Under My Skin (Shady Falls Series Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Under My Skin (Shady Falls Series Book 2)
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              I didn’t slow. I pushed harder, I couldn’t focus on Mia; I could only focus on stopping Grant before he hurt her. There was no doubt he would harm her if he had the chance.

              He released Mia, seeming to realize I wasn’t stopping. She fell to the ground like a ragdoll, gasping for breath. Mia called out to me, but I didn’t stop; I couldn’t. I had to put an end to this once and for all. Grant cursed, screaming as he tried to get away.

              I caught Grant, tackling him to the ground. Anger boiled over as I let loose – my fists flying. He’d tried to hurt the woman I loved. He’d terrorized her, stalking her and scaring her. He’d dragged her, pulling her down the street by her throat, intent on degrading and hurting her. Or worse trying to force her to do something she didn’t want to do.

              “Jake, stop.” Mia’s raspy voice pulled me out of my rage-filled onslaught. “Please.” I stopped, her plea resounded through me, making me regret the storm of anger I had just displayed.

              Standing, shaken by the sheer fury still burning in my gut, I looked to my beautiful Mia. Her hair was a tangled mess, no doubt he had grabbed her and dragged her by it at some point in their struggle. Her clothes were dirty and torn. One shoe still sat alone across the street, a silent reminder of what had happened to her. It was hard to see what other damage he may have done to her in the dim light.

              “Mia,” I said, collecting myself. “Call the police.”

              Finally looking down at the object of my wrath, I worried he might try to get away, but he wasn’t going anywhere. He laid on the ground in a heap, breathing heavily. He wouldn’t be moving from that spot any time in the near future.

              I walked up to Mia, just as she ended her call with the police, and pulled her into my arms. Her throat was red and swollen, and a cut on her lip oozing blood. I collapsed to my knees, Mia still cradled in my arms, and held her tight all while assuring myself that she was fine.

              The moment the police arrived and our statements were taken, I rushed back to my Jeep. Mia was being taken to the hospital to be checked out and I wasn’t about to let her be there alone.

              I dialed Mike the moment I reached my car and started the engine.

              “Jake, this better be good. It’s two in the mornin’”

              “Mike, you and Rosie gotta get to the hospital. Grant attacked Mia. She’s fine, but they’re takin’ her to the emergency room to get checked out.”

              Mike’s roared curse made me jerk the phone away from my ear. “What the hell happened? Is she alright?”

              I went on to explain how the girls were there late decorating and Mia decided to stay and finish the final touches on a few things. “Monique called, concerned that Mia was alone, so I went to make sure she got home okay. I was too late.” The rest poured out of me, and by the time I got to the hospital, I hung up with Mike so I could rush inside.

              “Mia Slone please?” I asked the receptionist.

              “Are you family?”

              “No, her parents are on their way. I’m a friend.”

              “Only family’s allowed in back. She’s back there, but you’ll have to wait for family to find out anythin’ more.” Her eyes went right back to the computer screen sitting in front of her. I paced in front of the door while I waited. Worry coursed through every inch of my being. She was okay, she had to be.

              But what would I do if she was okay? Nothing had changed since the last time we talked. She was refusing to talk to me and I was the ass who had ignored her because I overheard a secret confession. A confession that actually scared the hell out of me. She loved me. She could finally be mine and I was done being a fool and ignoring what was there between us.

              When Mike and Rosie got there, I stayed around long enough to hear what the doctor had to say before he took them back to see her. I knew, no matter how much I wanted her, this wasn’t the right time to see her. She needed to get fixed up and get home. Tomorrow was Mike and Rosie’s big day and I knew Mia wouldn’t let anything stop them from getting married.

              Grant had been taken to the hospital and released into police custody. Mia was fine and the cuts and bruises would heal, but I worried about the emotional trauma. Grant had stalked and harassed her for weeks. He’d terrorized and intimidated her through texts and emails, and ultimately tried to harm her.

              The girl was strong, but I worried about how much she could take before she broke completely.


Not surprisingly, the wedding went off without a hitch, and by the time the wedding party got to the restaurant, it was packed with friends and family. For the first time, I got a glimpse into what it would be like to have this restaurant and fill it with paying customers every night. It was an amazing feeling, and I finally felt like things were going exactly the way I wanted. But something was still missing, and I knew exactly what that something was.

              She walked into the restaurant, escorted by Toni. Rosie and Mike did things a little untraditionally, Mia was Rosie’s maid of honor, but Toni was Mike’s best man – or woman, as he called her. Toni wore a tux fitted just perfectly to show she was a woman under the suit, and Mia wore a fitted, long sleeve, backless, black and silver gown that showed off her gorgeous figure. Together, the two women looked beautiful, and incredibly happy. People would never know it was just last night, Mia was almost broken by a sociopathic man.

              Thinking back, I knew things could’ve been so much worse. I saw worse, once, and was thankful Mia wouldn’t have the physical scars to go along with the emotional ones like Toni.

              When Mike and Rosie were announced, I stood by the kitchen doors and watched the pride and happiness on Mia’s face. She and her mother had been through so much when her father left them, they deserved to be happy.

              “You know,” my mother said walking up behind me. “She looks happy, but you could make her happier.”

              Feigning ignorance, I didn’t look at my mother when I spoke. “What are you talkin’ about? Who do you think I’m gonna make happy? I’m all about my restaurant and the gym. Ain’t worried about any woman but my momma.”

              A snicker escaped her. “Yeah, sure you are. Jake, I don’t know where you get your stubbornness from.”

              I spun around and stared at my mother, completely bewildered. “You have no idea where I get my stubbornness? You’re kiddin’ right? Daddy always says you’re the most pigheaded woman he’s ever met, but he loves the challenge.”

              “Well, maybe you are a little like us both, because you may have my obstinacy but you also love challenges. Somethin’ you and Cade both get from your father.” My mother paused for just a moment before she stepped up next to me. “She’s your challenge, Jake. If you let her get away from you again, you’re a fool.”

              I knew she was right. There was no doubt in my mind anymore. Mia was the woman with whom I’d compared every other woman. She was the woman I couldn’t get out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried.

              Returning to the kitchen, I put the finishing touches on the entrees and started taking the trays out to the buffet.

              “Go, Jake. We got this,” Faith said, pushing me toward the door. I’d called in some help from the gym. Without the help, we never would’ve been able to pull everything off.

              “Thanks again, Faith. You’ve been a life saver.”

              “I know,” she said with a wink. “It’s all good. It’s good experience for when Dex and I move in together.”

              Dex was one of the new trainers Cade and I hired. Finally Faith had lost interest in me and focused on him. I was happy to see her find someone who shared her interest.

              “No, I’ll have to bring you in and teach you how to cook.”

              She smiled as though she was excited about the prospect. Then she gathered the others and started taking the food out to the buffet.

              “Go have fun boss, we got this.”

              Without another word, I walked into the dining area and found my mother, father, and Cade sitting at our table. Striding over to them, I glanced toward the head table, toward Mia. She was gorgeous, and she was looking right at me. My heart swelled, any worry or fear was gone. She was the woman I loved, and I wouldn’t let her go no matter what.

              Toasts and well wishes for the new bride and groom followed food and first dances. When everyone was full and happy, Mike stood and got the attention of the entire room

              “Rosie and I would like to thank y’all for bein’ here with us today. It’s been a long time comin’, but I’m happy to say this little lady is finally my wife. Add to that another gorgeous daughter to look after. Rosie and I are so proud of both these girls and the lives they’re leadin’. I also want to draw attention to Cade and Jake Hanson. They’re like sons to me and I couldn’t be more proud of them either. Together they own a successful fitness gym, Cade has just graduated from his master’s program and is now a certified Physical Therapist. And this wonderful restaurant was just purchased by Jake. The amazing meal we ate was prepared by Jake and his momma, Dottie.” He looked to Rosie and then to Mia. He took them each in his hands and pulled them to stand with him. “Thank you both for completin’ my family.” He raised his glass and the room erupted into clapping and cheers.

              “Let’s dance,” he said over the applause. He led Rosie, Mia, and Toni out onto the dance floor. Taking his bride in his arms they began to slow dance to
by Journey.

              Toni and Mia looked ridiculous trying to dance together, until Julius cut in and took Toni into his arms. Mia stood alone for a moment, looking uncomfortable and unsure.

              Without even a second thought, I stood from my seat and strode to the middle of the dance floor. My heart raced, but I steeled myself. I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms once more. “Dance with me?” I asked, stretching my hand.

              With a smile, Mia took my hand and we glided across the dance floor. I held her slim little body in my arms and felt all the anger and anxiety I’d held on to for so long, melt away. She belonged with me.

              I pulled her from the floor to a closed door in the back of the room. It led to the second floor. Eventually it would house my office and possibly a workout room. For the time being there was only a desk and a couple chairs.

              “Jake, this place is amazin’. I’m so happy for you.”

              “Thanks.” I led her to the chairs and guided her to sit in front of me. “We need to talk.”

              “I know. First, I want to thank you for saving me last night. I don’t know what he was gonna do to me. How’d you know I needed you?”

              “Moni called me. She was worried about leavin’ you there alone.”

              Mia looked surprised. I imagine it was hard for her to understand my relationship with Monique. I wasn’t sure I understood it myself. All I knew was I cared about Monique like I cared for Toni. There was nothing more but friendship.

              “She’s very sweet. I’ll have to thank her for sendin’ you.”

              “You know, I was mad at you for so long. I thought you betrayed me, but now I know we were just too young to understand what we had.”

              “Jake …” she started.

              “No, I need you to listen,” I said, cutting her off. “I’m sick of screwin’ around, Mia. I’m sick of waitin’ and worryin’ and wonderin’.” I looked down. Finding my resolve, I looked up and met her gorgeous hazel eyes. I always loved her eyes. “Did you mean what you told Jen?”

              She stared at me, her eyes flashed back and forth between mine. She seemed to be trying to read what I was feeling. Trying to discern what I was asking her.

              “Yes.” Her voice barely above a whisper, like it was some big secret meant only for me. “I meant what I said.”

              “I wanna hear you say it,” I pushed. I pulled her chair closer to me, her knees slid perfectly between mine. “I wanna hear you say what you told Jen.”

              She stared at me, her hands fidgeting in her lap. She wrung her fingers together over and over until the skin was red and irritated. I pulled her hands apart and held them in mine.

              I needed to hear her say it. I needed to look into her eyes and read the emotion as she said the words. Her eyes couldn’t betray her true feelings. I’d know, once and for all if we were meant to be or not.







Chapter Twenty-Six



“I love you.” I had no idea why I couldn’t find my voice around him, but I couldn’t.

              I was still raspy from last night’s altercation, but I had more voice than I was giving now. He needed to know I meant what I said, so finding some tenacity, I cleared my throat, looked deep into his dark cobalt eyes and smiled shyly.

              “I love you, Jake Hanson. I’ve loved since I was ten-years-old and you’d ride me around on your handlebars. I’ve loved you since I was twelve and we played release and you’d make sure I had the best hiding places. I’ve loved you since you stood up for me against bullies and was my shield against the world. And I’ve loved you since you watched me watching you in high school.”

              Taking my hands, he pulled me into his lap. It felt like going home. And when his lips touched mine, I was lost in the feel and taste of Jake Hanson. I’d always be lost to him, there was no doubt in my mind. Once upon a time I stopped believing in love. I’d stopped believing in fairytales and happily ever afters. But not anymore. I believed in love and I believed in second chances. Downstairs my mother had taken her second chance and held on for dear life. Now it was my turn.

              “I love you too, Mia.”

              We spent the evening dancing, laughing, and talking. Toni gave me a questioning glance when Jake and I emerged from the office door, but she didn’t say anything. Jake and I were together, and we loved each other.

              When it was finally time to leave, Jake took my hand in his and pulled me into his arms. His smile was wide and his eyes were full of love.

              “Come-on, let’s go home.”


The holidays were a whirlwind of activity. We had our first family Christmas at Julius’ house with trees and presents and amazing food prepared by Jake and Dottie.

              Jake stayed with me every day after the wedding since his parents were staying through the holidays. It had taken us almost a decade to finally find our way to each other, and now we didn’t want to be apart.

              Winter had made its presence known the week between Christmas and the New Year. The white stuff fell a little every day, so when plans were being made for New Year’s Eve, it was decided we would celebrate at Bobby’s Tavern. His house was just on the other side of the parking lot, and large enough for Mike, my mom, Jake’s parents, and Cade. Toni and Julius could stay in her room in my house, and Jake would stay with me.

              We spent New Year’s Eve as a family, eating, talking, and having fun. But just after midnight, Jake came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me back into his chest and hugged me tight. It felt so good to be held by him. He showed me how much he loved me every day, and I wondered how I’d managed to live without him.

              Tilting my head to the side, I looked up at him and smiled. “What’re you doin’?”

              “I think it’s time for us to leave.” His voice was soft and smooth, so deep it sent shivers down my spine.

              “Is that so? Tired already?” I was trying to be flirty, but had a feeling I was failing miserably. I pushed my ass into him, and could feel the slightest hint of his arousal on my lower back. He slid his hands to my hips and tightened his hold.

              He lowered his head, his lips moving along my ear and lower to my jaw, then back up again. His hot breath rushed across my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. “Mmm …” he hummed. “Definitely not tired.”

              Unable to think enough to formulate any kind of verbal response, I nodded my head and started to pull away toward the back door and my little house. Jake held tight, pulling me back into him until I felt the full effect of our proximity. A rush of heat flooded my veins, warming me to my core.

              “Give me a minute, sweetheart. I need to compose myself just a bit.” His teeth nipped at the edge of my ear. “On second thought, let’s just go. No need for goodbyes.”

              My heart fluttered. Every single time he touched me, my body tingled and trembled. No one, ever made me feel like Jake did. I closed my eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of his body pressed against mine. I breathed in, soaking in his warmth and the tingle I felt all over, every time he touched me.

              Grabbing my hand, he pulled me through the crowd of people and toward the kitchen door. The night was bitter and the snow continued to fall. I slid just a bit as my heeled boots hit the slick pavement, but Jake caught me. A squeal erupted as he lifted me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder.

              “Jake, put me down, I can do it.”

              “No you can’t,” he taunted. “You already almost fell. Those boots ain’t worth shit in the snow.” His chuckle warmed me from deep inside. I loved playful Jake.

              He ran across the snow covered parking lot, sliding several times. I screamed, swearing I saw my life flash before my eyes twice in the moments it took us to get to my front door. If he fell, my head would smash into the ground, and no more Mia.

              “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I got you. I ain’t gonna fall.” He paused. “Give me the key.”

              Handing the keys over to him, Jake opened the door and carried me inside. Holding me close, he held me as he walked through the house and into my room. Using his foot, he closed the door and my heart erupted.

              Hips firmly in his grasp, he slid me down the front of him. My feet didn’t touch the floor until he moved to the side of my bed and sat. I stood in front of him, looking down into his dark and sexy blue eyes.

              His hands found the edge of my sweater and his fingers slid beneath the hem until he found bare skin. His calloused hands were warm and strong on my waist. He held tight, looking up at me. His eyes said so many things as he stared into mine. I felt like I could read his every thought, every emotion through those extraordinary eyes.

              I climbed into his lap and straddled his hips. Jake immediately sat up straight as I settled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, but more than that, I felt his love wash over me.  This was love, the kind of love I’d always wanted. We’d accepted our past mistakes and our time apart and knew this was where we were meant to be.

              I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. His strong hands stilled when I pressed myself against him. Chest to chest, I felt his sharp inhale. Every single time we kissed, it felt like our hearts and souls were coming together as one.

              He held me tight, as we kissed until I was breathless. His rough hands smoothing around my back to my side as he pushed the shirt up, only breaking the kiss long enough to pull the sweater over my head.

              “Gorgeous. You are so gorgeous.”

              Moving to the side he guided us to the side and lay us down on the soft, warm bed. There was so much emotion in that kiss; so much love, hope, and acceptance. I knew this was where I was meant to be.

              Although we hadn’t spent a single night apart since my parents’ wedding, something about tonight seemed different somehow.  There was more passion and more longing in our kisses. It just seemed like … more.

              He cupped my cheek tenderly, as he moved me to my back. He hovered just above me, devouring me with his eyes. And his lips were back on mine. His hands were everywhere. Rubbing and massaging while his lips devoured mine. Sliding his lips away, he made a trail of kisses across my cheek and down my jaw to my neck. A shiver rocked my body and a low moan escaped my throat as he trailed his lips to where my shoulder met my neck. Then he moved lower still, his mouth latching onto my breast over the thin lacy material of my bra. I surrendered to how he made my body sing with his every touch, lost in everything that was Jake.

              Rocking my hips into his, I could feel his desire and longing, and it thrilled me. I wanted to rush this, but Jake wouldn’t let me. He pulled away just a bit and looked into my eyes. His dark blue eyes full of lust and desire.

              “Mmm … You like that, don’t you, sweetheart? I love the sounds you make.”

              I didn’t answer, I couldn’t, his mouth found my other breast and I was lost to the sensation. I arched my back and pushed my breasts into him more as me made his way back up to my mouth, consuming my gasp.

              We kissed and caressed each other for what felt like hours, only separating to explore each other. I ran my hands down the hard plains of his chest and stomach, reveling in the feel of his body on mine. He held me close, our bodies fused together.

              And then we were gone, lost to each other. Our bodies moved as one. We pushed and pulled at clothing, rolling back onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. I was close to toppling over the edge when he finally pulled my panties down my legs. His hooded gaze penetrated me, searing my heart and soul. Jake was the only man who’s ever looked at me like this. Like I was the only woman in the world that he ever saw.

              When he finally touched me, my body felt like it would implode at the sensation. His soft and gentle caress was almost too much to handle. I wanted more. My hips bucked when his finger grazed the most sensitive part of me.

              “Holy hell, you’re so responsive,” he whispered just before his lips and tongue found the sensitive spot on my neck.

              I shivered when he sucked and kissed his way up my neck to my ear. Then his lips found mine, harder and rougher than before. He was trying to go slow, but he was starting to lose control. It excited me, the whole thing excited me. I wanted more, but I wanted to push him and see how far we could go before he completely lost control. I wanted to be the reason he lost control, I wanted his restraint to disappear when he was with me.

              I moved my hand down and wrapped my fingers around the length of him. He jerked in response, his whole body tensing at my touch.

              Both of us were breathing hard and fast as we explored. And when we were finally ready, my world came into focus. This was what I wanted for a lifetime. He was who I wanted for the rest of my life.

              When we tumbled over the edge together, my heart felt like it would explode. I couldn’t possibly love or be loved more than I was with Jake.

              Later, lying together, curled under a pile of blankets, Jake held me tight to his side. His hold so firm, like he was worried I’d disappear or melt away.

              “Marry me, Mia,” he whispered into the darkness.

              Saying I was stunned would’ve been an understatement. Of all the things he could’ve said to me that was the last thing I expected. But it didn’t scare me or make me want to run, instead my heart swelled. Tears gathered in my eyes and I sat up and looked at him in the dark room. He didn’t move or try to stop me, he just followed my movements.

              I needed to see his eyes, I needed to see what his eyes told me, but in the dark of the bedroom, it was impossible to see. But I still tried, as the tears pooled in my eyes and were ready to spill over.

              He sat up, and found my hands in the darkness. Taking my hands in his, he pulled me closer to him. “Mia, I love you. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. You’ve gotten so under my skin, I don’t ever want to let you go. I don’t want to take another step in this world without you by my side. I need you, Mia. Marry me. Be my wife.”

              One hand left mine and found my cheek. His thumb smoothed over my cheek wiping away the tear that had escaped. “Sweetheart, don’t cry. Why’re you cryin’?”

              “Are you serious?” I asked. “Do you mean it? Do you honestly wanna marry me?”

              He let out a long, relieved breath. I could almost feel his entire body relax. “More than anything. Mia, you’ve always been in my heart, it just took me a little while to remember. Marry me, and I’ll love you forever.”










“You ready man?” Cade asked coming up behind me.

              Three months had passed since the night I asked her to marry me. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she was the woman I wanted for the rest of my life. So I figured why wait. And when she said yes, my entire world came into focus. Three months and so much had changed for all of us. Toni and Julius got engaged after he won the Daytona five-hundred in February. He said his biggest win that day wasn’t the trophy but was finally putting a ring on Toni’s finger. He was kind of a dork when it came to Toni, but I liked seeing her with someone who loved her so much.

              Once Mia said yes, everything changed instantly. Mia moved in with me about a month later and our lives were suddenly overwhelmingly busy. School and paperwork kept Mia on her toes while I busted my ass to get the restaurant ready for a Valentine’s Day opening. Everything was falling into place.

              Instead of dragging out a long engagement, Mia and I also planned a small wedding. At the end of March, just as the weather was beginning to break and spring was just around the corner, we prepared the restaurant for another wedding.

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