Ultimate Vengeance (Wanted Men Book 4) (35 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Vengeance (Wanted Men Book 4)
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“I want to introduce you boys to my daughter.”

A couple of murmured what-the-fucks sounded and, yes, they were clearly men who weren’t used to babies because they looked at Lekzi as if she might break into hysterics and projectile vomit in their faces at any moment.

Vincente was the first to react. But it was only to take a few steps away. He planted it ten feet from the crib and then just stared at the baby, his shoulders stiff, his jaw stiffer.

Gabriel scrubbed a hand over his face and shook his head. “Do not kill my image of your woman by telling me she kept this from you. Just…don’t. And, holy hell, could she be any smaller?” he muttered, sounding distinctly nervous as he bent at the waist so he could see Lekzi better. No doubt he was imagining his own child arriving in a few months. “How old is she? Look at her goddamn fingers. They’re like matchsticks, for fuck’s sake.” Straightening, he gripped the back of Alek’s neck and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Holy fuck. I don’t know what to say. Huge congratulations, brother. She’s beautiful.” He looked down at her and then back at Alek. “Holy fuck. You have a baby. How the hell did this happen?” He cast a dark look behind him. “You knew, you asshole?”

“Of course, I knew,” Maks drawled arrogantly as he came right in and placed his enormous hand on Lekzi’s tummy. “Met her last night. Hey,
. Told the kids about you this morning and they agreed to babysit while mom and dad get their shit together. Doubt they’ll get the chance, though, once the ladies get a look at you.” He drew back and shook his head. “Fuckin’ minis are crawling out of the woodwork all over the damn place. V, you’re falling behind.”

Vincente didn’t even look at him. “Yeah, because you contributed so much to the two under your roof.” He drifted over, going in a wide circle even though there was nothing in his way. He glanced at Alek, and then at the baby. “You have a fuckin’ girl. A boy is one thing. He’s having a boy,” he motioned to Gabriel, “
want a boy. But a girl…that scares the fuck out of me.” He seemed to catch himself, and his goatee went crooked. “Not that this isn’t incredible.” He came over and yanked Alek into a hard embrace that ended with a couple of back slaps that lingered. “Congratulations, man. She’s fucking perfect. Oh, shit,” he muttered, looking at the baby. “Sorry—” His face screwed up even more. “Jesus Christ, I’m apologizing to a fucking baby now?”

No one said anything, all of them understanding the guy was struggling. They watched him bend, his ponytail sliding off his shoulder to sway in the air. Lekzi’s eyes followed the movement. And then the room stilled because V reached out and picked her up. She looked ridiculously small in his arms, and so sweet when she tangled her fist in all that hair and jerked. Alek felt emotion swim to the surface as his daughter and his damaged friend stared at each other.

“I remember holding Sophia like this. My mother used to hover around,” he mused. “But I never would have dropped her. Hey, kid.” His voice went quiet and personal as he walked over to the window. “Where the fuck did you come from? That meathead back there, for real. Look just like him.” He passed his hand over her hair and brought his eyes to Alek. “You get that you can’t wonder around on your own anymore, right? Not ever. Especially now. If I hear you fucked off and left Anton behind, I’ll hand you your ass, and it won’t be pretty. Who have you assigned to them? To her and her mother?”

“Lucas and Grigori. But they won’t be leaving the house for the foreseeable future.”

V shook his head and came over, his face hardening. “Look at her. Feel her. Listen to the sound of her breathing.” He put her in Alek’s arms. He didn’t appear to be hearing Alek agreeing with him. “Feel that? Hear it? That needs protecting. Anton is on your ass for good because she needs you to stay safe. Yeah, she’d have us if tragedy came to visit, but we’re gonna avoid that if we possibly can. You got it?”

“I got it, V.”

“Okay. They don’t go anywhere without a crew surrounding them,” he confirmed once more.

“Got it.”


“When Nika gives you the green light, who will you take on?” Alek asked, trying to lighten the mood.

His long-suffering sigh filled the room, the expression on his face echoing it. “You think I’ve been dragging Alesio around for the past few months because he’s good company? No. He’s a fuckin’ pain-in-the-ass who talks too much and needs to can it with the ladies. But he’s at my back because as time goes on, he reminds me more and more of my boss. When my redhead’s belly begins to swell, I’ll have my shit taken care of. No worries there.” He snagged Lekzi’s foot where it was kicking Alek in the stomach over and over. “I better see some hanging shit on that ultrasound or Nika’s gonna be sleeping beside a jacked up Gandalf for the rest of her life. Think white’s my color?”

Maks made a sound deep in his throat. “Doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or girl, shit happens to everyone. But we’re not going to let anyone get to our newbies. Never again.” He gently patted Lekzi’s head and left.

“He has to let go of that guilt.” Gabriel took his turn touching the baby’s head. What was it with her head? “I don’t know what’s getting to him more; Tegan’s sitch or Andrew’s. Think she’ll cry if I hold her?”

“I doubt it.” Alek carefully handed her over. She latched onto Gabriel’s collar and rubbed her head into his chin as she sucked on her wrist. “I think she’s getting hungry.”

“I think she’s fuckin’ adorable,” the soon-to-be-father murmured. “Feels more solid than I expected.”

“She sure seems to react well to strangers.” Alek frowned, not sure if that was a good or bad thing. “What’s happening with Andrew?”

They all looked over when heavy footsteps sounded before Maks barged back in. “Knew you’d start a discussion, you fucking gossips. Andy’s having nightmares and he doesn’t want to return to his school after the Christmas break because the kids know he was snatched from there, and he’s embarrassed that he allowed it to happen.” He fell into the rocking chair and pushed hard enough that he’d have toppled backward if he wasn’t carrying close to two-eighty on his six-foot-seven frame. “Can you believe that? He’s embarrassed. How do I fix that? Seriously. You’re standing there like a bunch of monkeys. I’m asking you how I help that kid get over feeling like he is. I don’t deal enough with embarrassment to be able to coach him. V? You?” He tipped his chin at Alek. “G, you must have some advice.”

“Think he’s aware he just insulted all three of us in one breath?” Gabriel asked dryly before giving an answer. “If you want to learn about changing behavior, ask Quan. If he can’t help; his sister’s a child psychologist. He can pick her brain.”

“She practice in New York?” Maks asked, all ears.

“No. Vancouver.”

He waved his hand as if swatting at a fly. “That’s helpful.”

“I thought so.” G grinned when Lekzi jabbered. She’d soaked the shoulder of his shirt by sucking on it. “Right? He’s an ungrateful fuck. But you’ll get used to him. Now, onto you. Maybe dad can tell us how you came about. Did mom really have the balls to keep you from him?” His eyes were serious when they met Alek’s. “What are you going to do with that?”

“What would you do?” Alek asked curiously. He was thinking his methods of dealing—bone-rattling sex with the dishonest mother of his child—were working out pretty good. But maybe he was wrong. After last night, he was finding his resentment fading fast. Though it had lived hot and healthy when he’d walked into the kitchen this morning. Goddamn triggers.

After feeling slightly panicked when he’d woken to find his bed empty of the warm body he’d had pressed against him all night, he’d showered in the already wet cubical, which proved he wasn’t far behind, thrown on some clothes, and hoofed it downstairs. He’d entered the kitchen to sounds of baby-speak competing with Sacha talking about the children she cared for every day. Lekzi had been in her highchair with Yana sitting next to her; a wide grin plastered on her wrinkled face. Sacha had sat two feet away scooping something orange into the baby’s mouth. Vasily had been at the head of the table, sipping his coffee. He’d had the Times in his hand but hadn’t been reading it. His contented gaze had been on the incredible scene they all should have been used to by now rather than only experiencing it for the first fucking time seven months into Lekzi’s life.

Anger and that feeling of being cheated had surfaced fierce and bright, and it had been aimed directly at the beauty who’d turned and offered him a blushing
good morning
. Her hair had been damp, and she’d dressed in jeans, a white V-neck T-shirt, and chunky gold watch. Nothing else, not even socks or shoes—something he’d gotten used to with her right from the beginning; she loved being barefoot. She loved him barefoot.

It had taken him half an hour and two cups of coffee before he’d been able to speak to her without his jaw locking up.

Gabriel slipped his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “From day one, Sacha accepted all of us as we are. She occasionally showed some fear, but never censure or disapproval, even though I’m sure she felt it. So, I for one, will offer her the same respect. I couldn’t begin to image what she went through after walking in on you with another woman, which means I can’t stand in judgment of her ways of dealing.”

And that right there was why Alek had loved and respected this man since they were teenagers. He was fair, wasn’t quick to condemn, and he had compassion for those around him. Those qualities also made him a great leader.

“I’d hang her,” Maks muttered as he rocked.

A part of Alek understood that sentiment, too, unfortunately.

“Maks,” Gabriel admonished. His tone was one Vasily would have used had he been there.

“What? I get it. Hell, I told him to give up the fight just last night. But I understand why it burns that she took that time from him. Those are a lot of firsts he can’t get back. Picture it. Things didn’t work out with you and Eva last summer. You went your separate ways.
summer, you run into her in Pike’s Market, and she’s got your son on her hip.” His eyes glinted. “That would fly with you? Get the fuck out of here.”

Gabriel bobbed his head. “Yeah. It’s different when you make it personal. So let’s do that. What if it was you? Picture things falling apart with Sydney. You find yourself walking along the boardwalk at Coney Island eighteen months from now and see her on a bench with Andrew and Eleanor. They’re all bent over a stroller, playing with an arrogant little guy with eyes like yours. No doubt the kid would complain good and loud if you interrupted because you’d be taking away his spotlight,” he said sardonically before pausing a second so an image could form. “Now tell me you’d hang your Aussie.”

Alek watched Maks bury a flash of something spooky before a cool grin curved his mouth. “Goddamn right, he’d complain. And you forgot to mention the women in the surrounding area who’d also be fawning over him because even at that age he’d be irresistible.”

Vincente let out a bark of laughter. “Did you honestly expect an intelligent response from him?”

Before Alek could pose the question again and get a serious answer, a loud wet rumble came from the little person in G’s arms. Four heads snapped her way. Lekzi had a too familiar look on her face; her mouth was slightly open, eyes glazed. Nobody wanted to admit it, but they’d all worn the expression at some point in their lives. With their noses twitching, he and the boys exchanged uneasy looks.

V smoothed his hair back when it didn’t need it. “Hmm, as stupid as I feel saying this, that was unexpected.”

Alek nodded, his sudden apprehension making him feel the same. He cleared his throat as Gabriel came over with the baby hanging from his extended arms.

“Since you made her, you can deal with that.”

He gladly took his not-so-sweet smelling baby. “Okay, well, since none of us have done this—have any of you changed a diaper before?” he asked to be sure.


“Not yet. I’m safe until spring.”


“Right. Well, I think we’ve hidden away up here long enough anyway. Sacha has supplies downstairs. Let’s go put them to use.”

“There’s a table full right there,” Vincente said, pointing to, yup, a change table overflowing with everything necessary to get the job done.

“You want to stand here and argue, V?” Alek snapped. As the scent grew stronger, his face got warmer. “She needs to eat, too, and I can tell you, I don’t have the necessary equipment to get that job done either. We going?”

Pretending not to notice the smothered smiles, Alek led the way. Shit—zero pun intended. He’d helped identify the exposed kidney belonging to one of their men after a brutal knife fight a few months ago. But hearing that wet sound? He just wasn’t ready to tackle what would be found in that diaper. Not yet.

Maybe not ever
, he thought with a shameful shudder. What if he’d humiliated himself by gagging, for Christ’s sake? Maks would never have let him live it down.



Sacha had just set aside two dozen portions of boiled veggies to cool when she heard the distinct sound of a baby girl talking to her papa.

Wiping her hands on the towel she’d tossed over her shoulder, she came around the large granite-topped island, her belly once more fluttering with nerves. Alekzander appeared with a pinched expression on his face.

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