Read Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2) Online

Authors: Shey Stahl

Tags: #General Fiction

Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2) (42 page)

BOOK: Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2)
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I grab onto the little bit of hair that’s grown back and tug. “Put your tongue on my V, damn it.”

He does as he’s told, moving down my body, his eyes closing and inhaling deeply. “Your pussy smells so good.”

Tyler and I both sigh when his tongue makes contact with my center. His tongue, wet and warm, is soft and delicate to the touch. Almost tentative in nature, as if he’s nervous but still, it’s more in the way he holds me in place. As if to say he won’t let me go now, even if I wanted him to.

He grabs my hips tighter with one hand, his other working with his tongue to send me over the edge, but what does it is his moan at my reaction.

Writhing in his hands, I scream so loud my voice cracks and I’m left with silent pleas and begging for him to never stop.

When he draws back and stares up at me, I whimper at the thought of him sliding inside me. My thighs immediately clench in anticipation.

“You ready for me, baby?” he asks, crawling possessively up my body. As soon as he shifts forward, I rock against him.

Nodding, I’m unable to hide my excitement. I need him so badly.

It’s then he remembers the condom and separates himself from me. The lack of heat from his body is immediate and my nipples harden as I watch him. I want to tell him we don’t need one, but I don’t want to say anything and remind him of why we wouldn’t need one.

Tearing the plastic wrapper of the condom open, Tyler takes the condom between his thumb and forefinger and slides it on. When he’s finished, he blinks slowly, eyes so dark, like magical wishing wells you couldn’t see the bottom of but knew if you made a wish, it was coming true.

Taking him by the shoulders, I guide him to lie down on the bed, wanting to take control over this.

Breathing in deeply, he watches me straddle him as I make the first move, wanting him to take it easy.

“Look at me.” His fingers brush over heated freckled skin. He looks down between our legs, his neck straining as he does so, the muscles in his chest and stomach flexing. “I want to watch your pussy devour every inch of my cock.”

Well, I have a new favorite word. Tyler breathing the word cock with his face contorted in pleasure.

As slowly as I can, my legs and arms shaking with anticipation, I slide down on him, down every single thick inch. It takes me a second to adjust, but when I do, relief washes through me immediately, rising up from my center to warm my cheeks.

“Fuck….” A low rumble leaves his chest as he forces me down against him.

In response, a shudder runs through me knowing I’m evoking these reactions from him.

Cursing under his breath, he takes a firm hold on me, fingers digging into my heated flesh

“Don’t stop.” He slams me down into every movement, refusing to allow an inch of space between us. His hands clutch my hips, rocking me back and forth, a trembling present in his body with every move. “Do you feel how badly I want this?”

I nod, unsure what else to do when he thrusts up into my movements, slow and cautious as I stretch around him. “Probably as bad as I want it.”

Any fear I have over this being too soon vanishes, as if it never existed in the first place.

I’m not surprised when we don’t say much of anything as he’s making love to me, pouring himself into each touch.

For so long a relationship with Tyler was untouchable. Only now, I’m finally seeing and believing that’s not the case. I have him. All of him.

Taking a firm hold on my hips, he gives a nod, an indication he wants on top.

He turns me over on my stomach, his chest pressing to my back, his hand moving to my center underneath us. I close my eyes at the sensation of his weight on me.

“Come for me again,” he growls in a begging plea at my ear. Shivers dance through me at the roughness of his voice. “I need to feel your wet pussy all over my fingers. And then I’m going to make you lick it off.”

Holy. Shit.

His finger makes a pass over my aching center and my body jumps, everything he’s doing is too intense, but I want more. He slows his pace and I want to die and scream in his face. He’s leaving me hanging, just on the edge.

“No,” I plead, my legs straightening out.

“Trust me,” he whispers, kissing my neck and ear.

He claims me with measured strokes, knowing how to draw this out. “The longer you deny yourself the release, the better it’s going to be.”

There’s meaning behind those words. For so long Tyler and I denied ourselves one another and that first night together was indescribable, as is this.

Even with my body welded to his, sweat pouring from the two of us, hands slipping and sweet kissing, it’s not close enough. I want to crawl inside him and experience everything he does.

My release is intense and stirring needs inside me I didn’t know existed. When I’ve come, my body sedated and rubbery, he flips me over on my back again.

My head snaps back against his headboard when he enters me with one forceful thrust, his hips creating enough power to move my entire body up the mattress. His hot breath fans over me in time with his dominant strokes that slowly kill me with unbridled desire.

Tyler’s head falls forward, resting against my forehead, tender involuntary grunts falling from his sweet lips. His sweaty chest slides across my own, and the moan that leaves my lips shakes the both of us.

“God, Raven….” He breathes against my skin, his tongue gliding over my salty sheen. “You’re so fucking beautiful. I’m not going to last much longer.”

I’m actually impressed he’s lasted this long. He moves frantically, moaning and grunting, fisting sheets between fingers and gripping the headboard. We can’t slow down. Maybe round two, we’ll have more time. But this, this is all about the need.

One of his hands slips behind my head, fisting my hair in his hand. My release is there before I can stop it. He’s slamming relentlessly into me, his pubic bone at the right angle, the right touch. The right

Riding out my high, bliss pulsing through my veins like a volcano flowing hot lava, I roll my hips into his movements, letting him take me higher and higher until I think there’s no coming back from it.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.” He yanks on my hair, jerking my neck back. Awkwardly, I twist my head against his grasp to find his eyes.

I wanted so badly to witness the fall, the way he shudders. I need to see it.

His long legs tense, spreading my thighs a little more, his stomach muscles flexing as he pulses into me, steady, panting breaths capturing my own broken ones when our mouths meet. A grunt forces its way from his lips, and then a moan, his mouth moving to my shoulder where he bites down, crying out over his release.

Tyler groans again, his body shaking so badly he can’t hold himself up.

When he lets go, I feel every single pulse of him inside of me, the way his dick swells and releases, all of it.

“What’s the grin for?” he asks, a smile tugging at his lips when he rolls off me.

My eyes focus on the brightness in his, propping myself up on my forearms. “Your D loves my V.”

“Fuck yeah he does.” He chuckles softly, head dipping forward to capture my lips.

“Is grass gluten-free?”

Red stares at his daughter standing in front of him, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Maybe, why?”

She hands Red the worm, in two pieces. “He looks hungry and I think his tummy is sensitive so we need to find gluten free grass to feed him.”

Red sets his beer down next to him and brushes away a ladybug that’s landed on her shoulder. “Well, he’s also dead, darlin’. I’m pretty sure gluten-free grass is the least of his worries.”

Nova’s eyes flood with tears as do mine, for different reasons when I remember my mom telling me about ladybugs and my dad. It’s a gentle reminder he’s always here with us.

“Do you have some tape?” she asks Red, that same flood of tears spilling over her sun-kissed cheeks. “I’ll just tape him together.”

I’m actually a little shocked she’s nearly crying over a worm. You rarely see that kid cry unless she’s throwing a tantrum over something.

I’m not sure how or where, but she manages to find tape.

“Don’t worry, wormy,” she says, carrying him over to a rock. “Tape is gluten free because it’s clear. No additives.”

Red looks at me and then Lenny. “What the fuck do they teach at that school?”

Lenny laughs, watching Nova. “No idea.”

The Fourth of July party at Mom’s house has always been huge. Everyone is invited. Friends, family, neighbors. I’m not surprised when I see Berkley there either, nor am I completely prepared when she approaches Tyler and I as we’re eating burgers on the deck.

“I heard about your accident,” she says to Tyler, primarily, though she gives me that side-eyed once over. Berkley’s never liked me. Mostly because I threw gum in her hair when she first started dating Tyler and she had to cut like four inches off her hair. The gum had Gorilla Glue on it. I never said I was a nice kid. I was in the womb with Rawley. He rubbed off on me a little.

Tyler stares at her, setting his burger down, probably wondering where she’s going with this.

And then she smiles at him. “Just wanted to see if you were doing okay. You look good though.”

Shut up. Stop talking to him. D and V are going steady and there’s no room for your slutty self here!

Tyler nods and leans into my side, a gesture I appreciate so much more than he’ll ever know. It’s a statement. One that silently tells Berkley he’s finally taken for good. “I’m fine.”

Bringing her beer to her lips, she takes a drink and then smiles once more. “Take care of yourself.”

Never once does she acknowledge me.

“That was awkward,” he says, shaking his head and reaching for his burger again.

My heart beat that had suddenly started racing, evens out. “No kidding.”

Lenny finds us then and plops down next to us with a bottle of water in hand. “What’s this?” she motions to our closeness. “Are you a couple now? Is it out in the open and no hiding?”

Red approaches as she asks, winking at me as if to say he’s completely okay with it.

Tyler’s arm wraps tight around my shoulder. “Yep.”

Lenny glances back at Red. “Told you they’d get their shit together eventually.”

Tyler snorts picking up a chip. “It was less than a year ago when I could have said the same thing about you two.”

There’s certainly no denying that. I think in many ways both Lenny and Red understood our situation, in part, because of what happened between them. Whatever the reason, it’s a relief that we’re together and we can be out in the open with no hiding this time.

WE’RE SETTLING INTO the night, sitting around eating burgers and ribs, music blaring from a set of speakers to our left when Jude asks Lenny to dance. He’s our cousin but he’s constantly teasing Red that if he slips up, he’s taking Lenny. I wouldn’t doubt Jude would try either.

Relaxing back in his chair, Red rakes a hand through his hair. There’s a slight smile playing at his lips, the only indication of his annoyance is his tensed jaw. Usually seeing Lenny dance with someone else might set him off but not Jude. He’s harmless.

It still doesn’t stop him from cutting in though.

BOOK: Unbearable (the TORQUED trilogy Book 2)
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