up and gasps. It scares the hell out of me.

I kneel down, so I’m eye level with her. “Whoa. Are you okay?”

Genuine fear fills her eyes. “Oh, shit!” She plants her feet on the floor. She buries her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. Ugh…I’m so tired, but I can’t sleep.”She starts crying.

I’m confused. “You were sleeping just fine when I was sitting with you.”

Surprised, she looks up at me. “How long did I sleep?”

“Well, I watched an entire movie, so I guess it was nearly two hours.”

“Two hours? Really?”

I nod my head. “You’re trembling. Did I scare you? You had a bad dream, didn’t you?”

“I don’t know,” she whispers.

I don’t believe her. She’s obviously distressed.

I debate on asking her if there’s something going on, if she needs help. Right now, all I want to do is replace her fears with the peacefulness she had just minutes ago. I gather her legs in my arm and lay them back on the couch, and then I cover her.

She resists me. “It’s no use, Tyler. I think I’m just going to head out. You can give Dara the paperwork for me, right?”

“Lie down, Tru.” I lift the cover and squeeze in beside her.

Lying on my side, I face her. She’s suddenly bashful and avoiding eye contact with me again. I take hold of her chin and tip her face toward me.

“Sleep, Tru.” I softly kiss her on her lips and then let go of her face before placing my arm across her waist.

Nuzzling against my chest, she relaxes as she sarcastically taunts me, “Are you going to chase my demons away, Tyler?”

I hear a smart-ass grin in her tone.

I’d like to put her under me and fuck it right off her pretty face. To my surprise, I’m more concerned that she sleeps before her trip back so that she does not end up in a ditch somewhere between here and New York.

“I would if you’d let me.”

Shifting to her side and scooting toward the back of the sofa, she makes room for me to lie on my back. When I do, she lays her head on my shoulder, and her body is against mine. She wraps her arm around my middle and puts her leg between mine.

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