Trust Me (18 page)

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Authors: Bj Wane

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Feel good, sugar?” he asked as he slowly
filled her rectum with his damp fingers until they were both embedded deep in
her ass.

“Yes, yes, Alec. God, please don’t stop.”
Brooke didn’t care that the others were glancing their way, didn’t care if she
sounded pathetic as she begged him to breach her back hole. All she cared about
was finding that part of herself she had lost all those months ago and she knew
these baby steps Alec kept pushing her to take were going to get her there.

“I wouldn’t dream of it, sugar.” Alec was
pleased to see the desperate need reflected on her face, a need brought on by
the highly charged atmosphere of watching the other couples, of lying there
naked with her legs draped over his shoulders and his face buried between them,
his sole attention and purpose to bring her pleasure over and over before
tormenting her by denying her that which she had become accustomed to until her
mind and body were so desperate for release the next time he got inside her,
she’d have no choice but to come on his cock.

With slow, deep thrusts, Alec finger
fucked her ass as he again latched on to her clit, using his lips and teeth to
torment the small piece of sensitive flesh while his tongue lapped up her
seeping juices. He smiled inwardly as her warm, soft walls clenched around his
tongue the same time her anus tightened around his fingers and her clit
hardened further against his lips. Her orgasm gushed into his mouth as her
scream filled his ears and he soaked up both like a sponge soaked up moisture.

Alec slowly lowered Brooke’s legs as he
watched her glazed eyes clear and focus on him. Rising, he winced as his
engorged cock threatened to burst through his zipper. Adjusting himself the
best he could, he leaned over Brooke and lightly kissed each of her softening
nipples before taking her lips just as softly.

“I’m sorry, sugar, but I won’t make it
through dinner if I don’t get some relief. Patti is a good sport, she won’t
mind taking care of me. Why don’t you go inside and wash up.”

“Like hell,” Brooke snapped, anger and
jealousy fighting for supremacy as she pushed him back in the chair. “I caused
your discomfort. I’ll take care of it.” Grabbing a chair cushion, she dropped
it in front of him before going to her knees between his spread legs.

It was bad enough she felt guilty over all
the pleasure he had given her the past few days while denying himself, all
because of
her stupid, irrational
hang-up, she wasn’t about to watch him turn to someone else when she could
easily, willingly perform the same task for him.

“Easy, Brooke,” Alec said as his hand
covered hers as she struggled with her anger as well as his zipper. “I didn’t
create this problem. I’m just trying to fix it for you.”

Brooke closed her eyes as remorse swept
through her. It wasn’t his fault she was defective. “Sorry.” Looking up at him,
she practically begged, “Let me do this for you.”

Alec glanced toward the others who were
now starting to get out of the pool. “You’ll have an audience. Are you ready
for that?”

“Yes.” It would have been easier if the
others were still fucking or swimming in the pool, but the fact that they would
be watching more closely as they dressed didn’t deter her. The last time she
had an audience for a blowjob had been at that club, but this situation was
nothing like that night. She had gone down on Alec several times since her
return. She was comfortable with him and with the others and she was in
complete control of her faculties. And she really, really wanted to do this for

With one hand cupping his balls and one
hand clasping the base of his cock, she lowered her mouth and took just his
soft, round head and one inch of his length into her mouth, closed her eyes and
simply enjoyed. Taking her time, she suckled the mushroom shape of his cock
head, licking the pre-come as it seeped out while stroking the rest of his
rigid length with a tight grip.

“Ah, fuck, sugar, I’m never going to last.
You’re too damn good at this and I’m too damn horny to wait.”

Brooke released him long enough to look up
at him and reply succinctly, “Then don’t. Come for me, Alec.” Lowering her
mouth, she engulfed him again, licking and sucking voraciously, as if she
couldn’t get enough of him. She took him deep, laved every rigid inch of him
before hollowing her cheeks and pulling back to concentrate once again on just
his head. His curses rang in her ears as his hand gripped her hair hard right
before his cock jumped in her grip and spewed in her mouth and down her throat.
Moaning around his shaft, she swallowed every drop, relished every groan from
him and was glad she could give him some payback.

The sound of low laughs, doors opening and
closing and dishes rattling reminded her of the others and she felt her nipples
pucker and her pussy dampen as she pictured them watching her. She was tempted
to lower her hand and finger herself to orgasm as she finished drawing every
drop of come from Alec’s still spasming cock, but she refrained. This time was
for him, a selfless first for her and something she didn’t want to delve into
too closely.

Alec tucked his cock back in his shorts
before pulling Brooke to her feet and helping her slip her bikini back on
before taking her hand and drawing her over to the larger table that was filled
with food. He noted her surprise when the others simply handed her a plate and
passed food around without any comments and was pleased when she relaxed and
easily slipped into conversation without any embarrassment. As they talked
about Gabe and Kira’s impending parenthood and the changes that were going to
be made, he couldn’t help thinking she was perfect for him.


Chapter Ten


Brooke was bored, frustrated and regretting
letting Alec talk her into coming along on the fishing excursion he had planned
for the next afternoon. Two hours of doing nothing but watching a pole, waiting
for some poor fish to take the disgusting bait he had had her wrap around the
lethal looking hook. A shout from the older gentlemen a few feet from her
alerted her and everyone else of his catch. Glaring, Brooke thought that made
three for him. It seemed as if everyone had had better luck than her. Even
after Alec had moved the boat to a different spot, her pole remained as still
as the air today.

The only reason she had agreed to come out
today was so she could spend more time with Alec, time outside of any sexually
charged atmosphere, but he had been so busy playing the good fishing guide and
resort host, he hadn’t had any time to spare for her other than to give her
instructions on baiting her hook and how to reel in a catch, which gave her
ample time to watch him and contemplate the reasons she was so drawn to him.
Their first meeting had been fueled by their mutual attraction, ignited by lust
and set on fire when they came together, but after the fire had burned itself
out, Brooke had discovered the burning she had for Alec was for more than sex,
which put her in an untenable position.

Other than fishing today, Brooke admitted
she had enjoyed all the activities at Alec’s resort, including but not limited
to the sex. The island was beautiful, the weather was beautiful and the man was
sexy, fun and addictive. But no matter how much she enjoyed being with him,
enjoyed all the activities he and his island had to offer, the fact was her
life was in New York and his was here. She knew from conversations with both
Gabe and Will that Alec was the one who rarely left the island, who was content
to spend his days meeting and catering to his guests and spending his time
enjoying a laid back lifestyle. He made regular trips into Savannah to visit
his family and enjoy the amusements the city had to offer, but had no desire to
venture any further away from his island. His quip, ‘been there, done that’,
said it all for him, and for her, because no matter how much she wanted the
man, she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else besides New York.

A tug on her pole had Brooke jumping up,
grabbing the pole and calling for Alec. A minute ago she was bored out of her
mind as she stared at her unmoving fishing rod and waited for something to
happen. After giving in to her desire to spend more time with him, Alec had
promised she would have fun. Some fun, she thought sourly as she struggled to
hold on to the tugging pole with both hands while looking around frantically
for Alec. Other guests ignored her struggles as they reeled in their catches
with ease. Those who weren’t lucky enough to get a bite yet seemed to enjoy
just sitting there, waiting. She thought they were all nuts.

“Easy, sugar,” Alec drawled as he came up
behind her, wrapped his arms around her and grabbed the pole. “The pole’s not
going anywhere, but your catch might. Start reeling her in, slowly.” Taking one
of her hands, he helped her get started.

“Here, you do it.” Brooke tried to escape,
but he didn’t budge.

“Uh, uh. New experiences are good for you.
There you go, slow and steady.”

His deep voice crooning in her ear had its
usual effect and Brooke felt her body respond with puckering nipples and
dampening flesh. Did the darn man have to ooze sex with everything he did?
Turning her head, she nipped his lower lip before saying, “I like the other new
experiences you showed me this week better.”

“We’ll get back to those, but right now
you’ve got dinner on that line. Come on, quit being a wimp and show me what
you’ve got.”

Brooke was positive his blue eyes behind
those dark sunglasses were glinting with humor at her expense. “Fine,” she
grumbled, turning back. Following his instructions, she slowly brought whatever
the hell was caught on her line up, but the closer the fish came to the
surface, the heavier it seemed to get until Alec had to help her haul the
large, silver, wriggling
out of
the water and onto the deck. Stepping back from the thrashing fish, she
actually felt sorry for it as it gasped for air.

“Son of a bitch, Brooke, that’s the
largest Albacore I’ve ever seen someone catch.”

Pointing to the flopping, slimy body, she
snapped, “That’s cruel. Let it go.”

“That’s dinner and no, I won’t. If you
want to release it, go ahead. All you have to do is reach inside its mouth and
unhook the barb from its throat and throw it back in.”

Taking a step back, she eyed the now quiet
fish repugnantly. “That’s okay. I think it’s too late.”

Alec took pity on her, especially since
she was looking a little green. Blocking her view, he quickly removed the hook
as the fish took its last breath and tossed it into a nearby bucket. “Okay, I
think it’s safe to say fishing is not your thing.”

“It’s a heck of a lot easier and much more
fun to order the special at the restaurant. You know, skinned, filleted,
seasoned and cooked, served with new potatoes and a spinach salad?”

“You’re such a city girl,” Alec teased
before kissing her hard and grabbing her hand. “Come sit over here and I’ll get
you something to drink. You look like you need it. I promise the next time you
see your catch it’ll be skinned, filleted, seasoned and grilled to perfection.”

“You got something against city girls?”
she asked a bit peevishly as she followed him to a covered sitting area.

“Not at all.” He grinned and added, “In
fact, I can think of one I’m particularly fond of.”

“Thanks,” Brooke said as he retrieved a
soda from a large cooler and handed it to her before taking a seat next to her.
His answer warmed her more than it should have, emphasizing how much harder
returning to New York this time was going to be than it had been last year.
Trying to feel him out, she asked, “You lived in New York for a number of
years, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, over ten, and before you ask, no, I
don’t miss it,” Alec answered wondering at the change in conversation.

“Why this?” she asked waving her arm
towards the island. “What made you relocate here?”

Alec looked out over the calm blue water
and across to his island, the tranquility of the scene a constant pleasure to
him, one that was hard to explain.
“Gabe, Will and I all grew up in Savannah and, as kids we swore we’d own
our own land someday. We combined our combat pay, which had accumulated to a
good sum, and we bought this island shortly after leaving the military, but we
didn’t have enough money to do much with it and sure as hell weren’t ready to
settle down back home yet, so we all ended up in New York, pursuing our
different interests. By the time Gabe’s marriage fell apart, the three of us
were ready for a quieter, saner way of life.”

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