Trust Game (4 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

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I’m cursing Becca as I stare at Eve
rett. He’s standing before me in all his hotness, waiting for me to answer. His hand reaches out, and the back of it skims down my cheek. I close my eyes, trying to slow my breathing, but it’s impossible. Do it, Reese. Be carefree.

“Do you still want to touch me?” I
ask faintly before I risk a glimpse. His brow furrows, and desire bathes eyes as blue as sapphires.


I place my hands
on his chest. Oh, it’s firm.

“It sounds as if you’re still grieving, and
I, um, recently came out of a three year relationship, but we both obviously miss the physical contact and sex—”

His mouth is on mine, demanding entry as his
strong hand wraps snugly around my wrists that are still pressed to his chest. Bringing them together, he lifts them above my head, pinning my arms to the door.

Holy hell, this is hot.
But he has to agree to my terms first. I pull my lips away and hear his low growl. “I have conditions,” I say, gasping for air.

His free hand slides
under the hem of my skirt, pushing it up my leg. He smirks as his thumb begins drawing lazy circles on my inner thigh.

“Let me hear them.”

I swallow and will my concentration.

One, as soon as the audit is over, I’m finding another job, so this only goes on until then.” Leaning over, his blazing breath warms my neck before his artful tongue is twirling along my ear.

A faint, uncontrollable whimper leaves my lips.
“This is really unfair. You’re using two hands and your mouth. I can’t do anything,” I add.

“Mmm … you’re observant and will be a quick study to how I like to operate. What else?”

“Two, you have to be professional at work. None of this.” He lifts his head and stares at me, his gaze fixed and intense.

“No. I’m enjoying this quite a lot. What else

“Three, you
can’t tell anyone who works here, including your brothers.”

“I’ll possibly agree to condition one, but it’s doubtful I will have had enough of you by then, no to two,
and I agree to three.”

“Agree to t
wo or I leave.” I fix my eyes on his, letting him know I mean it.

“And how are you going to leave?” He smi
les and surveys my wrists pinned above my head. Sighing, I glare at him.

His smirk disappears, eyes
imparting sexual desire as he closes the space between us with his powerful frame. Fingers slip away from my skirt and glide up the side of my leg, hip and waist, pushing in deeply along each curve.

Damn, your body is sensational.” Reaching my hardened nipple, his thumb circles it at a teasing pace. “And it wants me to fuck it.”

My gaze is held prisoner as
he draws the moisture between my thighs, stinging pleasure sparking everywhere. His hand continues its path to my neck before gripping the back of my head.

He holds it still, reminding me that he’s in control at the moment.
“I’ll agree to two. You will be begging me to touch you in this office so it’s irrelevant.”

“You’re full of yourself.”

“And you obviously like it.” Everett slowly lowers my wrists, his eyes still claiming mine. “Let me take you to dinner.”

, but I need to get back to work.”

Stepping aside
, he gives me a smile that shows he’s pleased with how our morning exchange has went.

I slip out of his off
ice and straighten my clothes, making a note to myself that I need to start carrying extra underwear with me. This should be a walk of shame for that thought alone.

Chapter Six



The doorbell rings and I cringe. The thought of how I’m about to let Everett violate me the way I have violated all work ethic is disconcerting yet exciting, too.

It reminds me of how I felt
once when I entered an adult store with my college friends. Disgracefulness overlaid with curiosity. I wanted to absorb the smutty details of every item in the place, and I found myself fighting a mischievous smile the entire time.

feel shameful, having an affair with a boss, yet I find myself wanting to take a peek at every luscious part of his prominent, muscular body. Everett strikes me as the man I could explore anything and everything with.

Hurrying down the hallway, I stumble
as I pull on my last heel. I sling the door open, and I’m in awe over the sexy being standing before me.

He’s badass with his
light brown hair that’s a little long around his ears, along with that stubble I want to feel roughly against my skin. I’m greeted with a smirk as he lifts his shades and gives me a lingering look over.

“Hi,” I say nervously.

“Fancy face, I’d like nothing more than to admire you in that dress all evening, but you’ll have to change.”

Feeling unbelievably self-conscious, I glance down at my black dress and heels.

“You’re dressed up … sort of. Am I that overdressed?”

“I’m wearing jeans.”

“But your shirt is nice,” I say. Seriously? This is our first date conversation?

“I brought the bike.”

“You want me to ride on a motorcycle?”

“Words from the woman who said she would spend as many hours necessary to learn about them.”

“I’ll do it. I wasn’t expecting it, is all.” I tilt my chin up since he’s giving me that damn smirk again; the one that makes me want to smack his face and mount him at the same time. “Um, come in since I need to change.”

Everett str
olls past me, and I notice how his black leather jacket over his charcoal grey button up looks as if it was stitched around his muscles, molding them to perfection. There is an eagle design across the upper back that adds an edge to his already bad boy appearance.

Barely pointing down the hallway, I tell him I’ll be right back, and there’s a part of me wishing he would follow.

Since I’m already in a black lace bra, I put on a thin black sweater and some jeans before digging my ankle boots out of the closet.

putting my hair back in order, I take a deep breath and march down the hall. Everett is eyeing some of my family photos on a table in the entryway.

“I’m ready.”

He whips around and smiles as he scans my body once again. The man doesn’t hold back. We get out to his motorcycle, which he says is a Kawasaki Ninja 1000. After instructing me on what to do and not to do while riding, he says that he’ll give me a more informative lesson soon.

Having never ridden on one before, I’m nervous but not afraid as we zip down the road. It’s exhilarating like Ever
ett and another experience I get to have during our so-called arrangement.

He’s going to challenge me. I feel it, but he’s met his match. His desire to be in control is ex
citing and a sure turn on, but anything he wants us to do will happen because I agree to it. I’m not the weak secretary he gets to bang.



Reese’s arms are wrapped around me. I’m trying to focus on the road, but I keep imagining her hands sliding down onto my cock, which was raging the second she opened her door.

I pull up at Shillings on the Square, in historic Marietta, and instruct her on how to get off the bike. Her helmet comes off, and she shakes out her blonde hair. The image of when I gripped it against my office door has my heart drumming. What is she doing to me?

I loved K
rystal, but I can admit that I never felt this kind of desire when she and I were together, not even in the beginning. Is this simply from not having touched a woman in over two years?

Reese smiles at me bashfully, and I realize I’ve been sta
ring. It’s affecting her. Perfect. I let her lead the way into the restaurant.

ell me about your family. You’ve met a handful of mine.” I give her a smirk since my brothers are always entertaining.

“I have only one sibling, my younger sister, Becca. My father had a government
job and is already retired. They travel in their RV about half of the year. I have a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins.”

“Roman and
Sarge are married and have kids, and Travis is still single. Mom is a sweetheart, and my father passed away five years ago from a heart attack.”

imagine my pain is evident. I could never hide that I miss that man. My brothers and I were tight with him. Reese reaches over the table and grasps my hand.

“I’m sorry you lost two people who meant so much to you
and in such a short amount of time.”

hit, she’s sweet, too. I shouldn’t have shared that. And her hand is so damn soft. I bet the rest of her skin feels like silk. Dammit, I have to stop thinking about her sensuous body.

I don’t miss him any less, but time does ease the pain.”

“And how
long had you known your wife?”

“Uh, I don’t think she should be brought into t
his.” The waiter takes our order, and he’s getting a big tip for coming to my rescue.

“This place is lovely,” she says, sounding surprised as she glances around the candlelit room.
“I’ve only ever eaten at the downstairs restaurant, you know, in the pub.” She grins widely.

“Did you assume I’d be cheap?

She takes a long drink of wine.

“I was only commenting on how elegant it is. I’m used to more casual dining. I’m enjoying this.” Her eyes nervously roam the room again.

“I’m sorry. I figured most women would expect
to have dinner someplace this nice, especially on a first date.” A memory of Krystal throwing a tantrum at a restaurant comes to mind.

“I’m pretty easy to please,” she says before her eyes fall heavily on mine. “
You said your wife shouldn’t be brought into this. What is

“You came to my office with your conditions, remember? Why don’t you tell me?”

Noticeably uncomfortable, she shifts in her seat.

“I wouldn’t have had to make conditions had you not hit on me first
.” Her lips purse as she waits for me to respond. I’ll give her this one since I’m about to make her a hell of a lot more uncomfortable.

“OK, since you want this to last only two months, I think we should
make the most of it.”

Reese attempts a confident smile as she moves in her seat again, and it’s turning me the fuck on. She needs to stay still.

“How do you propose we do that?”

“I can read you, Reese. Your sexual experiences have been li
mited, and there are still many things I’ve only ever fantasized about trying. I haven’t been with the most adventurous women.”

After taking a drink
of wine, she waves her hand at me. “Please, I’ve had my share of experiences.”

I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it.

“Hmm … then you shouldn’t mind whatever I propose. Hell, maybe you’ll teach me a thing or two.” Her hand is snatched away before her ass is rubbing that seat again. I’d give anything to be that chair.

yes narrow in on mine before she adjust her posture. “Sure, why not? I can keep up.”

Oh, and I can’t wait to see her try.



Everett’s stare is divulging immense desire but nothing more. “I want you to show me now,” he says.

“Show you what?”

“That you can do this.”

Isn’t that dessert ahead of dinner?”

“I’m a
grown-up. I’m certain a taste of dessert will not hurt my appetite.” His scandalous gleam is taunting me, beckoning me to take the bait.

What do I need to do to prove this?”

“Would you like another glass of wine

“Um, no. I shou
ldn’t drink any more tonight.”

“Why is that, Reese?”
He appears intrigued.

“It’s, um …” Oh, he is maddening. “Y
ou don’t need to know why,” I reply with agitation as I shift in my chair.

“You’ve been squirming i
n your seat since we arrived, and it’s driving me insane,” he says with the same irritation in his voice.

“Why does that bother

“I’m watching you rub your as
s back and forth. Why do you think? I want you to go into the restroom, and take off your panties.”

My eyes widen. “Why w
ould I do that, and how is it going to change my squirming, as you put it?”

Like a fighter jet about to take out its target,
Everett’s eyes lock on mine.

Without them, every time you move in that chair, you’re going to really feel it. Then, an image of what I’m going to do to you to make it feel all better will linger in that pretty head of yours.”

I ba
ttle the urge to shift again as the fantasy of his tongue moving along my skin plays out in my mind.

“You’re thinking about it already,” he says, still targeting me
with those wondrous, blue eyes. He’s arrogant and doesn’t believe I’ll do it. Without a word, I rise from the chair and stroll away.

y, no one is in the restroom, so I hurry and get my jeans off and back on. The feel of denim raking along my sensitive flesh is rough and creates a surge of heat swelling in between my thighs.

I’m ready to leave
the restaurant. Screw eating; we can have each other for dinner. When I return to the table, our plates are in front of us. I get a whiff of the delicious steak I ordered, but Everett smells better.

On the motorcycle
, I wanted to bury my nose against the back of his neck as the wind blew his masculine fragrance toward me.

smells fabulous,” I say. When he doesn’t comment, I glance up and see that the fighter pilot has re-circled and is zeroing in on me once again.

“Did you do it?”


“I want proof.”


“Yes, Reese.”

Rolling my eyes, I pick my purse up and unzip it before I hold it in front of my stomach. As discreetly as possible, I lift a part of my black lace panties out enough for him to see. “Happy?”

He gives me a broad grin. “
Are you always going to be this difficult? It’s taking the fun out of it.”

I don’t want to smile at him, but I can’t help it. He’s witty and so damn thrilling. Eat fast, Reese.



“Would you like a beer or a glass of tea?” I ask, leaning in my refrigerator. I’m abo
ut to glance his direction, when I feel him against my ass. I turn and shut the door, rubbing along his body the entire way.

“You seem to love getting into my personal space.”

A hand goes to each side of my head and pushes against the fridge. “Oh, Reese, you have no idea how badly I want to get into your personal space.”

His lips graze up my neck to my ear
. “Please let me touch and taste all of your soft skin.” His tone is desperate but his words controlled.

My muscles clench and heart pounds before he’
s slamming his lips to mine. His groan and searing breath drown my mouth as hands work into my hair.

The intense desire he
has shown pulls the wanton part of me to the surface. I’ve kept it buried for years, fearing more of the pain that can come from being reckless, but Everett makes me want to risk everything.

Well, other than my heart. I can’t give it to someone who gave his away years ago.
I pull away abruptly.

Everett, maybe we should slow down a little. I mean, I met you two days ago.” My palms go straight to his chest.

“Why do I get the feeling
this is going to be the trend?” His breathing is harsh as his hands move to cradle my cheeks. He gives my lips an amorous kiss before resting his forehead against mine.

“Let’s talk, so I can ease your mind, but you’re goi
ng to have to get me that beer.” His response makes me feel safer and a little regretful for not letting him have his way with me.

The sinful grin
he’s boasting isn’t helping any. Everett’s irresistible. It’s only a matter of time before he’ll be all over me, and I’ll welcome it.

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