Twisted (26 page)

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Authors: Tracy Brown

BOOK: Twisted
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The Prognosis
ah-lo arrived at the hospital and found Celeste sitting in the waiting room, staring off into space. He rushed toward her, his heart racing. Celeste had ridden to the hospital in the ambulance with Ishmael. He had never regained consciousness and she was distraught. Not knowing who else to call, she had dialed Rah-lo's number and frantically explained what had happened. Nina was dead and Ishmael was near death, from the looks of it. Rah-lo had dressed quickly and sped to the hospital. He was only moderately concerned about Ishmael's well-being after the way he had betrayed him. But Celeste sobbing uncontrollably on the phone had tugged at his heart. He was still hurt that he believed she had crossed the line with his friend. But Rah-lo
still loved her tremendously and wanted to calm her down. Celeste sounded like she was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Celeste looked up at Rah-lo as he approached her. “They don't think he's gonna make it.”
Rah-lo didn't know what to feel. He was heated that Ishmael had been with Celeste. Ishmael had violated the boundaries of their friendship. Maybe this was divine justice. But at the same time, the man had been Rah-lo's friend once. The two of them had grown up together, grown in the game together. Rah-lo couldn't help feeling kinda bad for the guy.
Celeste sat in stunned silence. Ishmael could die. She couldn't believe that only an hour ago she had been talking to him and now he might never talk—or breathe on his own—again.
The doctor came out of Ishmael's room and explained to them all that Ishmael was in grave condition with severe head trauma, several broken limbs, and a collapsed lung. Ishmael was hooked up to a respirator and his vital signs were steady at the moment. The doctor assured them all that he would do everything possible to keep Ishmael alive but warned that if he survived that might be only half the battle. Ishmael could be brain damaged or a paraplegic. The doctor gave Celeste Ishmael's personal effects—his cell phone, wallet, and car keys. She held them in her hands, feeling terrible. She would forever be grateful to Ishmael for saving her life.
“What happened?” Rah-lo asked. “How did Nina know where y'all were?”
Celeste shrugged. “I don't know. We didn't even see her until about a second before she hit him. Ishmael decided that he would leave today and go back to New York. So we were gonna go get something to eat before he headed to the aiport. We were walking to the parking garage and we were talking about last night.” She looked up at Rah-lo, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. “We didn't have sex, Rah-lo. You don't have to believe me, but that's the truth.” She got lost in thought momentarily, remembering how Ishmael's kiss had made her weak. She continued, “As we were talking about it, we heard a car coming fast toward us. I looked up and saw Nina driving, but it all happened so fast that the next thing I knew Ishmael had pushed me out of the way. He pushed me so hard that I fell backward onto the sidewalk. And then I heard a loud
, and that was when she hit him.” Celeste's voice cracked, and she fought back tears, recalling the terrible sound Ishmael's body had made when it hit the ground. “She was driving so fast! He pushed me out of the way at the last possible second.”
Rah-lo listened to her and watched her fight the tears that threatened to plunge forth at any moment. One lone tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek. Rah-lo gently wiped it away and stroked her face softly. She looked up at him and their eyes locked. He was still incredibly hurt, still wondered if she was telling the truth about not sleeping
with Ishmael. But Rah-lo loved her and hated to see her so distraught. His cell phone vibrated and he saw Asia's number on the display. He stepped away to answer it in private.
“What?” he answered flatly.
“Don't ‘what' me, Rah-lo. Don't tell me you're out chasing Celeste around again. I'm here at Uncle James's house with Wanda and these bad-ass kids and you're not even here. I need to talk to you, Raheem.”
He sighed. “Ishmael was in an accident. He's in the intensive care unit … .”
“What happened?!?”
“Nina ran him down with her car.”
“She's dead.”
“W-what? I don't understand … .”
Rah-lo explained to Asia what had happened and that Celeste had barely survived. He told Asia Ishmael's grim prognosis and she held the phone, stunned.
“Oh my God!” she said at last. “What hospital is he in?”
“Don't worry about that. You don't need to come here. You've done enough.” Rah-lo hung up the phone and went back to sit beside Celeste.
Asia rushed upstairs and asked Wanda for names of hospitals in close proximity to where Celeste lived. She called Patient Information at each facility until she found the one to which
Ishmael had been admitted. She raced out the front door. Asia felt terribly guilty. Nina was dead; Ishmael was in the hospital. Was it all her fault? She arrived at Emory Crawford Long Hospital and raced into the emergency room. When she walked in, she saw Rah-lo sitting in the waiting room, comforting Celeste as she wept on his shoulder. For a flashing moment Asia wished Nina had succeeded in killing Celeste. At least then Asia would be rid of this bitch. She looked at Rah-lo and wondered what had happened to the man who hated Celeste's guts just the day before. Little Brian had said that Rah-lo was furious with Celeste. It suddenly appeared that he had forgiven her, and Asia was steamed.
“Rah-lo,” she said, approaching the two of them. “How is he?”
“Don't worry about that,” Rah-lo hissed. He was sick of Asia's presence. “I told you not to even come here. You and Nina came down here chasing men that don't want you. I told you back in New York that it was over and you came down here anyway—causing scenes, starting trouble, fucking up friendships. Ishmael told Nina that it was over, too, and she couldn't accept it. What's it gonna take, Asia? You wanna kill me since you can't have me, like she did to Ishmael?”
Asia listened to what her husband was saying to her. “You gotta talk to me like that in front of this bitch?”
Celeste glared at Asia, and pressed her lips together in order to keep from going off on Rah-lo's wife. She looked right back at Celeste and tilted her head to the side. “What?
You don't like being called a bitch? That's what the fuck you are.”
Celeste had enough. “You know what
are, Asia?” She stood nearly eye to eye with Rah-lo's wife, tired of her shit. “You're a miserable bitch, a terrible mother, a sad excuse for a wife, and a fucking stalker who can't accept that your man doesn't want your sorry ass anymore!”
“All right, that's it. This ain't the place for this shit,” Rah-lo tried to intervene, but both women ignored him.
Asia stepped closer to Celeste and looked her dead in the eye. “That's supposed to upset me, Celeste? All you ever were was a fuckin' jump-off. A fuckin' ho he could stick his dick in without having to marry you. You's a dumb bitch! Why do you think
not his wife? Huh? If he really loved you he could've divorced me and been with you years ago. Why do you think
never had any of his kids? 'Cause he didn't want you for anything more than that beat-up pussy of yours. So now you fucked him
Ishmael and you think he wants you now, you filthy whore?”
Celeste smirked. “Well, he damn sure don't want you, Asia. How does it feel to have to beg a man to love you? How does it feel to have to fly around the country chasing your ‘husband' when he's professing his love for someone else?”
Asia suddenly charged at Celeste and smacked her hard across the face. She grabbed Celeste by the hair. Holding her hair tightly, Asia swung Celeste around like a pendulum. Asia stopped swinging Celeste long enough to punch her
repeatedly as Rah-lo tried in vain to pull Asia off of her. Anarchy erupted in the emergency room waiting area as the two ladies tussled. Rah-lo pried the women apart and he pushed Asia toward the door. “You gotta get the fuck outta here!”
to leave, Rah-lo. What the fuck do I have to leave for?”
“What the fuck did you come here for in the first place, Asia? It's over with us!” he insisted. “I'm not in love with you anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore. It's a wrap. I don't know how else to say this shit to you! It doesn't matter what you try to do to make me change my mind. Even if Celeste don't want me, I still don't want
I'll be by myself before I go back to being in a marriage feeling unappreciated and disrespected. I'm asking you to leave me alone. Go home to our kids, Asia. Stop calling me. Stop following me. Stop causing scenes.
Get the fuck outta here!
” Rah-lo shoved Asia toward the exit just as security came over to ask them to take their fight outside. Celeste stood behind Rah-lo, angry that Asia had gotten the best of her in their fight. But she was also strangely moved by how Rah-lo had stood by her side and taken a stand against Asia for once and for all. Security ushered Rah-lo and Asia outside as a triage nurse came over to tend to Celeste's bloody lip. Celeste shrugged the woman off and stormed off to the bathroom, where she could be alone. She watched Rah-lo and Asia walk outside, where they continued their argument.
Rah-lo looked into Asia's eyes and saw the emotions
written on her face—hurt mixed with rage. She glared at him. She hated him at that moment but loved him at the same time. “How could you do this to me, Rah-lo?” The pain in Asia's voice was very evident. “All those years you cheated on me with her. And now you come down here and try to get her back? Did you have to talk to me like that in front of her, push me away and all that? How am I supposed to feel?”
“I told you it was over with me and you before I left. So don't act surprised now, Asia.”
She shook her head. “You still haven't answered my question. How am I supposed to feel knowing that you came all the way down here just to fuck her again?”
Rah-lo shook his head. “That's not why I came down here.”
“So then what was it?”
Rah-lo stared at Asia for a long time, wondering if she could handle what it was that he needed to tell her. “I love Celeste.”
Asia laughed. He sounded crazy. “You don't love her. You love the fact that she keeps letting you have your cake and eat it, too. If you loved her, you would've been with her years ago.”
“I should've been with her years ago,” he said. “But I tried to stay with you for the kids. I thought that was the right thing to do.”
“That is the right thing to do, Raheem!”
He shook his head. “No, it's not. I'm not gonna be unhappy anymore so that everyone else can be happy. And I don't think I owe you an apology for wanting to walk away from a marriage neither one of us is happy in.”
“But you do,” she clarified. “You owe me an apology for a lot of things. I'm your wife and you're down here chasing after another woman.”
Rah-lo ignored that comment. He had no intention of apologizing to Asia for finally finding the courage to leave. “Why did you come down here?” he asked, shaking his head. “You don't even want me. You just don't want her to have me. I told you back in New York that I was done with this shit. I don't want to be with you anymore. I'm tired of fighting with you.”
“Rah-lo, I don't want to hear that shit! We're not just boyfriend and girlfriend. You can't just break up with me and then that's the end of the story. I'm your muthafuckin' wife!”
“Then when were you gonna start acting like it? When?
that I walked out you wanna claim your spot as my wife. Get the fuck outta here with that!”
“What did I do that was so bad, Raheem? What did I do?” Asia's yelling caused several people to turn and stare at them. “You want perfection and I'm not fucking perfect.
fucking perfect! Not even that bitch you keep running back to. She has flaws, too!”
Rah-lo nodded. “Yup. Everybody has flaws. But not the
kind of flaws that make a man want to hit his wife. You jump all up in my face, constantly bitching and complaining, getting high and drunk, coming in late, neglecting your kids and shit—”

neglected the kids, Rah-lo? You can't be serious! You walked out on them!”
“No, I didn't. I walked out on
. I will always be there for my daughters no matter what. And you should know that by now. I never gave you any reason to doubt me as a father. I'm there cooking, cleaning, and all that shit while you're out in the street acting like a fucking teenager!”
Asia hated what she was hearing, mainly because she knew it was true. She hadn't been the best mother, nor had she been the perfect wife. Far from it. She had been selfish and she knew that. But that didn't mean that she was going to roll over and play dead while Rah-lo rode off into the sunset with his bitch. “You're crazy! I was the one who was there with you when you were nobody.”

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