Turn Me On (14 page)

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Authors: Faye Avalon

BOOK: Turn Me On
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He parted her lips a little more and touched her with little pulsing
movements just using the tip of the vibrator, taking care to avoid her clit.

Lissa squeezed her eyes shut as she squirmed against the pillows.
“You’re such a bastard.”

Another low laugh. “I know.”

He removed the bullet, bent his head and used the tip of the tongue as
he had the tip of the vibrator. Lissa squealed through a tight throat. Her
whole body felt set to explode with frustration. “Do it, Reed. Please.”

He pressed his mouth to her heat, then released. Pressed and released.
“Do what, princess?”

“I’m…begging you.”

He kept up the agonizing rhythm with his mouth, again taking care to
kiss her anywhere but her clit. Her pelvis burned, her pussy wept. She didn’t
know how much more she could take.

Almost sobbing, she reached down in an attempt to grab his head and
press his damn mouth hard to her clit. When he took pity on her, lowering his
head to drive his tongue deep inside her, she grabbed for her climax. And flew.



Chapter Nine


Reed waited until the last of her spasms died before lifting his head.
She tasted so fucking good, he couldn’t eat his fill. What the hell was it
about her? How could she grab at his reasoning and tear it to pieces?

This was supposed to be temporary, damn it, but with each taste, each
touch, he fell further into a pit he wasn’t sure he’d be easily able to claw
his way out of.

She was so damn responsive, so willing to open herself to him. Not just
her body, and hell was she ever responsive with that, but with her whole being.
She put her trust in him, again not only with her body, but in the way she took
his advice about life outside the bedroom.

He hoped to hell he’d grow out of this feeling pretty soon. Another few
days…nights…of her and the novelty might start to wear off. For both of them.
There wasn’t much they hadn’t done together, and what was left would be
satiated in the time they had left before a divorce settlement would see them
part ways.

Surely it wasn’t unusual to feel this way. It was the first time he’d
ever had a wife and maybe sex within the sphere of marriage made it different
somehow. More intense, more…satisfying.

Shit. He had to get a grip.

Lissa lay back against the sheets, her hips still elevated by the
pillows he’d placed there, so that her sweet pussy—pink and wet from his
ministrations—tempted him as she lay with her legs open.

Her eyes were closed, her arms thrown back against the headboard. Fuck.
He wanted to tie those arms to the posts, tighten restraints around her wrists
so that she was powerless against him. As powerless as he felt against her.

Fuck it to hell. He squeezed his eyes shut. He wasn’t supposed to feel
like this. Like she had some sort of hold on him. Like he wasn’t in control.

And he was in control. He had been from the start. Wasn’t it him who’d
suggested this marriage? This temporary marriage? Wasn’t he the one who needed
her to act the part to get him out of a jam?

Well, he was out of that jam, and she’d be rewarded for helping him.
She’d get her debts paid. Her business started. Wasn’t that enough? Did she
have to dig her clutches in him and make him feel like he may have gotten rid
of one problem only to have it replaced by another?

Lissa moaned and stretched against the sheets. His cock jerked in
response as she gyrated her hips and opened her eyes until they were hazel
slits of temptation. “Reed?”

She was waiting for him to finish it. To fuck her.

His cock throbbed, his heart pounded against his chest like a boxer’s
fist. So what was he waiting for? What in hell’s name was he waiting for?

“Reed?” Her pretty forehead creased as she opened her eyes wider.
“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he growled, unsure why he suddenly felt so damn irritated. He
had a hot, willing woman inviting his invasion, so why not just do what his
body screamed and take her?

She brought her hands down and he realized she was about to hoist
herself up. That irritated him some more, although he still wasn’t sure why. He
grabbed her forearms and pressed them back over her head. “Stay right where you

He grabbed a condom, sheathed himself, then with his eyes on hers he
pushed himself inside her. Within seconds he was pounding out his release,
squeezing his eyes shut as he thrust into her as if his sanity depended on it.

She gasped and her breathing joined his in short, choppy bursts. Her
feminine muscles squeezed around his hard cock, milking him like a pro, until
he felt the pull of orgasm and pumped his seed into the condom.

“Shit,” he declared as he pressed his forehead against hers. “Shit.”

“Every time you make me come,” she gasped between breaths, “I think I
can’t possibly do it again. Then you prove me wrong.”

She gave a breathy laugh as she wound her arms around his back. He
fought against the instinctive need to push away from her. To disappear into
the bathroom, dispose of the condom, and take a brisk, cleansing shower. He
needed to get the scent of her off him, to rid himself of her sweet, giving
taste. To keep his fucking distance until this damn thing ran its course.

But even more instinctive was the need to pull her close, to keep her
against him, draw in the amazing essence that was Lissa.

He took the middle way, rolling off her and onto his back. Like her, he
stared up at their naked images in the mirrored ceiling, noticing that Lissa
eased the pillows away and drew her legs together.

Had she picked up on his mood? Had he in some way given her a signal as
to how he was feeling?

He continued to stare up, mesmerized by her curves, by the delectable
breasts, her hot little cunt. Those long, long legs.

All he had to do was keep his attention focused on her body. On the sex.
And the temporary nature of her in his life.

Yeah, he thought. Keep his mind on the sex. Nothing else mattered.
Everything else was transitory. This feeling of unease would pass. All he had
to do was remember that he was the one in control. Soon it would all be over,
so why not just enjoy her until then?

When she shifted beside him, he realized she was about to get off the
bed. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Seated, with her legs over the side of the bed, she turned to look over
her shoulder at him. “To get a drink of water.”

He pulled her back down, lay over her and kissed her. “Stay here. I’ve
got something better in mind.”

He kissed her again.
Just sex
he reminded himself reassuringly as she returned his kiss with a soft welcoming
mouth and the gentle stroke of her fingers along his arm.
Temporary sex

Pulling the sheet over her, he took care to leave her breasts bare.
Damn. He loved those breasts with a fucking passion. Since he couldn’t resist,
he leaned down and kissed each of her nipples.

“I’ll be right back,” he said as she gave a contented sigh. “Don’t go

In the bathroom, he disposed of the condom, washed his hands, and
splashed water on his face. With his hands braced on the edge of the sink, he
stared at his reflection in the mirror. This whole thing was surreal. Was it
any wonder he was feeling off? Disorientated? It wasn’t every day a man had a
noose tightened around his neck, even temporarily. His reaction was a natural
one. Entirely justified. All he had to do was keep his mind on Lissa’s hot,
delectable body and let everything else roll through him.

Fortified by his decision, he went into the sitting area, pulled the
bottle of champagne from the chiller, and picked up the two crystal flutes. He
tucked the champagne under his arm, held the upturned flutes by the stem, and
snagged the dish of chocolates before heading back to the bedroom.

Lissa sat on the bed, hugging her knees to her chest, the sheet now
around her so that only her shoulders and arms were visible. She looked up as
he came in, her eyes landing on the champagne and chocolates.

She smiled at him, all sleepy and sex-sated. He ignored the punch in his
chest, reminding himself it was all down to the whole uneasy, oddness of their
situation. Sliding the dish of chocolates onto the bedside cabinet, he handed
her the flutes.

She held out the glasses, her eyes sparkling lazily as she watched him pop the
cork and pour. “I love champagne. There’s something really decadent about
drinking champagne while lying in bed naked, don’t you think?”

He returned her smile. “There’s something even more decadent about what
I’m thinking right now.”

She lowered her chin and looked up at him through lush dark lashes.
“What’s that? Or shouldn’t I ask?”

“No need to ask.” He placed the bottle on the beside cabinet and reached
for the dish of chocolates. “Seeing as I intend showing you very soon.”

When he took the glass she offered, she lay back against the pillows and
stretched out her legs. The sheet fell away from one breast so that she looked
like a classical Roman goddess.

Glancing at the hard little nipple begging for his attention, he held
out the dish.

She took her time selecting a chocolate, her finger hovering above the
selection as she made a humming noise. She took one and popped it into her
mouth, closing her eyes as if in ecstasy.

Spellbound, he watched her. This woman did everything so damn

When his cock sprang to life again, he could only marvel how it could
happen so fast. How he could recover so quickly. He tipped back his champagne,
needing the moisture as his throat, along with his dick, tightened.

When she reached out to the dish again, the action caused the sheet to
fall to her waist so that both her breasts were bare to his gaze.

Licking his lips, he stared at her plump flesh and those hard little
nipples. When he looked up, he found her watching him with wide eyes. “Are you
serious? We’re going to run out of condoms at this rate.”

After another healthy swig of bubbly, he shifted to make room for the
burgeoning growth between his legs. “If we run out, I’ll improvise.” He took the
glass from her hand. “Lay back.”

When she did, he put her glass on the side table but kept his own.
Levering himself down beside her, he hoisted up onto one elbow. He slid the
small round base of his glass beneath the sheet lying at her waist and drew it
slowly down a few inches to reveal her navel.

With his eyes on hers, he raised the glass to his lips and sipped. He
licked his lips again, noticing with pleasure that she did the same. Then he
brought the glass to her breasts and circled its base around the circumference
of her nipples. She jerked as the cold crystal touched her skin, but he slid it
to the center of her breasts. He then ran it slowly down to her navel, where he
circled it again before returning to her breasts. Slowly, so that her stomach
muscles tensed in anticipation, he tilted the glass and allowed tiny droplets
of liquid to fall onto each of her nipples.

Perfect aim, he thought as the champagne hit her tight bud and she
jerked. Withdrawing the glass, he bent his head and touched the tip of his
tongue to the damp patch.

She moaned little ‘mmm’ sounds as he licked his way slowly around and
over her nipple, remoistening with champagne each time he’d licked his way

Having administered to both breasts in equal measure, he trailed droplets
of liquid down between her breasts, in a straight line to her navel where he
dipped his tongue.

“Am I going to get to do the same to you this time?” she asked
breathily. “With my champagne?”

“Maybe I’ll let you. If you’re a good girl.”

She pouted. “Haven’t I already been a good girl?”

He grinned as he used the base of the glass to further ease down the
sheet. “Mostly.”

“What else do I have to do?” she asked in mock surprise, but he knew she
was enjoying the game as much as he was.

He held the glass at the apex of her thighs. “You have to open your legs
and let me pour champagne into your hot little cunt. Then you have to let me
lick it dry.”

She squirmed and opened her legs for him.

He dripped champagne into her slit, his cock on fire and his chest tightening
painfully as droplets clung to the light covering of pussy hair. Lowering his
head he pushed his tongue through dry lips toward the sweet nectar awaiting
him. Like a man dying of thirst he licked her, enjoying the sexy rotation of
her hips and the way she moaned softly as he continued to savor her own sweet
flavor as it mingled with the champagne.

Fuck, he thought. A man could die happy.

She came, moaning his name over and over.

When the spasms died away and he felt her muscles go limp, he continued
to feast himself on her sweet taste, taking his time to slowly savor her hot
ripe flesh. She stretched beneath him, muttering those low sultry moans he
loved so much until his only intention was to bring her up again.

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