Truly (New York Trilogy #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Truly (New York Trilogy #1)
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Oh crud. His craggy

Ben had a long, straight nose and those Slavic-looking eyes, hooded and expressive. He had dimples and nice teeth and shoulders that hinted at an excellent view beneath that hoodie. Had she really not noticed before? Was she

“You want a Popsicle?” he asked.

Something inside of May tripped and landed hard on its ass.

“Sure,” she said. “I’d love one.”


She went to town on the Popsicle.

The woman could
. On a good bite, her eyelashes fluttered like she just might moan, but she was too polite. The last time Ben had met a woman he liked to watch eating this much, he’d married her.

And look how that turned out

His leg jittered under the table. He was grateful for the Spanish ballad that came on the radio for being so terrible that it provided a distraction.

“This song sucks,” he said.

“You think?” She drew the top four inches of the Popsicle into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing.

Ben looked away. Then back at her.

He couldn’t stop looking.

“So,” he said. She turned her Popsicle upside down and sucked juice from the bottom. “You have somewhere other than Dan’s you can sleep tonight?”

She stiffened. Her eyes jumped to his, then past him to the closed door of the restaurant.

A nicer man wouldn’t find that so entertaining, but he liked keeping her on her toes. She relaxed over whiskey, then flipped out when he asked her to dinner. Started to mellow on the walk, then went all deer-in-the-headlights at the mere mention of where she would sleep.

Probably his fault for making that crack about the cop wanting to get in her pants, but legs like that would get any man’s attention. And while the jersey she wore left everything to the imagination, Ben had a pretty good imagination.

He wasn’t trying to get her into bed, though. That would foul up the whole situation. Turn it into some kind of crass exchange, rather than what it was, which was …

Damn. Which was a completely self-centered experiment in humanitarianism, performed for the purpose of discovering whether he had it in him to be not-a-dickhead for a few consecutive hours.

didn’t begin to describe it.

“I was thinking maybe I could check in to a hotel,” she said.

“With what money?”

“I could get a credit card number from somebody back home.” She sucked the Popsicle into her mouth with a slurping sound that hollowed her cheeks.

Not a visual he needed. He looked away. “You can use my phone.”

“Thanks. The thing is, though, I don’t know anybody’s phone number.”

“Not even family?”

“Sure, I know my mom and dad’s, and my sister’s. Her fiancé Matt’s, too—we’ve been friends a long time. But they’re all up north, or on their way, and there’s no cell service there.”

“You can’t reach them at all?”

“I can leave a message at the general store tomorrow. They’ve got a bulletin board for that. But I told them I was coming up, so I doubt they’ll be looking for messages before the afternoon, because—”

She glanced at his face and faltered.

What was it now?

Ben did a mental check and realized he’d probably been glaring at her. Not on purpose—it was just that he didn’t like the idea of her family leaving her behind with no way of contacting them. Even if that wasn’t quite what had happened.

Get a grip, Hausman

He rearranged his face along more neutral lines, and May gave him a faint smile.

“There’s probably
way for me to get in touch with them,” she said. “I guess I could send somebody from the store to drive up there. But I’d feel funny doing that. It would put them to an awful lot of trouble.”

“You’ve got to have a friend you can call.” Hell, he was a jerk, and Sandy had taken most of their friends in the divorce—with good reason—but even he had people he could call in a pinch.

“Yeah, only their numbers are all in my phone. I could get them online.”

“My phone doesn’t have Internet, but I can find you a computer.”

“That would be great. If I borrow a credit card number, I can reserve a hotel room online, and I still have some money on my MetroCard to get to the hotel and check in.”

“You’ve got a MetroCard?”

“I had the card and five bucks for train fare on the PATH to New Jersey in my back
pocket when the guy took my purse.”

“Well, that’s something.”

She smiled. “It bought me a beer.”

He thought about her afternoon. Walking out on her boyfriend, getting robbed, heading to a bar and spending her last five bucks, then firing up a conversation with him.

Looked like she
didn’t want to go back to Thor’s place.

“You know, hotels aren’t going to let you check in without ID or the actual credit card.”

Her face fell. “Oh. Yeah, I guess not.”

“But they’ll let somebody else pay the bill for you, usually, if you get the person to call them and deal with whatever paperwork is involved.”

“I guess that could work, too. As long as I can get one of my friends on the phone.”

He rubbed his hands together. “Okay, so that’s a start. What about tomorrow, though? You going to be able to get to Wisconsin?”

Her head dipped again, and she took a delicate bite from the bottom of the Popsicle.

“I’m not sure. I have to sort out the whole ID situation. I’m sure there’s an airline website that will tell me what I have to do. Some government office that can issue a temporary ID, or something?”

Ben thought it unlikely over Labor Day weekend, but he didn’t burst her bubble. She could figure it out on the computer.

Would she come back to his place to use his laptop if he asked, or would that suggestion just scare the crap out of her?

One way to find out.

“I’ve got two ideas.”

She licked the Popsicle stick clean. Heat rushed to his groin, and he shifted in his seat.
For fuck’s sake. She had to lick the stick?

He piled all the taco plates onto the tray and carried it to the counter, needing a few seconds to gather his wits. It figured that his libido would crash the party right when he was starting to think he might have some skill at this white-knight business.

When he returned, he must have still looked pissed, because she’d gone round-eyed and silent again. He reclaimed his seat and took a deep, calming breath. “Okay, so two ideas.”

She nodded.

“One, you can come back to my place. I have a computer and a wifi connection. You can hang out and use them until you get yourself sorted for the night.”

Her shoulders tensed, and she folded her hands in her lap. Jumpy as a new cook on the line, and about three times as likely to break something or burn herself.

“Breathe, woman,” he said. “I told you I had
ideas. The second one is I can take you to this restaurant I know in the Village, and we can use the computer in the office.”

She released a breath.


Definitely good. So why was he methodically breaking his Popsicle stick into fragments so small, he could use them as toothpicks?

He dropped the shards on the table.

“That would be … I think I’d feel more comfortable that way.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Not because I don’t trust you. Just because I’d hate to impose. You’ve already done so much for me, and I’m sure you have …”

a slave woman tied to your bed

a broadax by the door that you use to slaughter visitors

Out of nowhere, Ben chuckled, struck by how strange the situation was. Why should he care that she was so afraid of him when she knew nothing—literally
—about him?

“I’m thirty-two,” he blurted out.

When a line appeared between her eyebrows, he clarified, “Not forty-five.”

I used to co-own a successful restaurant. I wrote a cookbook that someone in your family probably bought, with my ex-wife’s name on it in great big letters and mine buried somewhere on an inside page

I have plenty of money, and I’ve never taken advantage of a woman in my life. I’d keep you safe as houses, May-Belle, and I’d cook you a breakfast that made those big brown eyes roll right back into your head

But he didn’t say any of that. He hadn’t completely lost his mind.

“I’m twenty-six,” she said, with one of those polite smiles that made him itchy. The smile didn’t match her laugh. It made him want to see what she looked like when she
smiled. Made him want to pin her to a bed and tickle her mercilessly until she was breathless and
laughing, completely out of control.

Strange thought. The woman did something to him. He needed to keep a lid on it, or she’d get even more jumpy than she already was.

“What do you do anyway?” he asked. “You have a job?”

“Not right now. I haven’t found anything in New Jersey yet.”

“You said you used to work for the Packers.”

“Yeah, in merchandising. My background is graphic design. The woman who does the ordering shows me what they have that’s new, and I come up with a theme and the copy, pick the colors, fonts, graphics, layout, and all that.”

“Marketing, huh?”

“What’s wrong with marketing?”

“Nothing. I just think the world would be better off without it.”

Wrong thing to say, if the return of her sour mouth was any indication.

Though Ben had to admit, he liked the sour mouth. He’d like it even better if she said what she thought when she made it instead of clamming up on him.

He stood. “Let’s get out of here. The tacos are great, but the ambience could use some help. I think this other place I’m taking you to is more your speed.”


The restaurant occupied a low, unassuming brick building on a corner in the Village. It was called “Figs,” and it was packed, with a crowd at the door that suggested it would stay that way.

“Keep close,” Ben told her. He sliced neatly through the assembly toward the empty hostess stand. By the time they stepped in front of the couple who obviously had first position to speak to the hostess when she got back, May was mortified.

“Ben,” she said in a low voice. “We can’t cut in front of all these people.”

He turned, his face suddenly much closer than she’d been ready for. “Why not?”

“They were here first.”

“Yeah, and if they could do what we’re doing, they would in a heartbeat.” He greeted the hostess with a casual “How’s it going, Sadie?” and then spotted a short, harried-looking Asian woman over her shoulder and hailed her. The woman, who had just burst through the kitchen door at the back of the restaurant, came straight to the front, beaming.


“Hey, Cecily. You got a minute?”

“For you? Always. You need a table?”

“Nah, we just ate.”

“How insulting. Where did you go?”

“That place with the steak tacos.”

“Lucky duck. What do you need?”

“Can we borrow the office? I need the computer.”

“Absolutely. Come on back.”

The restaurant was airy, with country-farm tables and a scarred wood floor that looked like Old Europe and must have cost a zillion dollars. May felt the eyes of everyone in the entryway boring into her back as they moved past table after table of elegant New York. She wished she were wearing something halfway decent.

They hung a left at the kitchen door and arrived at a tiny closet of an office, where Cecily sat down at the computer and typed in a password while Ben leaned over her shoulder and May remained in the doorway, afraid to go in because she wasn’t sure how they’d ever all maneuver
in there, much less get back out.

Ben and Cecily continued a conversation they’d been conducting as they walked—something about someone named Sam, who’d apparently been in the hospital, and also bags of manure were involved. May wasn’t entirely following.

“I’ll sort it out. Thanks for covering this week, by the way,” Cecily said. “I don’t think I ever got a chance to say so, in all the craziness, but I don’t know what we would’ve done without you.”

“No problem,” Ben replied. “You need me to help out over the weekend?”

“Nah, it’s fine now that Perry’s back. I think I’ll probably have Sam in my hair again by Monday. She’s going stir-crazy, and between you and me, her badgering is wearing me down.”

“All right. Well, just let me know.”

“Oh, come to think of it, can you take a look at the dishwasher? Ricky’s having to send the dishes through twice to get them clean, and nobody seems to know how to fix it but you.”

Ben’s mouth quirked. His amused expression. “You’ll have to pay me more if you want me fixing the dishwasher. It’s harder than washing them.”

So he was a dishwasher? Huh. May would have thought he did something more … well, something
. Could you even make a living in New York as a dishwasher?

“Minimum wage for you, buddy,” Cecily said.

Ben flipped her off.

At least he seemed secure in his employment.

“You going to introduce your date?”

“This is May,” he said. “I picked her up at Pulvermacher’s.”

Oh lovely.

Cecily stood and extended her hand with a friendly smile. “Good to meet you, May.”

May smiled back and tried not to shake Cecily’s hand too vigorously. May’s handshake had the ability to frighten the unsuspecting; she had to keep it on a leash. “You, too.”

Ben slid into the seat Cecily had vacated and fired up a web browser. “Here you go.” He pulled his cell phone out of his jacket and set it on the desk on top of a pile of papers, then rose. “I’ll be in the kitchen a few minutes if you need me.”

“Sounds good.”

“And I need to get back to the salt mines,” Cecily said. “Holler if I can do anything else,

“Sure,” Ben said.

May turned sideways to let Cecily leave the office. Then she scooted a few steps into the room and found herself in an awkward dance with Ben as they tried to figure out how to pass each other. Finally, he grabbed her by the hips and held her still as he moved by.

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