Trust Me (26 page)

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Authors: Melanie Walker

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Mmm-hmmm.” He hummed, his lips and teeth trailing against my collar bone. I was calculating my steps from where I stood on the bay to how fast I could get him to the bed in the boathouse when I felt his hand slip below the hem of my shirt, his palm flat against the expanse of my tummy.

“I think I convinced her to come by…
oh God
, Chad” I gasped as he licked a trail down the center of the back of my neck, the wetness of his tongue and the heat of his breath had me shifting my thighs for friction.

“That’s good baby. It’s not a real party without Candy here.” He was full of shit though, his voice said it all with every word. His focus was on me and me alone, he could care less in that moment if Candy came or not.

His fingers continued to graze the band of my jeans, his fingers dipping below the denim and sliding from side to side. He was beneath my jeans sure, but he was too far from where I really wanted him. “

“Tell me baby.” He spoke directly in my ear, his fingers lazily stroking back and forth.

“I want you.” I said it. I came right out and told him what I wanted knowing he would deliver to me anything I asked.

“You can have me baby.” He whispered and I almost came from the feel of him everywhere and nowhere at once. He slipped his hand from my jeans and yanked gently on my arm spinning me so we were now chest to chest. His arms were around me, his hands resting low on my back above my ass. I had no choice but to look at his face or his chest and I chose the better of the two.

The minute our eyes met I could see the same untamed lust in his eyes as what I was feeling in my body. He was so effortlessly sexy it was unfair how effortless it was. His charisma did all the work for him. It wasn’t just his looks, though they only helped in the devastation. It was all charisma and swagger with him. He had two sides, both equally perfect and devastating. When he was with me he was gentle and kind but managed to be forward and commanding all the same. He was honest and passionate and full of love unlike any man I knew. That was Chad the man I loved, Chad my everyday tattooed, pierced sexy boyfriend. In bed though, in bed I had Chad Blake, lead singer of TAT and he knew what he was doing.

Right now I had his eyes on me, for me and I wanted nothing more that to see myself through his eyes. “Chad?”

“Yeah baby?” His voice was still that soft raspy whisper and it made my toes curl and my spine tingle. It was his sex voice, laced in promises to come.

“Why me?” My voice was just above a whisper and I couldn’t look at him when I asked. I needed to know the answer to that loaded question as much as I needed him inside of me. I wasn’t as commanding as him, I didn’t steal the spotlight or command a room full of strangers. I was easily the most confused woman in the world when it came to appearance. I would never be able to pull off a fangirls level of sexy. I didn’t know what it was about me that made him see me or want me and I needed to know why me before he left me to eight days of temptation.

“Why you? Elaborate baby.” His hands were still on me but they had lost the path for their intent and I felt cold without his hands stroking me.

“Why me over all the others? What makes you want me and love me so much when you have your pick of beautiful perfect women?” I bite my lip and look down tempted to leave the safety and warmth of his arms. I try and step back but his arms are like iron casings locking me to him.

“I’ll answer that when you tell me why you’re asking.” His sex voice was gone as he spoke, his eyes frozen on mine.

I try again to step back and this time he lets me. I fall to the sand at my feet and curl my knees against my chest and look out over the bay again. I can hear the music and the laughter coming from inside the house and I feel like a dick for bringing this up now when we were supposed to be celebrating. “Is it because of the tour?” He asks when he sits down beside me and pulls me against his shoulder. His feet are stretched out and he leans back on his hands, looking casual and effortlessly perfect once again. The man exudes sex even when doing the most mundane things, like sitting on the beach.

“Yes but it’s not that big of deal.” I lied.

“Liar,” he whispered as he kissed the cap of my shoulder before whispering against my ear. “A filthy mouth will only get you in trouble later.”

I gasp at the feel of him so close, threatening me with sexual banter. I adore him. He laughs at my reaction to him and tugs me by the arm until I am sitting over him, my thighs spread to straddle him. He pulls me in for a gentle kiss on my lips. “That’s one of the reasons I love you Carrie. You react to everything I say or do, even if it’s bad or we’re fighting. I can always see how you feel for me just by watching you.”

I love hearing him describe me and my reactions, and duh, I’m a girl who loves some compliments, fishing or otherwise. His response however wasn’t what I meant.

“I love when you say stuff like that babe, but I meant what was it about me that made me your exception to the rule, your game changer.”

Chad seemed to ponder my question and I loved him for taking me seriously right now. “I think it wasn’t just one thing baby. I always knew you were beautiful but when we met I was eighteen and you were fourteen and as much as I liked to look at you I wasn’t about to go there. Throughout the years I was always Chad to you, not anything other than that.” He looked at me his eyes sincere and his voice steady. He took my hand in his and kissed our entwined fingers. “I guess the change came a few years back. It was like an alarm went off when Noah said he couldn’t practice because you were turning eighteen and tradition calls for a night of bad music and junk food.” He smiled at me and I knew he was anxious to be part of my bad music birthday celebration this year. I was happy they would be back the night before I turned twenty-one.

“All I heard was him saying you were eighteen and everything else faded away. I came by that night remember?” He asked with a shy smile on his perfect face.

I did remember, he showed up and me and Noah had been listening to all my favorite music and eating white cheddar popcorn and singing and playing along with the music. Chad had shown up with more junk food and a few beers. Noah made sure to shut off the music and headed to the kitchen to put the beers in the fridge and Chad had walked to me and gave me a hug. “Happy birthday Carrie girl.” He said against my ear and I shivered. It was then my crush on Chad Blake formed into something beyond him being attractive. He handed me a small box and told me to open it later when Noah wasn’t around. I had asked why it mattered.

“Because Noah is pretty much a psycho and I don’t need to catch shit for bringing our girl a present on her birthday.” I had cringed when he said ‘our girl’.

“I swore you had put me in the friend zone when you referred to me as ‘our girl’.”I said with a chuckle and leaned forward to kiss his lips. “I still have the bracelet. I wear it all the time when I’m at school. I never showed it to Noah.”

The bracelet was white gold and linked by loops of chain. There was a guitar charm that was small and delicate and it hung from just by the clasp. I loved that fucking bracelet. It was in my list of things to grab in case of a fire I loved it that much.

“I haven’t seen you wear it.” He spoke against my lips and I couldn’t help but open my mouth to his, desperate to taste him.

“I only wear it at school. It’s my thing I guess, my way of always hanging on to you when you weren’t around through the year.”

“Well now Carrie Beckett, did you have a crush on me too?” He was joking around I knew, but I could hear his need for the truth in there.

“Oh yeah, a big one.” I whisper and burry my head against the crook of his shoulder not wanting to look at him.

He stroked his hands down my back, “That’s another reason you are more than any other. I love that you would think of me and wear my bracelet wishing I was with you. All the women I have been with were always forward and demanding. They never played hard to get or made it about more than a title or status. I hated being used baby. You want me for me and nothing more. I don’t think you would give a rats ass if I worked at McDonalds drive thru as long as I came home to you every night.”

“God Chad…” I sighed and pull him as tight to me as I can and twine my fingers into his hair. “You’re so much more than you can ever see babe.” I lean in and kiss him slow and sweet trying to show him how tender he is to me. I feel like the connection we have and the passion and honesty, it’s delicate and can be easily destroyed if we aren’t careful.

“I freaked out when you guys said you were heading out to tour. I hate knowing the temptation will be triple what it is now and that I will be too far away to keep you warm at night.”

Chad groans and lies back on the sand pulling me down with him. He catches my face in his hands and holds me still so that I look at him. “Carrie I don’t know what’s gonna happen with this tour but I need you to know something baby. Every lonely night, every song on stage, every fangirl and every mile we drive, it is all part of the bigger plan to get me back to you. I don’t want a fangirl baby, I have perfection in bed with me at night and the greatest little body I have ever been in at my disposal anytime I want it. I went longer than eight days just waiting to make my move on you. Eight days of work and focus to drive us to gaining more recognition and maybe some fame.”

He leans up and kisses me hard and fast before he continues. “Whatever happens though baby, it’s you I come home to. You’re my Dorothy Carrie.”

Holy Fuck

I can’t compete with that so I don’t try and I lean into his chest and kiss his throat while grinding my hips against him, feeling him harden immediately.

He groans as I press my core against him and I giggle loving the effect I have on him. “Like that do ya babe?” I use my sweetest tone playing innocent.

“Oh you wanna play baby?” He winks and rolls us so he is now on top of me and between my thighs. He rolls his hips and presses his impressive thickness against me. “Want a little grind play to hold you over until I fuck the shit out of you later tonight?”

He says it all while thrusting himself against me and I am once again floored and sexually stunned speechless by his filthy mouth. “Are you asking to dry hump me again Chad Blake?” I try to make my voice sound offended but he see’s through my act and goes for the jugular.

“Well that or I can eat you out right here and now but this is easier to explain if we get busted.”

I moan and gasp at the idea of him going down on me out in the open and Chad starts laughing. “You like the idea of being seen don’t you my little freak. My baby’s a sexual deviant and
God damn
I’m a lucky fucker for it.”

“You make me this way Chad. I never even wanted to hold hands with a guy before you. Now I can’t get enough of you and me in bed, or on a kitchen counter, or on the floor of the boathouse.”

“Or on the beach at a party?” He asks me with a huge smile and I lean up to kiss his dimples.

“Most definitely the beach babe.” He laughs again and presses against me, now rocking himself directly against my core where I need him the most.

“I never let anyone call me a pet name before you baby.” Chad says, his hips still pumping against me, his mouth catching my whimpers with kisses.

“I can call you Chad, anything, just don’t stop what you’re doing.” I pant and he hits me harder and uses his hands to open my legs farther so now the lips of my core are spread and my clit is rubbing the seam of my jeans with every pump he makes. “
Oh God
… yes like that.”

“Fuck no. I love when you call me babe it gets me fucking hard.”

“Everything gets you hard.”

“You get me hard baby. Come for me Carrie girl.”

Like the magician he is, I come calling him babe and asking him to never let me go.



Candy showed up about thirty minutes after Chad and I came in from the beach. Noah glared at Chad when Shamus and Cassa started laughing and asking us how the beach was this time of night. I took it that they saw us and couldn’t hide my blush.

Chad laughed at Noah and rolled his eyes before planting a major wet kiss on my lips and smacking my ass. Normally I hated when Chad bated Noah, but this time I couldn’t help but laugh. It was probably the orgasmic euphoria I was still in.

It was Candy that stopped Noah from calling Chad out. She made her way through the house and the profusion of nameless faceless people that were here. She saw me in Chad’s arms and smiled before hugging me.

“Hi Cares.” She said and hugged me tightly. I knew she was scared and nervous being here and I swore to her silently that I would protect her as best I could.

“I’m so proud of you for coming Cans.” I said just as quietly so that only she would hear. She pulled back and smiled knowingly and I must have had a sign on my head that said, “Look here for post orgasmic bliss.”

“Congrats guys!” Candy yelled and Chad pulled her in for a hug. Noah didn’t waste any time trying to get to Candy’s side.

“I didn’t think you would be here.” Noah said, his voice laced with hopefulness that was useless.

“And what does that mean to me? Are you worried I’ll see between the thighs of yet another
skank? Don’t worry Noah, I’m here for my bestie and her man and the rest of you guys as a band. Nothing else.”

Everyone seemed to pause and stare when Candy’s voice began to raise. Noah stepped in as close as he could to her not wanting the scene. I knew my brother and the fact there was a scene forming because of his sex life was making him furious. The fact he didn’t bother walking away spoke volumes on how deep he cared for Candy. “I get it Candy, I fucked up. You made your point and I feel like shit. Why are you here? Are you trying to prove something?”

She looked him up and down with judging eyes. “To you, no I have nothing to prove. You proved that when you broke my heart.” Candy turned and looked at me with hurt in her eyes. “This was a bad idea Cares. I’m gonna go.” She looked to Chad and Cal and Shamus who were all stunned stupid after watching the display of Noah’s form of graveling. “Congrats guys, this is it for you I can feel it.”

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