Unconditional Love (29 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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I stared down at the piece of paper and looked at my shaking hand. I closed my eyes tightly and thought back to just an hour ago when Lark made such sweet love to me. I placed my hand on my neck and could almost feel the warmth of his breath on my skin as he whispered how much he loved me.

I opened my eyes and smiled. I reached for my phone and sent him a text message:

Me: Are you done?

Lark: No. Are you?

Me: No. I have a question. Are we reading each other’s letters?

Lark: Nope.

Me: K.

Lark: Does that make a difference?

Me: I don’t think so. For some reason I’m really nervous.

Lark: Me too!

I laughed when I read his last text. My big tough Marine. I couldn’t imagine him nervous about anything.

Me: You’re nervous? That turns me on.

Lark: Oh yeah? How turned on are you?

Me: Let me check…yep, pretty turned on.

Lark: Fuck.

I hugged myself as I let out a chuckle. I could just picture him now adjusting his hardening dick. I let out a breath and tried to contain my uncontrollable urge to go find him.

Lark: Are you touching yourself?

Me: Are you?

Lark: Yes.

Oh. My. God.

Me: Then so am I.

Lark: Tell me what you feel like.

I slipped my hand under my dress and down into my panties as I pushed my fingers inside. I let out a moan and dropped my head back as I moved my fingers in and out.

My phone pinged and I looked at the text.

Lark: I’m waiting, mi amor.

Me: I’m wet. Very wet.

Lark: Taste yourself.

My stomach dropped and I set my phone down and pulled my hand from my panties. I bit down on my lower lip and sighed how it turned me on when he talked dirty like that to me. I wanted nothing more than to put my fingers in my mouth and do what he said.

My phone pinged and I glanced down at it.

Lark: Touch yourself again, Azurdee.

I pushed my fingers down into my panties again and began finger fucking myself.

I closed my eyes and imagined Lark’s lips down there.

My phone pinged again and I opened my eyes to read his message.

Lark: I’m imagining my cock deep inside you. It feels so good.

Oh God. How does he do this to me?
One minute he is so utterly romantic and the next…

Lark: Are you getting close to coming baby?

Me: Yes.

Lark: Tell me how it feels.

Trying to type with one hand while my other hand was bringing me so close to an orgasm proved harder than I thought. I carried on though, breathing hard.

Me: I feel myself getting wetter. The sound is turning me on.

Lark: I’m so close. Fuck yourself harder and faster.

Just seeing his words caused me to move my hand faster and I could feel the build up growing stronger.

Me: I’m coming!

I let out a scream as one of the most intense orgasms ripped through my body. I heard the door open and before I knew what was happening I was on the desk getting my panties ripped off of me and Lark was moving in and out of me.

The next orgasm hit me even harder as I screamed out, “Oh God! Yes! Oh God, I’m coming again. Yes!”

I looked at Lark as he grunted and moaned. He pulled out and slammed back into me so hard I let out another scream.

I was so lost in what he was doing to me I hardly noticed him pulling me off the desk and turning me around.

“Put your hands on the desk. I’m going to take you from behind.”

I put my hands on the desk and Lark pushed back into me. He grabbed onto my hips and fucked me hard. I could feel another orgasm building. When he reached up and grabbed a fistful of hair I began calling out his name as he called out mine.

“God…Azurdee…I’m coming. Feels so fucking good.”

When he finally dropped on me we were both panting like we had run a marathon.

“Holy shit,” he said between breaths.

I attempted to breath, but was panting. I turned and looked at him and smiled. “That was…kind of…hot.”

He pushed himself up and looked at me as he raised his eyebrow. “Kind of?”

“Okay, it was hot as hell.”

He stood up and pulled up his pants and winked at me as he leaned over and kissed me quickly.

“Stop bugging me. I’m trying to write a letter here,” he turned and walked out of the room and shut the door. I got off the desk and began looking for my panties. I was so worked up when he walked into the room I didn’t even remember him taking them off.

I looked around and saw them and my piece of paper on the floor behind the desk. I smiled as I reached for both. I slipped my panties back on and sat back down in the chair and put my blank piece of paper in front of me.

I heard my phone ping and started looking for it. After crawling around on the floor I finally found it under the chair across the room. I expected to see a text from Lark, but it was from my mother:

Mom: So, how was it meeting his family? Were they nice? Did they treat you well?

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t really want to get into this now with her.

Me: Hey Mom. Christmas with the Williams family was amazing. Lark was amazing as he always is and he is so excited to meet y’all. He’s been called out of town with work though and we are cutting our trip short. Heading home tomorrow. We might not make it there for the New Year’s Eve party.

Mom: No! Oh no, we were really looking forward to meeting the man who has swept my daughter off her feet. ☹

Me: Soon, Mom. I’m sorry I missed Christmas and now New Year’s Eve.

Mom: How is the restaurant coming along?

Me: Good. A few setbacks but I think we will be back on schedule after the new year. I’m meeting with Dan in a few days.

Mom: Good. Do you have time to chat? Can I call?


Me: Wish I could Mom, but I kind of have to run. In the middle of a family tradition.

Mom: How fun! Okay well enjoy yourself, sweetheart.

Me: Trust me Mom, I am!

Mom: See you soon, Azurdee. Love you.

Me: See ya soon, Mom. Love you back.

I put my phone down on the desk and picked up the pen. I closed my eyes and thought about Lark. I thought about the first time he made love to me. The first time he called me
mi amor
. The first time I heard him say in his sleep he needed to guard his heart. An overwhelming feeling rushed over me and I began to write.

I read through the letter and decided to not change a thing. I wrote from my heart and that was important to me. I got up and walked over to the copy machine that was sitting on the other desk and made two copies. I knew we weren’t supposed to read each other’s letter but something told me I needed to do this. I made the copies and folded one in half and walked over to all the books. I looked to see if my favorite book was here. I smiled when I saw Jane Austen’s
Pride and Prejudice.
I opened up the book to chapter three and tucked my letter in there. I closed it and smiled as I placed the book back onto the shelf. My phone went off and I quickly folded up the other letter and slipped it into the small pocket of my dress.

I picked up my phone and smiled.

Lark: Done! Did I win?

Me: Nope. I’ve been done for a few minutes.

Lark: What? Well what have you been doing?

Me: Reading my all time favorite book ever.

Lark: Winnie the Pooh?

Me: Haha. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, if you must know.

Lark: Classic. Come find me. I may or may not be naked.

I laughed as I made my way out of the library in search of Lark.

After searching for fifteen minutes, I gave up and sat down at the kitchen island and stared at the bottle. I heard the sliding glass door open and Lark walked in with a smile.

I tilted my head and said, “Well hell. I didn’t think to look outside.”

He laughed and said, “Nope. Good thing I wasn’t really naked though. The old man next door came over to say hi.”

I held up my letter. He smiled and held up his finger. “Give me two minutes.”

I nodded my head and got up and headed to the refrigerator and took a beer out as I looked for something to snack on. I glanced around the kitchen and took in the beach décor. I grabbed a handful of grapes and made my way back to the bar and waited.

I let out a smile when Lark wrapped his arms around me and then placed his letter on top of mine.

“You ready?” he whispered against my neck, causing goose bumps to pop out all over my body.

I nodded and he reached for both letters and put them together and handed them to me. My hand was shaking as I took them and began rolling them up. I slid them into the bottle and Lark set glue down onto the counter. He must have gotten some when he came in.

I bit down on my lower lip as I watched him put glue onto the cork and push it into the bottle. Then he put a bead of glue around the outside of the bottle and cork.

“It’s marine glue, so I’m thinking it’s leak-proof or my father’s boat is in a heap of trouble.”

I laughed as I watched him put just a little bit more glue on. He grabbed my hand and we made our way out the sliding glass door and headed down to the beach.

As we got closer to the water I could hear the seagulls. The salty ocean air made me smile as Lark squeezed my hand harder. We slipped our shoes off and made our way into the chilly waters of the Gulf of Mexico. I looked at Lark and said, “What if it washes back in?”

He looked out to the seas and then at me. “Shit. Should we take the boat out?”

“Will the glue hold up on the boat?”

Lark laughed and said, “The rip tides are so strong here. I can’t tell you how many times we got pulled out on our boards and my mother freaked. One good toss and I think we’re good.”

I nodded my head and smiled. “Ready?”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” he said as he placed his hand on the side of my face and gently rubbed his thumb back and forth.

I nodded and he dropped his hand and took a step back as he reached back and then gave the bottle a good throw. I couldn’t believe how far he threw it out there. I did a little jump when it landed in the water. Lark slipped his arm around my waist and we stood there for I don’t how long, just staring out to the ocean in silence.

When Lark finally talked I jumped. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I shook my head and turned to face him.

“I love you,” I said as the sound of the waves crashed onto the shoreline.

He smiled and said, “I love you, too.”

I crinkled up my nose and said, “I’m kind of hungry. I didn’t eat very much at dinner. Nerves I guess.”

Lark let out a sigh and said, “My oh-so-romantic girl.” He tapped my nose and laughed. “I know a great place where we can go and sit and grab something light, maybe a glass or two of wine.”

The rest of the evening was spent in a wonderful seafood restaurant where we drank a bottle of wine, talked about the restaurant, me possibly moving some things over to Lark’s place and him doing the same. Lark mentioned wanting to wait a bit more before we talked about getting engaged, which I agreed on. Even though we had known each other a year, we were really just starting this relationship. We talked about everything—except Lark’s job.

The restaurant had a small outdoor patio and Lark stood up and asked me to dance as “Come a Little Closer” by Dierks Bentley began playing.

The way he was holding me, I knew he was beginning to say good-bye. My heart began breaking knowing that we would be leaving to head back home first thing tomorrow morning. I held onto him tighter as we danced in silence.

When the song ended he looked down at me and said, “Let’s go. I want to make love to you all night.”

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