Unconditional Love (15 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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I peeked up at Lark. He was talking to some guy, and it sounded like they knew each other. The guy looked like he was military, so maybe they both served in the Marines together.

I was totally captivated by Lark. My eyes traveled up and down his body as he stood there and talked to this guy. Lark was tall, probably six foot one, with a short military-style haircut and breathtakingly beautiful green eyes. His body was built like nothing I’d ever seen before. He was in incredible shape and my favorite part of his body was his broad chest.

I watched his lips move while he talked and I was glad it was loud in the club because I had let a small moan escape my lips. I was turned on just watching him talk.
Good God. Why does he affect me the way he does?

I glanced at Lark’s friend and he kept looking at me. I instantly felt uncomfortable. Lark was talking to another guy who had walked up. The way his friend was looking at me was like I was a bug that needed to be stepped on. My skin began crawling and I tried to give him a slight smile. He barely smiled and looked my body up and down quickly before turning his attention back to Lark.

The other guy Lark was talking to appeared to be a few years younger than Lark and this other guy. The guy who had been looking me up and down grabbed Lark’s shoulder and pulled him closer and whispered something in Lark’s ear. Lark pulled back quickly, looked at me and then back at the guy and said something. I was growing more and more uncomfortable.

I looked away and closed my eyes and tried to shake the uneasy feeling I had. Maybe it’s because they aren’t used to Lark being with someone. I felt Lark grab my hand and I was instantly calmed.

I turned and looked him in the eyes. Something about his eyes seemed…sad. I smiled and his eyes lit up and I couldn’t help the feeling that swept over my body. Knowing that just a smile from me could affect him did things to my body…and heart.

Christina Aguilera’s “Desnudate” began playing, and Lark’s smile grew bigger and his eyes changed. He leaned down and put his lips to my ear and whispered, “
Dime tu fantasias

My heart began beating harder in my chest. For some reason when he spoke Spanish to me, it turned me on so much. I motioned with my finger for him to come closer to me as I put my lips up to his ear and said, “Tell you my fantasies? I hardly think a club is the place for me to share that with you.”

He pulled back and his eyes flashed with lust and I licked my lips in anticipation of what he was going to do. He pulled me closer to him as he began making his way to the dance floor. My insides were jumping all over the place and I wanted to let out a little squeal. I’ve been dreaming of dancing with him again after our little dance at the wedding.

Lark pulled me to him and began moving his hips against me and I immediately felt his hard-on. He was an incredible dancer and I loved how he kept my body tight against his. I was lost in his eyes as we moved to the beat of the song.

He reached up and pushed a piece of my hair back and hooked it behind my ear as his eyes moved slowly all over my face. When his eyes landed on my lips, I purposely ran my tongue along my bottom lip and watched as he closed his eyes. I smiled slightly knowing he was getting just as turned on as I was.

Before I knew what was happening the song changed and “Talk Dirty to Me” by Jason Derulo began playing. The smile that spread across Lark’s face caused me to smile. He spun me around and pulled my ass up against his dick as we began dancing seductively. His hands were moving up and down my body and everywhere he touched felt like it was on fire.

I totally let myself go and danced like I’d never danced before. Lark reached around and grabbed my breast and pulled me back closer to him as he said in my ear, “You look beautiful tonight, but I don’t like this shirt,
mi amor
. Too many guys are eye fucking you and it’s really pissing me off.”

I swallowed hard and looked around quickly. When he began kissing my neck, I let out a moan and my legs felt like jello. Lark turned me around and watching his body move was more than I could take. It was building me up and all I wanted was for him to give me my release.

I grinned as he looked at me with a look on his face that I couldn’t read. He leaned down and said, “You like when I talk dirty to you, Azurdee?”

Did he really just ask me that? Do I tell him that I do and it drives me insane with lust?

“Yes,” I said. His eyes grew wider as the song changed to Enrique Iglesias’s “Tonight”.

He pulled me to him and his eyes were filled with nothing but passion. I couldn’t believe how I was grinding into him. I closed my eyes and thought of all the things I wanted him to do to me.

His hand moved down my body and he grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him as he lifted my leg. The look in his eyes caused me to start breathing heavier. The moment I felt his hand moving up my leg I knew what he was going to do and I didn’t even care we were in the middle of a group of people. I wanted him to touch me. I
him to touch me.

He slowly moved his hand up and under my skirt as he slipped his fingers inside my panties and quickly pushed his fingers into me.

“Motherfucker. You’re so fucking wet,” he said as he closed his eyes and moved his fingers in and out of me. I buried my face into his chest and tried to hide the fact that I was enjoying this. Something about us being right out in public and Lark feeling on me had me getting so worked up and I was pretty sure I was about to have my first public orgasm.

Then I heard someone behind me shouting something and Lark pulled his fingers out and pushed my leg back down quickly. I turned around to see Lark’s friend standing there. The way he was smiling gave me the creeps and I wasn’t sure why.

“Mind if I cut in?” He looked directly at Lark like he was waiting to see his reaction. The song changed to “Give It to U” and Lark frowned. He pulled me to him and yelled in my ear, “Azurdee, this is Jason. I work with him.”

My head snapped back to look at Lark and then at Jason.
He works with him?

“Jason, this is my
, Azurdee.”

My mouth dropped open a little.
Friend? So now I’m a friend.
I instantly felt the heat move into my face and I wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like I expected him to walk around telling everyone we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but the way he stressed the word friend bothered me.

Jason held out his hand for me to take it and dance. I looked back at Lark and he took a step back. I slightly shook my head. I didn’t want to dance with this guy. Lark pushed his hand through his hair and turned and walked toward the bar.

He left me. He just left me with this guy.
I slowly turned and looked at Jason. His crooked smile might have caused my heart to drop before Lark had come into the picture, but now all it did was make my heart pound with fear for some reason. I took his hand and he began dancing.

Jesus. What is with these guys and how good they dance? Probably because they are at the club every weekend.

I turned back and tried to find Lark. I jumped when Jason touched my arm and pulled me closer to him. “I won’t bite sweetheart, I promise.”

I smiled slightly and decided to just go with it. Lark wouldn’t leave me with someone he didn’t trust.

He ran his hands up and down the side of my body and winked as he said, “Relax baby…just dance and have fun.”
Ugh. Gag me.
I smiled and tried to loosen up a little.

He looked in the direction to where Lark had walked and then pulled me closer to him. “How do you know Lark?” he shouted over the loud music.

I shouted back, “My best friend is married to his best friend.”

He smiled and looked down at my chest.
Fuck. Why did I wear this shirt?

“How long have you known him?”

I looked back over my shoulder for Lark. I couldn’t see him anywhere. I turned back and shouted, “Almost a year.”

“Y’all fucking?”

I stopped dancing and stood there. “Excuse me?” I shouted.

He started laughing, “I’m just trying to see if you’re off-limits, babe.”

I shook my head and turned to leave, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

“Let go of me,” I shouted. He smiled and said, “I’m sorry Azurdee, it’s just most of the girls Lark is with are just fuck buddies. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry.”

I pulled my arm from his and said, “Whatever. I’m thirsty and just need a break from dancing.”

His smile faded slightly and something in his eyes changed. “Sure. Let me walk you back to the bar. You’ll never make it through the crowd alone.”

He took my arm and guided me through the crowd. My eyes were darting everywhere for Lark. I started panicking when I couldn’t find him. “I’ve got it from here, Jason. Thanks.”

Lark took my other arm and the way they both looked at each other caused chills to run up and down my back. Something exchanged between the two of them and I had no idea what it was. Jason nodded his head and said, “I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing.”

What did he mean by that?

I looked at Lark with a confused look. He smiled and winked at me. He walked me up to the bar and ordered water for both of us. I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of everything that just happened.

When I felt Lark’s hand on the small of my back, I was calmed almost instantly. Billy Currington’s “Must Be Doin’ Something Right” began playing and Lark leaned into my body and asked, “Will you dance with me?”

I loved to two-step and it also meant Lark would have to hold me close to him. I nodded my head and smiled. Lark reached for my hand and led me out to the dance floor. When he pulled me into his warm body I melted. I loved being in his arms. I felt safe. I felt like I was whole when he held me.

We danced in silence through most of the song. Lark kept pulling me closer and closer to him. Like he couldn’t get me close enough and I felt the same way. I was ready to crawl into his body and lose myself to him.

He placed his finger on my chin and pulled my face up so that he was looking me in the eyes. I smiled and he returned the smile, but then it faded. “I’m sorry,” he said.

I tilted my head and asked, “For what?”

“For letting you dance with Jason. Did he say anything to upset you?”

I shook my head and looked away. He pulled my chin back and the look in his eyes changed. “You’re lying to me, Azurdee.”

I swallowed hard. “It’s nothing. Lark, I’m not feeling very well. Do you think we could leave?”

He nodded his head and grabbed my hand and led me to the door. The second we walked outside I took in a deep breath. I was beginning to feel like I couldn’t breathe in there.

I hate clubs.
I never got into the whole bar and club scene. Even in college I couldn’t stand going to clubs.

Lark led me away from the entrance to the club as he pulled out his cell phone and hit a number.

“We’re ready to leave,” he said and then just hung up.

Not even a minute later the car from earlier pulled up and Lark was opening the car door for me. I slid inside and dropped my head back against the seat as thoughts began running through my mind.

This is my friend Azurdee.

Are you fucking him?

Is that all this was? Was that all I would ever be to Lark—his friend?

Lark took my hand in his and his thumb began moving back and forth across my hand, leaving a path of fire behind each movement. His touch did amazing things to my body and I was sure I would never get used to it.

“Are you ready to go back to the condo?” Lark asked. I lifted my head and looked at him and smiled.

“I’m sorry. I just got really tired and I’ve never been much of a club scene kind of girl.”

He smiled and said, “Don’t apologize. I’m ready to get you home and give you some of that dirty talk you like.”

I felt my lower stomach clench and my eyes widened with anticipation. Lark let out a chuckle as he looked into my eyes. His smile faded and he whispered, “
Mi amor
, you bring out so many emotions in me. You have me so confused.”

“Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” I whispered back.

He gently put his hand on the side of my face and pulled my lips to his as he kissed me so sweetly. He ran his tongue along my top lip and I opened my mouth to him. He let out a soft low moan as our kiss turned more passionate. Before I knew it, I was sitting in his lap and utterly lost in our kiss.

I heard the driver clear his throat and say, “Mr. Williams, we’re back at the condos.”

Lark pulled away and winked at me as I moved off his lap and adjusted my skirt. “Thank you so much,” Lark said as he handed the driver money, opened the door, and practically pulled me out of the car.

“Good evening, Mr. Williams,” the valet attendant said as he looked my body up and down and smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and decided I was throwing this shirt away as I soon as I could.

We walked through the lobby and the young girl sitting behind the desk smiled and said, “Good evening, Mr. Williams, Ms. Emerson.”

I smiled and said, “Good evening.” As we kept walking, it dawned on me she knew my name.

“Wait. How did she know my name?” I asked as I looked back at the desk. Lark was now pulling me, causing me to walk faster. He let out a chuckle and said, “I told them you would be visiting me often and for them to make you a key card for the elevator. I don’t have guests very often, so she probably just remembered your name.”

I looked at him and the only thing I could say was, “Oh.”

We stepped into the elevator and as soon as the door closed and Lark hit the button for his floor, he pushed me against the wall.

“God I want to fuck you so bad I can hardly think straight,” he whispered as he moved his hand up my skirt and pushed his hand into my panties.

“Oh God,” I whimpered. The elevators opened and he quickly turned me and walked us out of the elevator. He backed me right up against a table that was in the corridor. He pushed the vase off of it and I jumped when it crashed to the floor.

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