Trusting Sydney: The Temptation Saga: Book Six (2 page)

BOOK: Trusting Sydney: The Temptation Saga: Book Six
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am saw only darkness
. He opened his eyes. When had he closed them? His erection pressed against his jeans. Well, wouldn’t be getting up from this seat for a while. Good thing the opening ceremonies were still going on. Man, that Mark guy was a windbag. Was it really necessary to introduce the florist? Sheesh.

The memory of that night filled Sam with happiness.

. How long had happiness been missing from his life?

He wasn’t
happy. Not at all. Yet life had grown stale. He simply existed from day to day. Even when he went on the road to rodeos, as now, his life held little meaning. No one needed him anymore. Dusty had Zach and their son. His ranch was thriving and his able foreman took care of everything. He had dated a few times in the last several years, but he hadn’t found anyone who really brought meaning into his life.

Day to day to day to day—the life of Sam O’Donovan.

But at this moment, he was smiling. Joy coursed through his veins.

Sydney Buchanan.

He’d tried once to look her up after he returned to Montana but hadn’t kept looking for very long. He’d had a bankrupt ranch to look after. He could have found her if he’d looked harder.

He’d given up.

No more giving up.

He motioned to a vendor selling beer. Too bad they didn’t sell shots of bourbon. He could use a stiff one—to help him get rid of his other stiff one.

Sydney Buchanan.

She’d be at Dusty’s party tonight.

And she’d be in Sam’s bed come morning.

Chapter Two

, it’s great to have you back in town!” Chad McCray slapped Sam on the back. “I don’t get to see my only blood brother enough.”

Sam laughed, though the comment saddened him. He and Chad had become blood brothers the day Sam and his family had left McCray Landing where his father worked as a ranch hand. They went back to Montana to stay with his mother’s family when she was dying of leukemia.

Though the disease had taken his mother, it had spared his baby sister, thank God. Dusty had responded well to treatment and was now considered cured. She was the picture of health and country-girl beauty, roaming around the crowd and playing hostess in her red gingham blouse and denim miniskirt.

Chad excused himself, and Sam turned to see Dusty approach an older gentleman. Sam jerked in his boots.
Thunder Morgan
. Dusty grabbed the man’s arm and pulled him toward Sam. The rodeo queen and her boyfriend trailed behind.

“Sam,” Dusty said, “I know this is someone you’ve been dying to meet.”

Sam stuck out his hand. “Mr. Morgan, it’s an honor.”

The man chuckled. “It’s Thunder or Morgan, take your pick. But never Mr. Morgan. Nice to meet you.” He turned toward the other two. “Have you met my daughter, Amber, and her fiancé, Harper Bay?”

Sam nodded. “I know Harper. How are you?”

“Good, good,” Harper said.

“And Amber, it’s a pleasure. You are one beautiful rodeo queen.”

Amber’s delicate skin turned rosy, and she shook her platinum waves. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you. Dusty raves about you. We’re so glad you’ll be able to stay in town for our wedding next week.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Sam said.

“I know you have lots of questions for Thunder,” Dusty said.

Sam nodded. He did. A million, maybe. But at the moment, his tongue was tied in a knot.

Clad in denim shorts and a white camisole, her dark gaze scanning the party, was none other than Sydney Buchanan.

“Sydney!” Dusty motioned her toward them.

She walked toward them slowly. With a little trepidation maybe? Sam wasn’t sure.

“Where are your parents?” Dusty asked.

“They decided to stay at the hotel,” Sydney said. “My little brother isn’t feeling well tonight.”

Little brother? Sam knew Sydney had an older brother, Blake, who lived in Bakersville now. But a younger one? Still a lot he didn’t know about this gorgeous woman.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Dusty said. “I really wanted him and Sean to meet. They’re almost the same age.”

Sydney smiled, her lips trembling ever so slightly. Was she nervous?

“Some other time. I’m sure they’ll hit it off.”

Dusty made the necessary introductions, and Thunder, Amber, and Harper excused themselves to get a drink.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Sam said. “Would you like a drink?”

Sydney shook her head and cleared her throat. “On second thought, yes.”

“What’ll it be? It’s full bar here, like I told you.”

She smiled. “How about a dry martini?”

“Sounds great.” He walked her over to the bar.

“A dry martini for the lady, and a Fat Tire for me.” Sam shoved a few dollar bills into the bartender’s tip jar and handed the martini to Sydney.

“Thank you,” she said shyly.

Was this a coy routine? She sure hadn’t been shy that night five years ago. In fact,
had invited him to her room, not the other way around.

Course five years was a long time. People did change. Who knew what had happened to her in half a decade? No matter. Sam planned to learn all he could about Miss Sydney Buchanan this evening.

But before he could ask the first question, she excused herself to make a phone call.


alm down
, Syd. Jesus.

She’d handled this much better at the rodeo. Still, her heart had thumped so hard against her sternum she’d thought for sure Sam could see it.

Now, in this slinky camisole—which had been a mistake, by the way—it must be completely obvious. She leaned against the counter in the downstairs bathroom and regarded her image in the mirror. What had she been thinking?

He was as handsome as she remembered—sandy brown hair, expressive brown eyes, and that body! He’d been ripped head to toe five years ago, and from what she could see, that hadn’t changed. If anything, he looked even better. His dark jeans hugged those slim hips and that perfect butt just right—not too tight, but tight enough to see the gorgeous musculature.

She hadn’t seen him bust broncs. She hadn’t seen him at all after that one night, even though they’d both been in Denver at the Stock Show for the next few days. He hadn’t tried to contact her.

A veil of guilt blanketed her. Nor had she tried to contact him.

She should have called.

could have called. But she

No matter. They were just two ships that had passed during one amazing night. They could never pass again for myriad reasons, none of which she could dwell on at the moment.

Why had she come to this party? She’d known it was a bad idea. Dusty McCray was such a sweetie to invite her. Sydney was amazed Dusty had remembered her after so long.

I suppose you never forget your final barrel race.

Sydney hadn’t forgotten that race either. She’d won a sizable purse, and it had been her last race for about a year and a half.

She’d been back for a couple years now. She had done well but hadn’t been overly successful. Hopefully this rodeo would be good to her. She needed to win a purse—a big one.

She made a quick phone call to her parents at the hotel to check on Duke, and then took a deep breath and left the security of the bathroom. She could make excuses to Dusty easily enough. She wasn’t feeling well, or she had to get up early to work her mare tomorrow, or any number of other things could get her out of this house, away from Sam O’Donovan.

In fact, she was tempted to just leave quietly, but that would be rude. Dusty had been so nice to her, and Sydney was not a rude person. She couldn’t just leave.

She inhaled again and let out the air slowly. Find Dusty and get the heck out of Dodge.

Finding Dusty meant going out back again, and going out back again meant the risk of running into Sam. It was a chance she’d have to take. She walked slowly through the kitchen out to the back patio and the spacious yard.

She spied Sam deep in conversation with Thunder Morgan. Good. Dusty had said how much her brother admired the bronc busting legend. Hopefully that would keep him occupied long enough for her to escape.

Where the heck was Dusty? Sydney walked around looking, purposely avoiding Sam, but her hostess was nowhere to be seen.
She’d have to leave without saying goodbye. She hated to do it, but she had no other choice.

She walked back into the house, through the kitchen bustling with caterers preparing food and drink, through the long hallway to the front door.

She stopped abruptly.

Where the heck did she think she was going? Her father had dropped her off and taken the rental car back to Bakersville. She was supposed to call him later to come get her.

God! What a brain fart
. She needed to get a grip.

She pulled out her cell phone. The drive from town was over a half hour. She’d have to hole up here and wait for her dad.

“Leaving so soon?”

She jerked and turned. Sam, gorgeous Sam, was standing in the front doorway. Why hadn’t she walked farther outside?

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. “I have an early morning.”

“Don’t we all.” He came toward her. “At least have something to eat first. McCray beef can’t be beat.”

He took her arm. She sucked in a breath. The man’s touch could ignite a forest.

“Come on. You can eat with me.”

“But you were talking to Mr. Morgan.”

“I have all night to talk to Thunder. He’s not going anywhere. Right now I’d like to have dinner with you. If you don’t mind, that is.”

Mind? Was he kidding? She’d love to have dinner with him. Love to spend the whole evening with him. But it wasn’t a good idea.

“Well, I—”

“A person’s gotta eat, right?” He smiled.

Lord, he was handsome. She relented. “Okay. Dinner sounds good.”

His smile broadened. The man had perfect teeth.

They each loaded their plates with food and sat down at a table with Dusty, Zach, and Sean.

Conversation centered around the rodeo, for which Sydney was thankful. Rodeo talk was easy, free of conflict. She could talk rodeo all night and never tire of it. She loved the rodeo.

When dinner was over, Sydney stood. “I’m so sorry. I have an early morning tomorrow so I need to get going. Thank you for having me.”

“Can’t you stay a little longer?” Dusty asked. “We have a great dessert spread coming up.”

“I wish I could, but I need to get home.”

Sam stood. “I’ll see you out.”

“Um…okay.” She couldn’t be rude, after all.

They walked through the house and out the front door. “Where’s your car?” Sam asked.

“I…uh…need to call my father. He dropped me off.”

“No problem then. I’ll drive you home.”

A half hour in Sam’s presence? Sounded like heaven, but not a good idea. “Please, you don’t need to.”

“My pleasure. There’s no reason to bother your father.”

Energy pulsed between them. Sydney’s loins blazed. How could she manage a half hour with him? Refusing was suddenly no longer an option. She wanted to spend another half hour with him. Wanted it so bad she could taste it.

Despite her sweaty palms and speeding pulse, Sydney kept the conversation on the rodeo. Sam was planning to bronc bust in several competitions. Sydney planned to secretly watch. Seeing his physique in action would be pure pleasure.

Sam insisted on seeing her up to her room at the Bakersville Hotel. Her parents and Duke were in a different room, thank goodness.

When they stopped at the door, Sydney’s heart fluttered.

Sam grabbed one of her hands. “I want you to know something,” he said.


“That night we spent, all those years ago, meant a lot to me.”

Her tummy tugged. “It did?”

“Yes. I’d hoped it meant something to you too.”

Oh, it had. More than he’d ever know. “Yes,” she mumbled. “It meant a lot to me.”

“I tried to find you once I got back to Montana. But then I got preoccupied with my ranch. It was nearly bankrupt. I’m sorry. I should have kept looking.”

She swallowed. She’d lain low for a while. “That’s okay. I understand.”

“Well—” Sam let out a huff of air. “It’s been nice seeing you again.”

“Thank you for the ride.”

“My pleasure.” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “I guess I’ll see you around the rodeo.”


He turned to leave, and Sydney’s body quaked. Fierce desire surged through her. Images of their lovemaking five years earlier flashed in her mind. His cock in her mouth, in her body. Orgasm after orgasm after orgasm—


He turned. “Yes?”

She threw her arms around him and pressed her lips to his.

Chapter Three

ydney had never been
one to shy away from what she wanted. After all, she’d invited him to her room that fateful day. In an instant, desire overcame intellect, and all the reasons she should stay away drifted out on the wings of passion.

Sam’s kissing abilities hadn’t waned. His lips parted eagerly for her tongue, and his own met hers with a tantalizing sizzle. He tasted of coffee, of spice, of male beauty. A frenzied kiss, just as it had been all those years ago.

She moaned into his mouth, craving more, all of him.

He ripped his mouth from hers and breathed in heavily. “Sweetheart, what are you after?”

She shook her head. “I wish I knew. All I know is that right now I want you. Do you want me as much as I want you?”

“Baby, I want you so bad I think I might die an early death if I can’t have you.”

Thank God.
Quickly she slid her key card through the locking device and opened the door to her room.

They were on each other like mad, ripping their clothes off until garments lay crumpled on the floor in disarray. Naked, they fell onto the bed. He spread her legs and launched into eating her.

It had been so long! To think she’d abstained for five years.


Why? Had she waited for Sam to come back to her? No, definitely not that. Why had she waited so long? She’d had plenty of opportunities.

His tongue was as talented as she remembered. He tormented her clit, tugged on her folds, teased the entrance to her moist channel.

“Mmm,” he said against her, his voice a fuzzy vibration, “you taste so good, sweetheart.”

She writhed, grinding against his face. “That feels so damn good, Sam. God, it’s been forever.”

Had she said that out loud? No matter. This was heaven. She didn’t want to worry about saying the wrong thing. She’d just enjoy it.

He pushed her thighs forward and slid his tongue along the crease between her ass cheeks. No one had ever touched her there. Never. Why? It felt amazing. His tongue was silky against that virgin skin.

“Mmm,” he said again. “I’d love to take you here sometime.”

Her ass? Why was that thought such a turn-on?

“I…don’t know—”

“No, baby, not tonight.” He pulled her thighs back and set them on his shoulders. His warm brown gaze settled onto hers. “And never without your okay. It’s just a thought.” He sighed against her skin. “You’re just so beautiful, I want all of you.”

God, maybe

Was she actually considering it? The thought aroused her. Icy pinpricks poked at her skin. Something about Sam O’Donovan made her want to do anything and everything to please him. And that thought scared the hell out of her.

Before she could dwell on the thought further, Sam went back to work between her legs. Soon she was flying high, ensconced in a climax so deep she thought she might implode on the spot.

“That’s it, sweetheart.” He slid his fingers in and out of her. “Come for me. Come for me all night long.”

Oh, I will
. As the spasms inside her slowed, he bent down and licked her tight bud, and up she flew again. He brought her to orgasm three times, and then four, and when he began a fifth, she pleaded with him to stop.

“I can’t take any more, Sam. God, please.”

He smiled between her legs, his chin shining with her juices. “Since you asked so nicely.”

Déjà vu
. He’d used those words before. He got up and grabbed a condom from his jeans, sheathed himself, and thrust into her wetness.

So full, so perfect. How had she gone so long without this wonderful completion? His mouth took hers, and they kissed frantically, passionately, until she had to rip her lips away to take a much-needed breath.

She’d already had multiple orgasms and didn’t expect to come again, so the spasms building within her were a welcome surprise.

“I can’t believe this. I’m coming again.”

“Yeah, baby. Come again for me.”

He increased the tempo of his thrusts. “God, yeah,” he said. “Oh, God, yeah.”

He plunged a final time, and the convulsions of his cock beat against her walls in time with her own climax.

Together they came.

Together they went limp.

“My God,” Sam said against her neck.

She couldn’t find her voice. Only nodded.

He rolled off her onto the other side of the bed. “It’s been a long time.”

“For me too,” she said. He had no idea how long.

She turned on her side and regarded his gorgeous masculinity. If possible, he’d become even better looking. His sandy brown hair was in shoulder-length disarray, and his warm cognac eyes were heavy-lidded. He was still in the depth of relaxation from his orgasm. His nose was perfectly formed and those lips…too full and pink for a man. Women would spend a bundle on Botox to have them. She couldn’t help herself. She leaned over and pressed her mouth to his in a soft kiss.

“That’s nice, Syd.” He rolled on top of her, pressing his elbows into the bed to keep from crushing her. His gaze pierced hers. “You are beautiful. You haven’t changed a bit in five years.”

She’d changed. He had no idea. She smiled in spite of herself. “You have. You’re even better looking than I remembered.”

His cheeks reddened.

She laughed. “You’re blushing.”

He smiled. “Am not.”

“Are too.” She lifted her head slightly and kissed his lips again. “Pretty soon your cheeks are going to be as pink as these beautiful lips of yours.”

More red. She smiled. This was fun. She reached upward and entwined her fingers through his soft hair.
Mmm, soft as suede.
She inhaled his oaky scent. Fresh as outdoors, just as she recalled.

“It was a wonderful night, wasn’t it?” she said.

“Yes.” He winked. “You know what, though?”


“I’m betting this one will be even better.” He crushed his mouth to hers.

ydney woke
to the light of dawn streaming through the curtains of her hotel window. She sighed. Colorado mornings were always so beautiful.

Next to her, Sam snoozed on his back, his erection apparent from the tent of the sheets. She gently removed the sheet to view his magnificent body. The satiny bronze of his skin lightened where the streams of sunlight touched it. His cock could have been carved by a Renaissance artist in marble, so perfect it was.

Her sex pulsed just looking at it. She wanted it in her mouth, touching the back of her throat.

Quietly she leaned over and touched her lips to the salty head. She trailed tiny kisses up and down the shaft, licked around his sac.


She looked up. His eyes were still closed. A slight smile curved the corners of his beautiful lips.

She smiled and bent back to work. She twirled her tongue over his head, savoring the masculine flavor and his husky moans. She took it all until he grazed the back of her throat. She let up, allowing herself to get used to the sensation. It had been a long, long time since she’d done this.

She caressed the hard muscle of his taut thighs as she continued her assault on his beautiful cock. She took him in again to the back of her throat, his moans fueling her desire to please him.


She looked up. His brown eyes were open and locked upon hers. “Yes?”

“If you don’t stop now, I’m going to come.”

Worked for her. She wanted him to come. She wanted to take him, swallow for him.

Something she’d never done before.

“It’s okay. I want you to.”

“Oh, God.” He closed his eyes.

She continued, and his hips began thrusting upward in time with her oral strokes. Soon the pulses began low on his shaft, and when his fluid shot into her mouth, she took him, relishing the creamy texture, the salty flavor.

“That was amazing,” he said when she lay back down beside him.

Happiness flowed through her. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

He smiled. “I’d be happy to return the favor.”

“I’d love it. But I’m famished.”

“You want to get room service?”

“They don’t have room service here,” she said. “We can run up to Rena’s and get some coffee and scones or something.”

“Hmmm.” He rolled over and gazed at her. “Don’t really feel like leaving this bed anytime soon.”

She laughed. “Neither do I. I think I have some granola bars in my bag. I can make the little pot of coffee too.”

He grinned. “Sounds perfect.”

After a quick breakfast, he made good on his promise to return the favor and brought her to orgasm twice. Then he thrust into her until they both came so hard, Sydney thought they’d created a sonic boom.

God, sex is good.

No. Sex with
is good.

Not that she’d know much difference. A high school classmate had taken her virginity in a clumsy coupling. That was the extent of her experience, save for Sam. Didn’t much matter anyway. She couldn’t have Sam forever, and she’d never want anyone else.

Now they lay together, their arms and legs intertwined, kissing each other sweetly and softly. If she continued kissing him for the next fifty years, she’d never get enough of those soft full lips. They licked each other, made love with their mouths.

A knock on the door startled her. She jerked beneath Sam.

He raised his head. “You want me to get that?”

She shook her head, “No, I’ll take care of it.” It was probably her mother or father. She couldn’t let them find her here with Sam. How would that look?

Course she was over eighteen. Wasn’t really their business. But still, they were her parents. They didn’t need to see their daughter enjoying the afterglow of incredible sex.

She rose and retrieved her robe from the bathroom. Before she opened the door, she threw Sam his jeans. “Better put these on.”

“Okay.” He took the jeans. picked up his shirt, and traipsed to the bathroom.

The knocking pounded again. “I’m coming.”

When she opened the door, her heart nearly stopped when she saw the familiar face.

“What are you doing here?”

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