Turning Night (3 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires

BOOK: Turning Night
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Hulorn fidgeted. “What if she does not agree?”

“You will have to petition the shifter’s council for visitation. They abide by bloodlines, though your lack of an actual relationship will hurt your cause. Your urge for access to your son will be taken into account.”

“But you believe there is a good chance she will agree.”

Max sighed. “Bring me a flower, right now. Find one quickly that does not grow on her property.”


Tonho snorted. “Idiot.”

Her troll friend had brought his hood up, and she grinned at him.

Hulorn disappeared into the forest.

Tonho jerked his head. “I will be in the shed, keeping watch. Get some sleep, Max; you look like hell.”

“Ah, Tonho, you know I don’t sleep well when I am not with him.”

“Try. The mother and child will need you at your best.”

Max couldn’t fight that one.

Just as she was about to go into the house, Hulorn appeared with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. The roses were white with silver edges and the dew gleamed like stars. He pulled a few strands of long black hair from his head and wound it around the collection of stems. “Bring this to her. I mean her no harm and would like to begin anew if I may.”

He was sincere; Max could read it in his bright eyes. The sun made him squint, but he still stood there while she debated his gift.

Max took the roses and made sure not to touch the thorns. “I will bring these to her. Find another gift for this evening. We will see you at sundown.”

“Whatever happens, thank you for your efforts.” He inclined his head and disappeared into the woods again.

Max entered the house while Tonho guarded her back. Her carrying the roses over the threshold allowed Hulorn to come into the house itself. She knew what the hair had meant, and she had allowed him to do it.

With the doors locked and the sun up, they were as safe as they were going to be. When Max entered, it was to find all four of her charges fast asleep. Danlorn must have sensed that she was there, because he began fussing the moment she came in the door.

Max looked at the flowers and smiled. “Blood calls to blood. I know that better than most.”

Raila was asleep, curled around her son. Max put the flowers down next to Raven and picked up the little squirming bundle.

She didn’t need enhanced senses to tell her that he needed a diaper change. Max took him and held him snugly to her as she went exploring the other rooms. A nursery was ready and waiting for him. Max trotted out babysitting skills from high school, and soon, he was leaning against her shoulder, snuffling softly.

She paced with him, keeping him close while the others slept. When he fussed and squalled, Max brought him in to Raila.

She smiled and sat up, reaching for him. Raila winced as her infant latched on and fed.

Max sat at the edge of her bed and spoke softly. “I have spoken to Hulorn. He wishes to arrange visitation, and he will not take your child from you. He offers you this bouquet, but he has allowed himself to cross your threshold by giving it to me.”

Raila smiled down at her son. “Let him come. The bond between us is strong. I can follow my son wherever he goes.”

“And he can feel Hulorn. He woke up when I brought in the flowers.”

Max reached over and took the roses from where they had been resting next to Raven.

Raila took the flowers with her free hand. “I love roses.”

She inhaled deeply and a soft smile played around her lips. Hulorn’s scent mingled with the flowers, and Max guessed that there was a bit of a flashback in action. Apparently, the one-night stand had left a few memories in addition to the new life.

“What drew you to him?” Max asked softly.

“He was smart, fearless and he smiled anytime someone spoke to him. He was the first genuinely friendly midnight elf I had ever met. We danced, listened to the songs, and I invited him to my room at the hotel. When I woke, he was gone, and it wasn’t until two months later that I had proof of our excellent timing.”

Max chuckled. “Good. I was hoping that there had been mutual attraction and not magic going on. I am guessing that this was at the annual gathering at Hotel Spectre?”

“That’s correct. I saw you there with the Guild Master. There was a lot of yelling going on.”

Max laughed. “There usually is. He is a big sweetheart, though. He has been the most supportive thing in my life to date.”

In a shy whisper, Raila asked, “Does he drink from you?”

“When he has to or during sex. Neither of us needs to consume much, but biting one’s mate in the heat of passion is…satisfying.”

Raila blushed and looked around. “For shifters too.”

Hellebore sat up, “I heard that. Anyone else for breakfast?”

Max yawned, and her fangs slipped past her lips. Raila looked surprised and Hellebore was fascinated.

Raven sat up and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Did someone say breakfast? Geez, Max, put those away. There are kids present.”

Max snapped her jaws shut and got to her feet. “I need a bit of shuteye. Hellebore, wake me if there is so much as a sneeze on the wards. Oh, and Tonho is in your shed, Raila; he might need a sandwich or dozen.”

Hellebore nodded, “I will bring something out to him.”

“I would prefer if Raven does it. He knows her, and she can move through the wards without ruffling them.” Max yawned again.

Raven nodded. “You look like hell. Go and sleep.”

Raila agreed. “My spare room is at the end of the hall.”

Max smiled her thanks and headed for the room. “Ah, full sunlight, how wonderful.”

The bed smelled like Rithak, so Max looked underneath. Raila may be pregnant, but she was an excellent housekeeper. There was enough room under the bed for her, and she grabbed a spare blanket from the cupboard along with a pillow and crept into her hiding place. She had never been able to sleep in a sunny room, even when she was fully human.

The heartbeats of the house’s inhabitants lulled her to sleep.

Chapter Four



Max opened her eyes and met Raven’s red gaze. “What time is it?”

“Just after four. Tonho insisted that you eat before he does. Have a sandwich.”

A ham and cheese on rye was waggled at her.

Max snatched it and crawled out from under the bed without her normal grace. “Thanks.”

“Why didn’t you sleep in the bed?”

“Too much light. Messes up my REM cycle.” She munched away. “How is everyone doing?”

“Hellebore is singing lullabies and honing her targeting on midnight elves. Raila isn’t pleased, but Danlorn doesn’t mind. He is napping and gurgling away.”

The tray sitting on the dresser had a stack of ten sandwiches. “I will take those out to Tonho.”

“Thanks. Though I have delivered their babies, trolls still make me uncomfortable.” Raven sighed. “They are just so damned big.”

Max didn’t comment on it, she merely took the tray and headed down the stairs. Gregori was nearly as tall as Tonho, though not as broad. She supposed it was a matter of taste.

She knocked on the shed door, and Tonho opened it. “You shouldn’t have refused the food.”

“You need to eat too, Max. If you are not feeding from the Guild Master, you need to take in food.” He stuffed a sandwich in and kept talking. “How will you deal with him when you return?”

“For stealing you? I don’t know. I suspect that lingerie will be involved for a few minutes.” Max smiled. “Once Rithak is back, we can both return home. Gregori’s revenge will have to wait a while. We are going to get back just in time to prep for my anniversary.”

“It is going to be quite a gala. Even my people have been invited. My mother is excited to meet you.”

Max smiled. “Gregori has been very secretive about his plans. I know my part in it and that is why I wanted Raven and Hellebore with me. I can’t have you, but they can pass for human.”

He continued eating until there was nothing left on the tray. “Two hours to sunset.”

“I can feel it. They are going to be here in force. If Hulorn wants to come in, let him pass.”

“I will be ready, now go brush your hair.”

She laughed, picked up the tray and headed back to the house. She washed her face, brushed her hair and held the baby for a few minutes, watching his serious little face take her in.

The moment his teeny fist grabbed her hair and yanked, she was smitten.

Raila laughed and paused as she got dressed. “Just pull your hair away.”

Max wrinkled her nose and played tug of war, gently, with the infant.

When she felt the heartbeats of the crowd gathering in the woods, she let Raila take the baby back. “It’s show time. Let’s see what he does.”

En masse, they went to the main floor and sat around the butcher-block table. Hellebore made tea, and they waited for the knock on the door.

Danlorn was in a bassinet next to his mom, and the ladies simply waited.

Max smiled when the knock came. She got to her feet and answered the door. “Come in.”

Hulorn came in with a rainbow bouquet of wildflowers.

Raila got to her feet and smiled. “Are those for me?”

“Yes. It is good to see you looking so beautiful.”

Max blinked at the awkward compliment but kept her mouth shut. This was no longer her operation. Raila was in charge of what happened next.

“Would you like to meet your son?”

The three guardians moved aside so that Hulorn could meet the little one with his eyes. The baby didn’t cry, didn’t squawk, nothing. Danlorn merely looked up at his father and sucked on his fist.

“He really is mine.” The wonder in his voice was apparent.

Raila laughed. “He really is. Don’t worry, he surprised me too.”

They smiled, and he held his son with one arm and took her hand with his. It was a private moment, but Max had to take care of the door.

The couple spoke quietly and two hours passed. When they were sitting with their hands twined and silence between them, Max stepped up. “Why so many of your people?”

He jerked. “They did not believe your report or the description of the photo. They want to see him.”

Raila suddenly became nervous. “How many are there?”

Max did a quick count. “Thirty-one heartbeats. We can take them.”

Hellebore nodded. “Not an issue. They won’t do anything to your baby, Raila.”

Hulorn agreed. “They will not hurt you or Danlorn. I swear it. I will not take him; they will not take him.”

Raila swallowed. “Fine. I will just feed and change him, and we will go out.”

They waited while she tended to her son. It was normal for the ladies, but Hulorn was fascinated. Raila took that opportunity to show him how to change a diaper. He took to it with intense focus.

Danlorn waved his arms when his butt was all clean and powdered, and Hulorn cradled him against his chest, the gleaming white onesie stood out against his skin.

Raila took Hulorn’s hand and nodded to Max. “Open it up.”

Max opened the door; she led the way down the porch and into the yard.

Tonho was standing in the centre, glaring at the midnight elves crowding against the tree line.

A male with the weight of age pressing on him came forward. “This is your son?”

“Danlorn. This is my son; this is his mother, Raila.”

The old male looked at the infant and stroked his cheek.

From her vantage point, Max could see the baby’s eyes open and the man jerked back in surprise.

The old male stared at the baby, then Hulorn and finally Raila. “Congratulations on your son.”

Hulorn sighed and the crowd stirred.

Tonho shifted to an at-ease stance and that let Max relax.

What followed was a ritual that left Max’s skin tingling and Hellebore humming under her breath. Each of the attending midnight elves gave energy to those who had brought the new member of their clan into the world.

Tonho was given his share, and his skin crackled with power.

Once the formal greeting had rendered little Danlorn unconscious, their party returned to the house so that the guest of honour could get some sleep.

Hulorn and Raila tucked their son into the nursery before retiring to her room to talk.

Max could hear their discussion but sat in the living room with her exhausted friends.

Tonho was still outside, but he had a thermos of tea to keep him entertained along with a joint of ham. He was fine for the night.

At two o’clock in the morning, she heard Rithak return. Max exited the house and met him in the front yard, explaining the situation as clearly as she could.

“Your sister and Hulorn are asleep in her room. Leave them alone for the night. They aren’t doing anything but sleeping.”

His features were shifting with shock. “He is here? She allowed him in her house?”

“He is and she did. He wishes to be in the child’s life, and he also seems to be inclined to get to know Raila better.”

She smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come in and meet your nephew. He is just waking up.”

Her friends were passed out on the couch like demented bookends.

He gave them a curious look but followed her up the stairs.

She opened the room to the nursery and scooped up the little fella. “Danlorn, this is your uncle, Rithak. He sent me here to keep an eye on your mother, and then, you popped out.”

He sucked on his fist and stared up at her.

She turned and held him out to Rithak.

He took the child carefully, his huge hands creating a platform that the baby wriggled on. “He is so tiny.”

“Don’t mention that to your sister. He had to come out the same way he got in.” Max chuckled.

The door creaked and opened further behind them. Raila was standing there clad in a thin robe.

She whispered. “Rithak, you are back!”

He blinked. “I have a nephew.”

Raila went up on her toes and kissed his scarred cheek. “You do. He might also be a shifter. We won’t know for years.”

“He will always be welcome in our family. Congratulations on a healthy boy, Rai.”

The boy wailed, and Raila took him. She sat in the corner and discretely began to feed her son without turning the lights on.

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