Unclaimed (11 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Unclaimed
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“This space has housed our Council, the governing body of the Amoveo, for a millennium. The people seated around this table right now, aside from yourself and Matt, are all members of our new Council.”

The air flickered with static again, and seconds later, another Amoveo couple materialized in the room and, like Salinda and Richard, they had an infant with them. The man was tall and well-built like most Amoveo men, and his wife was a petite blonde with large blue eyes. Their child couldn't have been more than a couple of months old, and she gurgled happily in her mother's arms.

“Apologies for being late, Richard,” said the man with the tousled chestnut hair. “Jane needed a diaper change, and given what's been going on, I didn't want to leave my girls alone.”

“Understood,” Richard said. He waved his hand and uttered the ancient language, making two more chairs appear at the table next to himself and Salinda. “Malcolm and Samantha, this is Tatiana and her friend Matt, who is now part of the Vasullus family.”

Tatiana braced herself, waiting for the prince to introduce her as Dominic's mate, but to her surprise, he did not.

“Hi,” Matt said through a shuddering breath and a strangled giggle.

“Hello,” Tatiana said before turning her gaze back to Richard.

Amoveo were multiplying by the second, which only made her want to run the hell out of this place. However, since the door seemed to have disappeared, she figured her best chance of getting out was to move this little meeting along.

“So, we're in a super-secret, whammy-proof bunker.” Tatiana fought to keep her voice calm and controlled. “Now, with all due respect… what the hell is going on? Why would the Caedo, or anyone else for that matter, want to kill your horses? I don't get it.”

“I'm not convinced the Caedo are behind this particular incident,” Richard said.

“Purists?” Dominic's voice cut in, suddenly making Tatiana jump. “Could they be working with the Caedo again?”

“That's entirely possible, but whoever did it got onto the ranch undetected, which would lead me to believe it's another Amoveo. A Caedo—a human—would not be able to do that, at least not without help.”

“Fine.” Tatiana sighed with frustration. “Then why would a Purist want to kill your horses?”

“It was a warning, and it wasn't just any horse.” Richard squeezed his wife's hand as she wept quietly. “It was Salinda's mare, and until Spirit got sick, she rode her every day.”

“Agreed,” Dominic said tightly. His energy waves rippled with tension as he leaned back in the chair and folded his muscular arms over his chest. “Whoever was poisoning the animals must've realized that Tatiana was here to treat them, and obviously, they ended up resorting to more drastic measures.”

“Shock value,” Dante interjected. “Slaughtering the horse like that and leaving a bloody message? That has definitely got the marks of a Purist. They use the love we have for our mates against us. Whoever is doing this wants us to be terrified for the safety our women.” He looked at Kerry through worried eyes. “I have to be honest… it's working.”

“They want us off our game.” Dominic flicked a brief glance to Tatiana before turning his attention to Richard. “They know how intense the bond between mates is, and they are using it. Our enemies want us on edge and so fucking freaked out that we'll make mistakes.” He straightened his back and avoided Tatiana's gaze. “Fatal mistakes.”

“True,” William said slowly. “However, the Caedo are well-schooled in our ways and know how important our mates are to us. They could be involved as well.”

“You saw the message yourself,” Dominic insisted. “It's about the
, and a Purist, not a Caedo, is going to target our women. The Caedo hate all of us equally, but the Purists are driven by their hatred for hybrids and lack of pure-blood mates.”

“Yes.” Richard nodded solemnly. “I tend to agree, and given the fact that this individual got onto the ranch undetected… it leads me to believe it is one of our elders.” He turned his serious eyes to Tatiana. “Amoveo over two centuries old, like myself and Salinda, have the ability to mask their presence from others. My money is on one of the Purists.”

“I don't understand.” Courtney looked at Steven through frightened eyes. She'd been quiet for so long, Tatiana almost forgot she was there. “You told me that the Purist group was dismantled. You said they couldn't hurt anyone anymore.”

“The Purist compound was destroyed, and most traitors went back to their clans and begged forgiveness.” Steven's features darkened. “They're lucky that their clans were willing to give them another chance.”

“Not everyone came back or has resurfaced. There are still two high-profile Purists unaccounted for, among others.” Richard's mouth set in a tight line. “Dr. Moravian and his daughter, Savannah, have not been heard from since the compound was overthrown.”

“You mean Dr. Frankenstein?” Steven's eyes glowed brightly, and his energy waves fluttered violently around the room.

“Yes.” Richard gave Steven a sympathetic look. “We cannot discount the fact that Moravian and his daughter could be gathering supporters, trying to reignite their cause. Possibly working under the radar again.”

Richard's face was carved with intensity as he turned to Marianna.

“That is why I especially needed to speak with you, Marianna. You spent time with Savannah and Moravian. I realize that it was a horrendous experience, but given your exposure, I thought you might be able to help us. You said that Savannah actually helped you while you were there. Do you have any idea where she and her father might be?”

“No.” Marianna shook her head, and a pained expression crossed her face as she looked at Courtney. “I would recognize her energy signature if I came across it, but I have no idea where she is now.”

“Wait a minute,” Tatiana interrupted. Everyone stared at her as though she had ten heads, including poor Matt, who looked like he might pass out again. “Courtney, you said you turned up here a few months ago. Right? So where were you during the time you were missing? Who was taking care of you?” She looked around the table at the rest of them. “Think about it, people. You said no one knows where the doctor and his daughter are. Did it occur to any of you that was who Courtney was with when she was missing for all those months?”

“Yes.” Courtney sniffled and swiped at the tears that fell freely down her cheeks. “I can't remember anything.”

“Steven?” Kerry asked in a gentle tone. “I know you were opposed to letting me play peekaboo in Courtney's head when she first came home.” She held her palms up and stopped him from protesting. “I get it. She was super-fragile and freaked out when she got here. Shit. You were in a damn coma until she showed up at the ranch, so I totally get how protective you feel, but—”

“No,” Steven insisted as his eyes shifted and glowed brightly. “She can't risk it.”

Courtney quietly said, “I'll do it.”

Steven and Courtney spoke in unison, and although Courtney's voice was far softer than Steven's, it carried a bigger wallop. Tatiana's heart was in her throat as the drama played out before her. She fought the instinct to seek comfort and touch Dominic's mind with hers.

The room fell silent. All eyes were on Courtney. Steven placed one large hand on her shoulder and turned her face toward him with the other. “Are you sure? It could be dangerous for you and the baby.”

“We have to.” Courtney squared her shoulders and looked around the room. “I want to know what happened when I was missing as much as the rest of you do. I can't help but feel like I've been nothing but a burden on everyone, and I want to do this. It's the least I can do.” She faced Steven again. “Besides, the baby is due in a month or so. If labor did start, he would be okay. Especially with his brilliant daddy to take care of him.”

“Then it's settled.” Kerry clapped her hands and pushed her chair back. “You have second sight too, right?”

It took Tatiana a minute to realize that Kerry was speaking to her. She looked around for a moment, and everyone was staring at her.

“Who, me?” Tatiana's hand went to her chest, and she shook her head as she laughed nervously. “No way. I mean, I can read animal energy…”

“That's why you're such a good vet,” Matt said as he looked at her through wide eyes. He looked slightly less frightened, but she thought he was probably in shock. “That's really wild.”

“Fine. Call it whatever you want,” Kerry said with a shrug as she stood from her chair. “That's still second sight, and I'm going to need help breaking through to read Courtney's memories. I can read humans and hybrids easily, but pure-blood Amoveo are tougher nuts to crack. Pete used to be able to help me with that stuff, but now that he's on Team Vampire, it doesn't work that way anymore. So, whaddya say?” Kerry asked.

“I—I don't know…”

An overwhelming sense of panic and suffocation came barreling back as Tatiana confronted the idea of diving headfirst into her Amoveo powers, of embracing what she was with no limits.

It was terrifying. She used her Amoveo abilities only on her terms, and breaking that streak unnerved her. If she accepted it and allowed herself to fully embrace her Amoveo heritage… how far behind was the life-mate bond?

How long until her life was no longer her own?

Fear and self-doubt swamped her, and just when she thought the darkness would pull her under, a strong, warm hand encircled her own, invoking an immediate sense of calm.

Tatiana looked down to see Dominic's long fingers wrapped around hers. His thumb brushed her lightly as his voice drifted gently into her mind.
Tatiana. You are more than capable, and Kerry will help
you navigate.
He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as her eyes met his.
don't want to, you don't have to. I've got your back either way.

Staring into the seemingly limitless depths of his warm brown eyes, a million thoughts raced through Tatiana's mind, many laced with fear and uncertainty. However, in spite of that, one phrase rose to the top and drowned out all the rest…
I've got your back either way.

Dominic meant what he said. She'd seen evidence of his devotion to his people, and in that moment she knew, without hesitation, that the same fierce loyalty applied to her. He had her back. Mated or not.

“Okay.” Tatiana squeezed Dominic's hand in return and sucked in a cleansing breath. She looked at Kerry. “What do I do?”

Chapter 7

Tension settled in Dominic's neck as he watched Tatiana get the lowdown from Kerry about what to expect on their psychic trip into Courtney's memories. The table and chairs were gone, replaced by a pillow-strewn chaise lounge, which Courtney now sat comfortably on. Steven sat on the edge next to her, holding her hand and speaking soft words of encouragement.

Dominic inched closer to Tatiana but fought the urge to touch her, to reach out and place a reassuring hand on her lower back. She listened intently to Kerry, her face a mask of concentration as she absorbed the direction. He wanted to wrap his arm around her, hold her and tell her that everything would be all right, but somehow, he knew that's not what she needed. She required enough space so that she didn't feel suffocated, but not so much that she felt abandoned.

At least that's what his gut told him.

Dominic ran one hand over his stubble-covered jaw as he wrestled with his conflicting emotions. Looking around the meeting hall, he observed the other men with their mates and bit back a surprising surge of jealousy as he watched how easy they were with one another. There was a seamless fluidity to the way they moved, spoke, and even looked at each other. He couldn't help but worry he and Tatiana may never have that.

The two of them had been making decent progress, but he knew he'd blown up in the barn when he blurted out that she was his mate, announcing it for the world to hear. What a dope.

Dominic couldn't blame her for being upset, but in that moment, all he could feel was fear. Fear that she could be stolen before he had a chance to really know her—for them to know each other.

Assuring Tatiana's safety and happiness had quickly become his number one mission—it even ranked above being Guardian. His serious gaze swept across the room and landed on Richard, Salinda, and little Jessica. What would he do if he had to choose? If he was faced with protecting Tatiana, or the prince and his family…

“Is she gonna be okay?” Matt's shaky voice interrupted his thoughts.

“What?” Dominic snapped. He looked to his left and realized Matt was standing next to him with a concerned expression.

“Tatiana?” Matt stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and jutted his chin toward Tatiana as she took her place by Courtney's side. “Is this—this séance thing or whatever it is—is it going to hurt her?”

“No,” Dominic bit out. “Trust me. If I thought Tatiana were in danger, there's no way I'd let her do this.”

her?” Matt let out a huffing sound, and for the first time since this fiasco began, humor laced his voice. “Man, you may be some kind of badass, ninja pod-person, but you're gonna get your butt kicked if she hears you say that.”

Dominic glared at Matt, but before he could say anything, Richard called for silence.

A hush fell over the meeting hall, and everyone gathered around the bed holding hands, creating a protective circle, except for Matt. He could have joined them. Richard invited him, but he shook his head and stepped back.

Courtney sat propped up by pillows on the chaise with her eyes closed, and Steven sat next to her with one hand resting protectively on her belly. Dominic knew he was also tuning into her and the baby so he could monitor their physical reactions.

Kerry and Tatiana stood on either side of Courtney's bed. All three women held hands, creating their own small circle, which directly linked their energies. Tatiana briefly flicked her eyes to Dominic and gave him a tight smile.
Her voice floated into his mind hesitantly.
Don't go anywhere, okay?

He winked at her
. I've got you.
Dominic's body tensed as their mental connection was severed, and she focused on Courtney. It had only been twenty-four hours since she first touched her mind to his, and now the absence made him uneasy. There was a strange void, an emptiness that could only be filled by her.

Tatiana let out a long, slow breath as her eyes fluttered closed, and her jaw set in concentration. Within seconds, both Kerry and Tatiana's bodies jolted as the connection with Courtney solidified. A low humming sound filled the space as their joined energies flickered. Dominic sent soothing waves to Tatiana, hoping to ease her through it, although he wasn't sure if his comfort would get through.

The humming grew louder, and the tendrils of power pulsing from the three women throbbed in thick ribbons of invisible energy around the group. Courtney's brow furrowed, and she whimpered, softly at first, but it quickly grew louder until she was crying and tears streamed down her cheeks. The humming sound pulsed like a deep bass beat and reverberated through Dominic's chest, but he didn't take his eyes off Tatiana.

An impending sense of doom crawled up Dominic's back, and just when he thought he would scream with frustration, break the circle, grab Tatiana, and run—the room fell silent and everything stopped.

No one moved, and for a second, Dominic thought the women were still in the trance. However, a moment later, they released Courtney's hands, and Tatiana opened her eyes, instantly locking her gaze with Dominic.

“It worked. We followed Courtney's memories back to Moravian and Savannah.” Kerry's voice trembled as she spoke and leaned against Dante for support. “I was able to merge with Moravian's energy signature briefly.” Concern and anger edged her voice. “He's coming, Richard, and he's not coming alone. I saw five or six other Purists with him.”

“They're coming for Courtney,” Tatiana whispered as unshed tears filled her eyes.

“And the baby.”

Dominic held her stare as he pulled his hands from the others and crossed to Tatiana. Tears fell freely from her large brown eyes as he wrapped her in his embrace. She buried her face against his chest, sobbing quietly as he stroked her hair and rocked her gently.

“Courtney,” Steven whispered. He held her hands and kissed her fingers as they all waited patiently for her to wake up. “Baby? I'm here. It's okay.”

Tatiana's body tensed in Dominic's arms, and he could feel her holding her breath as they waited for Courtney to respond. As the young woman's eyes opened, everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, and Tatiana allowed her body to sag against him. He held her closer and noted the way her body fit so perfectly against his, every curve and plane in just the right place.

Courtney looked at them through wide eyes as Steven helped her adjust her position on the chaise. She swiped at her wet cheeks and let out a shaky breath. However, her expression swiftly changed to terror, and she grabbed Steven's arms.

“Oh my God.” Her voice sounded small and scared as she tipped her chin and squeezed her eyes shut. “I saw him, and I saw where they kept me… I saw what they did.” A sob choked her, keeping more words from coming.

“We broke through to some memories, but don't be surprised if you remember more as time passes,” Kerry said gently. “Chances are, you'll remember everything eventually. Repressed memories are pretty common when someone has a traumatic experience, and I'd say yours sure as hell qualifies.”

“Savannah was the one who brought you back here,” Tatiana said.

“I know. I saw it too.” Courtney's confused expression bounced from Steven to Tatiana. “I don't understand. Why would she leave me here alone?”

“You're not alone,” Steven whispered.

“I knew it.” Marianna sighed. “I knew she wouldn't help her father if she didn't absolutely have to.”

“I'm not sure why she did what she did.” Tatiana's voice, now calm and controlled, filled the room as she gave Courtney a reassuring smile. “All I know for sure is that she's the reason you're here with Steven and not still held captive by her father.”

“It's true,” Kerry added. “Savannah's definitely the one who got you out, and from what I saw, she's not in cahoots with dear old daddy. I'd bet that she's in a world of trouble at the moment, but I couldn't get a bead on her signature.”

“Be that as it may,” Richard said tightly, “we still have Dr. Moravian to deal with.”

“They won't touch you again.” Steven pulled her into his arms, his eyes glowing brightly and determination edging his voice. “And they sure as hell aren't getting their hands on our son.”

“I couldn't agree more. I promise that we will do everything within our power to keep you and your child safe.” Richard paced to the front of the group as he spoke. “I have always considered our ranch a safe haven for our people, and until recently, that was the case. We will not run. We will wait for them to make their next move, and when they do, we will be ready.”

“Absolutely.” Dominic kept one arm linked around Tatiana's waist and held her tight as he addressed the others. It felt natural and perfect to have her next to him. “However, the ranch is over three hundred acres, and I'd feel better if we had more eyes on site to keep watch. Moravian and the Purists are getting more aggressive, and I doubt they'll wait much longer to try something else.”

“There's one other issue,” Tatiana interjected. “I don't think Moravian or Savannah are responsible for what's been happening with the horses. I didn't sense any connection to that at all. If it's okay, I'd like to bond with the animals again and see if there's something else they can tell us.”

“You mean we could be dealing with two different attacks at the same time?” Pete asked. “Two enemies at once?”

“We had a Caedo assassination attempt on the ranch, but unfortunately, one of them escaped.” Dominic's back straightened as he mentioned his failure. “The other died before I could interrogate him.”

“Goddamn it.” Pete's mouth set in a tight line as he looked into the eyes of his mate, Marianna. “I don't mean to be a dick, and I love a good, ass-kicking fest as much as the next guy, but my wife is about to give birth to our twins. I'd rather that
happen in the middle of a battle zone.”

“Absolutely.” Richard nodded. Hands behind his back, he scanned the rest with his glowing lion eyes, finally stopping with his wife. “None of the children should be in the middle of this.”

Richard's bright blue eyes turned back to Pete.

“Pete, since you are a sentry in New York City and work with the vampire government, would you be able provide protective asylum for the women with children?” A wry smile hovered at his lips. “I realize this is an unusual request, but since you act as a liaison between our two races, I thought—”

“Consider it done,” Pete responded before Richard could finish the question.

“Thank you.” Richard's lips tilted. “I doubt even the most brazen Amoveo would attempt an attack on a vampire stronghold. It's settled then.”

Several voices, mostly female, spoke all at once, but Richard held up both hands, and the space fell silent once again. Tatiana's fingers curled against Dominic's stomach, and he could tell she was doing her best to keep a brave face. In spite of that, she leaned further into him, seeking reassurance.

“This is nonnegotiable.” Richard, gaze fierce and hands held tightly behind his back, turned to the rest of them. “Salinda and Samantha, along with the babies, will stay with Pete and Marianna at the vampire's New York facility. Courtney, you will go as well.”

“No.” Steven stood up and faced the prince. His eyes glowed the bright green of the Coyote Clan. “Richard, with all due respect, I am a healer, and if there's going to be a fight, then I need to be here to help anyone who might need medical attention, but Courtney is staying with me. Too much has happened, and I don't want her out of my sight.”

Steven knelt down and pulled Courtney into his arms. His eyes glowed, and determination edged his voice as he looked past her to Richard.

“Courtney stays with me.”

Dominic could tell the prince was weighing his options as looked at the beleaguered couple. Steven wanted to do his duty as an Amoveo healer, but he also wanted to protect his wife. The man was torn by duty, love, and loyalty, and Dominic could only imagine how he felt.

Dominic's fingers brushed Tatiana's lower back, and as her heart beat in time with his, he knew he would have made the same choice Steven did. Leaving his mate would never be an option. Even if she ends up rejecting him, he would stand by her and lay his life down for hers.

“As you wish.” Richard tilted his head in deference to Steven's request. “The rest of us will remain on the ranch and stand our ground.”

“You're not insisting us gals take cover with the vamps?” Kerry asked with genuine surprise. “How very un-Amoveo male of you.”

“True.” Richard's lips curved into a smile as he looked from one man to the next. “Keeping Amoveo mates apart is never a good idea,
if things get worse, I will insist the women leave for safer surroundings. Call it a royal prerogative.”

“Now that's what I call progress,” Layla said with a wink to her sister. She elbowed William. “You should take a page or two out of Richard's book, babe.”

William shook his head and gave his wife a doubtful look.

“We will take turns patrolling the property in groups of two or three. No one goes anywhere alone.” Richard turned to Tatiana, and his voice softened. “I would understand if you wanted to leave, to go home to Oregon and forget you were ever here, but I think it would be unwise. As much as you loathe to acknowledge it, you are half Amoveo, and that makes you as much of a target as the rest of us.”

“I'm not leaving.” Tatiana tightened her hold on Dominic though he sensed she was fighting the urge to bolt. “I want to find out what the hell is going on as much as all of you do. My life will never feel like my own unless I face this head on. I can't live with the unknown hanging over my head. Not anymore.”

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