TRUTH (26 page)

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Authors: Sherri Hayes

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“Why don’t you both take a seat at the table while Brianna and I finish bringing over the food? There’s a pitcher of water and iced tea already there, so help yourselves to something to drink,” Stephan said as he guided me toward the kitchen.

“What? Keeping the good wine locked up tonight, Coleman?”

Stephan stopped and turned to look directly at Cal. “There is no good wine. Not in my home. I don’t drink.”

Ross’s mouth fell open at Stephan’s declaration. Stephan, however, seemed unfazed and resumed our progress to get the food. I stumbled slightly at the abrupt movement, but Stephan easily steadied me.

When we brought the food to the table, Cal and Jade were just taking their seats, and they glanced back and forth as if talking without words. It made me uncomfortable, so once I placed the platter I’d been carrying on the table, I took a step closer to Stephan. He trailed his fingers down my arm in a comforting gesture and held my chair out for me to sit down.

“Thank you—” I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from addressing him as
. What would Cal think if I did?

“Help yourselves. I don’t want this to be a formal function.”

Stephan reached for the meat. Cal and Jade followed suit. When Cal realized I wasn’t doing the same, however, he scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. “Aren’t you eating?”

I glanced over at Stephan, and he nodded toward the food. “Um. Yes?” Cal frowned, but once I reached for the food, he did the same.

He continued to watch me, so I tried to keep putting food on my plate at a steady pace while keeping an eye on what Stephan was doing. He’d never said I couldn’t start eating until after he’d started, but it was how I’d been taught when I was with Ian, and it seemed right. I didn’t mind waiting. With Ian, it hadn’t been an option. He’d made sure I understood how disrespectful it was to begin eating before my betters. It was different now, yet the same. To me, it was a sign of respect to allow Stephan to go first.

Once we all had food on our plates and began eating, the sound of forks and knives scraping plates was almost deafening. I knew I should probably say something, but I had no idea what. I gave an inward sigh of relief when Stephan broke the awkward silence.

“What do you do for a living, Jade?”

“I’m a student. My last year, thankfully.”

“I remember that feeling. What are you studying?”

“Architecture.” She smiled at Cal, and he smiled back. “It’s how we met. Cal came to one of my classes to talk about construction and how important it is for architects to understand the process.”

“She raised her hand to ask a question, and I knew right then I wanted to ask her out.”

Cal obviously cared for her. I’d seen him touch her several times already, similar to the way Stephan was always touching me. I was comfortable with Stephan, just as they appeared to be with each other.

Jade laughed at something I missed and then focused her attention in our direction. “So how did the two of you meet?”

Everything stopped.

Stephan reached under the table and pried my fingers apart where I had them clasped in my lap. Something heavy settled on my chest, although I knew there wasn’t anything there.

Stephan. Remember Stephan. His hand. He’s holding my hand.

And the food. I can smell the food.

I’m . . . I’m sitting . . . on a soft chair . . . in Stephan’s dining room

Little by little, I felt as if I could breathe once more. The weight was lifting.

A warm hand caressed my face, and I leaned into it. “Open your eyes, sweetheart.”

I opened them to find Stephan staring back at me with a mixture of worry and pride on his face. Glancing over my shoulder, I realized both Cal and Jade were watching, too. I lowered my gaze.

“Don’t,” Stephan whispered, lifting my chin. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m sorry, Anna. I didn’t realize. I hope you can forgive me.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. I obviously upset you, and I didn’t mean to.”

Stephan pushed his chair back from the table and then moved it next to mine. “I know you didn’t mean anything by your question. It’s a sensitive subject, but one I’m sure will be asked in the future by others.” He massaged my back as he spoke. “Brianna was in a bad situation, and I got her out of it. Our relationship developed from there.”

Jade seemed to be at a loss for words. She picked up her fork again.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“No, it’s my fault. I should have told Jade, but I wasn’t sure how much you wanted her to know.”

Jade looked confused again.

“I . . . I was with . . . a bad man. He . . . he hurt me.”


I was shocked when Brianna spoke up to explain. She hated talking about Ian or her time with him. Normally I had to pull every word out of her. I squeezed her hand in encouragement. She was doing so well. If she wanted to share with Jade, I wouldn’t discourage it.

“He . . .” She took a deep breath. “I was his . . . slave.”

Taking the opportunity to glance over at Jade, I saw first shock, then horror as she processed the information. Then she surprised me by abruptly standing, walking around the table, and kneeling next to Brianna. She reached out to touch her arm. Brianna was startled by the initial contact, but soon her muscles relaxed and she looked down at Jade.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can understand why you’re so shy now. I only hope that one day I can earn your trust. Did you cook all this?” Jade motioned toward the food on table.

Brianna didn’t answer immediately. At first, I didn’t think she was going to, but then I realized she was considering how to respond. I knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t take all the credit since I’d helped her, even though what I did was minor in comparison.

“Sir helped me,” she whispered.

Jade’s gaze flickered to mine briefly, curiosity in her eyes, but she was quick to cover it. “Well, help or not, the food is delicious. I can’t cook to save my life. Maybe one of these days you could teach me how to make something.”

“You want me to . . . teach you how to cook?”

“It would have to be something basic, but yeah. I mean it would be nice if I could actually cook a meal for my boyfriend once in a while, right?”

Brianna looked over at Cal, and I followed.

“She’s not exaggerating.” Cal chuckled. “The last time she tried to make something, I had to get out the fire extinguisher. Since then, we pretty much stick to frozen dinners, boxed meals, and takeout.”

“You’d really be helping me out, Anna. I don’t want to burn down my boyfriend’s house.”

Brianna giggled. “Okay.”

“You’ll show me how to cook something?”

Jade was overexaggerating her enthusiasm, and Brianna began cracking up. I had to admit, her expressions were pretty funny.

“Yes. I’ll . . . I’ll show you.” Brianna managed to respond between bursts of laughter.

All the sadness had disappeared and been replaced by smiles. I loved hearing Brianna laugh. It didn’t happen often enough.

Jade stood. “Perfect. I’ll see what my schedule looks like and we can plan something.”

The second half of dinner went much smoother than the first half. Although I caught both Jade and Ross staring at me slightly longer than was normal every now and then, conversation flowed as Jade told Brianna about her studies. I was happy to hear Brianna opening up and asking a few questions of her own. Jade had made an impression, and it was a good one.

When it was time for dessert, I suggested we take it into the living room. Brianna was always more comfortable there in the less-formal setting, and I hoped she would continue talking.

Ross and Jade took seats on the couch while I sat down in my chair. There was still enough room on the couch for Brianna if she chose to sit there. She didn’t, however. Without pause, Brianna walked up beside my chair and waited for permission to sit down. I opened my arms and gave her the okay. She hurriedly climbed into my lap, resting her head on my shoulder facing Ross and Jade.

That same look crossed both their faces. This time, however, there was something other than curiosity in Ross’s. He was putting the pieces together between what he’d observed and what he’d heard about me from Karl Walker’s drunken rants. The question was what he would do with his conclusions.

“Oh, my goodness!” Jade took a bite of the cake Brianna had made earlier in the day and closed her eyes. “This is magnificent.”

Brianna blushed. “Thank you.”

Jade took another bite, and I followed suit. After tasting it, I had to agree. “It really is spectacular, sweetheart.” I gave her a soft kiss before feeding her a forkful from my plate.

She accepted it and then tucked her head into my neck. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Are you still planning on school in the fall, Anna?”

“I don’t know.” Brianna glanced up at me before turning her attention to Ross. “I’m going to try. I don’t know . . . if I can handle being around all those people.”

Jade spoke up. “When are your classes? Maybe I could go with you the first few times or something. I might not be able to sit inside with you, but there are always benches out in the halls where I could wait.”

“That’s a great idea.”

Cal seemed to love Jade’s suggestion, and once I thought about it, I had to agree. The only other person I’d seen Brianna this comfortable with was Lily. If Jade was willing, I didn’t see a problem in her going with Brianna to her class for a while. It would be good for her to have a female she knew and trusted on campus with her.

“Brianna’s class doesn’t start until the fall. It’s an evening class. Would you still be on campus then?”

“I can be. There’s always homework to do, and it would give me an excuse to go to the library and get it done.”

Before we got too far off track, I wanted to get Brianna’s opinion. “What do you think, Brianna? Would it help if Jade went to class with you for a while?”

“Yes,” she said, picking nervously at her skirt. “I’m nervous about going on my own.”

“It’s settled, then. You just let me know when and where, and I’ll be there.” Jade smiled.

Everyone finished their cake, and Brianna stood up to take the empty dishes to the kitchen. I watched as she walked away, enjoying the view of her ass swaying slightly as she moved. Her legs were covered in thigh-high stockings. The lace around the top was hidden by her skirt, but I knew it was there. All that was missing was a pair of heels.

I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable without losing sight of her.

“What’s going on?” Ross demanded in a furious whisper.

Reluctantly, I pulled my attention away from Brianna. “You’re going to have to be more specific. What exactly are you referring to?”

He hesitated as Brianna rejoined the group.

“Do you have any moisturizer, Anna? I’m not sure why, but my hands are really dry.”

Brianna turned toward me.

I nodded, letting her know it was all right.

“It’s in my bedroom. I can go get it.”

“Do you mind if I come with you?”


Once the women were out of the room, Ross leaned in, leveling an angry stare at me. “Those things Walker was saying about you were true, weren’t they . . .

“As I told you a minute ago, you’re going to have to be more specific.”

“Don’t play dumb, Coleman. You’re a lot of things, but dumb isn’t one of them. You like to beat women. Tie them up and beat them. You like women who are able to be manipulated, bent to your will, so they won’t fight you and what you want. What I want to know is how you hid the evidence? Do you only leave marks where they can’t be seen?”

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