Two if by Sea (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Carnay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: Two if by Sea
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Chapter 12

, I’m serious. What do you do for fun?”

Tony sank the knife into a block of cheese and popped a piece in his mouth. “Hang out with you.”

It had been two days of non-stop Daphne. Her body, her little mewls of pleasure, her laugh.
. He’d become addicted.

A stop to eat, maybe a shower, then it was her. Always her. In their suite. Both bedrooms. The soaking tub. Even the kitchen counter. Tony smirked as he ran his hand along the granite.
That was fun.

Daphne turned around on the couch and propped her arms on the back. Her red curls fell over the cushions and Tony couldn’t wait to run his hands through them. Tug a little. Make her come right there.

“You have to do something more than just sit around. If I weren’t here, what would you be doing?”

He shrugged and nibbled on the cheddar. “Fucking a blonde, probably.”

Daphne rolled her eyes. “Funny.”

“I’m not joking.”

She sat up and crinkled her nose. “Hobbies?”



“Not really.” Tony set the knife down and bit into another slice. “Why do you care?”

“Because I’m sick of being cooped up in this suite all day. There has to be something you want to do on this ship!”

Tony knew exactly what he wanted to do—finish his snack and bend her over the couch until she screamed his name. He had a feeling that wasn’t what she had in mind.

He popped the last of the cheese into his mouth. “What is it you want to do?”

She thought about it for a moment before her eyes lit up.

She had that face people get when they’ve come up with a terrible plan.

“Put some clothes on!” Daphne jumped off the couch. “I’ve got an idea.”

“But I’m eating!”

“It can wait.” She scampered toward the bedroom. “Come on!”


“This is your great idea?” Tony toed a puck with his shoe.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never played shuffleboard before.” Daphne cocked a hand on her hip and gave him an oh-come-on look.

“Fine. I won’t.”

“You’ve been in the cruise industry for how long?”

“Long enough.”

“And not a single game?”

He shook his head.

“Wow. You really meant it. You need to find some hobbies, Tony. Life’s not all about sex.”

He frowned and Daphne ignored it. The man needed a good game to loosen him up. It would give him a chance to think about anything other than his raging libido. She set up her shot and gave the puck a good shove. It sailed into the seven triangle.

She grinned. “Your shot.”

Tony took his place at the end of the rectangle.

“Give it a nudge. Too hard and—”

Tony launched the puck down the shuffleboard and clear off into the walkway. “Shit.” He hustled after it and Daphne laughed.

“Told you so.”

A few rounds later, Tony had gotten the hang of it. He’d even smiled.

“See, this is fun. Admit it.”

He shrugged. “Maybe a little.”

She grinned. “Tell me something about yourself.”

“What do you mean?”


Tony focused on the board. “I make a killer lasagna.”

“I can’t wait to taste it.” Daphne stepped closer and nudged him with her hip. “What else?”

He grumbled. “I don’t see why it matters.”

“I want to get to know you.” She poked his arm. “The real you under all the bravado.”

He focused on the board. “What if that’s all there is?”

“I don’t believe it.” She stepped back and let him take a shot. “How about college? Tell me about how you and Damon met.”

Tony exhaled and moved to the side. “Damon, Ian, and I all ended up in the same dorm freshman year. We just clicked.”

“Who’s Ian?”

“A friend. He lives up the coast in Midnight Cove.” He glanced up. “Ever heard of it?”

Daphne shook her head. “Nope.” She gave her next puck a nudge and it sailed down to rest in the eight square. “Tell me more.”

Tony ran a hand through his hair. “There’s not much to tell. We partied, graduated, went into business together. That’s it.”

It was her turn to frown. She’d never get to know him if she had to pry any info out of him one question at a time. “What about your family?”

He snorted.
Sore subject?

“They’re not worth your time.”

Daphne exhaled. “I wish I could be so matter of fact. I haven’t spoken to my parents in months and all I feel is guilt.”

“You don’t get along?”

She picked at a chip in her nail. “Let’s just say they are more interested in having a good time than being good parents.”

“Sounds familiar.”

She looked up. “Your parents were hippies, too?”

Tony laughed. “No. Try too busy to pay attention to their kid. I got sent to boarding school as soon as possible. Before that? I saw the nanny more than my mother.”

“Do you ever talk to them?”

He shook his head. “Not anymore. I tried for a while after college but my mother said I didn’t fit in with their lifestyle. Asked me to stop calling.”

Daphne swallowed. Here she thought her parents were bad. Her father lost every job he’d ever had because he couldn’t focus. Her mother forgot to buy groceries because she was too busy learning how to knit or make pottery.

They might be absentminded and terrible with money, but at least her parents loved her.

“I’m sorry, Tony. I didn’t know.”

He gave her a tight smile. “Now you do.” He motioned at the board. “It’s your turn.”

Damn it
. She’d gone and ruined the mood. Now she understood why he kept people at a distance. If his own family pushed him away… God, had the man ever connected with anyone except Damon?

She pushed the puck, but her heart wasn’t in it anymore. It didn’t even score. “I’m not like that, Tony.”

“You want a do over?”

She grabbed his arm. “Not the shuffleboard. Your family. I would never push you away.”

He shook her off. “You can’t say that. What happens when this cruise is over?”

She paused.

“See. You’ll walk off this ship and forget all about me by the time you find your car.”

“That’s not fair.”

“No. But it’s the truth.”

Daphne looked up into his dark eyes and the pain he kept hidden shone inside them. She didn’t know what was going on with her or why she was letting herself get caught up in these two men. But she was too far in. Too far gone to turn away.

The cruise ended in three days and she’d have to make a decision. Try and make this work off the boat or say goodbye. She wasn’t ready to walk away. Not yet.

Daphne rose up on her tip toes and brushed her lips across his. “I can’t promise you forever. But I’m not walking onto the dock and forgetting about you. I can’t.” She pressed her lips into his and he gripped her by the arms, holding her close.

“Please tell me we can quit this game.”

Daphne smiled. “As long as you admit I won.”

He let her go. “Fine. You won.”

She didn’t like seeing Tony quiet and lost in his own thoughts. Between him and Damon, he’d been the one to toss her on the bed and tickle her until she couldn’t breathe. He’d been the one always working to make her laugh. She wanted that guy back.

Not the one lost in the past with old heartache. She wrapped her fingers around his and tugged him down the deck.

Whooping and hollering and a handful of cat calls caught her ear. “What’s that?”

Tony checked his watch. “Probably the wet T-shirt contest. It starts right about now.”

Daphne stumbled. “You have a wet t-shirt contest here?”

“Of course. It’s a singles cruise. Think of every dirty spring break game you’ve ever heard of; you’ll find it here.”

Daphne laughed. This really was another world. They rounded the corner and the spectacle stopped her still.

Women in bikini bottoms and thin white t-shirts stood up on stage while a man with a microphone called out for more volunteers.

“Two more! We need two more! Come on ladies, don’t be shy!”

Men and women hollered in the crowd, holding bottles of beer in the air and cheering. She’d never done a crazy spring break when she was younger. Was this what she’d missed out on?

Everyone was laughing and carrying on. The women on stage were hamming it up, flashing their tits and shaking their behinds. She laughed at the spectacle.

Her whole life, she’d been so focused on checking the right boxes and doing the right thing, the craziness of youth passed her by.

She stole a glance at Tony. Shuffleboard was a bust. What if she did something a little more… his style? She didn’t have on a bikini, but surely a lace bra and matching panties would get the job done. She glanced down at her chest. Mr. Hopkins thought she had a rack worthy of attention.

Maybe she should find out, spring break style. She pictured him standing there in the crowd as the water soaked her shirt.
Careful there boss, wouldn’t want to poke your eye out.
She giggled and squeezed Tony’s hand before letting go.

“What are you doing?”

“Entering the contest!” Daphne flashed him a grin before heading toward the stairs.

“No! Daphne! What about your job?”

She turned around. “Screw my job. I’ve spent my whole life following the rules. I’ve been the good girl so that I can what? Work for someone who’s too busy staring at my boobs to see how valuable I am? I might as well give him something to really stare at.”

“You’ve lost your mind.” He reached for her.

“No. I think I’m finding it.” She shimmied away from him. “It’s like you said, we’re on a singles cruise, I should enjoy it.”

Tony’s brows furrowed. “Don’t do this.”

“What, don’t tell me you’re jealous.” Daphne pouted at him. “Big, full of himself Tony Gareaux can’t handle it if his girl is up on stage? Well, too bad, Mister. For once, I’m going to be the show. Try to enjoy it.”

Daphne spun around and cut through the crowd before he could say another word. He wasn’t going to ruin this for her. She was going to get out there and make a fool of herself. It’d be like a do-over for her entire high school and college experience.

She might not have gone drinking under the bleachers or smoked a cigarette in the girls’ bathroom, but she was going to get up there and show that whole crowd the pair of boobs that had saved a movie star’s ass. Yes, she was.

“One left! I need one more volunteer!” The announcer called out to the crowd as Daphne reached the stairs.

“Me! I’ll do it!”

She waved at him and he bent down to take her hand. “Fabulous. Head that way and grab a t-shirt.” He looked her up and down before covering the microphone with his hand. “No bikini?”

She shook her head. “It’s a spur of the moment thing.”

He shrugged. “As long as you’re cool in your underwear, we’re all good.”

She grinned. “Never been better.”

He waved her on and put the mike back to his lips. “All right! We’re set. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready.”

Daphne grabbed a t-shirt from one of the staff at the back of the stage. She shed her shirt and slipped the flimsy white material over her head and grinned at the woman. “Any last minute advice?”

The employee looked her up and down. “You really want to win or just have a good time?”

“Win. Of course.” She was doing this right.

The woman leaned close. “Shed the bra. The guys go ape-shit for bare tits.”

Daphne winked. No problem. She was going to wrench Tony out of the past and win this competition.

The water turned on and she spun around. Here goes nothing.


Aw, hell no.
Tony clenched his hands into fists and pushed through the crowd.

Daphne stood toward the end of the stage, white t-shirt on, her bare nipples already tenting the fabric. What was she thinking?

He couldn’t stand there while all these Neanderthals ogled her body. That body was his and Damon’s. No one else’s.

The thought stopped him still.
. When had he gotten so possessive? Women never did that to him. He could screw them and leave them and forget their name before their ass disappeared down the hall.

But Daphne? She’d worked her way past his defenses. Broken down his walls. Shit, she’d gotten him to talk about his family. He
talked about his family.

The announcer piped up and the crowd screamed. Tony’s blood boiled. He had to get her off of that stage.

It wasn’t rational or smart, but he didn’t care. Daphne was his. She could fight him, tell him it was over in a few days, but he’d find a way. He was winning her over.

The jet of water hit the first girl and she screamed. Her shirt soaked see-through and the crowd went wild. Any other time, Tony would be checking her out. He’d seen thousands of tits. High, perky tight ones. Spilling over the banks big ones. Fake ones that could be their own flotation devices.

But none of them mattered. A man next to him whooped. “Yeah! Shake those titties, baby! Shake ’em for me!”

Tony ground his teeth together and pushed past him. Two more girls were soaked and the crowd had whipped up into a frenzy of screams and whistles.

This had to stop. He made it to the stage. “Daphne!” His voice cut through the din.

She waved.

“Get down!”

She shook her head.

The woman next to her shrieked as the water hit her.

“Get down, now!”

She stuck her tongue out at him.
That’s it.
He vaulted onto the stage in a single leap. Security rushed forward, but one look at him and they stopped still.

No messing with the boss.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her toward the edge.

“Tony! Let me go!” She beat on his chest, but his arm didn’t budge.

“You’re not doing this.”

“Yes I am!”

“No.” He hauled her off the stage and dragged her through the crowd, all while she kicked and pushed and hit him.

They tumbled into an alcove around the corner and he caged her against the wall.

“Why did you do that?” Anger flashed in her green eyes and before he could answer, he kissed her.

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