Undercover Lovers [Urban Affairs 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (5 page)

BOOK: Undercover Lovers [Urban Affairs 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“Fuck…Jaxon…” Slade moaned and tugged at his hair. His hips bucked up off the bed, his entire groin on fire.

Jaxon wrapped his hand around the base of Slade’s cock and jacked him off while he sucked. One hand stroked in tandem with his mouth and the other hand caressed Slade’s scrotum. Jaxon kept him on the edge, and his frustration built.

Finally he bent Slade’s legs back and licked the sensitive area between his anus and his balls. He nibbled around the opening and then licked Slade’s puckered entrance. When Jaxon’s tongue probed the hole, Slade grabbed his own cock. One tug and he was gone, crying out Jaxon’s name and quivering as he shot his load.

Jaxon laid his head on Slade’s thigh and caught his breath. Then he got to his knees and licked the cum from Slade’s belly.

“Holy hell, that was good, Castle.”

Jaxon lifted his head. “I just sucked you off. Do you think you could call me Jax, or at least Jaxon?”

Slade busted out laughing.

“What’s so damn funny?”

Slade combed his fingers through Jaxon’s hair and held up his forefinger. It was covered with his cum. “It’s a good look on you.” He grinned widely. “Makes a good conditioner, too.”

“Oh, yeah. Well I’d return the favor, but I’d rather fuck you.”

Slade’s heart skittered. “I’d rather you fuck me, too.”

“Good because I was afraid you might want to top.”

Slade pulled Jax down and wrapped his long legs around him. “I do—next time.”

“What makes you think there’ll be a next time?”

“I know there will. You’re enjoying this way too much.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Jax lifted up and looked down at Slade. “How long has it been?”

“Too long.”

Jax struggled out of Slade’s embrace and got off the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“To get the lube. I’m going to fuck you hard, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

Jesus Christ
. He was hard already. Everything the man said or did turned him on. He’d never had such a quick comeback.

Jax climbed up on the bed and squirted lube in his hands. He warmed it between his palms and stroked it over his dick. Slade watched, hypnotized by Jaxon’s hands on his own shaft.

“How do you keep from popping?”

“It hasn’t been that long for me.”

A spark of jealousy pierced Slade, surprising him. What did he care who Jaxon fucked?

“Okay, roll over and get on all fours.”

Slade obeyed immediately, spreading his ass cheeks for Jax.

A big slippery palm caressed one cheek. “Damn, you have a beautiful ass. I wanted it as soon as I met you.”

Slade liked the way Jax spoke and acted in the bedroom. He might be a man of few words, but every word counted for something. He wished he could be as honest and open as Castle. “It’s all yours. I want this bad.” Admitting he wanted Jax to fuck him was as far as he could go. If not for the job, he probably wouldn’t have gone that far. Slade had never been any good at expressing his feelings. Hell, he’d always had trouble admitting his feelings to himself. Still couldn’t get past it. He’d always had trust issues but in his business it wasn’t a bad thing. Judgments about who to trust had kept him alive so far. Slade felt a nozzle penetrate his ass, and cool lube lined his passage. Jax leaned over and kissed his back as a long finger pressed past the muscles of his anus. He groaned while the finger probed deeper and then retreated.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, keep going.”

This time two fingers entered him and struck a nerve. Jax tickled a spot that started pleasure waves spreading out over his body. The waves amplified and
sensitized every part of him, his nipples, his inner thighs… An explosive current skimmed over his nerve endings and each individual hair shaft on his body danced as if he’d been electrified.

Sweat beaded on his upper lip as he struggled to hold back another orgasm.
“Oh, God…Jax…fuck me, please.”

“Okay, stud. I think you’re ready.” Jaxon removed his fingers and gave his ass a hard spank. Slade twisted his head to complain and was surprised when Jax captured his mouth for a kiss. Jax nipped his lower lip as he pulled away.

Then Jaxon’s hard length was filling him. The initial burn turned to pleasure, and Slade shoved back until his lover’s cock was buried completely. Strong hands gripped Slade’s hips, and he was fucked with long, slow strokes. The sensation of being filled was almost too much, and Slade bit his lips to keep from screaming. The other shifter seemed to know he was holding back, because he urged Slade on.

“Scream for me, Slade. Show me how much you love to have my cock buried in your ass.” His hand reached around to Slade’s cock and fisted the shaft. “I won’t last long,” he growled.

It wouldn’t matter because Slade knew he wouldn’t either. Jaxon ground his hips in a circle and his dick rubbed the sweet spot inside Slade that set his nerves on fire. An orgasm built at the base of his spine and spread. One more tug on his cock and he was over the edge, spurting ropes of sticky cum on the sheets.

“Oh…fuck.” Jax thrust forward one more time and exploded inside Slade. He waited a few minutes then pulled away and collapsed on the bed next to him. “That was great.” He pulled Slade in for a soft, lingering kiss.

What the hell? Another kiss?
Slade had never been much for kissing. He thought he’d have to fake it, but he responded eagerly to Jaxon’s kisses. He didn’t want to stop, but unwelcome thoughts intruded on his pleasure. If he didn’t plant his bugs now he might lose this opportunity. “Hmm…I thought so, too.” Think, Slade. Use your other head. “I’m dry as sandpaper. You have anything to drink?”

Jax made a move to get up, and Slade stopped him. “I’ll go. I need to check my cell anyway.”

Jax lay back on the pillow. “There’s bottled water in the fridge. Juice, too. If you want something stronger—”

I don’t. Water is fine. I’ll bring some back for you.”

Slade had what could be the world’s smallest wireless transmitter. It was programmed to his cell phone. He only had to call in to listen to the recording. No rings, beeps, or clicks would sound to alert the target. And best of all, no distance limitation. He’d already picked his spot the minute he entered the living room. The bottom of Jaxon’s bookshelves was maybe an inch off the floor. Slade quickly slid the device under it and went in the kitchen for water. He was trying to decide between bottled water and apple juice when he felt Jaxon’s arms circle him.

“Tough decision?”

“Just wondering which one you’d want.”

Jax reached past him and grabbed a bottle of water. Slade took one, too, and followed him into the living room. Jax sat on the couch and looked around. “Not much to look at, huh?”

Slade shrugged. “At least it’s home. I move around so much… I don’t have a permanent place.”

“That’s too bad.” Jax took a big swallow from the bottle. “So tell me, Slade, why are you on the run?”

“The usual shit. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A buddy put me up for a few nights, and his place got busted for drugs. We got out on bail, and I booked. I didn’t see any point in sticking around to defend myself against something I didn’t even do.”

“I hear ya.”

“I appreciate the job and the heads-up on the apartment. Benjamin seems solid.”

“He is. You can trust him.” Jax got quiet for a few minutes. “You’re great, Slade.”


“But we can’t do this again.”

Confused, Slade kept his mouth shut. He didn’t need to do it again. His bug was planted, and he’d already hid one in Jaxon’s office. And this was supposed to be a once-is-enough thing, guaranteed to get Jaxon Castle out of his head once and for all. Slade should be thrilled that Jax was the one saying we can’t do this again. So why wasn’t he?

Slade had heard all the arguments against casual sex, but it had never bothered him before. When he was a young man, most of his partners were one-night stands he picked up in bars. Sometimes they didn’t even exchange names. He always rationalized it by telling himself, “Why not, who does it hurt?”

This time it might hurt him. Deep down, he had a feeling there’d be no such thing as “casual sex” with Jaxon Castle. It appeared that
having sex with this particular man had caused Slade’s spark of
arousal to flame into some serious affection—a feeling that went beyond the physical. He hadn’t even left the apartment yet, and already he felt guilty and lonely. Up till now, sex had been nothing more than a physical release for him. This time it had felt like
a close encounter of the nth degree, maybe the most intimate one he’d ever had. Two bodies becoming one, that’s what it felt like.
Whether he liked it or not there would be emotional consequences from this coupling. Maybe that’s why some people referred to sex as “making love.” Well, he wasn’t ready to go there, not by a long shot, but
Slade was beginning to see how sex could cause strong feelings for both partners. Except in this case Jaxon didn’t seem to feel that same connection.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Jax asked.

“I liked the sex. I think you did, too. What’s the problem?”

“I told you before that I don’t mix business with pleasure. I don’t sleep with the men who work for me, or the men who come to the bar to play.”

Who the fuck is he sleeping with?

“I keep my personal life personal. It makes things easier.”

“So why me, why today?”

Jaxon looked away, frowning. “I wanted you, my wolf wanted you… I thought if I got you out of my system I wouldn’t go into heat every time we got near each other.” He shrugged and smiled apologetically. “I just want to move on to a working relationship. I hope I didn’t make things worse.”

I’ll be damned! He believes the old folktales.
“No. It’s all good. I know exactly how you feel. I don’t do relationships. I don’t do sex with a man more than once. And I definitely don’t want to complicate my life any more than it already is.” Slade started dressing.

“You’ll come to work tomorrow night?”

“Of course. I have to pay my rent.”

Jax walked him downstairs and told him he’d see him Monday. There was no kiss goodbye.

Chapter Four


God, I hate Mondays.
Slade had been awake for hours. He’d spent another rough night tossing and turning on sweat-soaked sheets. He couldn’t get Jaxon out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes the sex played over and over behind his eyelids, like a hardcore porn video on repeat. Jaxon’s grunts and moans as he drove into Slade’s ass. Jaxon sucking him off. Jaxon kissing him. It was all good. But he hadn’t expected to be thinking about it all night and into the morning.

They had fucked like sex-crazed teenagers. He’d come twice. One roll in the hay with the wolf was supposed to cure his itch. Now he wanted to scratch it again.
What’s that all about?

Could there be something to this mating drama crap?
it was just plain old lust. He tried to push the erotic thoughts out of his head, but they wouldn’t go. Throwing back the blanket, he sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed. He grasped his morning wood in his hand, gave it a few halfhearted tugs, and gave up. It was Jaxon’s mouth he wanted on his dick.

He had work to do, and it didn’t include mooning over another man all day. The bugs had been planted, and he needed to monitor them. And fuck it all if he didn’t feel guilty as hell about it. He didn’t want to spy on Jaxon—and for more than the obvious reasons. He might find out who was sleeping in the wolf’s bed, and that would only piss him off more. But spying on his new fuck buddy was all part of his job, and if Jaxon wasn’t on the up and up, he’d have no choice but to bring him down. He bit back an urge to call the bureau chief and resign. Telling himself he was doing important work here, he decided on a course of action. First a shower, then he’d listen to the tapes and decide if there was anything he needed to report. He expected a call from his contact with the NYPD and probably a meeting later.

Slade headed for the bathroom. He frowned at the purple floral design on the shower curtain. The previous occupant of this apartment had shitty taste, but he hadn’t changed the décor because he didn’t plan on staying in New York too long. His boss had promised him the next assignment would be back in Los Angeles, and that was a big incentive to get things wrapped up in Dogtown as quickly as possible. But this morning the ugly design bothered him more than ever, and he made a note to buy a new curtain. He stepped into the combo tub and shower and yanked the curtain closed behind him.

Slade stood under a cold stream until his erection went down, and then he adjusted the water temperature until it was just the way he liked it—hot. The room might be small, but there was no shortage of hot water. Steam fogged the room, and Slade tried to relax under the pounding spray. It felt good and relieved some of his tension.

He lathered soap over his chest, down his stomach, and lower. The soap had a subtle fragrance that reminded him of Jaxon.
Must be a popular brand.
Unfortunately the minty scent brought back all kinds of memories that aroused and excited him until his cock rose to half-mast.

It wouldn’t be the first time he had to take care of his own needs. Taking his stiffening erection in hand, he gave it the attention it craved. The soap allowed his thickly veined shaft to slide smoothly in his fist, and he soon had it slapping against his stomach and weeping for more of the same.

Fuck, he wanted more than his own hand getting him off. He’d never felt so hungry for another man. When he’d reached sexual maturity and realized he was gay, he bedded a series of men, one-night flings filled with wild emotionless sex. Just as well he never found anyone he really cared for, because when he entered law enforcement his number-one priority became work. Still was. So why did he want to see Jaxon again…and again…and again…It was only sex. Right? Maybe there was something to this

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