Tug (16 page)

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Authors: K. J. Bell

Tags: #College

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y eyes flutter open to Maria staring down at me. When she texted her sitter last night to watch Javier, and agreed to spend the night with me, I wasn’t about to waste time sleeping, but rounds two through four knocked me into a coma.

“Morning, handsome.”

I stretch and smile. “Good morning to you.”

“I need to get home.”

“Oh, and here I was hoping you’d dare to call me needle dick again.”

Her eyes twinkle as she bites her lip. “Yeah, so not a fitting nickname for …” She glances down. “I can do better.”

“Oh, really? Do tell?”

“Hmm, okay, Jurassic Pork.” Laughter erupts from my lips and I dig my fingers into her ribs, tickling her. She scoots out of reach. “Okay, you don’t like that one, how about the Bone Ranger, Muff Marauder, Clam Hammer?” She looks so proud of herself. I shake my head with a huge grin, loving how playful she’s being. She shrugs. “Okay, how about “Woody Womb Pecker.”

I make a face. “No, definitely not!”

She bursts into uncontrollable laughter, and I join her.

“Oh, no, wait, I got it!” She sits up straight and calms her laughter. “You ready?” I nod, enjoying the completely wide-open side of her that’s rarely visible. I wish I could see it more often. “Wait for it …” she teases me. “Wait for it … Puff the One-Eyed Dragon.”

She falls to the bed in another bout of laughter. My arm wraps around her waist, and I slide her underneath me and skim our noses together.

“I’d offer you a million dollars to stay here with me forever, but I don’t want to make you feel like a hooker.”

Her smile is so pure and beautiful, I melt on the inside.

“You have a very twisted sense of humor.”

“So I’ve been told.”

She holds her hand against my cheek. “I’d love to stay, but I have to work tonight, and I have to be in early. Davey has interviews, and I want to be there to make sure he hires them based on ability, not bra size.”

I kiss the tip of her nose. “I vote for brains and bra size.”

She smacks my chest, and I roll onto my back, bringing her with me.

“You would.”

“Come over after work, then.”

“I can’t,” she says, before getting out of bed and slipping her jeans on. “I have to pick up Javier from Del’s.”

“Bring him with you. Better yet, why don’t I see if Tori will let me take Drew for the night? I can pick them both up, feed them dinner, and hang out until you get off.”

“Hmm. Javier would like that.”

“I have a meeting until four. Tell Del I’ll be there by five-thirty to pick him up.”

She pulls her shirt over her head and sits on the bed next to me. “You really want to hang out with my kid all night?”

I slide my hand around the back of her neck and massage the base of her head while looking right at her. “I really want to spend time with you, and he’s yours, so yes, I want to get to know your kid.”

Her gorgeous smile and her lips wet from where she just licked them awakens my dick. It’s literally screaming, “Good Morning. It’s play time.”

“I might have been wrong about you, Tug Hunter,” she says seriously, with no clue where my thoughts are, or that I may not have been listening.

I grab her hand and bring it to my crotch. “And you might have too much clothing on.”

knock on Del’s door and Javier answers. Over his shoulder, I notice the television tuned to Nickelodeon, but I don’t see Del.

“Hey, buddy. Where’s Del?” He points to a door that I assume is to her bedroom. “Get your things.”

Before I reach the door, I hear a laugh that has every hair on my neck standing on end. My blood boils as I turn the knob and pray that I’m wrong. Please, let me fucking be wrong. The door opens, and I see red.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I shout, storming into the room.

“Oh, shit!” Harrison shoves a naked Del off him and jumps to his feet, covering himself like a teenager who’s just been caught by his girlfriend’s parents.

In a matter of seconds pain shoots through my hand as my fist connects with his jaw. The force of the blow knocks him off balance, and he falls back onto the bed. I scramble on top of him, and my knuckles crack with the next meeting of his face. Blood trickles down my wrist when I draw back. I don’t know if it’s mine or his, but I don’t care, and it doesn’t stop me. This time, he moves his head quickly, and my fist pounds into the mattress, which only succeeds in making me angrier.

Harrison holds his forearm up in front of his face, expecting another blow, but I notice Javier at the door. Thankfully, Del has put a robe on, and I’m blocking Harrison.

I turn my head. “Wait by the door, buddy. I’ll be right there.” His wide eyes soften, and he turns and leaves.

I get off Harrison and stand, the adrenaline coursing through me doesn’t allow me to feel the pain in my hand, but I notice it swelling. I point a finger at Del. “I’m going to assume you didn’t know he had a girlfriend.” She nods nervously, clutching her robe closed. “But that doesn’t excuse you being in here fucking some guy while you’re supposed to be watching Javier.”

“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes. Her lip snarls. “It’s not like Maria pays me. I’m doing her a favor.”

The vein in my temple throbs. Maria and Javier deserve better friends.

“She no longer needs any favors from you. Now go make sure Javier has all his things. I’ll be out in a second.”

My tone is severe enough that she leaves without questioning me. I don’t move toward Harrison, knowing I’ll rip his throat out if I get close enough. He had the decency to put boxers on.

“You tell Liv, or I will.”

He runs a hand through his hair and pulls on the strands. The blood dripping from his nose brings me an immense amount of satisfaction. “I can’t.”

“Fine! I will.”

He takes a step toward me with his hands up. “Look, I fucked up, okay? Things have been difficult between us.”

“So, try ending it before you stick your dick in a prostitute?”

He looks away, rubbing the back of his neck. My disgust with him grows, and I ball my fists, ready to completely annihilate the piece of shit.

“Please don’t tell her. She’s not in a good place, Tug. She still isn’t over what happened with your mother. That’s why I haven’t left.”

“You’re a fucking loser, Harrison. You always have been, but she loves you, and you’d better tell her.”

I turn to leave and he says, “Just give me some time, please.”

The genuine desperation in his voice makes me believe at some point he truly did love my sister. I glance at him over my shoulder.

“I’ll give you a few days, but that’s it. Grow a set and tell her, or I will.”

I go to the living room. Javier is waiting by the front door, holding his toy train to his chest. Del is in the kitchen. Her eyes go wide as I approach her.

“I’m sorry,” she says quietly.

“Harrison has a girlfriend who happens to be my sister. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay far away from him.”

She nods, and I say nothing else. I wash my hands in her sink before I leave with Javier.

avier and I sit in my car. He’s quiet and hugs his backpack, his fingers toying with the plastic wheels on the toy train in his hands.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.” He shrugs, his expression never changing, and I can’t help but feel like it’s not the first time Del’s been locked away in her room with a man. It’s not appropriate for me to grill him about it though, so I ask, “How was school, kiddo?”

“Good,” he answers quietly. I consider taking his backpack and tossing it in the back, but he’s clutching it like a security blanket, and I figure he needs it.

“Good? That’s it? Did you do anything fun?” He shakes his head. “Recess was fun, though, right?” He shakes his head again, and his expression is one I recognize. As a kid with a genius IQ, and two grades ahead of my peers, I hated elementary school. Humor and brains were my best defense against the bullies. “The kids aren’t nice to you, huh?”

“They’re mean.”

“They can only be mean if you let them.” He shrugs. “Seriously. I’ve been there. Stand up for yourself, give it back to them, and they’ll leave you alone.”

Drew runs out of the house when we pull into the driveway, his overnight bag in hand. Tori comes out shortly after, waving. Javier and I get out of the car. Drew hugs me and I take his bag, tossing it in the backseat.

“Hey, is Brady here?” I ask Tori.

“No, he’s at the studio with the band.”

“Liv?” I ask hesitatingly.

“The Center, I think.” She smiles at Javier.

“Oh, this is Maria’s son, Javier. Javier, this is my sister-in-law, Tori.”

Tori says hi, and Javier waves.

“You want to see my rope swing?” Drew asks. Javier nods, hands me his train, and they take off to the side yard.

“So I’m guessing you worked things out with Maria.”

“We’re giving it a try.”

“Good. I’m happy for you.”

“Why don’t you look ‘happy,’ then?” Her lips purse. “I’m about to get some motherly advice, aren’t I?”

She nods. “I am happy for you, but be careful. If you’re not serious, don’t get too attached to that kid. I’m sure he’s been through a lot, like Drew. Trust me when I tell you, kids trust easily, and their hearts break just as easily. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

“I haven’t really thought about it.”

“You need to.”

“I like Maria.”

“I know, but you have more than her to consider here.”

I find myself rolling Javier’s toy train up and down my palm while I process her words.

“You encouraged me to make things work with her.”

“I did, and I want you to, but carefully. And just so you know, Javier should be in the back seat if you’re going to be driving him around.”


She gives me an exasperated look. “Because it’s the law.”

“Oh. Thanks. I didn’t know.” I don’t bother to tell her that Drew rides in the front seat as well.

“That was awesome,” Javier shouts as he and Drew return from the rope swing. They climb into the backseat of my car.

“Why don’t you bring Maria and Javier to the barbeque tomorrow?” Tori suggests. “If you’re serious about her.” She winks.

“I’ll see if she can make it.”

“Good.” She hugs me.

“Thanks, Tor.”

Drew and Javier giggle in the back seat the entire drive. They storm through the front door and pound down the hallway to the guest bedroom. I glance at my phone and notice at least ten texts from Crazy Red. If I could, I’d kick my own ass for the arrangement I made with her. I knew she was the clingy, possessive type, and I went there anyway. I text Maria, and let her know I have Javier and can’t wait to see her.

She texts back immediately.

Maria: I along with my kitty can’t wait to see you, too.

I chuckle and set my phone down on the kitchen counter.

The boys and I hang out for the evening, chowing on pizza and playing video games. Watching Drew and Javier, I realize Tori’s advice about getting attached might have come too late.

I tuck them into the guest room bed for the night. As I start to turn out the light, Javier asks, “Can you read us a bedtime story?”

“Yeah, can you, Uncle Tug?”

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