Under His Protection (9 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Under His Protection
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The moment he’d exited the room it was as if she could think and breathe straight again. Oh yeah, she was so screwed where this man was concerned.

* * *

Julieta set the portable phone in the cradle, unable to believe how many calls they’d received at work this morning. It was a Monday, not a typically busy day, but she’d been receiving calls from all the concerned shop owners in the neighborhood in addition to normal customer inquiries. Straightening, she glanced around to find Ruby helping a customer and Ivan talking to one of the men who’d helped install the glass pane.

She’d never seen him so casually dressed, but today he wore jeans and a Polo shirt. He stood with his feet slightly apart and his arms crossed over his broad chest as he nodded at something the other man said. His posture was relaxed enough, but everything about him screamed that he was ready to act if anything dangerous should happen. Like a caged lion, waiting to strike anyone who got in his way.

As if he knew she was watching him, his head turned and that icy gaze immediately landed on her. His lips curved up a fraction and his eyes dipped to check her out with no shame, trailing down her face all the way to her bright red high heels then back up again. Just like that her body erupted in flames, going from zero to a hundred and twenty in mere seconds. Her nipples tightened against her bra cups as if he’d actually stroked her. The way he watched her made her feel sexy like nothing and no one else could.

The bell over the door jingled, drawing her attention away from him. Just like before it was as if the moment she broke eye contact, the rest of her surroundings came back in a rush of sensations and sounds. It should be illegal that he had the ability to distract her to that point.

When her brother Sandro strode through, alarm jumped inside her. It was Monday, he was supposed to be working today. He was part owner in a restaurant with her oldest brother, Montez, Jr. And he never just stopped by to say hi.

Before she’d taken two steps, Ivan had already weaved his way through displays of lingerie and was giving her brother a hand shake of sorts. They did that fist bump/shake thing that her brothers always did before hugging. Of course Ivan and Sandro didn’t hug. But their friendliness and Ivan’s seeming lack of surprise that Sandro was here made her frown.

“Hey, what’s going on?” she asked as she approached them, very aware of the racy display of sheer, leopard print purple bras she was standing next to. And the fact that she owned one and wondered what Ivan would think of her wearing it.

“I’ve got to run out so Sandro’s going to hang here for a while,” Ivan said, his expression calm.

As if it shouldn’t annoy her that clearly he’d called her brother without mentioning it to her. She glanced at her brother. “How did you guys even contact each other?”

Her brother shrugged. “I gave Ivan my number before I left last night in case anything happened.”

Gritting her teeth, she looked at Ivan and tilted her head in the direction of the dressing rooms. “Can I talk to you a sec in private?”

His eyebrows pulled together, but he nodded. The beat of the overhead music was slightly louder near the dressing rooms. Instead of rooms with doors, she’d sectioned off five areas with colorful curtains so patrons wouldn’t feel suffocated in a tiny space.

“What’s wrong?” Ivan stroked a hand down her bare arm, his expression concerned.

She fought a shiver at the feel of his calloused fingers skating over her skin. “You just called my brother without asking me?”

His eyes widened for a moment, like a deer caught in headlights. “Yeah. And that was…obviously not a smart move. I’m sorry Julieta, I wasn’t even thinking.”

Crap. If he wasn’t going to defend himself she couldn’t get angry. “It’s fine. I just don’t want to be kept in the dark. I’m so appreciative of everything you’re doing, but this is my life. I need to know what’s going on, especially if my family is involved.”

His jaw tightened a fraction. “Fair enough. I’ve got some things to take care of today and I didn’t want to leave you alone. I figured asking your brother to help was better than one of my friends, even if they are all trained.”

The remaining steam of her annoyance completely faded. “Yeah, I love having Sandro around. I don’t see him as much since he started working with my brother, Montez.”

“That’s the one he owns a restaurant with, right?”

She blinked. “Yes, how’d you know?”

“He told me when we talked this morning.”

“I’m surprised he’s being so nice to you.” The words were out before she could censor herself. “I meant, uh…”

To her surprise, Ivan let out a loud bark of laughter, the action completely relaxing his face, making him look years younger and almost boyish. “I know exactly what you meant. I think he’s okay with me because he knows I just want to protect you.”

It was still a shock. In the past, anytime she’d brought a man around, her family hadn’t warmed up to any of them. Especially after what had happened with her ex. He’d been like family, always around for two years, then nothing. “So what things are you taking care of today?” She wondered if she even had the right to ask. Even though they’d kissed, they certainly weren’t in a relationship. But he’d said he wanted to shadow her and was leaving her with her brother. She was curious.

“Ah…work related.”

Something about his tone was off. She narrowed her gaze. “Is this about something Lizzy told you? You’re not doing something illegal are you?” she whispered the last part, even though no one was near the dressing rooms. Julieta hadn’t had a chance to contact her friend that morning, but she still planned to. “I can call Lizzy right now and find out what you’re doing.”

Ivan rubbed a hand over the back of his neck in a way she’d noticed he did when he was agitated or concerned about something. “I’m checking out Aguilar today. Just want to see what his schedule looks like and if I catch him doing something he’s not supposed to.”

“You’re going to be following River around?” Her gut clenched at the thought. If River really was the one stalking her, she didn’t want Ivan anywhere near him. It didn’t matter that he was clearly trained, she didn’t like the thought of him putting himself in danger for her. For all she knew River was harmless and not involved in all this, but worst case scenario, he was her stalker and capable of anything.


“Ivan, I don’t like that—”

“Ms. Mederos, sorry to interrupt, but we’re done.” The man who Ivan had been talking to earlier came up with a paper in hand, likely her invoice.

“I’ve got my phone on me,” Ivan murmured before hurrying away.

. She gritted her teeth and glared at his backside, delectable as it was, for a moment before turning back to the other man. She had a business to run and a lot of stuff to do today. Ivan was a grown man capable of making his own decisions. While she hated the thought of him following some potential stalker, deep down she knew nothing she said was going to stop him.

Once she wrapped up with the glass guys and helped a couple customers, she looked up from the cash register to find Ruby holding up two very different, but sexy outfits. Not the kind of lingerie you wore under your normal clothes, but more for bedroom play. One was a sexy French maid outfit, and while it wasn’t the most original, it was one of her best sellers so clearly people loved it. The other was called ‘naughty nurse’. The red and white sheer outfit was all satin and ruffles. It even came with a little headpiece with a red cross on it.

“Which one do you like best?” Ruby asked.

Before she could respond, her brother appeared out of nowhere, like a magnet drawn to Ruby. She was pretty certain he’d had a crush on her for a while.

“I think you could pull off both. If you want to try them on I’d be willing to give you a critique.” His voice was light and teasing, his grin that charming smile he too often turned on the ladies.

Ruby just rolled her eyes. “First of all, you’d be more than just willing. And I would ruin you for other women once you saw me.” Her brother straightened and blinked in shock. Most women just fell all over themselves when he turned that smile on them, but Ruby would never do that. Her feisty employee continued, one eyebrow arched. “Second, I’m not asking for me, I’m asking which your sister likes best for
to wear.”

It took about two seconds for Ruby’s words to sink in. Even though he was twenty-six and he’d dealt with a sister and female cousins his entire life, his ears turned red. “No. Just
. I’m not hearing this.” He stepped back and held his hands up to his ears as he moved to the front of the store.

Julieta laughed at his quick retreat then turned to look at her friend. “For me, huh?”

“Uh, yeah. You are so going to be hooking up with tall, blond and delicious soon. And you need to be ready. The costumes might be too much though. Might say you’re trying too hard.” A slight frown pulling at her lips, Ruby set them on the counter and made a beeline for a purple and black corset Julieta had been eyeing when the new shipment came in last week. “No, I think this and crotchless panties.”

She bit back a grin. Just because she sold everything a woman could imagine didn’t mean she wore all of her merchandise. “And crotchless doesn’t scream I’m eager?”

Ruby snorted. “Girl, you should be eager. That man is mouthwatering. And I say that in a non-jealous way. But I will be hating you a teensy bit the next time I see you and you’ve got that I-had-sex-with-a-god-glow.”

“Didn’t that good looking detective ask you out yesterday?”

Ruby grinned in that wicked way of hers and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. The woman had a bombshell figure, the type Marilyn Monroe would have envied. “Yes, but he’s better looking than me so I said no. I can’t date a guy who spends more time in front of the mirror than me. No thank you.”

Julieta shook her head, doubting that was why Ruby turned the guy down. For as long as Julieta had known her, the woman rarely dated. It wasn’t because men didn’t ask either, they did. Often.

Her gaze drifted to the rack of corsets and an image of Ivan’s heated expression when he pinned her up against her door last night flooded her mind. “Grab me a small.” Because she was definitely buying it. And screw the panties altogether.

She wasn’t certain what was going to happen with her and Ivan, but deep down she knew that sleeping with him was a foregone conclusion. She knew herself well enough that this type of physical attraction was incredibly rare and she wasn’t walking away from what was developing between them. Even if she knew he was a player and this was going to end up being purely casual, as long as she made it clear to him that she wanted casual too, she’d be fine. Or would at least be able to salvage some of her pride when things between them ended.

Chapter 8

“We’re good without you,” Blue said wryly, his voice coming over Ivan’s wireless earpiece as he sat in his SUV.

Ivan rolled his shoulders, trying to ease the building tension as he leaned back against the driver’s seat of his vehicle. Alexander Blue was Mina’s fiancé and Ivan’s new boss. Sort of. Blue had worked for Red Stone Security for a while before being promoted to head up one of their East Coast divisions, which included the company’s Hollingsworth account—once Mina moved her family’s security division over to them. Ivan had been with Mina’s father and Mina kept him on, which meant he now worked for Red Stone and Alex, even though his only client was Mina. “I know, I just—”

“I’m capable of watching out for my own fiancée. We’re not leaving the condo since I’m working from home today and there haven’t been any threats. Besides, Mina’s worried about Jules and she’ll have my ass if anything happens to her.”

Ivan half-smiled, the tension in his chest easing. He was taking time off no matter what because Julieta needed him, but he was glad this wasn’t going to affect his job. “Okay, I just wanted to check in.”

“We’re good. Take all the time you need and don’t worry about checking in anymore. I’ll let you know if we have any issues.”

Once they disconnected, Ivan took his wireless piece out of his ear and set it next to his phone on the center console before he turned down the last road his GPS directed him to. What he was doing wasn’t illegal, as Julieta had been concerned about, but he was going to check out River Aguilar. He wanted to see this guy in person and find out if he had a set schedule. If he was her stalker, Ivan wanted to know everything he could about the guy.

Ivan cruised past the two-story house once, taking in the entire street as he drove. It was a dead end road, off a main street in a middle-class neighborhood. Which meant he wouldn’t be able to hang out too long without neighbors getting suspicious. At least it was the middle of the morning on a Monday. Most people would be working.

Choosing a one-story ranch style house two houses down from where Aguilar lived with his mother, he parked on the curb under an oak tree. He cracked a window then shut off the engine. It was October, cool enough to sit in his vehicle without baking.

A two-door red car sat in the driveway. A newer model and according to the file he’d glanced at earlier, not something Aguilar or his mom owned. He jotted down the plate and make and model. The yard itself was immaculate, the grass looking as if it had recently been cut and the flowerbeds were also taken care of.

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