Trusting the Rogue

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Authors: Danielle Lisle

BOOK: Trusting the Rogue
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A Total-E-Bound Publication



Trusting the Rogue

ISBN # 978-1-78184-232-4

©Copyright Danielle Lisle 2013

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2013

Edited by Amy Parker

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.




This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a


This story contains 55 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 9 pages.














Rogues of Deception





Danielle Lisle




Book three in the Rogues of Deception series

A rogue, who had sought nothing but his own pleasure in life, is now faced with something he never knew he wanted. A family.


Hannah, a recent widow and proud mama to the new Duke of Holsworthy, is confronted with a man who fills her body with yearnings she cannot name. The ache is so foreign to her, as is the desire to be touched by this handsome and charming stranger. Yet reality crushes her vacillation when she learns he is also a member of the exclusive Goodrich Hall—a place where the essence of sex practically drips from its sinful walls!


While this knowledge disgusts her, she finds herself still dreaming of him constantly. The more time she spends with him, the more Hannah sees that he clearly cares for both herself and her son—unlike her late husband, a man who had filled their lives with nothing but pain and suffering.


Does the pleasure he teases Hannah about really exist? Nights filled with nothing but sublime pleasure? The question is, is Hannah brave enough to let go of her prudish ways and find out for herself?







For my little man.

While you’re certainly too young to read this now, I hope when you grow of age, the idea of your mother writing stories such as this won’t embarrass you too much.






Chapter One




Hyde Park, London



The crunch of Sir Andrew Harington’s steed’s tread on the loose gravel below and the pleasant song of the birds twittering overhead were the only sounds around him, until a child’s squeal soared through the crisp morning air. Yet it was oddly not a sound of terror, pain or suffering—merely glee. Andrew’s interest, as well as his horse’s, moved to the young boy, perhaps five years in age, who charged down the steep, grassy embankment. A broad smile stretched his chubby features as he stared at the large horse beneath Andrew in rapture.

“Sir! Please, can I pat your mount?”

Andrew chuckled to himself at the boy’s eager pleading, and nodded.

“He is the grandest horse I’ve ever seen!” The child’s eyes widened with delight as Andrew rode off the path onto the green lawns bordering the winding lane. He dismounted and came up to the head of his horse, joined by the child, who appeared to be in awe while he gazed up at Andrew’s steed, Dusk.

“He is so big, sir! My papa never rode, but Mama did when she was a girl. I cannot wait to learn. Did it take you long to learn?”

Dusk dropped his head to nuzzle the child’s jacket, no doubt looking for a treat such as Andrew’s nephews and nieces always offered. This had the boy in throes of laughter. Andrew patted the well-natured animal and could not help but smile at the boy’s obvious delight.

The child was clearly no ruffian. His finely tailored clothes and formed speech proved him to be well above the serving or even middle class. Where were his parents? Andrew frowned and looked up to see a woman hurrying towards them, concern lining her features while her attention lay fixed on the child. It took Andrew a moment to draw his eyes away from her skirts, which she lifted as she ran, exposing glimpses of her fine ankles to his curious gaze. His lips twitched in amusement. The lady would be mortified to learn that her slender ankles had attracted the attention of a man such as himself.

“Harold James! What are you doing?” the breathless woman called, her ample chest rising and falling with her hurried breath as she came upon them. Andrew would hardly have been a red-blooded male if he’d failed to notice the lush softness before him.

The boy’s shoulders slumped after a moment, and he spared Andrew an apologetic glance before facing the woman.

“Mama, this man’s horse is black like you said your horse at Eventon was. Even his hair is long and flowing like in your stories,” the boy said, and pointed to the stallion’s mane in evidence. Dusk tossed his head as if in agreement, and Andrew pursed his lips to suppress a chuckle that threatened to escape—not that anyone noticed.

A little of the fight seemed to leave the boy’s mother. Her pillowy, soft-looking breasts rose, then fell with her deep sigh of what he assumed was relief at finding her child. Andrew could not help but notice how firm and large those delectable mounds were to the eye, and no doubt as appetising to a man’s palm or ravenous lips. His mouth salivated at the thought. It had been too long since he’d bedded a woman—two weeks at least. He inwardly frowned. Two weeks seemed like a lifetime while he stood before this tempting morsel. Though at that moment he had little will to pull his gaze from its current vantage, child present or not.

“Well, that may be true, but you know better than to leave me. I turned and you were gone.”

The boy appeared mollified. “Sorry, Mama.”

She nodded and, for the first time, her attention moved to Andrew. He reluctantly raised his eyes and resisted the urge to stand straighter and comb his hair with his fingers. What am I, a randy youth? He wanted to snort at his inner monologue. He was hardly that.

Her brow furrowed for a moment before she took another deep breath. His attention was drawn immediately back to her bust line as it perched high, thanks to her dress. The tops of her breasts lay delicately concealed behind a layer of fine lace, which he suspected was worn to tease every warm-blooded male in existence.

He forced his eyes back to her face in time to witness her wandering gaze drift the length of his body. Andrew’s cock twitched in his suddenly tight breeches. Did she like what she saw? He certainly did of her.

“Please forgive my son for interrupting your ride, sir,” she said, but he heard the tinge of apprehension in her tone, and the question as to who he was.

“No bother at all. I am Sir Andrew Harington, and this is Dusk,” he said, while his steed nuzzled the boy’s hair. Giggles misted the air while Andrew smirked. “He is fond of you, young man.”

“I like him too,” the boy said, half-heartedly attempting to push the horse’s nose away.

Andrew glanced to the woman, who for the first time smiled as she watched her child, seeming to forget his presence at that moment. Her face was devoid of any fright at his disappearance and now only radiated pure beauty. Her twinkling blue eyes and porcelain white skin shone with an exquisiteness that could not be matched by any woman he had met since his birth. Did he want to prolong their meeting? Indeed, he did.

“Care to ride, young man?” Andrew asked the boy. He stepped forward and scooped up the child, placing him in the saddle. The boy’s eyes widened for a moment, but his expression quickly transformed into wonder as he picked up the reins. “Now, hold them loose. I’ll have a hand on them so you’ll be safe, I assure you and your mama,” he said, flashing a broad smile in the lady’s direction, her face awash with sudden horror.


Andrew cut her off, taking her gloved hand and bringing it to his lips. “Fear not, my Lady. All is safe in my care.”


* * * *


Hannah stared blankly at the man for a second longer before her attention moved to the hand he had kissed just moments ago. He still held it, his deep caramel eyes sending liquid fire into her soul as he gazed upon her, caressing the underside of her gloved palm with his thumb. Shivers skated along her suddenly heated flesh.

Remove your hand from his grasp! See how he looks at you—it is how a fox gazes at a chicken!

As sensible as her inner voice was, Hannah could not seem to obey it. Heat flowed from his touch through to the very core of her womanhood. What was wrong with her?

“Mama, is he as big as Cole?”

Hannah blinked and looked to her son, where he sat atop the grand animal. The horse seemed calm enough, but Harold was all she had…

“He is safe,” the man said, as if reading her thoughts. “Dusk would never allow anything to befall him. He is putty in a child’s hands, so please do not let his size fool you. I think it is because children are always covered in something sweet and sticky. Well, at least my sister’s children always seem to be.” The corners of the man’s lips lifted in amusement as if he was recalling an occasion of dealing with the sugar-coated children.

“Mama, is he?”

It took her a moment to recall her son’s question.
Oh, yes—is he as big as Cole…?
“Indeed. He towers over my childhood horse, if truth be known.”

This pleased Harold. He sat up straighter and puffed out his chest, looking like a minute commander upon the noble beast. She wanted to weep for the boy in him, determined to be the man so many expected him to be. He was a mere child! He should be concerned with nothing more than games and scrapes upon his knees! Alas, it was sadly not the case.

“All right, young man, now hold the reins like that. Good lad. Now give him a gentle squeeze with your legs and look where you wish to go. He will be able to feel it and proceed there.”

Harold nodded at the man’s instructions and set about his task. The horse seemed calm and obeyed her son’s command. Sir Andrew slipped her arm through his and turned, walking beside the horse and gallantly leading her along as well.
What am I, a sheep?
Yet she could do nothing to pull her hand free. She did not know this man, but her mind and body seemed determined to forget that important fact.

“Pardon my enquiry, but what is your name?”

Hannah looked to him as they walked the wide path through Hyde Park. “Pardon me, sir. I was distracted by the disappearance of my son.”

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